Later in 2013, she received a starring role in the television series “The Originals,” where she portrays the role of a powerful, eighteen-year-old witch named Davina. After having a friendly chat with Joe, Danielle heads into the next section of the store and after a while returns to find some of the wolves from the bayou causing trouble. She tells him to go away as she is tired of his constant bickering for the past three days. She questions him on his motives and he tells her that he wants a second chance with her and Sophia. When she was pregnant with Danielle and felt her moving inside of her, it made Sophia feel overjoyed. Sophia is driving while Danielle is drawing. In TO/TVD Special, Danielle is not present in this episode but Sophia had succeeded in learning the Element of Life/Spirit and will bring back Danielle. She went to … Its what made her heart grew more and more. Sophia wants nothing but the best for her and her daughter. In Always and Forever, after Danielle arrives in New Orleans with her mother, she is suddenly attacked by Macklyn Barthlomew. Also when becoming a vampire, she somehow became a hybrid; half witch-half vampire. As the girls begin to leave, Oliver stands up and his werewolf face comes out and he is close to attacking the girls until Leon stops him and holds him in a neckhold. Some time after the glaciers melt, she is able to see her mother in the final fight against Neoma. Make your own quiz for your blog, Facebook, or Webpage! She is successful and feels Danielle hugging her and hands her a rose. He tells her to hold onto him. It was later revealed by Cascadia that this was due to Nathan being compelled by Sophia's older brother, Damien. She later has a small happy reunion with Klaus and tells him of what happened at the record shop. Feb 2, 2018 - Danielle Rose Russell and Scottspencermiller The Originals The Originals is an American fantasy supernatural drama television series that focuses on three of the six Mikaelson siblings: Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah. He was killed by Hayley as she was told that he knew of her family yet he knew nothing of the supernatural world. Some time after that, Danielle decided to help Davina with her magic. Sophia is Danielle's mother. Her first big break was as a role of Gracey Hollander on “Prison Break,” appearing in five episodes. Mikael eventually shows up, surprising Danielle and he attacks the three of them. However with no say in the matter, Elijah decides to assign her a bodyguard with has Sophia and Davina's approval. The actor described her character as an outsider at The Salvatore Boarding School. Danielle's birth was a blessing and she is Sophia's heart. Sophie is then oblivion by the unknown forces as Danielle is left with Mikael. Sophia has the gentle love that many people long for or what draws them to her. Danielle whom is too weak to fight, Marcel appears and saves the girls. As Dark Sophia tries to escape Neoma traps the both of them in pillars of ice and Danielle sees this event screaming for her mother. The Originals Fanfiction Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Tumblr is a place to express yourself, discover yourself, and bond over the stuff you love. Join Facebook to connect with Danielle Mickelson and others you may know. She wanted to give them love and a new home no matter how long it takes. If you want any of us to bow down, it is. He is also revealed to be Brody's friend and employer. 8 likes. Unable to give up her only child, Sophia brought Danielle along with the rest of the family as they left Mystic Falls. Sophia took Danielle along with her and along the way, Elijah, Rebekah and Klaus helped her raise Danielle. Danielle is then chosen to become the first Queen of New Orleans. She reluctantly agrees and before she leaves, Elijah asks her why she won't become a singer. A year later, Danielle has been successful as the Queen and become comfortable with... Danielle has a strong relationship with her family especially her mother who has always been there for her and was her mentor in magic. Rebekah reveals that Dani's death will awaken Neoma from her sleep. ... claire holt, elijah mikaelson, daniel gillies, klaus mikaelson, joseph morgan, hope mikaelson, danielle rose russell, danielle rose, danielle russell, family, always and forever. Unique Danielle designs on hard and soft cases and covers for iPhone 12, SE, 11, iPhone XS, iPhone X, iPhone 8, & more. Sophia notes that she hasn't seen Danielle do that in a while and Danielle states that she lost her inspiration so she decided to take a break. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is a main character in Legacies, she was a former major recurring character in The Originals before being promoted to a main character in the fifth season.Hope is the tribrid daughter of Niklaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall-Kenner.She is the granddaughter of Ansel, Esther Mikaelson and two unnamed werewolves, as well as the step-granddaughter of Mikael. Unfortunately, Malia died of stillbirth. He tells her to get used to having a bodyguard because he's not going anywhere and he won't die. In Long Way Back from Hell, Danielle meets Mikael. I'll be the stars myself." Danielle is shocked to be reunited with her father. Hope Mikeelson is the main character in the TVD spin-off Legacies. He reveals to her the truth about her father. The show stars some of the best actors and actresses including Danielle Rose Russell playing the role of Hope Mikaelson who is a 17-year old, is an orphan, and currently studies at Salvatore School for the Young and Gifted. Later, Danielle is reunited with her father who was thought to be dead and unknown to her, she has a long-lost twin sister that is coming to New Orleans. It was revealed in Taking Charge that he was still alive but his true identity was revealed in Parting Ways. So instead she began to see her uncle and godfather, Elijah Mikaelson as a father-figure. She has some of her mother's traits. They continue to argue with each other, until he learns from her that she blames herself for his death. Hope Andrea Mikaelson is the daughter of Niklaus "Klaus" Mikaelson and the former-werewolf Hayley Marshall-Kenner. Rebekah helped Sophia take care of Danielle while she was growing up. After small talk about their trip, Davina asks Leon if he will escort her and Danielle into the city, adding more to Danielle's annoyance as she didn't want a bodyguard in the first place. In Fate, Neoma uses an unknown power that attacks Dark Sophia with frozen glaciers. Danielle Mikaelson. Florals, ruffles, cute pumps, and more accessories. Not wanting the same fate to befall upon Danielle, when the Mikaelson siblings were turned into vampires, Nathan sided with Esther and Mikael, stabbing Sophia himself. "Just Dani and I know who you are I've seen photos in Hopes room," I say … Quibblo online quizzes: Take fun quizzes, create quizzes, fun surveys, trivia games, polls & personality quizzes. They first met when Danielle shielded Klaus against Davina's magic. Danielle Mikaelson. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. "Freya said in a strange accent as she turned to look at me over Hope's shoulders. In Parting Ways, seeing that she is no longer a vampire and has returned to being a witch, decides to have a fresh start in her new life. He would do anything to protect her. While growing up, Danielle was barely told about her father because Sophia never liked bringing his name up in conversation. Above, Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) is pictured in the "Legacies" pilot on The CW. Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls,, He, along with Sophia, were the only Originals that were not killed by. She prefers wearing light colored dresses with flower prints.All grown up, She wears cardigans, mini-skirts and leggings. Comments (0) Share Nathan is the former husband of Sophia Mikaelson as well as Danielle and Malia's father. After she turned sixteen, her mother gave her the choice if she wanted to stay a witch or become a vampire. Legacies ' Danielle Rose Russell Explains How Wearing That Klaroline Dress Brought Back Hope's Klaus Issues A darker side to Hope Mikaelson sounds like … Shortly after the death of Henrik and Malia, Sophia and her siblings were forced to become vampires. TBA. He played the role of Elijah Mikaelson on the television series The Vampire Diaries and its spin-off The Originals, as well as Dr. Joel Goran on the Canadian series Saving Hope, a medical-themed show with a mystical, paranormal twist. Hope Mikaelson was 17 when Danielle Rose Russell began to play her. Nathan is revealed to still be alive in Taking Charge. She questions him on how long he will continue to follow them around. During her fresh start as a witch, she decided to do some traveling and brought Davina and a bodyguard that she never wanted; Leon Dominic, along with her. Knowing how Sophia would not want to see him, Nathan avoided the Mikaelsons for centuries on end. Davina cuts in, saying that Leon is just doing job and thanks him. Sophia and Elijah became Danielle's mentors as she grew up. Danielle goes up to her room and sits at her makeup table, more black blood falls from her face and suddenly she sees her reflection looking right at her with an evil look on her face. Leon, trying to protect the girls, is killed by Mikael, devastating Danielle and Davina. She pulls him into an dark alleyway and gets him to feed off of her. He threatens to kill Davina and questions his niece about her mother's memories but realizes that his sister hasn't remembered yet. She still holds the decision to if she wants to go back being a vampire and for the past year, has been continuing living out her life as a normal girl, seeing if she want to keep living like that. She stands 5 ft 3 inches tall and weighs 53 Kg. A powerful force begins to pull Danielle away until Mikael saves her. Quiet, kind-hearted, compassionate and caring towards her family and friends. And this is about Danielle Rose Russell and not just about her. Danielle's birth was a blessing and she is Sophia's heart. As a child, she has long red hair, light blue eyes and freckled cheeks. As Rebekah was the first to find out that Neoma was inside Danielle's body, Dani made Rebekah promise not to tell anybody especially the rest of the family. Would I like to grow up and live a normal life? As king of the city, Marcel welcomes the un-sired vampires to New Orleans, only to find they pose a threat to his rule; Hayley faces a final task as she closes in on the cure that will allow her to revive Elijah and the slumbering Mikaelsons. Rebekah starts to form her own plan to get her niece back, mostly for Sophia's sake. Whenever she is not around, just look up at the stars and Sophia will know that she is still with you her and the others. But this couple separated after dating for a year in December 2016 without stating the reason for their break-up. She is very close to her family but most closest to her. Her father Klaus named her Hope after taking inspiration from his brother Elijah, telling him that Klaus' child will be the hope of the Mikaelsons. Sophia couldn't bear to part with her child when she became an Original Vampire and Danielle was the only thing controlling her blood lust. After a little more torture, Oliver reveals that it was Cassie who made them. A part of me, yes but...Having eternal life and getting to spend it with the people I love, is even better. As he dotes on his niece, she gets him talking about the conversation she overheard. Later, Danielle makes the decision or Davina to bring back her Uncle Kol. Klaus decides to keep Dani close as the witches and others want her dead. In Sinners and Saints, Danielle begins to have nightmares of mysterious events. She currently lives in Atlanta, Georgia, while filming The Originalsand sp… This also makes her the niece of Rebekah, Finn, Elijah, Freya, and Henrik. Goes more into makeup, lush, volumizing mascara, eyeliner, foundation and some nude gloss. The reason for this was because Nathan betrayed their family and was the one who killed Sophia, turning her into a vampire and Danielle was never told of this. As time went by, Davina occasionally got visits from Danielle and continuing to spend more time together, they eventually became best friends. He was always there for her and promised to always protect her. Danielle Campbell is from Hinsdale, Illinois. She is the daughter of Rosemary Rado, a former dancer and Rockette, and Ricky Russell, a former singer. Klaus has shown to be protective of Danielle and deep down has a soft spot for her. Before leaving, he compels Danielle and Davina to forget about him and that their conversation never happened but for Danielle to remember to give her mother the blood and his love. Unknown to her, Kol is watching them and he seems very worried. Hope Mikaelson actress age and background. Rebekah soon comes and asks to speak to her in private. Davina tells Joe to get out of there and Danielle demands to know where Oliver and his friends got the moonlight rings. Danielle is surprised by his answer, seeing that he does have a heart. It's where your interests connect you with your people. She is the daughter of the original hybrid Klaus Mikaelson and Hayley Marshall. Right after The Originals ended, Klaus Mikaelson's daughter Hope Mikaelson (Danielle Rose Russell) got her own spinoff in Legacies, which is basically the love child of … Future Danielle also informs her mother to tell Marcel to lay off Leon whom they will meet soon and not to worry about Jayne too much. Her answer is that she was a vampire before and now that she is no longer that, she doesn't know what she wants to do right now for a career but still has time and just wants to mainly focus on school. She was born into a family of show business. 1.5M ratings 277k ratings See, that’s what the app is perfect for. Danielle begins to go under a unexpected transformation in Bring It On. Her reflection eyes begin to turn black and comes right out of the mirror to attack Danielle which causes Danielle to scream. She usually acts more like a grown woman. Future Danielle informs her mother that she'll meet her mother soon and will learn a lot of new things about herself. Elijah is always worried about Danielle, not wanting her to get hurt but deep down knows that she has a strong heart. She was born to parents, Nathan and Sophia Mikaelson. May 14, 2020 - These men and women are extroideny and i think would work for any story. Davina allows Danielle to help her. The Originals ended its five-year run on the CW, but the Mikaelson family's story continues in Legacies in October. In Moonlight Sonata, while Sophia is talking with Katherine and things start to get emotional, Danielle appears and hugs her mother. During her time on The Originals Fanfiction, she was the adoptive niece of Freya, Finn, Elijah, Klaus, Kol and Rebekah including being Elijah's goddaughter. Danielle returns to New Orleans after her long trip with Davina and her boyguard, Leon Dominic. Danielle greets her mother and tells her that she is not the Danielle of that time. Nathan had history with Traveler Witches in the past. Upon her return to New Orleans, she soon found trouble with the resurrected Mikael, Esther and Finn. After Hayley threatens to kill Esther, Elijah walks in and refuses to have Hayley to cause any trouble. It shouldn't be wasted. Danielle supports her uncle Klaus and chooses to live with him and her mother at the Abattoir. View the profiles of people named Danielle Mikkelson. Nathan is a relative of Qetsiyah's Family. Leon reveals that he stood aside so that he could give Danielle a break as he already knows how powerful she is but it will be the first and last time that he does it and tells Danielle to let him do his job of protecting her. She was discovered in a hair salon in Chicago. Danielle learns from Elijah that Leon will come back to life as he has Elijah's vampire blood in his system. She is the daughter of Cecilia Solas and Nathan as well as the younger twin sister of Malia Solas and half-sister of an unnamed brother. He promises that he will talk to Sophia about finding a new place for her to live. Sophia and Elijah became Danielle's mentors. Danielle says that once she paints it that it will be a lot better but she is the stars in the drawing. Her fave shoes are knee high converse and boots. Even though Sophia can't see her, she knows it is her daughter. During the night, Danielle and Davina's dinner at the restaurant is interrupted when they are attacked by werewolves. Sounds perfect Wahhhh, I don’t wanna ... You started getting depressed while you were still living with your parents. Nathan is the former husband of Sophia Mikaelson as well as Danielle and Malia's father. Danielle manages contact with her by using a special spell that creates different colored stars and Davina quickly relazies it's Danielle. Comfortable with the fact that she was a vampire and craved and drank human blood with little thought about it. The girls go into the record shop as Leon stays outside. It is shown to be an picture of Sophia, Klaus, Rebekah, and Elijah together, smiling brightly. Described as generous, funny, smart, friendly, and overachieving. In Blast From the Past, Rebekah and Danielle ask Brody of his history with Macklyn and Felix. After the war against Neoma concluded, Danielle was brought back to life by her mother with the power of the element, Life/Spirit and returned to being a witch. In Rise from the Grave, Davina tells Sophia that she has been communicating with Danielle lately. She values learning and is a intelligent and knowledgeable person. Mikaelson Family iPhone Soft Case. In Season Two, Danielle will start to put her hair into a cute ponytail most of the season but at times will still wear her hair out. Davina has trouble with the spell but after getting encouragement from Danielle, she is able to do the spell. Dresses girly but with a flair of funky style. Danielle Asia Mikaelson is a main character, heroine and one of the most powerful witches in The Originals Fanfiction. "Alaric called me and told me about Danielle, and I had to come to see for myself. Mikael did not know of it and if he had known, he would be against it. She questions him if he knew about his wife sealing Neoma inside Sophia. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Her twin sister, Malia, died of stillbirth and Danielle never knew about her. Klaus reveals in At Least With Sorrow that Nathan was killed by Elijah for turning his family into vampires. While helping Davina with her magic, Danielle soon feels something is wrong as she experiences uncontrollable pain sensing that her mother is in danger. Mikael asks her if she really thinks that lowly of him and she tells him that her family has told her enough about him to feel sorry for them. While having to deal with the family problems, she continued her role as Queen of New Orleans and had done an extraordinary job. Her parents are Georganne and John Campbell, and she has a younger brother, Johnny. Life is precious. Marcel and Davina hear Danielle screaming and before they can go upstairs to her room, they are suddenly under attack by Felix and his group of witches, vampires, and vampire hunters. Danielle's adoptive uncle whom she is very close to. After Danielle's death, Sophia goes down a dark path, worrying Danielle whom is on the Other Side. In the late 1800s, Danielle was with her family in London. He is seen talking to Jayne, letting her know that "his girl" will be alright. Later, while playing a flute outside, she is visited by Nathan. Danielle singing at the annual music festival. TBA. They have a loving mother-daughter relationship. The day of the Blood Moon, things began to go chaotic in New Orleans and Danielle went under an unexpected transformation. When she is nearly killed, she is saved by her old friend, Matthias. Before she decides to bring back her daughter, it goes into a flashback of before the series premiere of when Sophia and Danielle in the car, on their way to New Orleans. She is taken to the bayou where Sophia, Klaus, and Rebekah are forced to watch her death. Neoma can see them as she is one of the most powerful demons in the world and can see the dead. A memorial is held for Danielle in Eclipse of the Heart. As Future Danielle walks away with her dog, she turns back to look at Sophia and tells her that she loves her. Later, Danielle finds Davina using her magic to undo Cami's compulsion and learns it was her Uncle Klaus who did this to Cami. Uses her ancestral magic one last time to bring the roses back to the,! From Danielle and Malia 's father decision regarding her life and was rewritten as Danielle Davina. Whether she likes it or not, I 'll end you! weak to fight Marcel., 2019 - Explore Ashley Baker 's board `` Daniella Rose ``, followed by 133 people on.! Girl '' will be alright he gives her a Rose him on motives! Takes her to live with him for making that kind of decision she chooses to go whether likes... Dormant within Danielle and Malia 's father friend and sister for life December 2016 without stating the reason for break-up... Skin, and always has a small happy reunion with Klaus and tells to. Eyes, tan skin, and witch bloodlines which she got from sleep... 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