It is the local language in current use within the province of Guangdong, China, official language in the Special Administrative Region of Hong Kong, as well as in the Special Administrative Region of Macau, and used in many overseas Chinese communities in South-East Asia and elsewhere, with Kuala Lumpur and Ho … The King of Yesterday and Tomorrow – 九五至尊 – Episode 01 (Cantonese) Recently Updated Flower of Evil – 邪恶之花 – Episode 13 (Chinese Subtitles) It is a variety of Chinese, which also includes the standard Mandarin Chinese. Two days before yesterday in Cantonese is 大前日 [daai6 cin4 jat6]. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Cantonese (廣東話 Gwóng dōng wá) is a widely spoken Chinese language. How to say today, yesterday and tomorrow in Cantonese? This drama is about a romance story between a time traveler and his wife. Why Jennifer Lawrence confronted Anderson Cooper The weather was great the day before yesterday. English We regret to inform you that this order will not be ready for dispatch tomorrow . Context sentences for "tomorrow" in Chinese These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. Cantonese is a language within the Chinese language family originating from the city of Guangzhou (also known as Canton) and its surrounding area in Southeastern China.It is the traditional prestige variety of the Yue Chinese dialect group, which has over 80 million native speakers. teng y t tomorrow: d: as in dick, IPA [t] dou road : ts: as in tsetse fly or lots, IPA [ts h] tseng please: dz: as in Godzilla or red zit IPA [ts] dzou to do (Unlike English, ts and dz occur at the beginning of words in Cantonese.) How to say today, yesterday and tomorrow in Cantonese? Are you still coming swimming with me tomorrow? How to say two days after tomorrow in Cantonese? This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese. tomorrow translate: (在)明天,(在)明日, 來日,未來,將來. tomorrow translation in English-Cantonese dictionary. is not responsible for their content. Today in Cantonese is 今日 [gam1 jat6]. Man accidentally buys extra lottery ticket — and wins $2M. Che cosa è tomorrow? Level: 1 Google Frequency: 77,700 This term is used in Cantonese, not Mandarin/Standard written Chinese. This is a 100% pre-produced drama. 聽日見: tIng y t gin: good morning: 早晨: dzou s n: bill, please: 唔該埋單: m goi mai dan (in a restaurant) here you go: 拿: la: I love you: 我愛你: o oi lei: how do you say (this) in Cantonese? 跟快筷子學廣東話! You may also use l@i5 bai3 instead of sing1 kei4. The Day After Tomorrow translation in English-Cantonese dictionary Learn Cantonese at home with our Cantonese story book now for 20% discount. Sunday is an exception. Do you know how to say them in Cantonese? [Note that the inclusion of 嚟 here implies that you've already made an appointment to go with someone and you're confirming (你想確定). Do you have something you want to give me tomorrow? How to say the day before yesterday in Cantonese? Cookies help us deliver our services. tsen lei gon man di It seems like that it will rain on two days after tomorrow. The day before yesterday in Cantonese is 前日 [cin4 jat6]. (li go) h i gon dUng wa dim gon a? Tomorrow in Cantonese: 聽日 [ting1 jat6]. Cantonese 101! (on) the day after…: Vedi di più ancora nel dizionario Inglese - Cambridge Dictionary This page shows, from top to bottom: a large version of the word in a traditional script font which you may need to install: the Cantonese pronunciation of the word in jyutping. How to say two days before yesterday in Cantonese? This word is the combination of specifying determinatives 今 [gam1] and 日 [jat6], which 日 [jat6] means day. The teacher said we don't need to attend class tomorrow. What do you need to do tomorrow? How to say the day after tomorrow in Cantonese? Translation memories are created by human, but computer aligned, which might cause mistakes. A Better Tomorrow (1986) Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller Lung Ti, Yun-Fat Chow, Leslie Cheung, Emily Chu Director: John Woo; Writers: Hing-Ka Chan, Suk-Wah Leung, John Woo IMDb user rating: ★★★★★★★★☆☆ 7.6/10 (12,933 votes) That’s it for this lesson on how to say today, yesterday and tomorrow in Cantonese. Don’t stop here and learn more basic Cantonese phrases. Tuttavia, il cantonese possiede questa vocale */y/ già dalla sua nascita. Cookies help us deliver our services. Compra A Better Tomorrow (1986) By FORTUNE STAR DIGITALLY REMASTERED Version VCD~In Cantonese & Mandarin w/ Chinese & English Subtitles ~Imported from Hong Kong~ by Leslie Cheung, Yun-Fat Chow Lung Ti. This word is the combination of specifying determinatives 後 [hau6] and 日 [jat6], which 日 [jat6] means day. tomorrow - definizione, significato, pronuncia audio, sinonimi e più ancora. k: as in con, IPA [k h] g: as in gone, IPA [k] [hear it] ga add : kw: as in quack, IPA [k wh] Additional information about the word: tomorrow. This word has been viewed 16543 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by aaron on 14th Jul 2004 02:25 and last. two ... Found 0 sentences matching phrase "two days after tomorrow".Found in 0 ms. Your email address will not be published. in Cantonese Chinese, as well as "How far?" Build Your Own Cantonese Barbecue Bowls Starting Tomorrow at Hei Hei Tiger The Tysons Galleria restaurant from the Tiger Fork team also serves Hong Kong-inspired noodle soups and cocktails. Two days after tomorrow in Cantonese is 大後日 [daai6 hau6 jat6]. could you speak slower please? Chinese characters to Jyutping/ Yale Cantonese converter. 1. "I want to work on my Cantonese." Il cantonese poi non ha i dittonghi *ju e *jo da cui deriva /y/ in putonghua, suono nato durante il Primo Mandarino. "Tomorrow" is the equivalent to 明天 in Cantonese Chinese, and I’m pretty sure you’ve heard it many times before already. This word is the combination of specifying determinatives 前 [cin4] and 日 [jat6], which 日 [jat6] means day. It always sounds much more natural to use a particle than omitting one in Cantonese. Use the numbers 1 to 6 with sing1 kei4 to form the days from Monday to Saturday. CantoDict: an Online Collaborative Chinese (Cantonese) Dictionary. The weather forecast says it will shower tomorrow. Tomorrow in Cantonese is 聽日 [ting1 jat6]. Be sure to check out our Facebook page as well! day after tomorrow translation in English-Cantonese dictionary. Also, CantoDict uses a unique "asterisk (*)" convention, to show readings such as jyu 4*2.For more information please see CantoDict Tone Conventions. CantoDict: an Online Collaborative Chinese (Cantonese) Dictionary. Nail all these essential words with a pair of chopsticks - learn Cantonese from a native speaker! Remove Adverts and gain lots of extra features, traditional script font which you may need to install, the meaning of the word, typed in by our volunteer editors, guidelines on whether the word can only be used in Spoken Cantonese etc (if nothing is present the word may be used in both Cantonese and Mandarin), our arbitrarily assigned difficulty level, a smaller version of the character in a computerised, printed font, a list of each of the characters for the word, showing jyutping and meaning (if our dictionary contains that character). —Oliver Queen to Akio Yamashiro[src] Cantonese is a language spoken by humans who are native to the province of Guangdong (also known as Canton) and other parts of southeastern China, including the region of Hong Kong. Filming began on 2016-Sep-05 and willbe finished on 2017-Jan. CantoDict: an Online Collaborative Chinese (Cantonese) Dictionary. two days after tomorrow in Cantonese translation and definition "two days after tomorrow", English-Cantonese Dictionary online. Follow us in social media to receive weekly updates. However, this word is rather formal and it is quite awkward to use in daily conversation(As a native speaker, I am sure that I have said this word less than 3 times in my entire life). The swimming pool is near you but far from the other person.]. La proto-lingua, di cui esiste una ricostruzione del sistema vocalico di Karen Huang e raffinata da Georg Orlandi (entrambe del 2009), si chiama "Proto-Yue". Today, yesterday and tomorrow are high-frequency words in every language. Song Ma Rin (Shin Min Ah)is her wife and works as a photographer. To learn more about particle 啊 [aa3], please refer to Unit 12 Lesson 1. Traduzioni in contesto per "tomorrow" in inglese-italiano da Reverso Context: tomorrow night, tomorrow morning, tomorrow at, see you tomorrow, back tomorrow By using our services, you agree to our use of cookies. Found 76 sentences matching phrase "tomorrow".Found in 3 ms. see you tomorrow! Traduzioni aggiuntive: Inglese: Italiano: tomorrow adv adverb: Describes a verb, adjective, adverb, or clause--for example, "come quickly," "very rare," "happening now," "fall down. Yesterday in Cantonese is 尋日 [cam4 jat6]. Level: 2 Google Frequency: 5,910,000 This term is used in both Cantonese and Mandarin/Standard written Chinese. That leaves me with too little time. Also, CantoDict uses a unique "asterisk (*)" convention, to show readings such as jyu 4*2.For more information please see CantoDict Tone Conventions. And wonderfully reminded of the fascinating, and generally amazing people I met there. Days of the Week. Somehow, this movie captured what I love most about Hong Kong. It’s also good to know, that 這叫甚麼? means "What's this called?" I put your glass of milk in the refrigerator for you to drink tomorrow. You want it by tomorrow? Find A Better Tomorrow (1986) By FORTUNE STAR DIGITALLY REMASTERED Version VCD~In Cantonese & Mandarin w/ Chinese & English Subtitles ~Imported from Hong Kong~ by Leslie Cheung, Yun-Fat Chow Lung Ti at Movies & TV, home of thousands of titles on DVD and Blu-ray. [I'm] looking forward to tomorrow when everybody will be together again! Showing page 1. Day before yesterday in Cantonese is 前日 [cin4 jat6]. Please note, CantoDict currently supports searching for Simplified Chinese, but results will be returned in Traditional Chinese. This page shows, from top to bottom: a large version of the word in a traditional script font which you may need to install: the Cantonese pronunciation of the word in jyutping. Yoo So Joon (Lee Je Hoon) is a CEO of a real estate company, who has the ability to travel through time via a subway. borrow translation in English-Cantonese dictionary. How to say today, tomorrow and yesterday in Cantonese? tomorrow. [ming4 tin1] "TOMORROW" in Cantonese (明天) - Flashcard. How to Say it in Cantonese is Presented by for http://cantonesepod and too. 粵: 聽日 / 听日 : This word has been viewed 16410 times since 30th Oct 2012, was added by aaron on 14th Jul 2004 02:25 and last edited on 30th Oct 2008 19:03 Today in Cantonese: 今日 [gam1 jat6]. SPEDIZIONE GRATUITA su ordini idonei In this lesson, you will learn how to say today, yesterday and tomorrow in Cantonese. The day after tomorrow in Cantonese is 後日 [hau6 jat6]. ": figurative (in the future) (in futuro): domani avv avverbio: Descrive o specifica il significato di un verbo, di una frase, o di parti del discorso: "Sostammo brevemente" - "Ho tirato la palla lontano" Already Tomorrow in Hong Kong ... awkwardly reminded of when my few words of Mandarin meant little in that Cantonese city. Tomorrow in Cantonese is 聽日 [ting1 jat6]. Particle(助詞) 啊 [aa3] is used for soften a sentence. (on) the day after today: 2. used more generally to mean the future: 3.