Thanks for info ladies, I've used it twice now and just around the 'entrance' (sorry tmi) Might try the single applicators next month as didn't really feel that any of it went inside :-/ x, I used pre-seed, worked for me and the best think is the applicators as oh doesn't even need to know you are using it and it doesn't delay things! BabyDance Fertility Lubricant - great results in quick time. This lubricant has been tested in many trials and appears not to impair a couple’s ability to conceive. Preseed Fertility Lubricant Preseed lubricant is the only lubricant that has been shown in clinical trials to not impair sperm quality and therefore not affect pregnancy outcomes . I buy both the single use applicators and the tube. So I emailed my doctor and asked if she had some in stock. We used preseed for over a year, but just switched to conceive plus this past July. i have no clue on concive plus, but with u saying no aplicators, how does that help ?????????? Therefore I thought the whole applicator thing just a bit of a con to get you to use more and definitely a passion killer! Anonymous. Conceive Plus is also about 20 dollars. A quick review! Ideally, the product should be applied with the applicator, near the cervix. level 2. Posted on 16-02-2015 at 5.21PM . Anyway, I did some online research and found a few threads on different forums (including Baby Centre) and woman had said different things about them both. Hier finden Sie die die beliebtesten Produkte in dieser Kategorie aufgelistet und in eine übersichtlichen Reihenfolge gebracht. Reply Quote. Posted 02/11/2012. When you are ready to conceive it’s important to start preparing your body for conception. It was conceive plus I was using when I conceived. This is TMI but, I just squeeze a load of it around the eye of the Penis and also on my opening so it all gets pushed inside and then top up again a few mins later. In die Note fällt viele Eigenarten, zum finalen Testergebniss. ). and what helped more if you have? 2. Xx. Ladies, I have been doing much research on sperm friendly lubricants and it looks like new lubricant called Conceive Plus has better reviews than Pre Seed ( a lot of ppl seem to have chemical with Pre Seed). ... i sway towards preseed, only because i hav heard more about that product than preconcieve plus... sooy couldnt be more help x. Glad it worked for you x, Conceive plus looks good but has anyone also tried. Read a lot more positive stories for preseed so hopefully I can add to that...will test later this week. Discussion in 'Trying To Conceive' started by mmlovepink, Mar 9, 2012. mmlovepink Well-Known Member. Unser Team hat im ausführlichen Preseed Test uns die besten Produkte verglichen sowie die auffälligsten Merkmale recherchiert. It comes in two forms. I have used conceive plus a couple of times to just try it out. Can anyone tell me what the difference is? Zum Schluss konnte sich im Preseed Test der Gewinner behaupten. We used preseed for over a year, but just switched to conceive plus this past July. After a while trying without lube, I fell quickly using conceive plus. I think maybe only larger boots stores stock the single use applicators as our small branch only had the large tube, but the big store in the town centre has both. or is Pre-Seed better than Conceive Plus? Like Conceive Plus, Pre-Seed can be used during fertility testing, to help men who need to produce a semen sample for semen analysis, IVF, or IUI cycles. I apologise if I'm repeating an older thread, however would love some advice, I went to boots yesterday and bought conceive plus as I'm currently in peak fertility, I went with the intention of buying pre seed but they didn't have any. 6 people found this helpful . They're stocked with the OPKs and HPTs in my local store (at liverpool St station in london) not with the other lubricants. Conceive plus. I have used Preseed, I completely ignored the applicators and just used it like normal lube. Hi there - I prefer conceive plus. The goal of the pre-seed is to demonstrate that your product fulfills a market need. Posted : 04/01/2015 11:17 pm HollyRose. This error message is only visible to WordPress admins, How to make traveling with children easier. : Hi all so glad I found this group this is my first post so not all up with the abbreviations I just bought online conceive plus lube but after reading up on preseed I'm not sure if I should get that one to and use that one instead. Glad it worked for you x. Conceive plus looks good but has anyone also tried and see if helps? Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is the first lube approved to be safe for use when trying to get pregnant. In contrast, the seed round is raised for the purpose of proving product-market fit. Log in, « Dealing with the negativity of being a law enforcement wife. I insert the applicator and then use tube on oh! 1 Answer. Alot of women on other sites mentioned that they are using Conceive Plus or Preseed to conceive this month? Hi All, i have been TTC since December 2008 with no luck.. Thing ill go for applicators next time so he doesn't have to know!! This time in consumer video review – ttc update cd 18/ Conceive Plus vs. PreSeed. I've been using conceive plus but no BFP yet. Vary satisfying. Conceive plus vs pre seed? By Samantha W. I’ve heard a lot of positive reviews about it, just as much as pre-seed ” “I use Conceive Plus and love it! Conceive plus vs pre seed? I finally purchased PRE seed and am currently using it. ?pre seed is a sperm friendly lub that helps the inside be sperm safe etc, Pre~Seed Vaginal Lubricant has been designed for couples trying to conceive   theres so much info on web site, but thing with pre seed is u can only buy online, which is a pain, but def worth buying, If you're pregnant or TTC, this is the place to chat to other Netmums about their favourite buys. From $14, The lubricant which had the best results in terms of vitality, at 92%, was Pre-seed® and the worst was Forelife™ with 28% vitality. Nvynicole. I start using Pre-Seed Fertility-Friendly Personal Lubricant. You can get conceive plus in boots (the big stores anyway). After a while trying without lube, I fell quickly using conceive plus. So this month we used Preseed and found it much better, the applicators help as well and it's not so wet & slippery,oh def prefers this...on my TWW so fingers crossed for a BFP. I like it better than preseed, it feels nicer to me, and comes with a flip cap, not a twist off. Preseed - Die besten Preseed im Überblick. STrubacz. So I initially heard good things about Preseed and immediately ordered it online. Was very comfortable and nice feeling for both.” “I have been using Conceive Plus this month and feels really nice (sorry TMI). Since I wasn't using the applicators (using it externally in place of regular lube, not as a CM aid), the flip cap is more convenient. I like the conceive plus applicators a lot more! Since I wasn't using the applicators (using it externally in place of regular lube, not as a CM aid), the flip cap is more convenient. The consistency was a little thicker and did not really get messy. Don't forget to check out. Preconceive Plus vs. Pre-Seed? I used conceive plus for the first 5 months of TTC because it was cheaper than preseed easily available to buy, it's ok but thought it v wet and no bfp. Pre-Seed vs Conceive Plus Lubricant . : Hi all so glad I found this group this is my first post so not all up with the abbreviations I just bought online conceive plus lube but after reading up on preseed I'm not sure if I should get that one to and use that one instead. so my hubby and i have hued that these two lubrication's help increase chances of pregnancy i was jw which is best, or are they Pretty much the same. Alles erdenkliche wieviel du letztendlich beim Begriff Preseed wissen wolltest, findest du auf dieser Website - genau wie die ausführlichsten Preseed Tests. level 2 I won't be needing the convieve plus or preseed for a while. Is preseed just the same? I tried both and found Conceive Plus to be a lot stickier and dry a lot faster than PreSeed. What worked for you? :) I purchased it on Amazon. It feels just like lube except it's the best you can buy to mimic fertile mucus which EWCM is. Answer Save. I insert the applicator and then use tube on oh! Conceive Plus Fertility Lubricant is the ONLY lubricant that contains essential Calcium and Magnesium ions to support the fertilization process for all TTC couples. Over the moon! I got pregnant with my first 6 years ago after one attempt using pre [...] - Poster:cactus57 - Page: 2 - Pages:3 - Last post19-03... Read more on Netmums You can get it on amazon, That's the thing - having to 'apply it' before dtd, my oh finds it  alittle off putting! Pre-seed I think you have to get online but I'm not sure. It was also said Preseed caused miscarriage (? The additional lubrication provided by Conceive Plus can help increase the chances of sperm reaching the egg. Die Qualität des Tests ist für unser Team im Vordergrund. RESULTS: Nine lubricants were investigated including Sylk™, Conceive Plus®, glycerol, Johnson's® Baby Oil, SAGE® Culture Oil, Yes®, Forelife™, MaybeBaby® and Pre-seed®. She told me that Preseed is much better than Conceive Plus. Baby dust to you all xxxx. Clinical studies have shown that Conceive Plus’s unique formulation can help maintain sperm viability, sperm motility and be safe for embryo development, Many of these studies have been published in scientific reports that mean you don’t need to just trust the Conceive Plus reviews you might read on the internet. If you are trying to get pregnant our pregnancy tips are good start to get your body ready for conception. If you're pregnant or TTC, this is the place to chat to other Netmums about their favourite buys. Conceive Plus Fertility Lubricant is the ONLY lubricant that contains essential Calcium and Magnesium ions to support the fertilization process for all TTC couples. Today I’m giving y’all a quick review of this amazing product that I’ve been using! Has anyone used both? I am very impressed how smooth and watery is the lubricant. Hiya ladies, recently bought some pre-seed ready for my next ov period, any stories on pre-seed or whether conceive plus is better? Our … It comes in two forms. My third cycle of it, so it could well have been a coincidence. Would love to know what other people prefer/ find effective. PREGNANCY TIPS TO HELP YOU CONCEIVE. I used conceive plus for the first 5 months of TTC because it was cheaper than preseed easily available to buy, it's ok but thought it v wet and no bfp. What's better? You get a multiuse tube that you can use around his tip and your entrance or you can get single use applicators for internal use. However, after doing some more research, I discovered that some women don't like it #1 because it's too sticky and #2 because it … It didn’t help getting pregnant yet but it is working on it. PRE-SEED VS CONCEIVE PLUS?! The time to start working toward a healthy pregnancy is before you conceive. I think you can buy it on their website. Comments and thoughts! I have had 2 definite chemicals (pregnant on digital etc as well as other tests) only to lose approx 5 days later and 2 poss chemicals (faint lines on test, symptoms of pregnancy, but bleed on day of af) You will read as many rave review for Conceive Plus as you will Pre-Seed. 1 decade ago. (Steiner, 2012) For this reason, Pre-Seed is an excellent choice for couples who are trying to conceive through methods of natural fertility. The additional lubrication provided by Conceive Plus can help increase the chances of sperm reaching the egg. Pre seed vs conceive plus . Both of these fertility lubricants have their fans. I don't have any experience with baby dance lube. Just to update, I got my BFP on Wednesday. Conceive Plus Fertility Lubricant Recommended by doctors, pharmacists and fertility clinics in more than 60 countries, this mild FDA-approved gel contains calcium and magnesium ions, essential for fertilization. Pre~Seed Vaginal Lubricant has been designed for couples trying to conceive. I did get a little yeast infection after my fertile window, but I treated it quickly and it was gone within a couple of days. Your email address will not be published. Conceive Plus vs. Preseed. Relevance. Preseed vs Pre conceive Plus. Which one works the best? A little nervous of using it but I will give it a go.. Be great to hear your advice or experiences! pre seed is a sperm friendly lub that helps the inside be sperm safe etc, Pre~Seed Vaginal Lubricant has been designed for couples trying to conceive theres so much info on web site, but thing with pre seed is u can only buy online, which is a pain, but def worth buying. I used conceive plus for the first 5 months of TTC because it was cheaper than preseed easily available to buy, it's ok but thought it v wet and no bfp. So this month we used Preseed and found it much better, the applicators help as well and it's not so wet & slippery,oh def prefers this...on my TWW so fingers crossed for a BFP. Pre-Seed™ Fertility-Friendly Lubricant is better than other leading lubricants for trying to conceive (TTC) because it is pH- and isotonic-balanced to mimic fertile cervical fluids. Übersicht Bestenliste: Preseed GleitgelPreseed Gleitgel TestPreseed Gleitgel PreisvergleichPreseed Gleitgel VergleichPreseed Gleitgel Preisvergleich Willkommen bei unserem Preseed Gleitgel-Vergleich. Conceive Plus - Anyone using or have any reviews?. Joined: Feb 16, 2011 Messages: 676 Likes Received: 0. Der Vergleichssieger ließ alle hinter sich zurück. Thank you xx, and what helped more if you have? And if one is thought to be better than the other? You can purchase pre-seed here. RESULTS: Nine lubricants were investigated including Sylk™, Conceive Plus®, glycerol, Johnson's® Baby Oil, SAGE® Culture Oil, Yes®, Forelife™, MaybeBaby® and Pre-seed®. Report abuse. The lubricant which had the best results in terms of vitality, at 92%, was Pre-seed® and the worst was Forelife™ with 28% vitality. But it just seem like i have very little cm if any. The times I used preseed nothing. ttc with aid, conceive plus + pregnacare conceive, AS ANY1 USED Conceive Plus Fertility Lubricant. 6. Conceive Plus vs. Preseed. Conceive Plus vs. Pre Seed. You get a multiuse tube that you can use around his tip and your entrance or you can get single use applicators for internal use. I was just about to order another bottle of conceive plus when I read something here about preseed. Hi! January 15, 2012 at 1:58 pm. My dh (dear husband) and I have been using Pre-Seed to TTC, with no luck for the last 2 months since we started. I personally didn't like the applicators with preseed - I lost a lot of the lube before it went in as it would fall out the applicator. Helpful. Deswegen berechnen wir eine entsprechend hohe Vielzahl von Eigenarten in das Ergebniss mit rein. So, is Conceive Plus better than Pre-Seed? I was using PreSeed for my BFP with my DD. Pre-Seed Fertility Friendly Lubricant, Lube for Women Trying To Conceive. And I've been using it again this time around, although not getting the result I'm hoping for, obviously . Sorry to be so blunt but I'm not really sure what to do with it? As someone who has uses preseed for the past year and just switched to conceive plus (I thought why not give it a try!?) We liked the consistency and staying power of PreSeed a lot better. Thing ill go for applicators next time so he doesn't have to know!! Preseed vs Conceive Plus. I like it better than preseed, it feels nicer to me, and comes with a flip cap, not a twist off. Post edited by Sarah G(2801) on 28-08-2020 at 8.31AM, Hi all, Re: Conceive Plus vs Preseed by noreenc » Wed Feb 27, 2013 2:45 am Can't say that we have used the Conceive Plus but we started using the Preseed dring my O this weekend and it has helped a lot considering my CM has always been minimal and not enough. Any info would be much appreciated! I read that the advertisers claims that it HELPS you conceive arent really reliable but it has been proven in studies in petri dishes not to harm sperm like some other lubes. We.lost the baby at 16 weeks last year and are now trying again. i have no clue on concive plus, but with u saying no aplicators, how does that help ???????????, That's the thing - having to 'apply it' before dtd, my oh finds it alittle off putting! Don't know if it was the Conceive Plus or the acupuncture or both, but I do think Conceive Plus played a role because vaginal dryness is definitely an issue for me. Has anyone used both? We have used Conceive plus for three cycles with no success (to the best of my knowledge anyway). But is it is a god lubricant with good ph for the women’s body. Has anyone used or using 'Conceive Plus' ?? 0 0. Hi there - I prefer conceive plus. The bottle is a lot smaller and does not come with applicators. You can purchase Pre-Seed in a tube, along with applicators. From fertility monitors and ovulation kits for when you're trying to conceive, to supportive pillows for your bump and the best place to buy maternity clothes, you’ll find advice and recommendations here. And, of course, it’s formulated to meet a pH range compatible with sperm survival and migration. We.lost the baby at 16 weeks last year and are now trying again. OvaGraph User Since 12/2019 OvaGraph User Since 12/2019. I think maybe only larger boots stores stock the single use applicators as our small branch only had the large tube, but the big store in the town centre has both. I think you can buy it on their website. Wow, that’s not an easy question to answer. I hadn't heard of Conceive Plus until this post. I believe my problem is that i don't have enough CM, i have been using OPK so i know i am ovulation so am Bding around this time.. “Used Conceive Plus this month and got BFP today. I buy both the single use applicators and the tube. To be more specific: The pre-seed or post-ideation funding round is for All in all, worth a try! Pre-Seed is lovely to avoid that awkward friction that can happen during the baby making process, and it helps to keep the swimmers alive, healthy and active while they are traveling upward in the feminine canal. I like using PreSeed. The thing with conceive plus is it has no applicators, is it just for the outside areas?? Tests ist für unser Team hat im ausführlichen Preseed Test der Gewinner behaupten Gewinner.! Berechnen wir eine entsprechend hohe Vielzahl von Eigenarten in das Ergebniss mit rein or whether conceive can. 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