The aim of the exercises is to desensitise the vagina by slowly stretching it. This allows for both the Caya and the gel to easily slip into the vagina. By placing this order you agree to the return policy: I've been recommending it to all my friends (all in our early 20s) as well. No problem packing it for trips as all I need is its case and my contragel tube. Caya is made for women who are interested in a non-hormonal, user-initiated method with no side-effects. I heard about the Caya diaphragm option through the Bay Centre at WCH and I went to Anarres to check it out. Health Canada, FDA and EU Approved: The diaphragm gel is irritation free, amazing product. Pregnancy is not an acceptable reason for return & refund. Select your country. I didn't consider a diaphragm or cap much until I heard about contragel and once I learned I didn't need an appointment to get one I figured why not give it a try? The Caya® is contraindicated if the patient was previously sized with a conventional diaphragm with the size 50-60mm and 85-90mm. Most people around me use different forms of contraceptives that just aren't for me. I am very very VERY glad I did. Cervical cup: accomodates a range of cervical sizes. Disinfectants do not need to be used and are not recommended. After talking with Tracey about it, I decided to get it and the accompanied gel and give it a try. Natural contraception is a possible and realistic alternative to the birth control pill and other hormone, chemical and invasive methods. Ich kann das caya gel mit dem passenden Diaphragma nur empfehlen. It's Totally Hormone Free. HPSRX Enterprises Inc. (Phone) 1-800-850-1657 (Fax) 1-800-361-6984. We do not sell the Caya Diaphragm to US customers because it is only available by prescription and there is a US distributor. In Europe and Canada it's sold with Caya® Gel, which is identical to the ContraGel Heather writes about. Nobody seemed to know why it wasn’t being stocked or why the availability date kept getting deferred. Caya® -Safety, ease of use and comfort have been proven in clinical studies. You can carry it discretely with you for use only when you need it. Canada’s approval of Caya follows European regulatory approval of the SILCS diaphragm last year, which opened the way for its commercial debut, Trimedic said. The Caya® diaphragm is a new, safe contraceptive. ALL contraception is in stock in the store. MedIntim Is The Registered Manufacturer Of Caya Single Size Contoured Diaphragms RDO Medical. Caya Diaphragm Gel is a contraceptive gel supposed to be used with a silicone diaphragm or cervical caps. No prescription or fitting needed. ... Caya Contraceptive Gel. So happy to say that the shipping was incredibly quick. Looks like it would be uncomfortable or pinch or something horrible. If your doctor is not familiar with the Caya Diaphragm, please consult a family planning clinic such as Planned Parenthood. Result: The company also sells Caya Gel, a natural spermicide made without nonoxynol-9, the active ingredient found in most spermicides, which can irritate the skin. sddfhf_sugar. You will require a prescription to order for delivery to a medical practice or pharmacy in the US. Minimizes risk of irritation and infections. at any age. :) It works very well for me, and I really hope there will be more mainstream education on it soon. Copyright 2021 The Altie Store. Anarres Apothecary ~ NEW ADDRESS 1076 Bloor Street West Toronto. Note your application in the Comments with your order and I will apply a 25% discount on all natural contraception items. While it took a few months to get adjusted to using a diaphragm, it’s been worth it. It came with great instructions and is easy to use. 2. Caya Diaphragm Gel can be used with any natural latex or silicone as well as rubber diaphragms or cervical caps. It is used by inserting inside the vagina just before you plan to have an intercourse, it can be washed and reused more than one time. Diaphragms in clinical trials: is clinician fitting necessary? $100 - Caya Diaphragm NO GEL (Make sure you have a contraceptive gel already on hand! With a prescription, you can receive the Caya Diaphragm through a medical office, clinic or pick up at a pharmacy. The Caya has been a really great 'alternative' to mainstream BC. Been using this product for 5 months and love it. Very soft. IF YOU HAVE A US SHIPPING ADDRESS, PLEASE LOCATE A US RETAILER NEAREST YOU. The Caya Diaphragm is designed to fit most women and you do not need a prescription or to be fitted. 1 Mauck C, Lai JJ, Schwartz J, Weiner D, et al. 1. Best Match Time: ... Caya Diaphragm Gel - 60g. Sort. Order Caya Diaphragm Gel Natural Vegan Contraceptive Gel - 60ml Tube Kessel markets this as the Caya® contoured diaphragm, and, since 2013, the Caya® has been introduced in Europe, Canada, Malaysia, and Australia. The Caya® diaphragm is not compatible with silicone-based lubricants and gels. You or your doctor may contact the US distributor for more information on obtaining the Caya Diaphragm in the US. Order on a Friday night and received it Tuesday morning! If you are a health practitioner, midwife, doula or retailer reselling these products, please email me including your business or practice name, address, contact numbers, website and Business Vendor or GST Number, along with an explanation of your plans to resell natural contraception. Caya was developed as the SILCS diaphragm in a user-centred design process incorporating input from women, their partners, and providers. The launch of the Caya™ Diaphragm and Caya™ Gel, a non-hormonal, discreet and reusable barrier method, supports WCG's and PSI's joint efforts to expand access to an array of contraceptive options. Please use in combination with a contrazeptive gel (e.g. FDA and Health Canada approved. How well does a diaphragm work? Love my Caya. Top Rated Seller. Caya ® Gel). Caya Single Sized DiaphragmsMUST Be Used With A Contraceptive Gel. - with a $5 discount when ordered with the Caya Diaphragm or the Fem Cap. I would recommend this to all women ! Brand New. 3. There are no Health Canada approved spermicidal gels containing nonoxynol-9 available in Canada. * Diaphragms are a Great Option For Non-Hormonal Contraception During The Fertility Window. Love the minimal packaging used for shipment & the personal thank you on the back of your business card. The Caya® diaphragm should always be used with water-based contraceptive gels such as, Gynol II, Conceptrol, and VCF Gel. Fitting no longer necessary! Caya Gel is a highly effective contraceptive gel based on lactic acid. One Size Fits Most Women: Suitable for users of 65mm, 70mm, 75mm or 80mm diaphragms - no prescription, doctor's visit or fitting necessary! It arrived very quickly. Available In The UK With Prompt Shipping and Discreet Packaging. Removal dome: allows for easy removal; a woman's finger can fit under or over the dome to remove the device. Contraceptive efficacy, safety, and acceptability of SILCS, a novel single-sized diaphragm used with contraceptive gel. Australia; Belgium; Bolivia; Bulgaria; Canada; Česká republika The gel and diaphragm are a good fit for my body (no reaction to either, even for the many hours it can remain inside). Exp November 2021. The purchasing and delivery was quick and efficient. But for the first six months I actively tried to get one, it wasn’t. Dissatisfaction or not fitting is not an acceptable reason for return & refund. If you provide a U.S. shipping address and order this product, you will be refunded minus $1.00 CAD for banking fees. The Caya ® diaphragm should always be used with water-based contraceptive gels such as, Gynol II, Conceptrol, and VCF Gel. This value is not the Pearl Index which defines method safety determined in the long term of use (cf. It has been a wonderful relief for me since getting it. 3 Schwartz J, Ballagh S, Creinin M, et al. Designed for use with a contraceptive gel such as. Caya ® must always be used in combination with a contraceptive gel. It's Latex Free. Caya Gel used with Diaphragm. Very satisfying to be hormone free! This feedback led to an innovative design that is easy and comfortable to use. It has been a wonderful relief for me since getting it. Neither Caya® Gel nor ContraGel have gone through the FDA approval process to be sold in the U.S. Order The Caya Single Size Diaphragm With Caya Gel or ContraGel For Hormone Free Contraception. A nice tool to assist those transitioning from hormonal contraceptives, Love Good Fats Bars - Lemon Mousse Flavour - 12 Bars, Carina Organics Unscented Daily Moisturizing & Hydrating Skin Cream, Carina Organics Unscented Daily Moisturizing Shampoo, Carina Organics Unscented Deep Treatment Conditioner, Contragel - Natural Contraceptive Gel / Barrier Gel, Caya Gel - Natural Contraceptive Gel / Barrier Gel, Unjunk Your Junk Food : Healthy Alternatives to Conventional Snacks. The product itself comes with an easy to follow user guide and cleaning instructions. Contragel (the gel used with this) is also a plus, as it is much healthier than spermicide and doesnt burn or cause irritation! Traditionally diaphragms come in 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90 and 95mm sizes. [Final Report]. The user is responsible for any damage that may result from the use of silicone-based lubricants. Until then, here's a button: You can order online for pick up or posting, or shop at Anarres Apothecary STORE HOURS: Tues-Sat Noon to 7pm. Caya Single Size Contoured Diaphragm 2 Yang CC, Maravilla K, Kilbourne-Brook M, Austin G, et al. The Caya ® is contraindicated if the patient was previously sized with a conventional diaphragm with the size 50-60mm and 85-90mm. Privacy| I'm givin 'er a 5. Grip dimples: orient the woman's fingers and provide a tactile cue for where to hold and squeeze the rim. The 3.5% gel may be used up to twenty-four hours before each act of intercourse. It's super easy to use, and even easier to take out. It's an Instantly Reversible Contraceptive. I swore off of birth control pills years ago and didn't want an IUD. The innovative form and function of Caya® were studied and tested in several independent studies1–4 in the US. It has to reside inside your … Rim provides stability and helps guide the Caya deep into the vagina as the woman pushes on the anterior edge. Brand New. Options like this need to be more readily available to the masses! Caya Single Sized Diaphragms MUST Be Used With A Contraceptive Gel to effectively prevent pregnancy. Contragel) as an modern combination of barrier contraceptive plus contraceptive gel. Why Use A Diaphragm? Results from the contraceptive effectiveness study indicated 76% of women were able to insert and correctly position the diaphragm simply using instructions. The Caya diaphragm is marketed alongside the Caya Gel (a.k.a. Breg Kodiak Cold Therapy System with Hip Pad. The Pearl Index for diaphragms is comparable to that of natural rubber latex condoms for males. EU/CE Certified. After use, the Caya ® diaphragm need only be cleaned with soap and water. 4 Schwartz JL, Weiner D, Lai JJ, et al. When you sign up, you'll receive my How To Tell If Your Product Is Healthy Or Harmful list to help you make healthier choices... If you have been fitted for a size 65mm, 70mm, 75mm or 80mm, the Caya Diaphragm is suitable for you. For vaginal dosage form (gel): Adults and teenagers— For use alone—One applicatorful of a 3.5, 4, or 5% gel inserted into the vagina before each time you have sexual intercourse. Data not yet published. A nice human touch to an impersonal online order. Removal dome: allows for easy removal; a woman's finger can fit under or over the dome to remove the device. Sorry, we are unable to ship this item to U.S. customers. I have used spermicide with it in the past and this also works, both the tabs and gel, but I prefer Contragel. The Caya ® diaphragm is not compatible with silicone-based lubricants and gels. Discounts can't be combined. With a prescription, you can receive the Caya Diaphragm through a medical office, clinic or pick up at a pharmacy. The contoured diaphragm design is easy to use and offers discreet contraceptive protection. My product arrived very quickly. The silicone membrane acts as a mechanical barrier immediately in front of the cervix. Contraception 2008; 78:237-244. Media contact: Ken Anderson PATH. THE CAYA DIAPHRAGM AND GEL ARE IN STOCK. I'll definitely be telling others about this site! Cervical cup: accommodates a range of cervical sizes. Love my Caya. We promise to never spam you, and just use your email address to identify you as a valid customer. At the same time, this pH value has a positive effect on the vaginal fluid and offers protection from vaginal infections. Caya® Gel has an acidic pH value of 3.8, which deactivates sperm cells. COMPATIBLE WITH WATER-BASED LUBRICANTS Cayagel’s active ingredient is lactic acid and … I am so happy to finally have a contraception that works with me AND my body. The manufacturer recommends that only water-based products be used as lubricants with the Caya diaphragm. Grip dimples: orient the woman's fingers and provide a tactile cue for where to hold and squeeze the rim. The Caya single-size diaphragm, the first new cervical barrier method to enter the market in more than 10 years, is available by prescription from U.S. healthcare providers. Neither Caya® Gel nor ContraGel have gone through the FDA approval process to be sold in the U.S. Contraception 2007; 76: 238-244. Caya contraceptive GEL. Caya® is inserted into the vagina, just like a tampon. I'm so glad sites like this exist in Canada, as my GP had no idea about the product itself and said she hadn't fit a diaphragm in 25 years. The Caya has been a really great 'alternative' to mainstream BC. Anarres Natural Health cannot accept returns and we do not provide refunds for sexual health, menstrual and contraceptive products. Easy to remove and clean. People who use a diaphragm should use an acid buffering gel (e.g. Copyright Tracey TieF 2011. Contragel®, Caya Gel ®) which forms a barrier in front of the cervix, lowers pH of vaginal fluid which slows down sperm. If you prefer an FDA-approved spermicide, you can combine Caya with one of the nonoxynol-9-based spermicidal gels or jellies sold in the U.S. Caya is a single-size contraceptive barrier device designed to fit a broad range of women. Stays put but easy to remove. This. It's a 100% Natural Contraceptive. Click the button below to add the Caya SILCS Diaphragm to your wish list. I liked this diaphragm, it is easy to use and fairly comfortable. As recommended by the Ethical Family Planning Association, Caya contraceptive gel is the perfect companion to the Caya diaphragm as well as other barrier contraceptives such as FemCap, regular diaphragms and Lea Contraceptive cap.Water based and hypoallergenic, Caya Gel contains no Nonoxynol 9 which is the standard ingredient in "traditional" spermicide, which can cause irritation in … I LOVE LOVE LOVE this diaphragm! Caya Diaphragm Gel has been proven effective in clinical tests and is CE and Health Canada approved. Email preferred, Submitted by traceytf on Sun, 2014/02/16 - 2:49am. ... Approved By Health Canada And Is Used For Birth Control.Use 15 minutes prior to sexual activity . The Caya contoured diaphragm is easy to use and offers discreet contraceptive protection. You or your doctor may contact the US distributor for more information on obtaining the Caya Diaphragm in the US. The Caya® contoured diaphragm is designed for women looking for a hormone free method of contraception. Caya® -Safety, ease of use and comfort have been proven in clinical studies. With coaching, 94% of women were able to insert, correctly position, and remove the diaphragm. SELECT $180, $225 - Two (2) Caya Diaphragms (same user) PLUS two (2) Caya GELS - $180 + $44 SELECT $225, US CUSTOMERS CANNOT ORDER CAYA FROM CANADA! WHOLESALE: Please order multiples by the 1 (ex Quantity 5 of a single item, not quantity 1 of 5 items already discounted.) In a multicentric clinical trial by CONRAD4 (, at 10 centres in the US the reliability was examined: In 450 couples, the risk of pregnancy, safety, acceptance of the contraception method and fit were tested. At the same time, this pH value has a positive effect on the vaginal fluid and offers protection from vaginal infections. Anarres Natural Health cannot accept returns and we do not provide refunds for sexual health, menstrual and conmtraceptive products. I highly recommend the Caya! It comes with a DVD and an Instruction Booklet in several languages. I've been recommending it to all my friends (all in our early 20s) as well. Vegan, dairy free, gluten free, not tested on animals. 2. I was expecting at least a little tingling, but it was completely fine. It's Health Canada and EU / CE 0470 Certified. Nonoxynol-9 free. The most common brand of spermicidal gel in the U.S. is Gynol II, with the active ingredient nonoxynol 9. I decided to give the Caya a try since my experiences with hormonal contraceptives have been holistically awful. We reserve the right to require prepayment. After talking with Tracey about it, I decided to get it and the accompanied gel and give it a try. I haven't used it for long enough to give my thorough and final review of it, but my initial impression suggest this product is easy to use and I am glad that it exists. Magnetic resonance imaging of SILCS diaphragm: anatomical consideration and corroboration with a clinical fit. Caya is an ISO 13485: 2010 CE certified medical device. ... FDA and Health Canada approved, EU / CE 0470 Certified. Why Use The Caya Diaphragm? The Caya Contoured Diaphragm is contraception used by women, and it is hormone free and very safe to use. Acts as a mechanical barrier that prevents the sperm cells from passing the cervix. For use with cervical caps, diaphragms, FemCap and Caya. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, June 3, 2019 – Today at the Women Deliver Conference, PATH announced that the Nigerian National Agency for Food and Drug Administration and Control recently approved marketing of the Caya® contoured diaphragm and Caya® Gel, making this nonhormonal family planning method choice available for women in Nigeria for the first time. I have noticed a difference with ease of inserting and comfort with the product; if timing of inserting is closer to sex, after some foreplay. I am very very VERY glad I did. The solid rim of the Caya® safely covers the cervix. and there is a US distributor. No to be confused with the older generations of diaphragms! My vagina is also EXTREMELY sensitive to most gels and lubricants, so I was very happy to find that the contraceptive gel caused absolutely NO reaction in my vagina. I don't feel it at all during intercourse and neither doe my partner. Sitemap | Caya® – contoured diaphragm. Only complaint is I wish I knew about this sooner. All prices are in CAD If your doctor is not familiar with the Caya Diaphragm, please consult a family planning clinic such as Planned Parenthood. Very surprised, easy to use and easy to clean. Please write for permission to reproduce any part of this website, credit me and link to this site. A Natural Spermicide Alternative, Free Of Nonoxynol 9 That Dramatically Reduces The Chance Of Irritation. NEW Phone number: (647) 827 6968 Edit to add that it did take a month, but my new one is here. Also easy to forget it's in. First and foremost, it was an amazing experience buying the Caya from the Altie store. You can pick up the same day, or shop in person. I heard about the Caya diaphragm option through the Bay Centre at WCH and I went to Anarres to check it out. Thanks to its anatomical and ergonomic shape, the Caya ® diaphragm fits most women. Coming Soon - a beautiful sign up to my newsletter. NONE! This is a one-size-fits-most, discreet and easy to use contraceptive barrier device which is available without prescriptions or fittings in Canada. C $29.97. Absolutely love using this product. The gel and diaphragm are a good fit for my body (no reaction to either, even for the many hours it can remain inside). £14.99. The Caya SILCS diaphragm is made for those who want hormone-free birth control with no side-effects. With the renaissance of barrier contraceptives, this stylishly designed duo is making the sector more accessible to couples who might not have considered a diaphragm just a few years ago. What is Caya® diaphragm?. They were quick and efficient on getting my order to me. Caya can be used over again for up to two years. I highly recommend the Caya! This is a great product that I have been searching for as an alternative to hormonal birth control. SILCS diaphragm: postcoital testing of a new single-size contraceptive device. It's designed with women's anatomy in mind, in consultation with diaphragm users. You will require a prescription to order for delivery to a medical practice or pharmacy in the US. ), $120 - Caya Diaphragm + Caya Diaphragm Contraceptive GEL and applicator $100 + $27 - $7 discount SELECT $120, $180 - Two (2) Caya Diaphragms NO GELS - Buy a second Caya (same user) for $80! No to be confused with the older generations of diaphragms! is a one-size-fits-most, discreet and easy to use contraceptive barrier device which is available without prescriptions or fittings in Canada. Contraception 2004; 69:263-266. New research shows that silicone-based lubricants are not compatible with Caya diaphragms. * No Fitting Necessary Means Diaphragm Usage Is Now Open To Those Without A Doctor Who Will Measure For The Correct Fit. HPSRX Enterprises Inc. (Phone) 1-800-850-1657 (Fax) 1-800-361-6984. ContraGel is also compatible with natural latex rubber or … 1. MINIMUM WHOLESALE ORDER IS 2 OR MORE OF EACH ITEM. In Europe and Canada it’s sold with Caya® Gel, which is identical to the ContraGel Heather writes about. The Caya ® diaphragm can, in principle, be boiled. :). Recently, Kessel selected HPSRx Enterprises, Inc., to introduce Caya® to the U.S. "HPSRx is excited to bring the Caya® diaphragm to the U.S. market," said Bob Patane, founder of HPSRx. If you are having difficulty with your diaphragm or gel, please contact me for help as soon as possible. Ich benutze es jetzt seit 9 Monaten. at any age. I'll be sure to post another review comment once I actually try out my new Caya Diaphragm and Gel, I'm so excited to have finally found a natural contraceptive gel in Canada. Being a university-aged young woman, there wasn't much information to be found on the Caya diaphragm for people in my age bracket. Best Match. Caya is made of silicone and can be used for up to two years. Default Canada Only North America Worldwide. The two grooves that are created within the silicone when the Caya is folded hold the contraceptive gel. Thanks, Tracey, US CUSTOMERS CANNOT ORDER CAYA FROM CANADA! CAD 26.99. :) Works very well for me. Das einzig Unangenehme ist, dass es sich mit der Zeit etwas verflüssigt und dann manchmal herausläuft, besonders wenn man es tagsüber trägt. The Caya, which is manufactured in Germany, was supposed to be available in Canada. I would recommend this product and this store. If your diaphragm prescription says you need a 65, 70, 75 or 80mm diaphragm then you can opt for the Caya. Read product description for details. We also mail out the same day except for Sundays and Mondays when we are closed. For me, it's been a great and effective way to take charge of my own sexuality and contraceptives without experimenting the side effects of a pill on my body,. Select which option you would like to order. It is so easy to use, it's really discreet and comfortable, and it works really well (especially, as Tracey told me, when paired with the 'buddy system' for contraceptives)! Turns out it is super soft and bendable which makes it really easy to use. Starting with the smallest size, the dilator is introduced into the vagina and is kept there for several minutes. We do not sell the Caya Diaphragm to US customers because it is only available by prescription In case of correct application of the Caya® diaphragm, the 12-month risk of pregnancy was found to amount to 13.7 %. Caya® Gel has an acidic pH value of 3.8, which deactivates sperm cells. CAYA gel). One size only - fits most women. We post your order the same day Tuesdays through Saturdays. Read honest and unbiased product reviews from our users. The fitting of a size by a professional as required for traditional, round diaphragms, is not needed. To order Caya Gel alone, or multiples of the gel at deeper discounts, please go to where you can also buy Contragel Green contraceptive gel. It is so easy to use, it's really discreet and comfortable, and it works really well (especially, as Tracey told me, when paired with the 'buddy system' for contraceptives)! This is the most striking difference in the Caya contoured diaphragm, as well as grip dimples, the removal dome, and the anatomically shaped rim. Twenty-Four hours before each act of intercourse is folded hold the contraceptive gel for added protection spreading.... new Listing Caya Costa Long-Slv Sun Duster UV protection Black XL new 654-348 ContraGel for hormone free very! Click the button below to add that it did take a month, but it was an amazing experience the! Information to be found on the Caya diaphragm gel is a US RETAILER NEAREST you my one... ® diaphragm can, in principle, be boiled ) as well %! Several minutes may contact the US as the woman pushes on the fluid. 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Discount on all natural contraception is a single-size contraceptive device 80, 85, and...