Archived. The Business and Computer Science combined major will give you the technical background and understanding to apply IT solutions in a business context, and use them to develop opportunities for growth. Who's ideal person that the double degree will benefit the most? The degree cannot also be combined as an additional major in either computer science or business administration. I wasn't a huge fan of the business courses, but I didn't mind the economics side of things. hide. Master 2 disciplines - computer engineering/computer science and economics - in this double degree programme jointly offered by NTU's School of Computer Science and Engineering (SCSE) and School of Humanities and Social Sciences. However, since you have 10 school terms instead of 8 you won't have to worry about missing any CS courses. I don't believe you miss out on any CS courses, you just don't progress as quickly as students in your year who are just CS. During my 3rd coop after 3B, this is what my VP told me. What is the BBA/BCS Double Degree program? I definitely enjoy the Math DD program. In each year of study, you'll take a combination of core commerce and computer science courses. How long will it take? Employers love DD coops. (quant trading, proj man, finance, etc). Receive a full Bachelor of Computer Science from Waterloo and a full Bachelor of Business Administration from Wilfrid Laurier University. Upper year business courses are much more interesting and your co-op experience/career aspirations will help guide you to specific business/finance subjects. I'm currently in 3rd year BCS/BBA, and I felt the same as you in first year. If you have more specific questions though, feel free to send me message! updated August 2019. I'd also love to know how current double degrees feel about pursuing this program and whether they've found it useful? This program is modelled after the very successful BBA/BMath Double Degree. (most people who think this way end up dropping down/switching because they don't see the value). Is it possible to pursue a specialization in business and take an option for computer science? Not sure about this. Math/Bus double degree grads are some of the most competent, brilliant individuals I have ever met. There are various different levels of accounting and compsci degrees. When you work on a Dual Degree, you’re working on two degrees from two different departments or schools simultaneously. It's not useless, it's just a crowded field that wont get you a good job with the degree alone. I wish I had made changes within my degrees but ultimately the program is wonderful. I heartily endorse taking business classes in your undergraduate years, whether or not you go for a double major or an MBA. It enables students to apply computational considerations to all aspects of business practice, thereby complementing their business skills and … New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. edit subscriptions. This way, students will be able to get the best of both… Students will study business and economics at Wilfred Laurier, while studying computer science at Waterloo. I’d say u probably get offer in March. Anyone know what the cutoff for last year was? may seem like a memorization exercise in first year. Business Administration (BBA) and Computer Science (BSc) Double Degree. I've also seen a lot of CS courses as part of requirements for math students. I personally believe that we have the tendency to under estimate the usefulness of both together and our answer to how useful it is will change throughout our careers. (Chinese Language Studies) and B.Ed. So in addition to all the upper year double degrees that also have winter co-op, you’re competing against the regular Business students, as well as people from Laurier only BBA/Fin Math and BBA/CS Double Degree. I think I can speak for many of my peers and say that they've found it generally useful. Such as working in a team, for example for the new venture project. However most people, myself included, found it to be a very exciting and challenging experience. The David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science from Waterloo, and the School of Business and Economics at Wilfred Laurier offer a unique double degree from both schools. Accounting & Computer Science Degree Types. Listed in no particular order, here are the top 10 double major combinations students at ASU's W. P. Carey School of Business feel will help with their careers.. 1. Structured Double Degree. I thoroughly enjoyed the BU courses in first year, and while not everyone did, I think that you need to figure out what you don't like about them. It's kind of like when your parents tell you "you'll thank me for this when you're older" kind of thing. It aims to leverage the advantage of NUS being a comprehensive university, allowing students to fully develop their potential through multidisciplinary programmes. By using our Services or clicking I agree, you agree to our use of cookies. Associate's Degree; Master of Business Administration . Joint MS/MBA degree students will have interests in technology and leadership with a desire to become managers or … You do not miss out on any CS courses, but you do get a delay in the CS course progression relative to your same-age peers. However, they become very useful guidelines for thinking in upper year courses. I`m not saying one is better than the other; some people are not the leader types and just want a steady job. Because employers when interviewing only see "3A" or "4A" they don't know you are technically behind and it doesn't influence interviewing. Welcome to the unofficial Wilfrid Laurier University subreddit! To answer your question, it's very broad and can cater to many folks (switching careers along the way) - I have friends in marketing, banking, accounting, IT, etc. If you don't see how they work together, then why are you even doing the program? Degree Bachelor of Business Administration/Bachelor of Computer Science, BBA/BCS OUAC Program Code UWB Grade Range Mid-90s Experiential Learning Co-op program Enrollment 4,076 (all Lazaridis School of Business and Economics programs combined) Instruction Language English Notes Co-op required – automatic entry. Transfer credit assigned 1XX or Jr. is recognized as a first-year elective. CS/BBA is a new program that enrolled its first class in 2010, so only about 3 or so people have graduated from the program (because they were already in Waterloo and transferred in as an upper-year in 2010). 4th year student from the 2010 BBA/BCS class here. Even though there’s tons of competition, don’t let that scare you. Unofficial student and alumni-run Reddit for University of Waterloo community. She said quant monkeys are dime a dozen, but those that succeed are the ones that can sell and lead. Being "almost" done with the program, I'd say that the most valuable thing I've seen from the program is the way that taking both programs together shapes your baseline thinking. Double Degree Programmes (Full Time) Students in the double degree programmes (DDP) are awarded with a degree certificate for each of the two programmes. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'm currently in 3rd year BCS/BBA, and I felt the same as you in first year. Both your technology and business "lingos" get developed. 3 years ago. Back to Business Master of Business Administration ... . We've combined our internationally accredited Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree and our Bachelor of Science (BSc) in Computer Science, providing you with the technical know-how to go along with analytical skills and business expertise.Skills in database and Internet computing are especially valued … You may find yourself working within an online existing business or as an entrepreneur for your own e-marketing venture. In this double-degree program, you’ll earn both a Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) from UW and a Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) from Laurier in only five years. With Monash Business School; With other faculties; A double degree takes at least two years less than if you studied the two courses separately, because the required units from one course count as electives in the partner course. Thats fine. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. I'd say the ideal person is anyone who can see that these two disciplines can be blended in an infinite number of unique ways, and that its up to you to decide what YOUR blend is. As a graduate of this program, you’ll be in high demand in today’s information-rich society, where global companies are looking for employees with both computer science and business management knowledge. 2. As a mathie, I cringed when my Operations professor told everyone to use the "anti-log" function on their calculators. I have a love-hate relationship with this program sometimes, but overall I'm very happy with it. I wish I had better programming skills; I learned SQL and VBA on my own but that way of thinking was never instilled upon me. The Double Degree Programmes in Computer Science /Information Systems and Business Administration/Business Administration (Accountancy) are jointly offered by NUS School of Computing and NUS Business School. Depending on your objectives, of course. I'm pretty sure you still need to get as many as any CS major would. My final thoughts are that even though I don't really enjoy some of the business courses I find that it develops certain skills that is difficult to develop from just CS. 5 comments. Students from every faculty takes them so these courses are watered down to appeal to the masses. Double (Honours) Degree in Communications & New Media and Business Administration / Accountancy; Double (Honours) Degree in Economics and Business Administration / Accountancy Business Administration (Laurier) and Computer Science (Waterloo) Double Degree and Business Administration (Laurier) and Mathematics (Waterloo) Double Degree programs only. BUS 362W is expected to be completed before enrolling in term 4A. However, upon reflection, they did teach me important and relevant information. Press J to jump to the feed. I'm at a 92-93% avg and I'm kinda involved with extra curriculars and volunteering so my ABS will be good. Why this program? The degree is administered by the Computer Science Department. Students enrolled in their second year of double-degree programs, where both programs are at Laurier, may choose to accept admission to co-op. EDIT: I am an AFM grad who has worked with a lot of Math/Bus double degrees. I'm not really enjoying the business courses because they seem to require a lot of memorizing. The departments or schools work together to make the process more convenient than if the degrees were earned independently. I'd say if you don't like the courses because the content is uninteresting, then it's probably not a good fit. Thanks. Double degree is full of smart people who can do great work, but I don't think they necessarily do better than typical engineers/CS grads. To answer your questions: Business courses start to be a bit more diverse once you get to second year. The Joint MS in Computer Science /MBA Degree Program (CS/MBA) enables students to pursue simultaneously a Master of Business Administration at the Graduate School of Business (GSB) and a Master of Science in Computer Science at the Stanford School of Engineering. Anyone know what the cutoff for last year was? I personally didn't enjoy my first year business courses... in the first year. It's very thorough in teaching a comprehensive set of knowledge. The coops are great! We offer two types of double degrees: Business and Commerce doubles (within Monash Business School) and double degrees with other faculties. A business degree program in e-commerce combines economic principles with software applications to help you use the Internet to create business opportunities. Speaking as someone who did not have a lot of math/CS exposure, I can say that when you are a junior in a company, you are expected to know the technical stuff and do the grunt work. A budding entrepreneur, programmer? I think most DDs have asked themselves this question at some point. Double Degree in Computer Engineering or Computer Science and Economics Programme Information for AY2020 You should be good as long as your around 90 and I'm assuming you are talking about the one that not joined with waterloo. Students in the Business Administration and Computer Science double degree plan or the Business Administration and Mathematics double degree plan must take one course chosen from List I (below), and BUS 362W. 1 A similar analysis of more than 1.7 million computer science job postings found that 86 percent of employers prefer computer science candidates to have a bachelor’s degree or higher. I wasn't a huge fan of the business courses, but I didn't mind the economics side of things. Under the DDP, some courses may be counted towards the requirements of both degrees, thus allowing a student to complete two degrees in a shorter period than it would take to complete them separately. First year courses are introductory and very boring. There are similar programs on campus such as CFM. Math/BBA was a very rewarding program in the final years. Completing both business and computer science I'm thinking about doing this double Degree the next year in Madrid but I don't know if it's an useful combination or not. That makes all the difference since different specializations will have different courses! Earn two degrees in five years in both computer science and business by enrolling in this unique program. Anyway, u r in! Anyways, I can only speak to Math/BBA so take this with a grain of salt. In order to pursue the double major, both programs need to be offered as part of the same degree type; some schools offer economics and computer science as bachelor of arts degrees … save. I'm at a 92-93% avg and I'm kinda involved with extra curriculars and volunteering so my ABS will be good. (English Studies) and B.Ed. List I. The University of Waterloo (Waterloo) and Wilfrid Laurier University (Laurier) are proud to offer this new Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)/Bachelor of Computer Science (BCS) Double Degree program where students earn both a BBA and a BCS degree. The combined Bachelor of Science degree program in computer science/business administration offers qualified students the opportunity to gain an educational foundation in both areas. report. If you have any other questions you want to ask about, feel free to PM me if you want! Participants in the double degree program in Business Administration with Computer Science develop an expertise in business and a strong understanding of the basic principles of computer science. The program generally lasts four-five years instead of seven-eight years to complete separate the two degrees and results in the candidate earning both a Bachelor of Business degree and a Bachelor of Computing degree. 4. I'm in first year BBA/CS double degree. Double Degree in Business (with specialisation in Business Analytics) & Computer Engineering/Computer Science NTU_PageContent Singapore’s unique strengths of having a strategic location, competent workforce, and pro-business environment make it well positioned to be a base for corporations to expand their operations in the region and embrace globalisation. Close . I majored in both at university. Not 100% sure for this one. I won't be taking 3rd year CS courses until my 4A term because of 3rd year being mostly business courses. Combine courses in mathematics, statistics, and computer science with corporate finance, asset pricing, micro- and macroeconomics and other business-related courses to gain a thorough grounding in Financial Analysis or Risk Management in this exciting The time it takes to complete a accounting and compsci degree varies depending on the program. You get out of it what you put in. Imagine having the technical knowledge to build systems and then market them. And I've been able to use what I studied whilst working in 14 different countries, both as a teacher, and a corporate consultant. Don't take this as a fact, but I believe they send offers to all applicants with an average equal to or above 90, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Students will complete most of the requirements of a business major, including macroeconomics and microeconomics, while also focusing on technical skills like program design, software development, computer organization, systems and networks, theories of computation, … (Chinese Language Education) Co-terminal Double Degree Programme; B.A. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Personally, I never really enjoyed my business courses until I got into 3A and the courses became more focused. As people said, the first couple years have mundane courses but they get better. For example, some courses may count toward both degrees, or some may be waived entirely so that the student can complete the Dual Degree Program in a shorter time. Posted by 1 year ago. Visit the Business Administration and Computer Science Double Degree website; Email our Mathematics recruitment co-ordinator, who can answer any questions about the program; Subscribe to our newsletter to get tips and advice from current students The ideas taught such as Porters Five Forces, Diamond-E model, and etc. Economics seems much more interesting and I enjoy learning it. jump to content. I've found the program useful myself, but some other people don't feel the same way. In fact, you'll probably realize at some point that the BU courses are generally just a different type of problem solving. The computer science and business combined major delivers a technical degree with a strong grounding in business. A Business and Computing is a dual degree program offered jointly by some computing and business schools. my subreddits. Expanding on that, what I mean is the ability to fluidly and naturally break down and decompose problems in a technical way (the same way all CS grads can do) but simultaneously see things grounded in reality with business perspectives of value, cost structures, positioning, customers etc (the same way all BU grads can do). share. 6 years ago. You need internship/experience/knowing the right people to get your foot in the door. Study abroad at one of 59 partner business schools in 29 countries. Double Degrees / Dual Degree Programmes Double Degree Programmes . For students who would like to take their education up a notch, the Faculty offers Double Degree Programmes with other faculties within NUS. This is on-top of the actual technical skills acquired in CS, and both casual and formal social/communication skills that Laurier business provides. They work hard and party hard. I feel like it will benefit anyone who completes the program as it gives you an insight into how the business you're working for operates which can help you make more informed decisions in the workplace and create opportunities for advancement. TBH, I haven't come across any CS/BBA DDs but I wouldnt doubt that its any different. I see this a lot in Math/BBA DD's: math honed their analytical abilities (and enables them to do the task) and Laurier shaped their social skills. I am very similar to you in that I don't enjoy my Laurier courses as much as my Waterloo courses, but that's personal preference. They all love the double degrees. Are upper year Laurier courses more similar to the business courses I'm taking or the economics? What upper-year Laurier courses are you planning to take? B.A. Earn a degree in Financial Analysis or Risk Management from the Faculty of Mathematics and have it become your greatest asset. In just five years you will earn two degrees – a full honours computer science degree from the University of Waterloo and a full honours business administration degree from nearby Wilfrid Laurier University. Am I missing out on a significant number of CS courses because the double degree? You can always do a minor in CS. Students must complete a course from List I with a mark of at least 60 prior to enrolling in term 2A. The Double Degree programme in Computer Science and Business Administration (including Accountancy) meets such a demand through its design that emphasises on developing both the core computing skills and business skills of students. You can get anything from a associate's degree in accounting and computer science to the highest accounting and compsci degree, a master's. The program is highly regarded by employers. Combine the society-changing power of computer science with the world of business in this co-op only program. So this is up to you: do you want to be a quant monkey, or do you want to think big picture, sell your ideas. Business Administration (BBA) and Computer Science (BSc) Double Degree. This gets asked a lot, every year. Undergraduate Programmes in NUS NUS is a comprehensive university offering our students a diverse spectrum of courses and enriching them through our multidisciplinary and cross-faculty approaches. I'm thinking about whether or not to continue this program or not. Unfortunately, I ended up doing a "quad major" which didnt pay off as well as I hoped. Press J to jump to the feed. Co-Terminal double degree Programmes double major or an MBA of double degrees / Dual degree you. About missing any CS major would upper-year Laurier courses are you planning to take different!! Though there ’ s tons of competition, don ’ t let that you! 60 prior to enrolling in this unique program and lead speak to so. 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