Mystus leucophasis There are no reviews for this product. They never survived cuz they were too small when i introduced them. ankutta 13 S American Way, Monroe, OH 45050, USA. cf_bleekeri Mystus cineraceus (Bagridae) Mystus leucophasis (Bagridae) Asian Upside-down Catfish. Cat-eLog Bagridae Mystus Burmese Upside Down Catfish (Mystus leucophasus), Origin: Wild Myanmar catapogon 0 5. newtothisall. Please ask if you need to know the current size. Their images have been found in ancient Eg… This reverse coloration seems to protect the Upside-Down Catfish from predators when swimming near the surface of the water. Current Stock: Description Size Guides. from the pictures on the internet, it looks like it is a Asian upside down catfish. Adult Size: 10″ UPSIDE DOWN BURMESE CATFISH - regular size Rating Required Select Rating 1 star (worst) 2 stars 3 stars (average) 4 stars 5 stars (best) Name nanus dibrugarensis Nick recommends size: MEDIUM The Burmese or Asian Upside Down Catfish is a unique, medium-growing species of Bagrid found in the rivers of Myanmar in Southeast Asia. No products in the cart. Males also are thinner in the body and shorter in length at adult size (this is true of most Bagrids). Please donate to our monthly hosting costs and keep us free for everyone to enjoy! Asian Upside-down Catfish Burmese Upside-down Catfish, Großer Asiatischer Rückenschwimmender Erls , Sittang Mystus: Type Locality: Sitang and other Myanmar rivers. Not a fussy feeder - all prepared foods are taken. 13 S American Way, Monroe, OH 45050, USA. Sensitive to nitrates, good water conditions are necessary. Facebook page opens in new window Instagram page opens in new window Newsletter signup. montanus wolffii It prefers a current in the aquarium. carcio $15.00. Fish Wholesale Database Ideally the water would be neutral and soft. armatus I believe this fish might be hurting my dwarf frogs. Burmese Upside Down Catfish approximately. My beta, african feather fin catfish, and upside down catfish all leave the ghosts alone. They do well in groups of 5 or more and they will do well fish species that have similar water requirements and temperament. The Upside Down Catfish will appreciate a heavily planted aquarium of 30 gallons or more, with driftwood and crevices for hiding. However, a number of other fish may also be known by this name: Mystus leucophasis – Asian upside-down catfish; Synodontis angelicus – spotted upside-down catfish ngasep Please donate to our monthly hosting costs and keep us free for everyone to enjoy!Explore our YouTube channel, Facebook page or follow us on Twitter. Burmese Upside Down Catfish. So i went a little bigger,And got an asian black upside down cat for my mbuna tank. It was artificially introduced to Philippines. Size is not guaranteed, we try to size the fish as accurately as possible but size can vary so much depending on how long we have had the fish. May 20, 2015 - burmese upside down catfish lrg mystus leucophasis care and information. Recommended Tank Size: 75 Gallon Asian Upside-down Catfish, Burmese Upside-down Catfish, Großer Asiatischer Rückenschwimmender Erls , Sittang Mystus: More Images: All images from this contributor: Back to: Species page: Has this page been useful? Temp:                     76-82F With their unique swimming behavior and deep black coloration interspersed with blueish speckles, they make a fascinating addition to a community of similarly-sized fish but aggressive tankmates should be avoided. 1 decade ago. Aquarium Plants, Regani Dwarf Pike Cichlid (Crenicichla Regani), L234 Dragon Hifin Pleco (Megalancistrus parananus), Red Mouthbrooder Severum (Heros liberifer). atrifasciatus Reply. Nitrate:                  <30ppm, © 2021 Aqua-Imports |, Tissue Culture, Cupped & Misc. I don't know I could be imagining it. pulcher leucophasis No need to register, buy now! horai Also there is information that the fish was encountered in Kouilou Department of the Republic of the Congo. hey, i got a fish tank that is about 60 liter, and i got an upside down cat fish and an oscar in it. who else has one of these? All my fish recognise me and get excited at feeding time and will swim up to my hand when I clean the tank. It is also known as the blotched upside-down catfish because of its spotted appearance. Upside Down Catfish spend the daylight hours hiding in caves and their nights are spent swimming continually upside down. Upsidedown Catfish, Synodontis nigriventris Believe it or not this fish actually swims upside down all the time! Live Freshwater Aquarium Fish, Plants, Crabs, Snails, And Shrimp For Sale. South American catfishes (Everything else), Please donate to our monthly hosting costs. Because of their large size and fairly aggressive and territorial nature, they make ideal candidates for single-species specimen aquariums. It can be kept as a schooling fish or in an aquarium with other small Synodontis species. Find Similar Products by Category. As the name implies, this unusual fish spends most of its life swimming upside down, with its mouth and ventral surface facing up towards the water’s surface, where it actively seeks out insects, crustaceans, and smaller fish as prey. rufescens In an aquarium, these catfish grow to approximately four to six inches. Asian Upside-down Catfish Burmese Upside-down Catfish, Großer Asiatischer Rückenschwimmender Erls , Sittang Mystus: Type Locality: Sitang and other Myanmar rivers. Cite this website.By accessing this site you agree to our Terms and Conditions of Use. Diet: Scavenger, feeds on invertebrates and crustaceans in the wild. multiradiatus i think its neat. upside down catfish are also schooling fish, you can not keep just one fish when they are schooling fish, it is cruel. tengara Balitora burmanica (Balitoridae) Homalopteroides rupicola (Balitoridae) Chaca burmensis (Chacidae) Square Head Catfish. alasensis Store Categories. The generic name is probably derived from the Latin mystax, meaning moustache, in reference to the long barbels. singaringan BURMESE UPSIDE DOWN CATFISH medium. its almost an inch long and it just swims all over the place. impluviatus prabini USPS boxes will be unmarked, marking boxes live fish or fragile can cause long delay's and increased the chance DOA's. Like some members of the African catfish genus Synodontis, this species spends the vast majority of it’s time swimming in an inverted position. Ammonia:              0ppm its so cute! Boisterous cichlids (even Mbuna) and larger Loricariids are the best choice although some of the larger Cyprinids (Tinfoil barbs for example) are also possible. As the name implies, this unusual fish spends most of its life swimming upside down, with its mouth and ventral surface facing up towards the water’s surface, where it actively seeks out insects, crustaceans, and smaller fish as prey. mysticetus 1 decade ago. Channa harcourtbutleri (Channidae) Inle Snakehead In the wild it basically feeds on insects (fallen on the water surface), crustaceans and plant food. Females are longer and heavier bodied. The Upside Down Catfish (Synodontis nigriventris) is an interesting catfish that starts swimming upside down at around two months of age. Hemibagrus variegatus (Bagridae) Asian Golden Tiger Catfish. Not to be kept with small fish (i.e. Huge collection, amazing choice, 100+ million high quality, affordable RF and RM images. Product Description. It is often seen for sale at only a couple of inches in length and may be confused with the popular (and much smaller) Synodontis nigriventris. Will eat smaller fish and may spar with conspecifics, Preferred Water Parameters Journal of the Asiatic Society of Bengal v. 29 (no. cf_heoki (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); © 1996 - 2021, part of the Aquatic Republic Network group of websites. velifer Burmese Upside Down Catfish. Think about it though--it gets to forage on algae on the undersides of logs where other fish miss out. Comments Required. seengtee I have an upside down catfish, it's black with white dots, it's in a 10G tank with 3 African DWARF frogs and a betta fish, did I buy the wrong type of upside down catfish? sometimes i tend to loose its location and freak out and think that my other fish ate it, and then i find it again. All Rights Reserved. I have had a couple small upside down cat in my mbuna tank when i set it up. 2), pp 148. The underside of the Upside-Down Catfish is a darker brown which is completely opposite of fish that swim with their bellies downwards. $15.00. gulio Compatibility: Peaceful towards most larger tankmates. TRiN's Tropical Fish vittatus Sometimes, they will school together. The catfish feeds mainly at night. A good current is recommendable. yes you can but go with 3 upside-down catfish they work and look better in groups of 3's. Upside down catfish are nocturnal for the most part, as long as you provide them with some hiding spaces (densely planted areas, driftwood, rock or bog caves) they keep to themselves. late nite snack for someone i think. Synonym(s) Bagrus leucophasis, Macrones leucophasis: Pronunciation: miss tuss - loo koe fas iss: Etymology … They are frequently found near cover such as driftwood, caves or plants. PVC pipe sections, one per fish, are required. menoni rhegma pelusius Polar Blue Parrot Cichlid They are schooling fish and should be kept in groups of at least 4 - 6 whenever possible. anything less than three fourths the size of the catfish) will be quickly eaten. Unreported in the home aquarium, although (as the images above show) is mass breed by commercial breeders. Burmese Upside Down Catfish LRG Redtail/Tiger Shovelnose Hybrid Catfish Tiger Shovelnose Catfish Red Tail Catfish Lima Shovelnose Farlowella Catfish Blue Channel Catfish Albino Channel Catfish Jelly Bumblebee Catfish Bumblebee Catfish Banjo Catfish Golden Soldier Catfish Zamora Cunchi Catfish castaneus Customers also viewed. They are an extremely popular species that apparently have been admired for countless centuries. Avoid slow moving fish. Will accept frozen and prepared foods in the aquarium. Click the heart to add it to your wish list. Synonym(s) Bagrus leucophasis, Macrones leucophasis: Pronunciation: miss tuss - loo koe fas iss: Etymology bocourti Has this page been useful? Love my fish. Males possess an elongate genital papilla which is located just fore of the anal fin and is quite predominant. Great avant garde conversation piece. Click the binoculars! … indicus zeylanicus. Nitrite:                    0ppm now, the tank look a bit empty, so i was thinking if and what fish should i add to the tank. ©2020 by Little Bit Fishy. But it has an inferior mouth, that’s why quite often … nigriceps The name upside-down catfish is most commonly used by aquarists to refer to the mochokid catfish Synodontis nigriventris alternately known to ichthyologists as the blotched upside-down catfish or false upside-down catfish. Least Concern, range map and more is available on. The aquarium should have flower pots or plastic pipe for them to hide in. it can hide well too. Current Stock: 2 Quantity: Share. falcarius Our Privacy Policy. The Upside Down Cat, also known as the Giant Upside Down Asian Catfish, is an active inverted swimmer with a sleek profile and bold personality. Name Review Subject Required. ©2020 by Little Bit Fishy. High Quality At A Low Price. Aquariums. bleekeri aff_gulio keralai Love this species? cf_wolffii Rating Required. heoki These are preferred over, for example, flower pots and the like. James says: May 4, 2019 at 11:58 pm. The Burmese or Asian Upside Down Catfish is a unique, medium-growing species of Bagrid found in the rivers of Myanmar in Southeast Asia. The fish is spread in the midstream of Knogo river basin including Pool Malebo, Kasai River and Ubangi River. cineraceus and i love that it swims upside down. One of the smallest members of the Synodontis species, the upside-down catfish is aptly named for its upside down swimming posture, which makes it easier for it to feed more effortlessly on the water's surface. malabaricus cavasius It was first used by Scopoli in 1777 making it a very old genus that has included many catfishes from throughout the world at one time or another. Find the perfect upside down catfish stock photo. albolineatus 2020 Oct 04 00:53 (species record created: 2001 Apr 21 00:00). In the aquarium, they are active, constant swimmers and tend to school in large groups as juveniles while adults are more solitary. its the only fish i've gotten from walmart that has ever lived. Burmese Upside Down Catfish; Burmese Upside Down Catfish. oculatus A floating plant cover will help them feel secure. 0 0. cdtmajor46. Water parameters are generally unimportant for the species. SKU: catoddballsfls12400063. Aquarium Tanks ; MDF; Pine; Plastic Tanks; Tarpaulin Tanks punctifer Provided the right living conditions, they will survive and entertain for years. Upside-Down Catfish Tropical Fish Learn all about the Upside-Down Catfish's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. bimaculatus Spotted this species somewhere? pH:                          6.0 – 7.5 Size and fairly aggressive and territorial nature, they will do well in of. Be imagining it to enjoy Catfish they work and look better in groups of 's. Upside-Down Catfish, Synodontis nigriventris believe it or not this fish might be hurting my dwarf frogs least Concern range... For single-species specimen aquariums Hemibagrus variegatus ( Bagridae ) Asian Golden Tiger Catfish my frogs! The Upside-down Catfish Burmese Upside-down Catfish from predators when swimming near the surface of the Congo ask if you to... To my hand when i set it up catfishes ( Everything else ), donate... 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