Ahmad Najib Nazlan was appointed as Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer of Maybank Asset Management Malaysia on 25 April 2018. About three levels of management: officers, executive officers and team leads. Included in Yasin’s responsibilities is the management of the functions of the MKE CEO’s Office which include Strategy, Business and Organisational Management, as well as Performance Management. Bhd. He is also currently an Independent Non-Executive Director of Maybank since 15 May 2019. Management Team. Within her first year at the helm – she joined in April 2019 - she had successfully grown the domestic AUM by 42% as well as developed and trained a robust regional sales force of over 60 client advisors. She went on to lead the Legal, Compliance & Secretarial department of ING Funds Berhad and was instrumental in setting up the funds back in 2003. Other. Experiences. • Senior HR Relationship Manager, Maybank Malaysia (Feb 2011 – Feb 2014) • HR Business Partner, Shell Malaysia (Oct 2006 – Jan 2011) • Executive, International Ops, Telekom Malaysia (Sept 2004 – Sept 2006) Directorship in Public Companies: Nil. - Participated in management meetings and training classes with Nordstrom leaders - Shadowed the managers of Service Experience team and Visual team to … We have served both local and foreign clients alike. She has had 18 years of investment experience. |. CEO Maybank Singapore • Head, Global Banking • Head, Consumer Banking • Head, Group Credit Management • Head, IT & Virtual Banking • Head, Strategy & Finance • Head, Corporate Office • Head, Risk Management • Head, Business Support & Operations • Head, HC-Maybank Singapore HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT OF MAYBANK Introduction There are many factors that can determine success or failure of the company. He led the investment management team at EASTSPRING and closely monitored the firm’s stable of investments. The Critical Incident Stress Management Team (CISM) is designed to be a comprehensive, multi-component, multi-discipline stress management program. Our Senior Management. You are about to enter a third party website where the Public Bank Group's Privacy Policy will not be applicable. That includes holidays. Managed the Brown is Green website and helped develop a web-based platform for sustainable purchasing and surplus management by Brown University. Dato’ Idris Kechot was appointed as the Chairman of Maybank Asset Management Group and Maybank Asset Management Malaysia on 2 November 2020 and has been an Independent Non-Executive Director of Maybank Asset Management Group Berhad since 24 October 2019. Judy started managing Singapore bonds and Asian Asset Backed portfolios in 2002, followed by Asian USD credit in 2005 and Asian local currency credit from 2009. Hafiz has had 15 years of experience in risk management and assurance services and started his career at Ernst & Young Malaysia and Singapore before moving to PricewaterhouseCoopers Australia. Prior to this appointment, Mr. Lee Yiang Ming served as the Executive Director with UOB Singapore. You are about to be redirected away from this site. The members of senior management (Appendix) are as follows:-Datuk Amirsham A Aziz is President & CEO and Dato’ Mohammed Hussein is Deputy President who is also Chief Financial Officer (CFO). Over 15 years of senior management roles, including leading a public listed chemical company and Maybank Group’s Global Banking franchise. Our award winning solutions applies to both Moore, executive vice president and chief information officer Richard Parks, executive vice president and chief executive, Texas-New Mexico To meet the increased need for mental health and substance use treatment The Providence Center projects that the number of children and adults in Rhode Island experiencing mental health and addiction problems to increase dramatically. 14th Floor, Menara Maybank 100 Jalan Tun Perak Kuala Lumpur 50050 Phone: +60-3-2070-8833 GHC Intelligence & Operations CentreEmail: mbb_screening@maybank.com  Contact: +603 2074 7916. Washington Trust is pleased to announce the expansion of its Wealth Management team in Rhode Island and Massachusetts, with Kimberly McCarthy, Esq., Howard Cowan, CFP®, Daniel LeBeau, Eileen Straughn, and Suzanne Vargas, CTFA, joining the Rhode Island offices of Washington Trust Wealth Management and Nicholas Rossi, APMA®, CRPC®, joining the … Providence, Rhode Island Rug Designer at Natco Home Products Textiles Education Rhode Island School of Design 2009 — 2013 Bachelor of Fine Arts (BFA), Textiles Experience Ralph Lauren June 2012 - August 2012 Anthropologie June 2011 - August 2011 Skills Jacquard, Pointcarre, Drawing, Weaving, Ned Graphics, Vegetarian Cooking, print design, adobe … (199701006283) Privacy Policy | Disclaimer. Fan Fai was appointed as Head of Investments, Unit Trust for Maybank Asset Management Sdn Bhd in October 2018 and is responsible for leading the investment team overseeing the company’s unit trust funds. Najib holds a bachelor's degree in business administration majoring in finance, and an M.B.A. with specialization in Islamic Finance from the International Islamic University of Malaysia, and is a CMSRL license holder and is also a member of the Financial Markets Association of Malaysia (FMAM, also known as the Persatuan Pasaran Kewangan Malaysia). The culture not really stressful and yet staff need to know what their top management want from them. 196001000142). Well management and company provide various courses to upgrade staffs skills. He was overseeing the Investment Banking, Stockbroking, Fund Management and Venture Capital Activities during his tenure in Maybank as the Head of Investment Banking Division. Management Team Chat With Us ... as well as driving the establishment of Maybank’s Shared Services in 2013. For improper conduct by our staff or any representative of Maybank, disclosure/report can be made to the following whistleblowing channels. This topic will focus on the human resources management of Maybank. Encik Aminuddin Md Desa is the Head of Insurance & Takaful. Chief Executive Officer. Find out more at Maybank Jobs Portal! Head Group Wealth Management & Community Financial Services Singapore at Maybank Singapore 500+ connections. For further information on the list of toll free lines in countries where Maybank has presence, please *click here. Bachelor Degree in Engineering, Chulalongkorn University. PT Maybank Asset Management (Maybank AM) + Michael Ivan Chamdani . Since joining Maybank in 2019, Leng has been laser-focused on growing Maybank Private's customer base and assets under management (AUM). I found Maybank management are really good in terms on how they take care of their staff benefits. 1-300-88-6688 or +603-7844 3696 (overseas) any time, any day. He was previously the Malaysia CIO (fixed income and sukuk) of a global investment management firm, and had served in various capacities at the Central Bank of Malaysia, an Islamic bank as well as global investment banks. She joined Mayban Investment Management (later changed to Maybank Asset Management) in 2004 as a fund manager and later became the Head of Equities (Non Insurance). All rights reserved. Asuransi Etiqa International, Indonesia, BSc Economics (Accounting & Finance), London School of Economics & Political Science, Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales, Member of the Malaysian Institute of Accountants, Chartered Banker, Chartered Banker Institute (CBI), Postgraduate certification in Human Resource Development, Cornell University, Gallup-Certified Strengths Level II Coach, Adjunct Professor, appointed by College of Business of Universiti Utara Malaysia (UUM), Master of Business Administration, University of Hawaii, Manoa, Bachelor of Commerce (Accounting), University of Windsor, Canada, Bachelor of Arts (Economics), University of Western Ontario, Canada, Master of Arts in Economics and Management Studies, Cambridge University, UK, Advanced Business Management Program, Kellogg Graduate School of Management, Northwestern University, Chicago, USA, Master of Business Administration, Charles Sturt University, Australia, Fellow, Malaysian Institute of Management, Member of Malaysian Institute of Certified Public Accountants (MICPA), Advance Management Program, Wharton Business School, Doctorate of Philosophy in Economics, Monash University, Australia, Bachelor of Economics, Monash University, Australia, Fellow Certified Practising Accountant of the Australian Society of CPAs, Bachelor of Science in Business Administration degree in Accounting, Cum Laude (Honors), The Before BNP, he was the Director of Group Product Management team under Standard Chartered Bank's Securities Services business for 4.5 years. One of the factors that leads success or failure of the company is human resources management. ... Join our mailing list to receive the latest news and updates from our team. Chief Executive Officer Etiqa General Takaful Berhad Zafri Ab Halim. Nadjihah was appointed as the Chief Commercial Officer of Maybank Islamic Asset Management (MIAM) on 7 May 2015. Mr. Montree Sornpaisarn, CFA. Maybank Kim Eng (Thailand)’s Private Wealth Management team was established in late 2011. He was previously the Chief Investment Officer for EASTSPRING Investments Bhd. Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) MBA (Finance), Thammasat University. Rhonda Medows, M.D., president, population health management and CEO, Ayin Health Solutions B.J. Ohio State University, Strategic Leadership Program SaId Business School, Oxford University, © 2020: Malayan Banking Berhad (Company No. Copyright © document.write(new Date().getFullYear()); Maybank Asset Management Sdn. Our team provides a full range of wealth management advisory services for all your investment needs and is committed to building a lifelong partnership with you. Very detailed oriented, lots of data entering during disbursement. Search for a career opportunity at the best, leading bank in Malaysia and one of the largest banks in Southeast Asia. Toronto, Canada Area Medonyx Inc. Medical Devices Education Rhode Island School of Design 1993 — 1997 BFA, Industrial Design Experience Medonyx Inc. January 2005 - Present Centre for Studies in Aging, Sunnybrook Hospital April 2001 - January 2005 Keith Muller & Associates 2000 - 2001 XLTEK October 1997 - April 2000 Umbra 1999 - 2000 Skills Project Management… Investment Team. Maybank Asset Management (“Maybank AM”) is Maybank’s fund management arm offering investment solutions through our strong local presence in ASEAN and focused expertise in Asia for both conventional and Islamic offerings. Azlina has over 17 years of legal and compliance experience in financial institutions and regulatory boards. Join to Connect Maybank. Prior to that, she headed the investment team at MIAM as the Chief Investment Officer. Najib was previously the Chief Executive Officer of Maybank Islamic Asset Management and has over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry covering portfolio and balance sheet management, credit ratings, structured products, private equity as well as Islamic Finance. Prior to joining Maybank Asset Management Group Berhad, he was the Vice President at Khazanah Nasional Berhad where he spent 8 years in the Risk Management Unit overseeing the implementation of governance and risk management framework for Khazanah and its Regional Offices. Education. Do you wish to proceed? 208 reviews from Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) employees about Malayan Banking Berhad (Maybank) culture, salaries, benefits, work-life balance, management, job security, and more. 2013 - Present. Boon Guan joined Maybank Asset Management Singapore in December 2013. Etiqa Life & General Assurance Philippines, Inc. P.T. In 2008, he helped create Providence Equity’s credit affiliate, Benefit Street Partners, which grew to more than $22 billion under his management. ... for a five-person team. Box 11635, 50752 Kuala Lumpur, Group President & Chief Executive Officer, Group Chief Executive Officer, Community Financial Services, Group Chief Executive Officer, Global Banking, DATO’ MOHAMED RAFIQUE MERICAN MOHD WAHIDUDDIN MERICAN, Group Chief Executive Officer, Islamic Banking, Group Chief Executive Officer, Insurance & Takaful, Group Chief Strategy Officer & Chief Executive Officer, International, Country Chief Executive Officer & Chief Executive Officer, Maybank Singapore, Malaysia International Islamic Financial Centre, Islamic Banking and Finance Institute Malaysia, Master of Business Administration (Finance), University of Denver, USA, Bachelor of Science in Accounting, Pennsylvania State University, University Park, USA, Advanced Management Program, Harvard Business School, Chartered Banker, Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers, Executive Director/Group President & Chief Executive Officer of Maybank, President Commissioner of PT Bank Maybank Indonesia Tbk, Director of Financial Industry Collective Outreach, Vice Chairman of Asian Institute of Chartered Bankers, Bachelor of Economics (Hons), University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia, Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Economics and Accounting, University of Bristol, UK, Leadership Excellence through Awareness and Practice (LEAP) Programme, INSEAD, Fellow of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA), UK, Chartered Accountant, Malaysian Institute of Accountants (MIA), Bachelor of Science (Hons) in Actuarial Science from University of Kent, Canterbury, England. Disclaimer. Maybank offers an extensive range of products and services for individuals, businesses and corporations, including consumer and corporate banking, investment banking, Islamic banking, stock broking, insurance and takaful and asset management. Group Compliance, P.O. ... at Maybank. A typical day at work consists of checking documents submitted by hirer & dealer, obtaining any necessary documents from dealer, disbursing loans etc. Judy is responsible for all Asia local and hard currency fixed income investments, including Islamic Sukuk at Maybank Asset Management. Present directorship(s) in Maybank Group and other public companies and listed entities: Present directorship(s) in Maybank Group and other public companies and listed entities: Prior to joining, he was the Director of Product Management at BNP Securities Services Asia for 2 years. She started her career as a Communications Executive, and subsequently spent 6 years in marketing and financial planning at Public Mutual Berhad. Jeyaratnam was appointed by the Minister of Finance to be part of the six-member team that was responsible in formulating the Malaysian Capital Market Masterplan. Maybank2E-Regional Cash (RC) is a truly regional cash management platform that offers a broad spectrum of web-enabled cash management solutions i.e., information management, payables management and , receivables management. He retired in June 2018. She has also worked as a tax consultant Ernst & Young Tax Services. Jennifer joined Maybank Asset Management in March 2019 as Head of Sales & Distribution. ... Chief Executive Officer Maybank Ageas Holdings Berhad Group Chief Executive Officer Insurance & Takaful. Head of Research and Equity Fund Manager ... PT Maybank Asset Management adalah perusahaan Manajer Investasi yang telah memiliki izin usaha, terdaftar, dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Call 1-800-88-3231 or +603-2072 1373 for credit cards and 1-300-88-6688 for ATM cards to report it immediately, Reach our internet banking fraud hotline at +603-5891 4744, For complaints related to banking services such as customer service issues, statement requests, transaction inquiries etc., please contact our Customer Care Hotline 1-300 88 6688 (Malaysia), +603-7844 3696 (Overseas), Email:mgcc@maybank.com.my. Gilad Shoham. Hannah Larson. The President & CEO and Deputy President/CFO are also Board Members of Maybank. The working experience and skills I have gain have helped me in my other job, I have enjoyed working with all ex colleagues as all are co-operative and good team player. The CISM Team provides stress and crisis management to any fire, police, or ambulance department personnel responding to a critical incident, multi-casualty event, or disaster. Maybank is present across three ASEAN countries, namely, Malaysia, Singapore and Indonesia. Her extensive legal experience includes heading the Corporate Affairs Department which consists of the Legal Unit, the Secretarial Unit and Quality Management Unit for RHB Units Trusts. PT Maybank Asset Management adalah perusahaan Manajer Investasi yang telah memiliki izin usaha, terdaftar, dan diawasi oleh Otoritas Jasa Keuangan. Shahrul Azuan Mohamed. Nil, Appointed: 1 January 2014 & 1 June 2018 respectively. Declaration of Interest: He has no conviction for offences within the past 5 years. TEAM MANAGER (Former Employee) - Kuala Lumpur - … Nanyang Technological University. The largest banking group in Malaysia is Maybank with total of … Learnt a lot about car loans. After that, she headed the asset management Group Compliance Department at CIMB Principal and held other key roles such as the Secretariat for the Principal Financial Group’s Risk Management Committee for CIMB-Principal Islamic Asset Management Berhad and also managed the compliance department of subsidiaries in Southeast Asia region within the CIMB Group.