Millennials may be putting off marriage and babies, but they’re still getting puppies! August 31, 2018 As we have discovered in this module, language develops in a similar progression across cultures, including that of the deaf community. As the documentary progressed, I began to notice the similarities between each of the babies more than the differences between them. In the opening scene we meet Ponijao she is playing with rocks with another baby and it appears as if they are grinding flour together, so different from our western culture. You may click on “Your Choices” below to learn about and use cookie management tools to limit use of cookies when you visit NPR’s sites. It didn't seem to draw any conclusions for me, but it gave me plenty to think about. What does the documentary tell us about the influence of nature and of nurture? Each baby comes from a different culture, which shows how the various customs of each culture can impact a child’s development. What are the similarities between the development of the babies in the documentary? This fascinating documentary follows four babies (from Namibia, Mongolia, Japan, and the U.S.) through their first year of life. In Western society, breasts are not recognized primarily as a source of nourishment for infants, rather they are seen as sexual objects. As a matter of fact all of the humans and animals seemed much adjusted to the proximity in which they coexisted. ( Log Out /  Directed by documentary filmmaker Thomas Balmès, who lives in Paris with his wife and three children, Babies is pro-life in the best possible sense: It is a celebration of new life, of love, of family, of the wonder of the world. I agree with this to an extent however the film was not as I had expected. Compare your own experiences, as children and/or as parents, to the experiences of the families in the documentary. Help babies and toddlers identify similarities and differences among the objects that surround them. Directed by Thomas Balmes. "Babies” is the perfect film for anyone who has never had the opportunity to interact with humans at an early age. I believe that it is because of the views on women in the Namibian culture that make it acceptable to be topless. My initial reaction was, “They are just animals! Researchers from Northwestern University have found that girls develop language skills earlier than boys. What are the similarities between the development of the babies in the documentary? Overall I still learned that material items and resources even parental attention do not necessarily indicate whether or not a child will have a positive or negative overall development early on. Create a free website or blog at I’ve wanted to write about the differences between my two children since I started blogging. What are the similarities between the development of the babies in the documentary? It is not a Hallmark card. See details. What I found interesting was that the documentary did not contain narration. 'Babies': Plenty Of Cuteness, Plus An Insight Or Two From Mongolia to Namibia and Japan to the U.S., Thomas Balmes' new film covers the life of the tiniest humans. For instance, all … Babies, also known as Baby(ies) and Bébé(s), is a 2010 French documentary film by Thomas Balmès that follows four newborns through their first year after birth. I also read some of the posts on a forum posted by some of my fellow university students. American babies, for instance, were more social and impulsive than babies from the other countries, and they were also the most likely to enjoy highly stimulating activities. - The Babies are all spoken to and have conversations to teach the baby to speak the language. Similarities and … Babies (Focus Features) is barely even a movie—it’s more of a 79-minute YouTube video with high production values and the vaguest of ethnographic pretensions. You may never have had one, held one or baby-sat one, yet remained curious about the infants you see in a park, on the beach, or in baby carriers at the mall. What are the differences between the development of the babies in the documentary? A collection of thoughts and perceptions on death culture. The film documented 4 different babies from birth to approximately 1 year of age. Did you notice that baby bird didn't have his feathers yet? The movie Babies is a documentary that follows four newborns from different regions of the world. The documentary film Babiesshowcases similarities and differences between the lives of four different babies from different geographical settings and diverse cultures. This indicates to me that presence of materialistic elements is not necessarily a factor in positive healthy child development. In this assignment, you will consider the importance of how language development applies to learning. The culture and environments of these babies are very diverse, yet as we learn through the film, and through these four babies, that we as humans have more in common then our perceived differences. The culture clash is immediate in "Babies… Babies . Both of these children had the same resources yet completely different temperament. On the contrary, she seemed temperamental and discontented by her surroundings and cried often. This information is shared with social media, sponsorship, analytics, and other vendors or service providers. A documentary should be an accurate depiction of real events, people, volatile issues, emotions and reactions or conditions. Again, I would expect more helping behavior from the U.S. parents, which makes me wonder if all the adults were coached to stay out of the babies' way.