Residents have also achieved recognition for the highest-ever score in the game “Oil Tycoon” (by an enormous margin), the largest assembled group of persons in gorilla costumes, the world’s most environmentally friendly bomb-detector, and more. When Olsen chopped off Mike's head, though (which he later saved as proof), he missed Mike's jugular vein and left one ear and most of Mike's brain stem intact. Here are 20 little-known facts about Colorado: 1. As Rocky Mountain National Park in Colorado celebrates 100 years, learn a little bit about the famous outdoors destination. Isn’t interesting, you can live in a place for over 30 years and not know some basic history. Chloe Effron. You didn’t have to be a genius to know Zeppelin was going to be a smash. With its rich history of horsemanship, it's no surprise that Colorado held the first-ever rodeo on record in Deer Trail on the Fourth of July, 1869, or that the state continues to host the most rodeo events per year in the country. _g1.setAttribute('src', _g1.getAttribute('data-src') ); _g1.classList.remove('lazyload'); Here are five more facts about this big, brown raptor. 25 Fun Facts About Colorado You Might Not Know, 25 Board Games That Will Totally Ruin Your Friendships, 25 Eye-Opening Facts About Domestic Violence You Need To Know, Top 25 Best Things to Watch on Apple TV Plus, 25 Best and Surprising Ways To Experience Music, 5 Best Keurig Coffee Makers of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, 5 Best Enzymatic Cleaners of 2021 – Reviews & Buying Guide, 5 Best Business Strategy Video Games of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, 5 Best Bladeless Fans of 2021 – Review & Buying Guide, 25 Life Hacks That Actually Don't Help Make Your Life Better », 25 Must-Have Video Games For Your Christmas Wish List, Link25 (147) – The Fourth Of July Edition, 25 Smashing Places To Celebrate Cinco De Mayo, Link25 (316) – Kanye West Visits the White House Edition, 25 Creepiest Abandoned Buildings Around the World, 25 Strangest Cargo Ever Carried By Plane, Train, or Automobile. … After Guinness reps sent a 1002-foot plumb line down that hole, however, they “watched and waited in anticipation as the line went down … and down … and down,” until, maybe ten minutes later, “the line ran out without hitting any obstacles, and a new Guinness World Records achievement was verified.” For all we know, then, that mother spring is bottomless. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-img'); 32 of them tower at 13,000 feet and above. Opened in 1961. 30 Wonderfully Interesting Facts About the Colorado River. Knapp.keith via CC BY-SA 3.0, 16, Public Domain, 17. Colorado is a western state in the Rocky Mountains region of the United States. Keep reading for more than 100 of the most random facts … But a lot of people don’t realize that Colorado also has deserts, plains, and lots of sunshine. So, if you’re interested in the Rocky Mountain state, these are 25 fun facts about Colorado you might not know! Today we bring you a list with 25 fun facts about California, we hope you like it! Colorado is known as the "colorful" state and it is home to the Rocky Mountains and the Denver Broncos, but those are facts everyone knows. facts, great facts, interesting facts 25 Colorado facts Colorado is a state of the United States of America that encompasses most of the Southern Rocky Mountains as well as the northeastern portion of the Colorado Plateau and the western edge of the Great Plains. During those 2 1/2 decades, the airport has been the subject of fascination for people in Colorado and around the world. 23. Facts about Colorado 3: the people who live in Colorado. Colorado was the home to the first rodeo that ever took place. 25. N. end of Valley to 58 th , .5 miles. 16. (If you’re planning a visit make sure to check its event calendar.. 2. M. P. Felch discovered the first known remains of a Stegosaurus hidden in Colorado's mountainous terrain in 1876, and the state also gave us the most complete Stegosaurus skeleton even found—nicknamed "Spike"—in 1992. It is bordered by Wyoming to the north, Nebraska to the northeast, Kansas to the east, Oklahoma to the southeast, New Mexico to the south, Utah to the west, and touches Arizona to the southwest at the Four Corners. The Rockies played … Due to its location and position which is over 6,000 feet above sea level, Colorado Springs is also one of the tallest cities in the U.S. 45. 1-5 Interesting Facts About USA 1. 26. San Francisco's Lombard Street may be extra-twisty, but it's small potatoes (curly fries?) In Colorado’s rich, vast, and valley-filled terrain, this allowed a significant advantage for both hunting and fighting; they were accomplished riders before many of their original and European-émigré neighbors. Colorado is the only state to turn down an Olympic bid. 27. Mike the Headless Wonder Chicken was born in the state … and lost his head there, too. var _g1; Colorado History Firsts & State Facts. 2. 22. March 23, 2016. 9. 1. The first license plate on a car in the United States was issued in Denver, Colorado in 1908. Pick up a bike at one of 80-plus stations (located near hotels and major attractions), take a ride and return it at any other station all for a small membership fee. At an altitude of 6,035 feet, the climate of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region is warm in the summer and moderate in the spring, fall and winter. The separate indigenous groups that constitute the nomadic Ute tribe are famous for the sophisticated horsemanship they developed hundreds of years ago. The University of Colorado named their cafeteria grill after an infamous confessed cannibal, Alferd G. Packer, with... 2. } catch(e) {}. Completed in 1963. While all dinos do not get equal press, former residents of Colorado (based on fossil finds) include species such as Allosaurus, Amphicoelias, Apatosaurus, Brachiosaurus, Camarasaurus,  Ceratosaurus, Cionodon, Denversaurus, Diplodocus, Dryosaurus, Epanterias, Haplocanthosaurus, Marshosaurus, Nanosaurus, Ornithomimus, Othnielia, Polyonax, Supersaurus, Torvosaurus, Triceratops, Tyrannosaurus rex, and Ultrasauros. For example, the capital and most populous city in Colorado is Denver. Longmont Area. Ballast reportedly "first tried Hershey bars and peanut butter as burger toppings, but neither impressed the customers," according to the Denver Post. Opened by 1961. 8. That changed in July 1858 when gold was found nearby, and the Pike’s Peak Gold Rush (later known as the Colorado Gold Rush) began. 3 mi. 25 Interesting Facts About the Rocky Mountains Known as ‘Rockies’ That Might Surprise You. 25. Vacayholics provides some facts about this river. At an altitude of 6,035 feet, the climate of Colorado Springs and the Pikes Peak region is warm in the summer and moderate in the spring, fall and winter. Setting aside the Great Diamond Hoax of 1872, Colorado has produced plenty of real, gem-quality and industrial-quality diamonds in its day, many near "Diamond Peak.". According to some, access to the massive amount of oil shale under Colorado and Utah's Rocky Mountains could make the U.S. one of the top two oil-producers in the world. It is the … Here they are: Aurora was founded in the 1880’s. Highest point on Interstate system is at the Eisenhower Tunnel. Denver Bronco’s quarterback Peyton Manning bought 21 Papa Johns franchises in Colorado before marijuana was legalized. So, if you're the indecisive type, maybe skip a visit to Daveco before your next Colorado barbeque. The Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad has been in continuous operation since 1881. 24. Colorado Springs is … 24. As Guinness World Records reported, the “mother spring” in the spa community of Pagosa Springs—just one of many in a vast developed network—is a lovely but unassuming pool “35 feet across with an average depth of 20-30 ft [with] a hole in the bottom of two feet in diameter.”. Here are 25 things, close to campus, to get you started on your adventures. 19. In this state, riding a horse while intoxicated is considered a traffic offense (not to mention dangerous, and pretty rude to the horse). After the U.S. government finally suppressed the so-called Ute uprising with a larger presence of soldiers, Chief Ouray and his second wife, Chipeta, traveled to Washington D.C., where he spoke before Congress on behalf of his people and to explain the situation in his homeland. 26. All Rights Reserved. BY Janet Burns. The peak rises a staggering 7,800 vertical feet from downtown Manitou Springs in a horizontal distance of 7.25 miles. Read about these Colorado fun facts for a chuckle, or to learn about the state you are planning to visit. Bkthomson via CC BY-SA 3.0, 10-11. Source: It is not only beautiful, but has also been useful for the development of the people living near it. Hard to say. The Rockies played … – 11,155 feet. Public Domain, 22. 26. All things considered, it seems like a pretty reasonable request (as does the bylaw that restricts llamas from being grazed in public areas). Because the Rockies are celebrating their 25th anniversary season in 2018, here are 25 fun facts about the hometown team. One of the most popular visitor attractions in the Colorado Springs area is the Garden of the Gods, whose red sandstone formations were thought to be sacred by the Arapaho, Cheyenne, Kiowa and Ute tribes. Public Domain, 15. SH 7 to SH 66, 14 miles. Being close to both Denver and the Rocky Mountains means there’s always something to do. People were going crazy! try { It was also the site of a huge silver boom. But it also holds a record for depth. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program Get Colorado facts, maps, and pictures in this U.S. state profile from National Geographic Kids. Led Zeppelin made their American debut in front of Colorado rock fans. Take a look at what made our Top 5 Unique Facts about Colorado. Facts about Colorado 4: religions. 12. what being exactly one mile above sea level, highest-ever score in the game “Oil Tycoon”, largest assembled group of persons in gorilla costumes, most environmentally friendly bomb-detector. More than 1,000 of its Rocky Mountain peaks reach over10,000 feet high, and 54 tower above14,000 feet!. Trinidad. Even if you’ve never visited, you might know a few things about Colorado: maybe that it was the 38th territory to gain statehood, that it inspired the timeless John Denver tune “Rocky Mountain High” (now one of two official state songs), or that it’s widely accepted as our nation’s reigning pot capital. List25 Frankly, I don’t know how [the next band, Spirit] went on after that. 4. Millions of tourists visit ‘the Rockies’ for their scenic … Interesting facts about Colorado for your road trip plans! 25. 6. 25 Lofty Facts About Colorado. Infamous horror actor Lon Chaney, Sr., a.k.a. There are over 300 days of sunshine to be enjoyed in Colorado Springs annually. Enter your account data and we will send you a link to reset your password. Elevated portion, approx. Fun Facts. Located on the western half of the United States, Colorado has a long, interesting history. Approximately 25 miles. Many people who own high end and exotic cars register them in Montana to avoid sales taxes in their home sta. Here are 25 things, close to campus, to get you started on your adventures. The Rocky Mountains, known to us as just ‘The Rockies’, are the majestic north to the south mountain chain of North America. It is the only U.S. state that lies entirely above 1000 meters’ elevation. This is how it earned the nickname 'Mile High City'. Zach Dischner via Flickr CC BY 2.0, 3. In modern period, the word Coloradan is more common to use by the people. Larry Lamsa via Flickr CC BY 2.0, 8. More than 64 percent of the people who live in Colorado are Christians. Denver also has horse racing and a professional rodeo. List25® is a registered trademark. Over 400,000 people, ascend Pikes Peak each year. if ( localStorage.getItem(skinItemId ) ) { 1. 200 named peaks are visible from Denver. 11. Did you know… 5. 200 named peaks are visible from Denver. According to promoter Barry Fey, organizers weren't sure how this British band—then relatively unknown in the U.S.—would play to crowds at Auditorium Arena in Denver on December 26, 1968. The capital of Colorado, Denver, is almost exactly 1 mile above sea level. Here is part 7 of 25 Interesting Facts About USA series. It was a Gold Rush that caused this boom, and in a 30-year period, Denver saw some of the wildest events in the Wild, Wild West. 20. Interstate first signed and showed up on Colorado maps in 1961. 18. 1. 13. Being close to both Denver and the Rocky Mountains means there’s always something to do. 26. In Colorado, it is reportedly unlawful for any person to "willfully mar, mutilate, deface, disfigure, or injure beyond normal use any rocks, trees, shrubbery, wild flowers, or other features of the natural environment in recreation areas of the state." Great Sand Dunes National Park via Flickr CC BY 2.0, 23. Colorado’s southwest corner borders Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, the only place in America where the corners of four states meet. It was hard to narrow the list down to just five. 27. After the precious metal was discovered near Leadville in 1879, prospectors rushed the region hoping to find their own fortunes. At 4,401.2 meters (14,440 feet), Mount Elbert is … Colorado Springs locals enjoy more than 300 sunny days. Castle Rock to Denver. Daveco Liquors in Thornton, Colorado, prides itself on being the "World's Largest Liquor Store." Colorado is the only state in history to turn down the Olympics. Stand on the 13th step leading up to the state capital building in Denver and you’ll know what being exactly one mile above sea level feels like. From 1907 through 1911, a flag flew over Colorado for just five years as the state's flag. designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to From then on, the chicken was (mostly) able to function as his kind usually do. Highest point on Interstate system is at the Eisenhower Tunnel. Marijuana was legalized there in 2014, but if pot's not your thing, the state is also a beer-drinker's paradise. compared to the 26.5-mile stretch of Denver's Colfax Avenue, the longest continuous street in America. _g1 = document.getElementById('g1-logo-inverted-source'); Denver loves its sports, from basketball to football to soccer to baseball. The Colorado River is a majestic creation. The Durango and Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad has been in continuous operation since 1881. Fast Facts - Colorado Springs. Colorado certainly has a lot of "first", "largest", "highest" and "tallest" when it comes to unique facts about the state. 24. Dhaval Shreyas via flickr CC BY-SA 2.0. Public Domain, 12. Ouray signed a treaty with government officials before returning home, but, very sadly, it did not allow Ute tribe-members to remain in Colorado as they wanted; instead, they were displaced to Utah reservations en masse. 25. It’s full of random facts and trivia. The most famous of the Rocky Mountains is Pike's Peak, discovered by U.S. Army Lieutenant Zebulon M. Pike in 1806.. Come 1972, though, state residents had the opportunity to vote on whether or not they’d allow the state to take on this very costly and possibly environmentally damaging task; almost 60% of voters decided the venture wasn’t worth it, making Colorado the only state to ever turn down the opportunity. Fun Facts. We have another article that expands on these fun facts about Colorado. Its original name was Fletcher, name after the man, … Many did, too: by the time the price of silver collapsed in the early 1890s, over $80 million worth of silver had been dug up. Denver north. } Even if you’ve never visited, you might know a few things about Colorado: maybe that it … Interstate first signed and showed up on Colorado maps in 1961. To use social login you have to agree with the storage and handling of your data by this website. The centerpieces of this dramatic uplift are the peaks over 14,000 feet, or “Fourteeners”, as they are affectionately referred to by climbers. Opened in 1961. Donald Branum via flickr CC BY-SA 2.0, 6. robert thigpen via flickr CC BY-SA 2.0, 7. 600 AD - Mesa Verde features an elaborate four-story city carved in the cliffs by the Ancestral Pueblo people between 600 and 1300 A.D. Settlements and trading posts sprang up to support gold miners, fur trappers, and various other entrepreneurial types; by the time the dust had mostly settled in the mid-20th century, however, Coloradans found themselves left with as many as 500 ghost settlements. Rock as old as that at the bottom of the Grand Canyon—nearly two billion years—caps the Rockies’ summits. PicFacts. Cave of the Winds, located just west of town, is … Colorado has the highest average elevation of any state. Sheila Sund via Flickr CC BY 2.0, 24. As a result of these booms, Colorado has almost as many "dead" towns as live ones. It also hosts the annual Great American Beer Festival, a three-day event in which hundreds of beer experts and thousands of fans flock to Denver from around the world in shared appreciation of real liquid gold: beer. Skez on en.wikipedia via commons.wikipedia,org CC BY-SA 2.0 , 5. In addition to the discovery of silver and diamonds, Colorado also drew waves of settlers and fortune-seekers throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. 7. Read about these Colorado fun facts for a chuckle, or to learn about the state you are planning to visit. 24. While you're feeling high-up at the state capital building, check out the building's interior, much of which is decked out in beautiful Colorado Rose Onyx—actually, in all of it that exists, as far as we know. Because the Rockies are celebrating their 25th anniversary season in 2018, here are 25 fun facts about the hometown team. The first license plate on a car in the United States was issued in Denver, Colorado in 1908. Here are seven facts about the only state in … I recently discovered some facts about Aurora, Colorado. The cheeseburger was invented at a drive thru in the state’s capitol, Denver. Colorado once had 3 Governors in a single day - On March 17, 1905, Democrat Alva Adams, left, was force to resign because of election improprieties (one … _g1.setAttribute('srcset', _g1.getAttribute('data-srcset')); Fast Facts - Colorado Springs There are over 300 days of sunshine to be enjoyed in Colorado Springs annually. The state also boasts the U.S.’s highest sand dunes, its highest paved road, the contiguous United States' highest mountain peaks (with several dozen clearing the 14,000-foot mark), its highest alligator park, and its highest auto tunnel, among many other things. Colorado Activities Close to Campus. 5. 3. Hogs555 via CC BY-SA 4.0, 25. Famous for their resourcefulness and determination, Coloradans have secured a healthy number of world records for their state, including one for a 124-dB bark that took a total of 76 canine volunteers. When viewed from above, the 400,000 pieces of granite paving on the pedestrian walkway of the 16th Street Mall resemble the skin of a western diamondback rattlesnake. Staplegunther at English Wikipedia via CC BY 3.0, 9. At last count, the state housed 289 different breweries, the third-highest number in the country. As European settlers encroached increasingly on Ute territory in Colorado, the tribe's different groups attempted to discourage the new agriculture developments (which displaced grazing lands for their horses) and government surveyors however they could; sometimes, the struggles ended in violence. 10 Facts About Denver Meetings; ... Colorado was a state with a population of almost 200,000. – 11,155 feet. 55 Interesting Facts About Colorado That You Should Know 55 Interesting facts about Colorado. Several persons from various states have claimed the latter honor, but one of the top contenders of record is Louis Ballast of Denver, who began selling them in 1935 "at the Humpty Dumpty Drive-In near Federal and Speer boulevards" in a restaurant often "referred to as The Barrel because it looked like one." 25. No other Colorado peak can match that. Would-be cowboys better be sober. Colorado Facts The mountainous area of Colorado is six times the size of Switzerland and contains 9,600 miles of fishing streams, 2,850... Colorado contains 75% of the land area of the United States with an altitude over 10,000 feet. Colorado Activities Close to Campus. Get the best viral stories straight into your inbox! There’s a lot more to the Centennial State than its high peaks, though. Beginning September 3, 2014, through September 4, 2015 Rocky Mountain National Park will have celebration after celebration in honer of its 100 th Anniversary. Colorado’s southwest corner borders Arizona, New Mexico and Utah, the only place in America where the corners of four states meet. The shop covers an area of 100,073.1 square feet (almost 2.3 acres). The song “America the Beautiful” was written on top of Pikes Peak (one of the state’s most famous 14,000+ foot mountains.) Completed in 1963. Colorado is famous for the Rocky Mountains and great skiing. the "Man With a Thousand Faces," was born in Colorado Springs in 1883; just 70 years later, comedian Tim Allen came into the world in Denver. 10. Visitors can explore the city using B-cycle, Denver's pioneering bike-sharing program. So, if you’re interested in the Rocky Mountain state, these are 25 fun facts about Colorado you might not know! The Colorado Rockies are part of the North American Cordillera, which stretches 3,000 miles from Alaska, through western Canada and the United States, into northern Mexico. Mike Riela via Flickr CC BY 2.0, 4. Then, Robert Plant let it rip and everybody in the audience was stunned. The state was named after the Colorado River. Denver has 90 golf courses, miles of bike paths and the nation's most unique city park system. Also known as Miracle Mike, this special chicken met his end in 1945 when Fruita, CO farmer Lloyd Olsen set out to kill the bird for his and his wife's evening meal. Nikola Tesla once had his experimental lab in an area that is now a memorial park. Colorado’s achievements for height don’t begin and end in Denver—not by a mile. 25 Interesting Facts About Denver, Colorado In the early part of 1858, no one living in the area that makes up the city of Denver today. On August 1, 1876, Colorado became the 38th State to enter the Union under the flag of the United States. The largest diamond ever found in Colorado was a 28.3-carat gem found in 1996. A year-round resident of Colorado, the golden eagle is about the same size as their more easily identifiable cousin, the bald eagle, but not as common. Gold, uranium, and molybdenum (a mineral used to harden steel) are found in Colorado. You can use the term Coloradoan if you want to call the people who live in the state. In 1970, the International Olympics Committee awarded Denver the honor and undertaking of hosting the 1976 Winter Olympics, something that the state had lobbied hard for alongside other domestic and international locations. As the nation’s eighth-largest state (despite being only the 22nd most populous), Colorado represents a huge slice of U.S. and North American history—one that’s brimming with dino discoveries, rock 'n’ roll debuts, renowned Native heritage, and even a headless chicken. The long list isn’t too surprising, perhaps, given that Colorado sports 75% of all U.S. terrain that’s 10,000 feet above sea level or higher. 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