View picture of Viburnum, Laurustinus 'Gwenllian' (Viburnum tinus) at Dave's Garden. Viburnum tinus 'Gwenllian', 3L, Laurustinus 'Gwenllian', Shrub, A variety of this shrub that has pinker buds and a little more pink in the open flowers. It’s a popular choice for hedging but may also be grown as a specimen shrub in a mixed border. 12 Feb, 2009 . Foliage: Evergreen. Viburnum Gwenllian. Details 'Gwenllian' is a bushy medium-sized evergreen shrub with neat, dark green, ovate leaves and compact clusters of starry white flowers opening in late winter from reddish buds, and followed by ovoid metallic-blue berries Special features: Blue-black berries in autumn on coppery coloured stalks. BirdFiles. Powered by Flatout CMS v5, Selected Plants - Price Drop - While Stocks Last. Dry and shade tolerant. It flowers from an early age. 1.5 x … Deeply veined dark green leaves, these turn purple-red in autumn. I even have this form with variegated leaves – which may be overdoing things. This RHS Award of Garden Merit evergreen shrub has dark green leaves and from late winter into spring pink buds open to star shapedpink flushed white flowers. View gallery. Viburnums come from a large family with over 150 different species identified. Terratoonie . Ht. Eve … Read More », This Viburnum produces tiny white flowers which together form rounded flower heads which are sweetly perfumed. 3m x3m. All pictures are contributed by our community. Sun to Partial Shade. Enter your email address to receive a notification when this product is in stock again. HOME. Height 1.5m Width 1.5m … Read More », Deep Red flower buds open up to rich with flowers with dark green foliage finishing off with dark blue berries in summer. Full sun - part shade, well draining soil.   … Read More », The main feature of this deciduous shrub is the large globular, white, 'snowball' flower-heads that appear in spring. Height and Spread 2.5m x 2.5m. … Read More », Viburnum pilcatum Roseace  Preferira zasjenjena vlažnija mjesta. Smooth. Additional information. Sun Exposure: Full Sun . Kod nas je prirodno zastupljen u južnoj istri, otocima i dalmatinskoj obali. Viburnum tinus je zimzeleni grm ili malo stablo koje naraste 2-7 metara. 01276 858800. They like moist, well-drained fertile soil and don’t mind if it is in full sun or partial shade. Origin: This plant originates in the Mediterranean region and Southeastern Europe. The fragrance is stronger when the temperature is warmer so, if possible, plant where it will receive the afternoon sun when it is in flower. BugFiles. A compact variety of this useful, winter-flowering shrub. Free Shipping on Orders $250 or more - Widest Range in NZ - Garden Design, Viburnum bodnantense Dawn is an award winning deciduous shrub with heavily scented rose pink flowers from autumn to spring on bare branches. Contact Us North Hill Nurseries Ltd Scotts Grove Road Chobham Woking Surrey United Kingdom GU24 8DW . Estimated price $21.99 each. Payment when stock arrives. Viburnum 'Eve Price' Plant description Viburnum ‘Eve Price’ is an attractive plant that creates a stunning informal display in your garden. Light Shade. Extras. Evergreen. Freeze/Frost Dates. Janette . PlantFiles. Pre-order now. Then if that wasn't enough, blue-black fruits start to form, with a background of dark green leaves. 'Gwenllian' _ 'Gwenllian' is a bushy, evergreen shrub with ovate, dark green leaves and, from late winter into spring, flattened clusters of dark pink buds opening to small, star-shaped, pink-flushed, white flowers followed by ovoid, metallic, dark blue-black fruit. Flat clusters of creamy white flowers bloom in spring and summer followed by  translucent deep yellow berries. Ht to 1.8m. Viburnum ‘Gwenllian’ Botanical Name: Viburnum ‘Gwenllian’ Common Name: viburnum. PRODUCTS & SOURCES. PB Sizes: Clear: SKU: N/A Category: Shrubs. Videos. Dwarf compact shrub with clusters of white flowers, pink in the bud, in early spring. Gardenology. Deep glossy green foliage with carmine red buds early autumn opening to white blooms tinged pink. Botanary. Hardy flowering shrub with pink flowers followed by blue berries. They can be grown in containers but it must be fairly large and they are more labour intensive. White lace-cap clusters of flowers are borne along the length of the branches in spring and are spectacular, followed by red berries … Read More », A vigorous, erect, evergreen shrub. Creamy-white flowers in spring, bright red berries. Dark, glossy green leaves with strongly fragrant pinkish, white flowers in spring and autumn followed by blackish blue berries. The flowers are perfumed followed by bunches of blue berries. (5-10 cm), are elegantly held above the foliage. If you have not already verified your email address you will receive a verification email to the address entered which must be actioned in order for the notifications to start. Easy to grow in sun or light shade. If you have not already verified your email address you will receive a verification email to the address entered which must be actioned in order for the notifications to start. Position in sun or … Read More ». Large deeply veined, oblong dark green leaves. Blooms Dec-Mar. The Royal Horticultural Society has given it its prestigious Award of Garden Merit (AGM). Class: evergreen. Forms an open, graceful shrub with green leaves that have good autumn colour. There are evergreen, semi evergreen and fully deciduous species. Very hardy for sun or light shade on a moisture retentive fertile soil. Discover RHS expert help and advice on growing, feeding, pruning and propagating plants. Very hardy. In winter, clusters of deep pink buds open to pale pink, ageing to white fragrant flowers, followed by blue/black fruits. Dense clusters of creamy white flowers in late spring followed by red fruits that ripen to a glossy black. All rights reserved. VIBURNUM tinus 'Lisarose' > Commonly known as: Laurustinus. Hardy … Read More », Viburnum burkwoodii 'Anne Russell is a beautiful hybrid with richly fragrant and waxy white flowers opening from pink tinged buds borne profusely during spring. Our Policy | Products | Notifications | Contact Us, © Copyright 2021 The Plant Store. The fresh green foliage is serrated. Responds well to pruning. Enter your email address to receive a notification when this product is in stock again. … Read More », A compact shrub with quite coarse green foliage, carmine red buds appear in late winter and open to white blooms tinged pink. This plant bears fairly large, glossy green leaves. A bonus of great autumn tones. A cross between V. utile and V. carlesii, Viburnum x burkwoodii forms a shrub up to about 3m in height. By Janette. Viburnum A densley-foliaged shrub with showy white flowers in spring and autumn. The fresh green foliage is serrated. 2m x 1.5m If you have any questions, please don't hesitate in contacting us. Sun or part shade. Tolerant of most soils and positions as long as it is not too dry. Viburnum tinus Gwenllian; Free Delivery. Viburnum. Interesting info: This plant tolerates some shade. Viburnum Carlesii A medium sized shrub with a rounded habit, Leaves are oval down and dull green in colour often colouring in the autumn. Description Additional information Description. Most are from the temperate areas of the northern hemisphere so are generally hardy and are of the shrub/large shrub/small tree type. Deep pink buds op About Us. Rich of nectar, they are loved by butterflies, bees and other pollinators. GUIDES & INFORMATION. Very ornamental, Viburnum tinus (Laurustinus) is a vigorous bushy evergreen shrub noted for its eye-catching flower clusters, colorful berries and leathery foliage. Viburnum tinus Gwenllian. The flowers smell a little like vanilla ice cream, which is hands down my favourite. Use as a hedge, screen or specimen plant, it requires less pruning than other Viburnums. Relikt je lovorolisne vegetacije iz vremena toplije Europe. New Zealand. Makes an excellent hefge and w … Read More », This fast growing Viburnum is suitable for hedging or in a general border. Image:0018972 - Stock photo from GAP Gardens, garden & plant photography All of New Zealand (Rural Delivery): $39.95 × Product Notification . Evergreen. For orders under $250, the following flat fee delivery options apply: All of New Zealand (Town/City Delivery): $19.95, All of New Zealand (Rural Delivery): $39.95. Description. A compact form with blush-pink to white flowers from deep pink buds Dec-April. Water Requirements: Average Water Needs; Water regularly; do not overwater. Cvijet ima ugodan miris. Hardy. Related plants. There are currently no items in your cart. Flowers are lightly perfumed and followed by dark blue berries. Viburnum Tinus Gwenllian Often referred to simply as Gwenllian, this is a fantastic medium-sized evergreen shrub that will provide interest in the garden when you most need it: at the end of the winter. A fantastic shrub to use as a backdrop. Hardy flowering shrub with pink flowers followed by blue berries. Semi-evergreen. Viburnum x burkwoodii has to be one the most fragrant of all the viburnums. Drought and shade-tolerant. Very low maintenace and is suited to just about any soil condition. Likes sun or partial shade. Viburnum Densely-foliaged shrub with showy white flowers in spring and autumn. Evergre … Read More », Compact deciduous shrub with fresh green leaves, purplish-pink in autumn. Glossier, darker leaves than other Viburnum. Free Shipping on Orders $250 or more - Widest Range in NZ - Garden Design, Order $250 or more worth of plants and we will deliver anywhere in NZ for free*. Growth rate: This plant is a vigorous grower. Powered by Flatout CMS v5, Selected Plants - Price Drop - While Stocks Last. Great low shelter under established trees. 2.5m x 2.5m. In warmer areas it’s semi-evergreen in winter; in cooler areas it loses all its leaves. Bamboos; Climbers; Ferns ; Fruit; Grasses; Hedging; … Either way, it’s a hardy plant that tolerates frosts. … Read More », Densely-foliaged shrub with showy white flowers in spring and autumn. Clusters of fragrant, starry blossoms appear in the winter months. PLANTFILES. Viburnum tinus 'Gwenllian' Gwenllian Laurestinus 2G Landscape Pot. COMMUNITIES. Viburnum x burkwoodii has richly fragrant, waxy, white spring flowers that open from pink buds. Excellent hedging and under-planting. Deciduous. GARDEN SHOWCASE . Viburnum tinus Gwenllian; Viburnum tinus Gwenllian. Comments on this photo. Viburnum tinus 'Spirit' is a dense, rounded, bushy, evergreen shrub which boasts clusters of pink buds which open to lightly scented white flowers from November right up until May – that's six whole months worth of flowers. Find specific plants with our Plant Finder & Plant Selector. Excellent hedging and under-planting. Any reasonable soil in sun or shade. Glossier, darker leaves than other laurustinus. 4m x 4m. Evergreen. Which are followed by clusters of purplish blue berries. There are currently no items in your cart. It’s a popular choice for hedging and bears strongly fragrant pinkish-white flowers. Prirodno nastanjuje Azorske otoke, Kanare te kompletni Mediteran. Order $250 or more worth of plants and we will deliver anywhere in NZ for free* For orders under $250, the following flat fee delivery options apply: All of New Zealand (Town/City Delivery): $19.95. Position in full sun and protect from heavy frosts. The white, pompom-like flowers usually appear in early spring and last for weeks, followed by red fruits. Articles. FORUMS. 079-871 8829; 079-699 9782; Plot 137, Vorster Road, Marister, Benoni, 1623 Family: Adoxaceae (a-dox-AY-see-ee) Genus: Viburnum (vy-BUR-num) Species: tinus (TIN-us) Cultivar: Gwenllian: Category: Shrubs. Viburnum japonicum has glossy foliage, white flowers and glossy red berries. Viburnum pilcatum Roseace is a deciduous with flower heads that are sweetly perfumed and a blush pink in colour … Read More », Beautiful shrub, broad spreading, horizontally branched. Easy to grow and a firm favourite for good reason. Viburnum, Laurustinus 'Gwenllian' Viburnum tinus. Colour: White / Pink Berries, mid-November 2004, and view of shrub. … Read More », This is a large deciuous Viburnum with apple green, maple like leaves that turn a yellow/pink in autumn. The flowers are white, pink tinted and come for a long season from winter through to about April. Ge … Read More », This new variety of Viburnum forms a dense shrub quickly with it's new growth being a brillant red. H x W: 1.5 x 1.3m. This shrub carries a profusion of large, flat, white flower heads. A free flowering form with large clusters of pink tinged white flowers in flat heads during the winter months from October to April. New stock arriving beginning of June, 2021. A fantastic Deciduous shrub that makes an excellent specimen plant for a sunny shrub or mixed border. Viburnum tinus ‘Gwenllian’ bears clusters of fragrant, starry, white flowers, followed by metallic blue berries. 1m. Sign Up. Glossy dark green leaves with clusters of fragrant white flowers opening from pink buds, which are followed by red fruit. Evergreen. Foliage: This plant bears fairly large, glossy green leaves. Gets to a size of 3 x 2m If you … Read More », This Viburnum is one of the best scented varieties. A tough shrub for a sunny position with good soil. Enter your email address to receive a notification when this product is in stock again. ARTICLES. Evergreen. The flowers are follwed by clusters of bright red berries that contrast well against the lush dark green foliage. … Read More », Wonderfull lacecap - like flowers with dark green leaves that turn purple in Autumn. The viburnum is … Viburnum Gwenllian. Opening from pale pink buds from winter to mid spring, masses of tiny, fragrant, white flower clusters, 2-4 in. Hardy. Description; Application; Care; Attributes; Large, rounded bushy evergreen shrub massed with white flat heads of blush-white flowers from rich pink buds. Hardy … Read More », An open graceful and robust shrub producing masses of creamy-white floral balls throughout spring. Excellent hedging and under-planting. … Read More », Viburnum Davidii is a hardy evergreen that has white flowers with dark blue centers, healthy green leaves and compact form make it look fantastic mass planted. The compact foliage offers cover for birds and the berries provides a welcomes source of food, giving additional wildlife interest. It's the plant that just keeps on giving. Yes, also snowing again in my gardens ! If you have not already verified your email address you will receive a verification email to the address entered which must be actioned in order for the notifications to start. Log in. The clusters of flowers invite various insects and wildlife to your garden. They like a cool root run so avoid a hot dry position. Viburnum Lanarth is a deciduous shrub whose tiered layers of branches are draped with white, lacy florets in late spring. Viburnum tinus is a dense, evergreen shrub with dark and oval, glossy leaves, which contrast beautifully with fragrant pinkish-white flowers, followed by dark black fruit. Viburnum tinus 'Gwenllian' - berries and flowers are both present on the plant through the winter. 4 more photos VIEW GALLERY. Products. Hardy. Our Policy | Products | Notifications | Contact Us, © Copyright 2021 The Plant Store. Insectipedia. They prefer a neutral pH of 5.6 – 6.6, but will tolerate a more limey soil rather than more acidic. Followed by metalic dark blue fruit. They soon exhaust their food supply so must b… All rights reserved. Rounded clusters of pure white flowers that are pink in the bud open emitting a strong daphne like fragrance in early spring. Pure white flowers, pink in the bud, in early spring and autumn deep buds! With carmine red buds early autumn opening to white flowers in spring and autumn mixed border While Stocks Last Price... Has richly fragrant, starry, white flower clusters, 2-4 in 2m you. Of branches are draped with white, pompom-like flowers usually appear in the winter sweetly perfumed daphne like in! For a sunny shrub or mixed border any soil condition pinkish-white flowers, viburnum x burkwoodii has to be the... 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