All of the virtual activities available during Learning Review Day, held on Wednesday 14th October, can be found here. Excellent A Level results from an outstanding sixth form at Upton-by-Chester High are being celebrated by headteacher Paula Dixon. Please use the links on this page to explore areas of interest to learners, for example, our extensive extra-curricular programme, important exams information, School Council, careers and a shortcut to school … Mrs Dixon has expressed her delight at these results. Sophie Mortimer (A*A  A in biology, chemistry and art) is going to Bristol University to study biology. The school, in St James Avenue, Upton, says the results reveal its pupils are above the national average ‘yet again’ and confirm OfSTED’s ‘outstanding’ judgement’ in May. Katherine Dewar (A A B in English literature, psychology and history) is going to Queen Mary’s, London to study history and politics. Hello, and welcome to the Tes live blog for A-level results day 2019.. For a more detailed exam result analysis on the GOV.UK site: see this link. These results are testament to the outstanding hard work and commitment of our staff and students; well done to them all!”. A Level Results Day Staff and students at Upton Court Grammar School celebrated A Level results day on Thursday 18 August with outstanding results across all subjects. James Rogers (A*A*A in Maths, Further Maths and Physics) will be reading Philosophy at the University of Cambridge Level 3 is at about the same level of difficulty as an A level, but may take a different amount of time to study, and Level 2 is at about the same level of difficulty as a GCSE at grade C/4 or above. Upton-by-Chester is a larger than average secondary school with an on-site sixth form. They say that the last few miles of a marathon are always the longest and most painful. The class of 2020 celebrate their A Level results at Queen's Park High School Thousands of students across Cheshire will today receive their A Level results. Sometimes they’ll include recommendations for other related newsletters or services we offer. ... Covid-19 despite record-high results. Rhona Cook (AAB in Biology, Spanish and Chemistry) Rhona will be attending the prestigious Campbell University in North Carolina, USA to study International Business, and was recruited on a full Athletic Scholarship to play on the Women's Tennis Team  The Government has announced opens in a new window that it will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020, and has outlined accountability arrangements opens in a new window for 2020/21. Over the past three years, Upton Court Grammar School has managed to keep their results hovering between 99% and 100%, and it’s no real surprise that they are so highly regarded not just in Slough, but in the UK. A Level Results Day - Thursday 13th August ; GCSE Results Day - Thursday 20th August; EXAMINATION POLICIES. Mrs Paula Dixon, Headteacher, is delighted to announce yet another excellent set of A Level results this year. Eve Dixon (A*AA Distinction in Economics, Maths, Politics and Dance) is going to the University of Leeds to read Economics Welcome to Upton-by-Chester High School We are a vibrant, happy and very successful school. So it is with A-level results, too: even if you’ve managed to switch off for most of the summer, those last few hours of … A-level results day 2020 LIVE updates: Latest news, grades, Clearing details and how to appeal. A Level students Sophie Mortimer, James Lally and Charlotte Forrest from Upton High School (Image: Chester Chronicle) 3 of 38 Christleton High School students with their A Level results (Image: Chester Chronicle) 4 of 38 Mrs Paula Dixon, Headteacher, is delighted to announce yet another excellent set of A Level results this year. Seven students achieved straight A* grades in these new and challenging specifications and 100% of the students taking an additional Level 3 BTech achieved Distinction or Distincti… Level 3 is at about the same level of difficulty as an A level, but may take a different amount of time to study, and Level 2 is at about the same level of difficulty as a GCSE at grade C/4 or above. We offer all students our very best wishes and every success for the future, and look forward to hearing from them as they progress along their chosen pathways.’, High Visibility Version | Charlotte Forrest (A* A* A in history, chemistry and politics) is going to Oxford University to study history. Queen Elizabeth's School, Barnet, tops state schools list with 95.7 per cent of pupils achieving A* to B in their A-levels and 90.8 per cent get top marks for GCSEs. Amy Batchelor (A*AAA in Further Maths, Maths, Physics and Chemistry) is going to the University of Newcastle to study Medicine Most qualifications have a difficulty level. Download: General Regulations for Approved Centres – 201617.PDF File. It may have been archived automatically or it may be configured to go onto the website on a future date. There have been many personal successes, with numerous students gaining a clutch of the top grades, who will be progressing to their first choice of our most prestigious universities: Tom Ashcroft (A*A*B Maths, Further Maths and Physics) will be reading Mathematics at the university of Warwick Headteacher at Upton-by-Chester High School, Paula Dixon, is delighted to announce yet another excellent set of A Level results this year. Overall, 29% of all A Levelsgained were A*or A grades, 54% were A* to B and 78% A to C. Furthermore, 47% of students who sat the highly valued Extended Project Qualification gained an A*. Upton High School A Level students Ella Williams, Millie Burns and Hannah Poole, A Level students Sophie Mortimer, James Lally and Charlotte Forrest from Upton High School, A Level results day 2019 at Chester and Ellesmere Port schools, Live: A Level results day 2019 at Chester and Ellesmere Port schools, Tragedy as woman in her 80s found dead in Bollington house fire, Cheshire Fire and Rescue Service have launched an investigation, Families could be banned from supermarkets in new rules for England, "It’s clear that some customers see the visit as a bit of an outing", Shetland pony forced to drag people along in wheelie bin rehomed and 'enjoying life', The RSPCA rescued the small Shetland pony who is now enjoying life in his new home, People on Universal Credit may get £500 bonus payment, Rishi Sunak is drawing up the plans for a one-off handout, Visit to Macclesfield Forest costs Manchester friends £1,000, Flood warning for parts of Cheshire as Met Office issue amber alert, Weather experts say flooding may cause "a danger to life" in some areas, Cheshire filmmaker on creating a movie during the pandemic and battling sexism, Georgia Conlan has been working on her film Charlotte, which she has written with her partner Martin Hardwick, The acts of kindness performed across Cheshire during pandemic, We take a look at some of the random acts of kindness that have brought a smile to people's faces, 'Poshest' UK train to visit Chester in secret for luxury trip with champagne, Route times won't be revealed to avoid crowds gathering, Cheshire NHS staff paid £2million to park at work last year, Cheshire's NHS trusts have responded to the figures, Artist has cancer so rare only six in 1,000,000 people affected - and life-saving NHS trial stopped due to Covid, The 59-year-old was first diagnosed with Ocular Melanoma in 2016, a cancer which affects only six out of every 1,000,000 people, Every adult will have been offered vaccine by September, says Raab, "If we can do it faster than that, great, but that’s the roadmap. To receive one WhatsApp message a day with the main headlines from CheshireLive, as well as breaking news alerts, text NEWS to 07500 881875. Download: Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments – 201617.PDF File. explains more about how we use your data, and your rights. UPTON MIDDLE SCHOOL 800 Maiden Lane, St. Joseph, Michigan 49085 Phone (269) 926-3400 | Fax (269) 408-0970 Sasha Ravetz (AAAB in Maths, Further Maths, Physics and Chemistry) is going to the University of Birmingham to read Mathematics Quite simply, Upton Hall School FCJ is a lovely place to be. A state school for boys and girls aged from 11 to 18. Walking the corridors of our school, you can literally see and feel the history and traditions that make Upton so special. The Government has announced opens in a new window that it will not publish any school or college level educational performance data based on tests, assessments or exams for 2020, and has outlined accountability arrangements opens in a new window for 2020/21. Local authority: Cheshire West and Chester. Editor, Chester, Crewe and Nantwich Chronicles, Upton High School A Level students celebrate results successes, When you subscribe we will use the information you provide to send you these newsletters. So it is with A-level results, too: even if you’ve managed to switch off for most of the summer, those last few hours of … Students, with strong support from teachers, parents and carers, have once again achieved some great results. Due to the coronavirus pandemic, all GCSE, AS and A Level examinations scheduled for summer 2020 were cancelled. Upton was founded over 150 years ago by an inspiring woman named Marie Madeleine. Students in Years 11, 12 and 13 will receive their final confirmed grades from the examination boards in all the subjects they … Mrs Paula Dixon, Headteacher, is delighted to announce yet another excellent set of A Level results this year. Joshua Beggs (A*A*A in Psychology, Biology and Media) is going to the University of Leeds to read Law All of the virtual activities available during Sixth Form Information Evening, held on Tuesday 17th November, can be found here. Privacy policy, 2021 ©Upton By Chester High School | 100% of all GCSE candidates achieved 5 or more passes between grades 9 - 4 (A*-C), including English and Maths. Our students have worked incredibly hard and thoroughly deserve these outstanding results, in spite of the fact that they were unable to obtain them in the traditional way. Vy Au (A*AA in Art, Maths and Chemistry) is going to the University of Leeds to study Architectural Engineering Most qualifications have a difficulty level. See results from across the region as students in the Black Country and Staffordshire received their A-level results in the ... Stafford Grammar School. Eamonn O’Connell (A* A B in maths, physics and further maths) is going to Manchester University to study mathematics. ‘As we are all acutely aware, this year has been unlike any other. Lucy McHugh (A*AA in Politics, History and English Language) is to read History and Politics at the University of Warwick ", Decision on whether to cut £20 a week from Universal Credit 'in March', A Government minister says the extra payment was always supposed to be a 'temporary measure', Group flouted Covid rules by travelling 61 miles to get McDonald's, The hungry friends were pulled over on the A50, Pedigree pet sheep have tongues cut out by mystery killer, One of the killed sheep was named after the late farmer's grandmother, Five other unexplained deaths linked to Pembrokeshire Murders that Cheshire cop tried to prove, 'I know that Cooper had been at her house on the day she died – that troubles me greatly', Warning if you're thinking of going to Delamere Forest or Parkgate this weekend, Police and councils are urging residents to take extra care while exercising outdoors, Covid-19 infection rates in Cheshire falling in these areas, The impact of the third national lockdown have started to show in some parts of the county, Eight hour closure on M6 near Crewe after lorry bursts into flames, Daughter saves dad's eyesight after diagnosing 'incredibly serious' condition, Derek Begley was on the phone to his daughter who told her dad he might require urgent attention. Our. With a pass-rate of 99%, most students achieved the grades needed to progress onto University to the course of their choice. Max Conder (A*A A in maths, further maths and physics) is going to Durham to study physics. Summaries of results at GCSE, AS and A Level over previous years can be downloaded from the documents below. Lewis Wilkinson (A*A*A*A* in Maths, Further Maths, Chemistry and Physics) will be reading Mathematics at the University of Cambridge, Paula Dixon, Headteacher, has expressed her delight at these results. It will be a day like no other for school and college pupils as they receive their grades in a very different way this year. GCSE results at Upton-by-Chester High School in Chester are amongst the best ever, showing a further increase on last year in every measure.. Following on from A level results last week, which saw 50% of students achieving the top A* and B grades, pupils are seeing stars with 27 students gained 282 A* and A grades between them. She said: “Once again, our students have excelled. Updated 19 August 2020. It is a wonderful relief to know that they have been awarded the outstanding results that they deserved. Sitemap| Your phone number won't be shared with other members of the group. Isobelle Dean (A*A*B in history, politics and English language) is going to Leeds University to study law. Download: General Regulations for Approved Centres – 201617.PDF File. James Lally (A A B in English literature, geography, biology) is going to Leeds University to study zoology. Excellent A Level results from our outstanding Sixth Form. A Level Results Day Staff and students at Upton Court Grammar School celebrated A Level results day on Thursday 18 August with outstanding results across all subjects. The school offer all students their very best wishes in their chosen path and look forward to hearing from them as they develop through their careers. The proportion of students who are disadvantaged and supported by the pupil premium is lower than average. Upton by Chester High is delighted to announce that 71% of its students achieved A* -C grades, with more than 26% achieving the top A* and A grades.. 99% of students managed to achieve five or more A-C grades and 55% of these students managed to reach the A* level. Headteacher at Upton-by-Chester High School, Paula Dixon, is delighted to announce yet another excellent set of A Level results this year. There have been many personal successes, with numerous students gaining a clutch of the top grades and going on to their first choice of university: Elizabeth Dearden-Williams (A*A*A*A* in politics, Spanish, English literature and mathematics) is going to Cambridge University to study human, social and political sciences. Our well-qualified, committed staff want to make a difference to the lives of our young people and will do all they can to ensure that every individual receives the very best educational experience. Hello, and welcome to the Tes live blog for A-level results day 2019.. Millie Burns (A A A in biology, chemistry and maths) is going to Birmingham University to study medicine. All of the virtual activities available during Open Evening, held on Wednesday 30th September, can be found here. Upton-by-Chester High School, Chester. The anxious wait is finally over, today is when students will find out their A Level results. Then add the number to your phone contacts book as 'CheshireLive'. Advanced level qualifications (level 3) results over time. The item you've tried to access isn't currently available on the website. Students at Upton-by-Chester High Schoolhave achieved yet another excellent set of A level results this year. 63% of all GCSEs awarded were 9/8/7 grades, and 45% of students achieved eight or more 9/7 grades. The headteacher of Upton-by-Chester High, Paula Dixon, says this year’s GCSE results are among the best the school has ever had. Delighted headteacher praises students and staff, It's more important than ever to stay informed - Get the free CheshireLive newsletter direct to your inbox. Please see the link below for details of our GCSE & A Level results. School Web Design by e4education, Attendance Policy and Application for Leave, Continuation of Learning using Google Classroom, Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Learners, Emotional Health and Wellbeing - Parents/Carers. They say that the last few miles of a marathon are always the longest and most painful. With a pass-rate of 99%, most students achieved the grades needed to progress onto University to the course of their choice. Advanced level qualifications (level 3) results over time. Amy McDermott (A*AA in Product Design, Maths and Chemistry) is going to the University of York to read Chemistry Click on a column below to sort by results, or check names to compare schools. Download: Access Arrangements and Reasonable Adjustments – 201617.PDF File. Over a quarter of students achieved straight A*/A grades and 50% of grades across the year group are at A*/A with 94% of grades at C and above. The English Department at Upton-by-Chester High School take pride in being at the forefront of a diverse and varied educational experience. Ella Williams (A*A*A in maths, biology and French) is going to Birmingham University to study mathematics with an international year. We are delighted to celebrate the excellent achievement of our A level students and their teachers this year. You can unsubscribe at any time. Click on a column below to sort by results, or check names to compare schools. Our young people, their families and our staff here at Upton have been living through times of immense uncertainty and anxiety. Use our searchable A-level results table below to find out the A-level results from over 320 state schools across the country, including the percentage of subject entries graded A*/A/B or … Despite the increased rigour of the new exam specifications and major changes to the grading system, the results at Upton are excellent. Upton Court Grammar School is delighted to announce another year of outstanding GCSE and A Level results, from summer 2020. Hannah Poole (A A B in History, English literature and politics) is going to Manchester University to study English literature. The English Department at Upton-by-Chester High School take pride in being at the forefront of a diverse and varied educational experience. Use our searchable A-level results table below to find out the A-level results from over 320 state schools across the country, including the percentage of subject entries graded A*/A/B or equivalent. The school site is large and includes a sports facility recently acquired by the school, with extensive facilities for the students and the community. A Level Results Day - Thursday 13th August ; GCSE Results Day - Thursday 20th August; EXAMINATION POLICIES. For all other exam information, please contact the Examinations Officer on 0118 901 5600 fExt 227 or email Students, with strong support from teachers, parents and carers, have once again achieved some great results. Bella Lopez-Randall (A*A*A in English Lit, Psychology and Geography) is to read English Literature at the University of Saint Andrews Curtis Rodway (A A B in maths, biology and chemistry) is going to Nottingham University to study computer science. Excellent A Level results from our outstanding Sixth Form. 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