In addition to the course timetables, you will need to plan your courses and follow the instructions and guidelines for course enrolment. Arts & Science lectures in F- and Y-term courses begin. (Please check the timetable before classes start, as changes, especially room assignments, can occur.) PhD Fall 2020 and Winter 2021. Fall Graduate courses start on September 8, 2020.. Winter Graduate courses start on January 11, 2021. Examination timetable for S- and Y-term courses posted (tentative). Course Description by Course Code . Here are the different kinds of dates you should seek out from your division and carefully record. Last day of U of T Engineering lectures in S- and Y-term courses; all term work should be submitted by this date. Final examination period for S- and Y-term engineering elective courses. (*) Pending approval by Faculty Council Refund Dates: The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Classes begin for S-term courses; Y courses resume. Deadline to enrol in F- and Y-term courses on ACORN. Here you will find information on the programs of study, courses, important dates, and the rules/regulations of the Faculty. For more information please review the November 20, 2020, Dean's Message: . Last day students can add or substitute F- or Y-term courses on ACORN. The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. 2020-21 Calendar Changes? If you’ve maintained your work effort through the year, you will be absolutely fine. ... For the most current updates to policy and procedures, please visit the Faculty's 2020 Fall Term & 2021 Winter Term U of T Engineering Undergraduate FAQs. User account menu. Important Dates. Undergraduate Calendar. Orientation programs for first-year students begin. For more information on the extended LWD deadline for the Fall Term, visit the. 2 6 62. The term Intersession is historical; used for the May -June session. Final examinations for F-term engineering elective and T-Program courses. Plan Your Timetable. Fall 2020 Graduate Planning Timetable. Welcome to the 2020-21 Academic Calendar of the University of Toronto Scarborough. Each division publishes a refund schedule. Nov. 20, 2020. F-term engineering elective courses begin. Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Enrolment in Fall 2020 Public Health Sciences courses begins Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 6:00 am EST. This schedule outlines the dates by which you must drop a course in order to be refunded all or part of your fees. Revised September 02, 2020. Engineering Fall Study Break. How do I register or pay fees if I won’t receive OSAP (or other government student aid) until my classes begin? Last day students can waitlist F-term engineering minor courses. Find out more about Admission Scholarships here. Once your course results appear, click on the + Add to Plan button for courses that you are interested in taking. Application deadline for transfers between engineering programs. Updated on November 23, 2020 (previously was April 12-16, 2021) April 16 Deadlines for fee payment, fee refund schedules and other financial dates are posted on the Student Accounts website. Question If a programs's enrollment requirements are different in the 2020-21 calendar, does that apply to the second round of enrollments this summer or only to next year's enrollment periods? Changes will likely occur as the Province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. Course syllabi (if available) are attached to the courses in each timetable. Do not use spaces within course code values, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering. Last day students can transfer out of Engineering Science (first-year students) to Track One (General First Year) or a Core 8 engineering program. Last day students can add or substitute S-term courses. Academics. Click on Instructor for Instructor’s Bio. Find out about OSAP/Government Student Aid Tuition Fee Deferrals here. Last day students can apply to re-enrol for the 2021 Winter Term. Here are links to some of the largest divisions’ examination timetables. Last day students can drop F-term Engineering courses without academic penalty. OSAP and other government students aid recipients may register beginning in mid-July without paying the ‘Minimum Payment to Register’ amount on their Student Web Service/ACORN invoice if they are receiving, or expect to receive, OSAP or other government student aid greater than $0. Year 1 of the 2-Year MSW Full-Time Program – Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 Year 2 and MSW Advanced Standing – Fall 2020 and Winter 2021. Updated on November 23, 2020: April 12: Last day of Winter term classes for courses that are on Friday (this is a make up class). Last day students can drop F-term courses (T-Program / F-term Engineering Minor) without academic penalty*. For more information on the extended LWD deadline for the Winter Term, visit the. Sessional Dates. First day engineering students can enrol in Arts & Science summer courses (6 a.m.). The timetable will continue to be updated as new information becomes available. Please note that course add/drop dates are not the same as the fee refund schedule for your division (see Financial Dates below). Review the refund schedule for applicable dates and deadlines: . MSW-ITR. F December 18: Recommended tuition fee payment deadline for all tuition fees billed for the 2020 tax year (Winter 2020, Summer 2020, and Fall 2020) for students who want eligible 2020 tuition fee payments to be reported on the 2020 calendar T2202 tax certificate, available for students to view and print on ACORN on February 21, 2021 For information regarding the synchronous and asynchronous delivery of 2020 Fall Term ECE courses, please visit the ECE 2020 Fall Term Synchronicity Timetable Information page. Welcome to the 2020-21 Academic Calendar of the Faculty of Arts & Science, University of Toronto. The Sessional Dates have been updated to reflect these changes. S- and Y-term engineering elective classes end. F-Term Timetable (Fall or First-Term) click on blue link or scroll down page ; S-Term Timetable (Spring or Second-Term) Y-Term Timetable (Full-Year Courses) 2020 Fall Session. Visit. The 2020-2021 academic year is different. Changes will likely occur as the province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. The Preliminary Timetable below is meant to assist with course planning only, and is … Last day students can register for PEY Co-op or ESIP. Fall Session 2020 (cross-listed courses) Thursday, September 10, 2020: TBD: Fall Session … Unless clearly requested in your offer letter, the University of Toronto expects that your final grades will be consistent with the mid-term/predicted grades submitted. Classes begin the week of September 8, 2020 … New timetable for Fall 2019 - Winter 2020 is up. Fall Graduate courses start on September 8, 2020.. Winter Graduate courses start on January 11, 2021. Last day students can drop S-term courses without academic penalty*. Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. PhD Timetable. We encourage you to submit your application, and the appropriate application fee, well in advance of the deadlines posted below. 62 votes, 18 comments. Final examinations for S- and Y- courses. Undergraduate Timetable - 2020 Fall Term . Fall Convocation ceremony for the conferring of the Bachelor of Applied Science & Engineering Science degrees. Emergency Winter Exam Date. I’ve been offered a scholarship, but what if my marks go down? Archived. Be sure to keep track of the dates and deadlines that affect you as a student. S- and Y-term exam period for A & S courses. This planner is designed to help you create a tentative schedule based on your enrolment needs. New timetable for Fall 2019 - Winter 2020 is up. Deadline to enrol in S-term courses in SWS. Core courses are restricted to students in the planning program. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines at . Watch the video below. Last day students can drop F-term Arts & Science courses without academic penalty. First-year U of T Engineering classes begin. Last day waitlists are operational for F- and Y-term courses. May-June and July-August. Small changes are nothing to worry about. During the first two weeks of classes, students are strongly advised to review the schedule regularly for changes. Courses begin - 2020 Summer Session first term courses –May. Engineering lectures in F- and Y-term courses begin. 1 year ago. To all members of the University of Toronto community: I am writing to let you know about a very important change in the start date for winter term classes in January – a change that will affect most members of the University community. The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a term with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Welcome to the 2020-21 Academic Calendar of the University of Toronto Scarborough. Close. Most important University dates are divisional, that is, they are specific to your faculty, school, UTSC, UTM or a specific program of study. This will generate an unofficial timetable so you can see what your week will look like before you add them on ACORN. Fall 2020-Winter 2021 Academic Dates Click here to view Academic dates for the Fall 2020-Winter 2021session Sessional Dates Fall 2020, Winter 2021 and Summer 2021 The date for Summer 2021 course enrolment is Tuesday March 16, 2021. FALL 2020 TIMETABLE Please check this page regularly for updates M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday. Last day F- and Y-term waitlists are available. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines: Applicants who plan to attend another post-secondary institution will not be permitted to defer their admission. Approximately one week after we r… main (Please check the timetable before classes start, as changes, especially room assignments, can occur.) F-term A & S exams and Y-term A & S midterms. Log In Sign Up. No Fall Engineering courses offered. Contact if you have any questions.. Be sure to sign up for UTAlert. 2016-2017 Fall/Winter Timetable *If course offering or scheduling information on ACORN and the Timetable do not match, this Timetable will reflect the most updated course offering information. Be sure to start looking into Scholarshipsright away as well, as some have early deadlines. Last day students can enrol in F/Y engineering elective courses on ACORN. Requests to drop T-Program courses must be submitted to the First Year Office (GB170) by 4 p.m. † Some dates and deadlines for the 2020 Fall and 2021 Winter Term have been moved. Revised September 02, 2020. First day U of T Engineering students can enrol in all Arts & Science (A&S) courses on ACORN (6:00 a.m.). F-term U of T Engineering exams (the Faculty will hold exams on Saturdays, Sundays and evenings during this period). Most exam timetables are published online. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, MIRHR courses will be online for Fall 2020 and Winter 2021 (see timetable for online delivery details). This is a starting point – not an exhaustive list. Last day U of T engineering students can enrol in A&S courses with reserved seating. Archived Calendars. Reset. The official source for these dates is your division’s academic calendar. Last day students can drop Y-term courses without academic penalty*. Most important University dates are divisional, that is, they are specific to your faculty, school, UTSC, UTM or a specific program of study. 2019-2020. Thanksgiving Day: Monday, October 12, 2020, Christmas/New Year: Wednesday, December 23, 2020 to Friday, January 1, 2021 inclusive, 25 King's College Circle, Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 1A1. Last day to drop F-term courses without academic penalty*. Last day students can drop Y (full-year) courses without academic penalty*. Last day students can drop S-term courses without academic penalty, including S-term courses taken in A & S. End of classes for A&S S- and Y-term courses. The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. First day students can enrol in engineering elective courses in ACORN (6 a.m.). ... Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. 2020 Summer Session 2020 Classes begin the week of … Provided that you meet all the conditions on your offer of admission, we will not withdraw the scholarship offer. Reading Week: No lectures, tutorials or practicals. Examination timetable for S- and Y-term courses posted (tentative). Last day students can waitlist S-term courses. Along with notifications of on-campus emergencies, you will receive any campus closure information through this service. CS, Math & Stats. WINTER 2020 TIMETABLE Please check this page regularly for updates M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday Enrolment in Winter 2020 PHS courses begins Monday, November 4, 2019 Classes begin the week of January 6, 2020 (exceptions noted below) COURSE CODE COURSE TITLE INSTRUCTOR DAY TIME LOCATION* SOCIAL AND BEHAVIOURAL HEALTH SCIENCE […] For more information, please visit the Office of Convocation website . Last day students can waitlist S-term engineering elective courses. 2020 Summer Session Dates; 2020 Fall Term Dates; 2021 Winter Term Dates; 2021 Summer Session Dates; For a more detailed calendar of important dates, please review the Academic Dates & Deadlines on the Arts & Science Current Students page. The session value is actually the term, from which the course or section begins. Beyond Classes: Global, Co-Op, Experiential, Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering, John H. Daniels Faculty of Architecture, Landscape, and Design, Faculty of Kinesiology & Physical Education, Architecture, Landscape, and Design Students, Kinesiology & Physical Education Students. Instructors should compensate for any classes that may fall on a holiday. The Faculty will use this date for any cancelled December Exams, Last day students can late withdraw from courses without documentation. Lectures begin in S-term courses and resume in Y-term courses for A & S. Lectures begin in U of T Engineering S-term courses and resume in Y courses. Please remember that your final high school marks are an important part of your academic record for the future – keep working! Click on Course Number for Course Description. Notes: Enrolment for graduate CS students will open on August 5, 2020 at 10:00AM EDT. F December 18: Recommended tuition fee payment deadline for all tuition fees billed for the 2020 tax year (Winter 2020, Summer 2020, and Fall 2020) for students who want eligible 2020 tuition fee payments to be reported on the 2020 calendar T2202 tax certificate, available for students to view and print on ACORN on February 21, 2021 Field of Study required courses are colour coded on timetable. The university application process starts in the fall of the year before you intend to begin your studies. The last date to cancel a course or cancel your registration in a session with no academic penalty may not always coincide with the last date that you are eligible for a refund. Last Date to Add Fall Courses: September 21, 2020 Last Date to Drop Fall Courses: October 26, 2020 **Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. All other students should check with their faculty registrar for up to date information regarding exam schedules. Find more details about OSAP on our OSAP FAQ list. Fall 2020 final timetable – weekly calendar view – UPDATED as of September 30, 2020; Winter 2021 tentative timetable – weekly calendar view – UPDATED as of November 11, 2020; Summer 2020 remote delivery. Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. S-term engineering elective courses begin. First day U of T Engineering students can make changes to their personal timetables on ACORN (6:00 a.m.). Enrollment in courses will be available on July 30, 2020. Changes will likely occur as the province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. Summer 2020 Summer 2021. You’ll find instructions and the application form here . June 30: Last date for special students to apply for Fall 2020 admission (spaces permitting) June 29-30: ... PDF version of 2020-2021 Calendar. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines: . Fall 2020 to Summer 2021 Calendar Updates. ACORN will open for 2020-2021 Fall/Winter course enrolment at 6:00 a.m. on July 15, 2020. First day U of T Engineering students can add Arts & Science (A&S) courses with reserved seating on ACORN (6:00 a.m.). When a closure due to inclement weather conditions occurs during normal office hours, notification of the decision will be recorded on the 416-978-SNOW (7669) line and on the U of T home page. For information regarding the synchronous and asynchronous delivery of 2020 Fall Term ECE courses, please visit the ECE 2020 Fall Term Synchronicity Timetable Information page. Check their respective websites for closure times. FALL 2020 TIMETABLE Please check this page regularly for updates M = Monday T = Tuesday W = Wednesday R = Thursday F = Friday. If we receive your application from OUAC after the program is closed, your application will be cancelled with no refund. Posted by. 2020-2021 Calendar . 61.6k members in the UofT community. Fall 2020. Last day students can apply to transfer to part-time studies. For more information please review the November 20, 2020, Dean's Message: Chemical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Engineering Undergraduate 2020 Fall Term & 2021 Winter Term FAQs, The libraries, athletic facilities and student centres may offer reduced hours. Review the refund schedules for applicable dates and deadlines: U of T Engineering Timetables. † Some dates and deadlines for the 2020 Fall and 2021 Winter Term have been moved. Important Notices. Final exams for first-year U of T Engineering courses. Late enrolment for Y-term courses only (Registrar's Office only). The Lawrence S. Bloomberg Faculty of Nursing’s Undergraduate Calendar 2020-2021 is a comprehensive guide to our department’s programs, courses, services, regulations, degree requirements and academic policies at the University of Toronto (U of T). Enrolment in Fall 2020 Public Health Sciences courses begins Wednesday, August 5, 2020 at 6:00 am EST. Fall 2020/Winter 2021 Timetable. Do not use spaces within course code values . Refer to the charts below for details. The Summer Session at OISE consists of two 6-week terms. 2020 Fall Term engineering course timetable (as of July 2, 2020) 2021 Winter Term engineering course timetable (as of July 2, 2020) MSW Year 2 and MSW Advanced Standing – Fall 2019 and Winter 2020 (Last updated November 25, 2019) All courses are subject to sufficient enrollment. ... † Some dates and deadlines for the 2020 Fall and 2021 Winter Term have been moved. During the first two weeks of classes, students are strongly advised to review the schedule regularly for changes. If granted, the deferral of admission will include a deferral of any entrance scholarship(s) awarded and the residence guarantee if applicable. F is the first term, or Fall term (September 14 to December 22, 2015), S is the second term, or Winter term (January 11 to April 29, 2016), and Y is first and second terms or Fall and Winter terms (September 14, 2015 to April 29, 2016) 2020 Fall Term engineering course timetable (as of July 2, 2020) 2021 Winter Term engineering course timetable (as of July 2, 2020) Changes will likely occur as the Province and its municipalities adjust to new data about the virus. Last day students can request transfers out of Engineering Science (first-year students). Enrolment for non-CS and CS non-degree/undergrad students will open on September 1, 2020; add/drop forms are not required for graduate students. Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Updated on November 23, 2020 (previously was April 9, 2021) April 13-19: Exam week (if applicable). Notes: Enrolment for graduate CS students will open on August 5, 2020 at 10:00AM EDT. ... program requirement 4: language requirement was adjusted to 2.0 credits in any foreign language taken at any UofT campus or an overseas university. Last day students can drop Y courses without academic penalty.*. Enrolment for non-CS and CS non-degree/undergrad students will open on September 1, 2020; add/drop forms are not required for graduate students. Fall convocation & virtual ceremony 2020 U of T's fall convocation 2020 ceremony was presented virtually on Saturday, Nov. 21 at 12 p.m. EST. 2020-2021 Timetable & Courses Graduate Course Timetables with links to Course Descriptions* 2020-2021. These include the first and last day of classes, examination periods and the deadlines for adding and dropping courses. But you can expect the same commitment to inclusive learning environments, transformative research and a safe, healthy community. Last day students can drop S-term courses without academic penalty*. All Timetables MSW Timetables. Courses removed for non-registered students. Question If a programs's enrollment requirements are different in the 2020-21 calendar, does that apply to the second round of enrollments this summer or only to next year's enrollment periods? Fall 2020/Winter 2021 Timetable. Exams for courses offered by other Faculties may be held during other periods. Examination timetable for F-term courses posted (tentative). Students at UTSC can also call 416-287-7026 or check the UTSC home page. Last day students can late withdraw from courses without documentation. 2019 Fall Undergraduate Timetable 2020 Winter Undergraduate Timetable 2020 Summer Undergraduate Timetable. The University arranges reasonable accommodation around the needs of students who observe religious holy days other than those already accommodated by ordinary scheduling and statutory holidays. Here are the links to the Sessional Dates: For all other divisions, check your academic calendar. 2020-21 Calendar Changes? 2020-2021 Fall/Winter Timetable 2020 Summer Timetable The University is closed on dates cited below. What if my marks go down after I’ve received my offer? The refund dates are not the same as the academic add/drop dates (see Sessional Dates above). The calendar also serves as a record of U of T’s many academic policies and procedures. If you decide to put your studies on hold, you may request a one-year deferral of your offer of admission. Last day students can register for PEY Co-op and ESIP. Students at UTM can also call 905-569-4455 or check the UTM Weather Information site. Summer Timetable. Be sure to keep track of the dates and deadlines that affect you as a student. Fall 2020-Winter 2021 Academic Dates Click here to view Academic dates for the Fall 2020-Winter 2021session Sessional Dates Fall 2020, Winter 2021 and Summer 2021 Last day of lectures in the F-term; all term work should be submitted by this date. Message from the Dean. First-year U of T Engineering classes end. Last Date to Add Fall Courses: September 21, 2020 Last Date to Drop Fall Courses: October 26, 2020 **Ontario’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic continues to evolve. Late enrolment into Y courses (Registrar's Office only). 2018-2019. Fall 2020. Archive: Undergraduate Timetables and Syllabus. Please note the timetable is subject to changes. Deadline to enrol in S-term courses in ACORN. Each faculty or school publishes a list of important academic dates. Please note the timetable is subject to changes. The Sessional Dates have been updated to reflect these changes. Courses marked with an asterisk (*) are restricted – students from outside the department must have instructor approval to enrol. At UTSC, the expectation is for students to take LGG or FRE language courses. The Office of the Vice-President and Provost publishes an annual schedule of Dates for Religious Observances. The Sessional Dates have been updated to reflect these changes. Fall 2020 Undergraduate Timetable Fall 2020 Important Dates: F section courses run from September 10th to December 9th; Last day to add or change F meeting section: September 23rd; Last day to cancel F section code courses without academic penalty: November 9th; Y … Last day students can withdraw from the Fall Term without academic penalty*. U of T Engineering Timetables. 2020-2021 Fall/Winter Course Schedule . , especially room assignments, can occur. dates and deadlines::!, last day students can register for PEY Co-op and ESIP changes, especially room assignments can! 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