Date(s) 1/5/2021 - 1/12/2021 Tuesday, January 5th 2021 Tuesday, January 12th 2021 Type 47 Liquor License and Liquor Inventory. 2 Lots! No Restaurant Should Be Without … The sale of beer and wine for consumption off the licenses premises. We are prepared to aid you in the process from beginning to end so that you may get your business off the ground and running. Type 47 license allow owners to sell beer, wine and liquor to patrons of their restaurants. A wine blender’s license allows most of the same privileges as the wine rectifier’s license. Make an offer or buy now! Counties All Counties Coconino Maricopa Yavapai Yuma Pinal Pima. 1426 N. Magnolia Ave El Cajon, CA 92020. Full liquor license. Establishments such as bars, clubs, restaurants, restaurants, museums, theaters and any other propriety must carry this license to serve alcohol on site. This license is transferable to anywhere in San Francisco County and is currently located in the city. Type 47 Liquor License Sale- ONLINE ONLY ! Full Name. How to Qualify for a Type 47 Liquor License. We are prepared to help you at every turn and answer any questions you might have about the process. Type 41 Liquor License: Sometimes referred to as the on-sale beer and wine license, this type of liquor license allows the restaurant to sell both beer and wine only and excludes liquor and spirits. Asking $30K plus fees. This means that alcohol may be sold, opened and served on the premises, but may not sell closed containers to be consumed elsewhere. You must first consult your local Alcohol Beverage Control office. This liquor license also authorizes the sale of beer & wine for consumption off the licensed premises. Throughout the years, we have had the pleasure to make hundreds of customers happy with their result. This means that alcohol may be sold, opened and served on the premises, but may not sell closed containers to be consumed elsewhere. The state of California enforces specific rules and regulations regarding the alcohol licenses it provides. Date(s) 11/4/2020 - 11/11/2020 Fischer Auction. This license is transferable to anywhere in San Francisco County and is currently located in the city. Our team is dedicated to expediting the process as much as possible, providing you with the beer and wine license you need sooner. If this is the case for you, License Locators is here to ensure that your liquor license is sold in a reasonable amount of time with minimal hassle. All Rights Reserved. Buy a California Type 47 On-Sale General Liquor License liquor license for CA online 24/7. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the licenses premises. The Type 47 license is also known as a full liquor license because it offers all options. In any case, the ABC will always perform an investigation to ensure whether you qualify for a liquor license. We have available a California Type 47, Full Liquor license, for El Dorado County, CA. If opening a new restaurant with a full bar or like to upgrade to a full bar, you will need this liquor license. What’s the difference between an on-sale and off-sale liquor license? In addition, if your establishment is within a county, a copy goes to the sheriff’s department, district attorney, and board of supervisors. A California Type 47 liquor license is one of the most sought-after California liquor licenses in general. describes the requirements for each type of license and outlines the steps in obtaining a particular retail liquor license. Add the volume and profit with the addition of a full liqour license with out the waiting and wondering if you will even be eligible to have a license. Depending on the selection of alcohol you intend on selling, the state has a suitable California liquor license available for you. Link Below to View Lots, Register & Start Bidding NOW!! The price of the license you want is determined by many ever-changing factors, such as the current market value and the competition among buyers. Buy a California Type 47 On-Sale General Liquor License liquor license for CA online 24/7. In order to obtain a Type 47 liquor license, you must first go through a long and arduous process. Let us take care of all of the complicated work for you so that you have more time to devote to your business. Population 5-mi; 2014 Total Population: 0: Households: 5-mi: 2010 Number Of Households: 0: 2010 Persons Per Household: Median House Value: $0: Income Per Household: $0: Businesses: 5-mi : 2009 Number Of Businesses: 0: 2012 Number Of … There are both on-sale and off-sale liquor licenses, and two of the most popular types of alcohol permits sought by restauranteurs and bar owners include Type 47 and Type 48. Off-Sale General-authorizes the sale of all types of alcoholic beverages for consumption off the premises in original, sealed containers. Owning a Liquor License is one of the Best Investments you can make for your Business. ! Type 47 Liquor License: Also known as the on-sale liquor license, this permit allows the proprietor to sell all legal beers, wins, liquors, and spirits. For California restaurants, the more common (and affordable) Type 41 licenses allow a business to sell beer and wine; the Type 47 licenses allow for hard alcohol, which is … There's also a cute stage for a band or DJ setup. Price: $69,500 This license is intended for On-sale use.. Depending on the type of license you purchase the following additional fees from the ABC will apply: Toll Free: (800) 222-5777 Email:, Copyright 2018 | All Rights Reserved | Developed by iCreativeMedia. 47: ON SALE GENERAL – EATING PLACE – (Restaurant) Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the licenses premises. An important state requirement to be aware of is that your restaurant must be a “bona fide eating place” to qualify for either of the above license types. Of course, liquor licenses in the millions are not necessarily common, but the price will have a lot to do with where and when you are buying. This license is transferable to anywhere in San Francisco County and is currently located in the city. Past Auction. Depending on the license you want, you may see yourself paying anywhere from a few hundred dollars to millions of dollars. This license is most commonly bought by liquor stores. The process of buying a liquor license can take up a large amount of your valuable time and resources. in California. Date(s) 1/5/2021 - 1/12/2021 Tuesday, January 5th 2021 Tuesday, January 12th 2021 Type 47 Liquor License and Liquor Inventory. Vietnamese and French inspired restaurant with type 47 hard liquor license is for sale in East San Jose. Open an escrow – the full purchase price of the license must be placed in escrow. ! Full type 47 Liquor license; San Diego County; Get it now! Complete an investigation – If there are no legitimate protests to your license, the ABC will conduct a thorough fact-finding investigation into your liquor license application. ! You must show proof of lease or ownership over selected venue, You must have a zoning permit known as a Condition Use Permit (CUP), You must not have a history of alcohol dependence, You must not have a criminal record that disqualifies you from a liquor license. License allows for the selling of Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits in restaurants. If interested and have a secured location, please don't hesitate to contact me. A small deposit will reserve the license and open escrow. 1.800.222.5777 | Transworld Business Advisors of Tri-Valley. Licenses must be renewed each year before May 1. This type is for restaurants with full bar, serving mixed drinks, cocktails and hard liquor in addition to beer and wine. With this license, guests are allowed to consume beverages on site, as well as take sealed containers of alcohol off premises. Annual revenues of $1.6 achieved with minimal marketing or advertising. The licenses are divided into on-premise and off-premise licenses. View Details Type 47 ABC License. In addition, the quality of buyers will ebb and flow over time depending on fluctuations in the market. This license is transferable to anywhere in San Francisco County and is currently located in the city. Auctioneer: Fischer Auction: Date(s) 1/5/2021 - 1/12/2021: Tuesday, January 5th 2021 Tuesday, January 12th 2021: Preview Date/Time: Tuesday, January 12th 2021 (9am - 10am) Checkout Date/Time: By Appointment. For the less experienced, finding competent buyers who will negotiate a fair price might be hard to come by. They have a 30-day window to object to your business being granted the license. … It may take anywhere from sixty days to well over a year to get the liquor license you need to progress your business. This liquor license type has a yearly license renewal fee of R 2 400.00 and trading hours are limited to, every day from 10h00 – 02h00. Lease amount is $6809.00 with long term lease in place. Your application will go through several branches within the local government, including the police department, city planning department, and city council. This license permits the licensee to sell all forms of regulated alcohol (beer, wine, and spirits) to customers for consumption on premises at a restaurant. Let our professionals at help you save time and money. The license can be transferred anywhere in the county at no additional cost and can even be traded in for a type 48 liquor license (bar license). ! ! This is because the Type 47 license allows for the sale of all manner of alcoholic beverages, and thus grants freedom to attract more guests. With the variety of liquor licenses available, we know that choosing the right license at a reasonable cost can be a time consuming and trying process. Escrow will be split 50/50 between buyer and seller. We will communicate with you through the entire process and we are more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Type 47 - Full Liquor License For Sale. Type 47 On Sale, Full liquor license for sale in Sonoma County. In San Francisco’s long-running secondary liquor-license market, Type 47 licenses can cost upward of $250,000. Price $39,500 OBO. 1426 N. Magnolia Ave El Cajon, CA 92020. All San Diego County. Bidding Notice: For sale, one Type 47 On Sale General Eating Place Liquor License. The type 47 liquor license is a full liquor license, meaning that owners have the privilege of selling beer, wine and hard liquor to their restaurant patrons. If you want to gain a profit fast, you will need someone with you to help sort through the busy work. License authorizes: The sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the licenses premises. Type 21 Liquor License: The Type 21 liquor license, commonly referred to as the off-sale general license, allows a proprietor to sell any type of alcohol beverage, including beer, wine, spirits, and liquor, in a sealed container so long as it is consumed off the premises. This may include an interview. The type 47 is used for the full service restaurant that serves beer, wine, and spirits. $40,000 Sold . When you finally file the application at the ABC district office, you will likely have to show up with all parties to provide all personal information and payment fees. Ready for a full bar? A Type 41 license allows a restaurant to serve beer or wine. Our experts at License Locators are well versed in everything having to do with the ABC rules and regulations. Many establishments such as restaurants, bars, and clubs that serve food and alcohol require this license. Buy Sell. Bay … Beer, Wine, and Liquor for consumption on the premises only. This liquor license can be used as a type 47 for a restaurant … California has four liquor license types that must be purchased on the open market from the existing pool of available licenses. Accommodation liquor license. The type 47 is an on-sale general bona fide public eating place liquor license. ... SAN MATEO TYPE 47 FOR SALE: (Restaurant with Full Bar) $60,000.00. There's also a cute stage for a band or DJ setup. A California Type 47 liquor license is one of the most sought-after California liquor licenses in general. Secure a location for your business – the license will be issued specifically to your property address. Child Licenses 3M license ($1000) 565.02(1) Type 47 Liquor License and Liquor Inventory. California has four liquor license types that must be purchased on the open market from the existing pool of available licenses. Sometimes, there may be a dispute that arises in these branches, and they may file a protest against your procurement of a license. These facilities are known as, Bed and Breakfast, Hotel, Lodge and Motel. Authorizes the sale of beer and wine for consumption off the licenses premises. BIDDING IS NOW OPEN!!! Should you abstain from payment, your license will be cancelled and you cannot serve alcohol. The El Dorado County Type 47 is an off-sale beer & wine license for a market/gas station that can be transferred any where within El Dorado County. Please note this license will be sold free and clear of any and all liens. Once the ABC receives your application, they will then send a copy of your application to the local officials as it is required by law. All of these licenses provide specific coverage according to their regulations, but Type 47 liquor license tends to be the most highly sought after license available. In the case that your license does expire because you haven’t paid, you may remain in operation for up to sixty more days, but you must pay a late payment fee in order to continue with your license. Cities All Cities Flagstaff Tuba Phoenix Peoria Yuma Casa Grande Tucson. On-sale licenses also apply to planes, trains, and boats. Date(s) 1/5/2021 - 1/12/2021 Fischer Auction. Liquor licenses in the State of California are issued and managed by the California Department of Alcohol Beverage Control (ABC), but not all licenses offered will be available. Type 47 On Sale General, Full liquor license for sale in Sonoma County. Accommodation facilities must include: a kitchen, rooms for overnight stay and a dining room or Lounge. 1426 N. Magnolia Ave El Cajon, CA 92020. From start to finish, we will help you decide which license you are looking for and communicate a strategy with you to find the license you need or wish to sell. Type 47 Liquor License Sale- ONLINE ONLY ! Your Phone. If you are trying to open a mom-and-pop pizza shop in middle class suburbs, for example, your prices will be a lot different than the price of a license in downtown metropolitan areas. Type 47 for sale- full general on-sale liquor license. Whether you need an off-site beer and wine license, or a full Type 47 license, we know how to perform brokerage services with ease in California. License can be used to add cocktails to enhance most any Sonoma County restaurant… Type 47 license except it is issued for a specific season. You should receive a notice from the Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control, but even if you don’t you are still responsible for renewing it before the expiration date. Selling a liquor license can be a frustrating process on its own. Will SBA Finance: No Will Seller Lend To Buyer: No Demographics. Approximately 2617 sq ft with 88 seating capacity. No pressure - compare liquor license auction pricing upfront. From the moment you go on the market to when you sign the dotted line, we will be there every step of the way to make sure your license gets transferred safe and secured. In order to qualify for a type 47 license, the establishment you plan on licensing must be deemed a “bona fide eating place”, so you should have an organized restaurant setting and food readily available at all times. This process can extend for long months, especially in cases of public protest. Call Us Today! The asking price is: $55,750. San Diego CA, Type 47, Restaurant Liquor License @ $55,000 https://b... This liquor license can be used as a type 47 for a Restaurant, Bar or as a type 48 for a Nightclub Beer, Wine & Distilled Spirits Liquor License for consumption on the licensed premise and also authorizes the sale of beer & wine for consumption off the licensed premises. Await a public response – local residents and businesses will be notified of your intent to sell liquor. If you’re planning to open a restaurant or bar, make sure you do it with a full liquor license, and not just a beer and wine license. The California Liquor License Type 47 is a general liquor license and allows the holder to serve beer, wine, liquor and spirits, and is designated as an “On-premises” license. This license is intended for On-sale use.. ! This license is intended for On-sale use. Price: $69,500 Detailed Information Location: San Diego, CA Contact Seller. The type 47 liquor license is a full liquor license, meaning that owners have the privilege of selling beer, wine and hard liquor to their restaurant patrons. Type 20 Liquor License: The off-sale beer and wine: This type of liquor license type allows the establishment to serve beer and wine in sealed containers that may only be consumed off-site. If you desire a Type 47 license, you’ll need to find one available for your county on the open market. $50K needed in IRA/401K) Contact … This is a superb location and will be most sought after by the experienced restaurateur who can envisage the planned future redevelopment currently in the works. A Type 41 license renewal can cost $455 a year, according to the ABC website. Inclusive dates of operation are listed on the license certificate. Yes, send me the Buyer Newsletter for popular businesses, tips, & email promotions. Date(s) 1/5/2021 - 1/12/2021 Tuesday, January 5th 2021 Tuesday, January 12th 2021 Bidding Notice: For sale, one Type 47 On Sale General Eating Place Liquor License. We are driven to help buyers such as yourself find the liquor license they need to secure the financial future of their restaurant. This liquor license type has a yearly license renewal fee of R 2 400.00 and trading hours are limited to, every day from 10h00 – 02h00. Don’t waste months to obtain the liquor license you require; instead, let License Locators streamline the process so you can get your business up and running. Our services guarantee that we can sell your license in a fraction of the time it would take you to sell it on your own. Have your property professionally surveyed – this is required as part of your application. It is worth noting, a type 47 liquor license does not permit alcohol to be sold in closed containers for consumption any where else. Working with License Locators means employing the help of seasoned professionals who can provide invaluable advice throughout the process. We have available a California Type 47, Full Liquor license, for El Dorado County, CA. The type 47 liquor license is a full liquor license, meaning that owners have the privilege of selling beer, wine and hard liquor to their restaurant patrons. Those searching for a Type 48 liquor license for sale are looking to serve alcohol in an establishment that allows entry only to patrons older than 21, while a Type 47 liquor license for sale is required to serve … Unlike the many other licenses California has to offer, a type 47 liquor license is quota-based. The good thing about having this is that all your clients can order beer and wine around your place so long as they consume them right in your establishment. Type 47 - On-Sale General Eating Place. On Sale General Eating Place - (restaurant) authorizes the sale of beer, wine and … Bidding Notice: For sale, one Type 47 On Sale General Eating Place Liquor License. Pamper your customers, and your bottom line, with this money-making license. When it comes to liquor licenses, we have done it all. There are certain requirements the ABC makes of you when you decide to apply. Please note this license … We have experience with a vast array of clients, from mom-and-pop establishments to expansive corporations. In the case of a restaurant license, the most important condition to which a restaurant license must … Regardless of your location, our team can source and secure a license that is qualified for purchase. Type 47 Liquor License in Fresno County for sale. Location: Fresno; Price: $39500 This means that even after you finish scouring your area for the right license, you still have to take time out of running your restaurant to handle the details before you can begin serving alcohol.. No matter the type of business you hope to run, we will play an integral role in getting the best price possible so that you can begin to make a profit. Fees for the above license series are assessed according to population as indicated on the license fee chart 7. Before you attempt to search for a Type 47 liquor license, make sure you abide by the following: How to Apply for and Purchase a Type 47 Liquor License. If you’re thinking of opening a restaurant or bar in El Dorado county, we have the perfect full liquor license for you. The restaurant got a clean, nice ambiance and trendy environment with limited parking. Once you obtain your liquor license, it is your responsibility to make sure you are up to date with the renewal of your license each year. Century … Even if the market is in your favor, setting your license at the right price, finding the right buyer, and going through all of the paperwork can be enough frustration on its own. Make an offer or buy now! Contact local authorities for approval – additional permitting requirements may need to be met. Type 47 in Orange county for sale. See Special Acts for specific requirements. We understand that California’s liquor licensure laws are unique and we seek to navigate these laws professionally in order to provide the optimum buying or selling experience for our clients. The built out was over $1,000,000 with approximately 3300 sq ft. Our years of experience have led us to become familiar with every unique scenario, and we are prepared to professionally handle every hurdle for you. If you’re thinking of opening a restaurant or bar in El Dorado county, we have the perfect full liquor license for you. Type 47 Liquor License and Liquor Inventor. This license is transferable to anywhere in San Francisco County and is currently located in the city. Using a brokerage service like License Locators is generally the best bet in finding the appropriate license that will fill your restaurant’s needs. We want to make the most out of your experience, ensuring you purchase the right license or sell a pre-issued license as quickly as possible. In addition, procuring a liquor license is a difficult and time consuming process. To … Type 47 Liquor License: Also known as the on-sale liquor license, this permit allows the proprietor to sell all legal beers, wins, liquors, and spirits. The ABC might also require that you publish a notice in the local newspaper, to notify others who live within a certain distance of your new licensure and show proof from the planning department that your zoning permit was accepted. Established Indian restaurant with type 47 hard liquor license in upscale Oakland Rockridge. This sale will be non contingent on eligibility. Waste less time searching and more time on your other tasks by using License Locators. Quota-based in this case means California type 47 liquor licenses are issued in a limited quantity by the state and unfortunately for license seekers, the quota has been met. Make Money! A rectifier’s license (Type 07) includes wine rectification privileges in addition to allowing distilled spirits rectification privileges. Save. Liquor Licenses for Sale by the California Department of Tax and Fee Administration (CDTFA) The California Department of Tax and Fee Administration will be selling the liquor license(s) listed below at public auction. Submit your application to the ABC – Along with supporting documents and all fees. Type 47 Liquor license Sale. view detail. There are a variety of licenses, including the Type 20, Type 21, Type 41, Type 47, and Type 48 licenses. For example, perhaps you own a restaurant in which you plan to serve only wine tastings, or alternatively you may own a brewery and you only desire to serve beer and beer flights. This type of license is when your main source of income will arise from customers paying to sleep over. License fees are due before the license can be issued. Presently, there are no active Type 08 licenses. We will get your license transferred successfully with little work from you. This is valuable time you could be investing in tending to your restaurant or eatery. Off-sale licenses may also apply to importers, producers, or wholesalers that sell any type of alcohol. Two of the most common license types for restaurants are (a) Type 41 – beer and wine only, and (b) Type 47 – beer, wine and hard liquor. More often than not, the restaurants capable of … We have available a California Type 47, Full Liquor license, for Santa Barbara County, CA. Type 47 - Full Liquor License For Sale. Authorizes the sale of beer, wine and distilled spirits for consumption on the licenses premises. License allows for the selling of Beer, Wine and Distilled Spirits in restaurants. Riverside is one of the largest counties in California, both in terms of size and in terms of population, and is a great place for … As you might imagine, with so many establishments in need of these licenses to offer the menu they desire, it is no wonder that prices can reach dizzying heights. This license is intended for On-sale use. If you need help understanding which license is best suited for you, consult our experts at License Locators and we will be happy to assist you. Learn to use your IRA/401K to buy a business: Guidant Financial (min. Can be converted to a type 48 (beer, wine, and spirits at a bar) at the ABC for a small fee. What type of local permit do I need to serve alcohol? For example, you will be required to post a Public Notice of Application in your establishment for the first thirty days. The Type 47 liquor license tends to be on the more expensive side of the scale when it comes to liquor license cost. Approximately 2617 sq ft with 88 seating capacity. Must maintain suitable kitchen facilities, and must make actual & substantial sales of meals for consumption on the premises. Selling a los angeles county type 47 liquor license. San Diego County Hard Liquor License for Sale - Type 47 FIRE SALE PRICE! They will respond by asking you questions and provide you with information regarding how to gain approval from zoning officials, how to open an escrow, and how to get a copy of a Notice of Intended Transfer. The … Location: 1426 N. Magnolia Ave El Cajon, CA 92020: Buyer Premium : 12% Wire Transfer 15% Credit Card: Description: Type 47 Liquor License … ® © 2016 License Locators. The type 47 liquor license is a full liquor license, meaning that owners have the privilege of selling beer, wine and hard liquor to their restaurant patrons. The licensee doesn’t use the hard liquor part of his license much, so he’s selling it and downgrading to a beer and wine license. Give Us A Call 818.345.2226. Because there are a limited number of licenses available, the licenses are in the hands of private sellers who were previously issued an alcohol permit. The type 47 is used for the full service restaurant that serves beer, wine, and spirits. If the renewal fee and penalty fee has not been paid within 60 days of the expiration of a license, the license is canceled and the licensee may not exercise any privileges of the license. San Diego, CA:Type 47 - Full Liquor License For Sale. All San Diego County. With this license, guests are allowed to consume beverages on site, also take sealed containers of alcohol off premises. ABC Type 47 liquor license available for Sonoma County. Whether you are on the hunt to buy a liquor license, or you are seeking help to get a license off of your hands, License Locators will be there to strategize the best value to maximize your buying or selling price. A California Type 47 liquor license is described by the California Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) as an on sale general eating place license, aka a restaurant license. There is a unique V-shape front patio with heaters that was designed by great architect. Please call **contact number**. In addition, California caps the amount of liquor licenses that are permitted within the state. SERIOUS INQUIRIES ONLY! As Everyone Knows, A Liquor License is a License to Make $$$$$! Type 47 Liquor License Sale- ONLINE ONLY ! Don’t waste time sifting through buyers when you could be using that time to gather your profit. You may receive a temporary permit in the interim period before your application is fully processed. Date(s) 1/5/2021 - 1/12/2021 Fischer Auction. To obtain details on each sale, click on the license … In this case, you will be charged a one hundred percent penalty, and you will have to pay it within thirty days in order to reactivate it. Vietnamese and French inspired restaurant with type 47 hard liquor license is for sale in East San Jose. Many first-time liquor license buyers become frustrated and distraught when faced with a competitive buying market. Serving Fresno County, CA Bobby Alvarez. In either case, if you plan to open a restaurant in which you plan to sell beer and wine but not liquor, then the Type 47 liquor license is not what you are looking for. Not only will we help find you the right seller at the best price, but we will also aid you through escrow, and happily answer any questions you might have along the way. This means that alcohol may be sold, opened and served on the premises, but may not sell closed containers to be consumed elsewhere. Will ebb and flow over time depending on the open market, especially cases... Long months, especially in cases of public protest Type 47 hard license! Here is your opportunity for a liquor license, for El Dorado County, CA.! 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