Vegeta. However during the events of Dragon Ball Z: The Tree of Might, Turles calls Goku low-class trash, implying Turles may not be a low-rank soldier. Turles was a low-class Saiyan warrior from Planet Vegeta. SP SSJ3 Goku PUR has some amazing defensive stats. Turles - Super Saiyan. your own Pins on Pinterest. !..What's he doing??" At one point, Turles recruited Amond, Rasin, Lakasei, Daiz and Cacao, forming his own private army known as the Turles Crusher Corps. A forest fire interrupts a camping trip enjoyed by Gohan, Krillin, Bulma and Oolong.Gohan and Krillin manage to put out the fire and use the Dragon Balls to restore the forest and the animals that were killed by the inferno, and Gohan befriends a small dragon he names Icarus. 06 Goku. Dial and Mira stated that there reasons were nonsensical but they ignored him. Thanks for that, cause I still wanted payback for what he did to 18. Gohan:"Heheh...thanks, dad." Def: 5600. Buu grabbed Towa by the neck only for Mira (Dragon Ball Advanced) kick him into the water below. Kamehameha!" Vegeta:"Grrr...." He powered into Super Saiyan in distraught by the overpowering of his son. Turles also has special dialogue with Goten, where he correctly assumes that he is Goku's other son. Yet, Turles hasn't even gotten a taste of none of that, not even at least SSJ1, what's up with that? Tien:"Do-doooon......" Veins flow through his head as he released with everything he had, as with Yamcha. Dragonball Super - Turles This Turles goes back to the original idea of what if Goku was a true Saiyan apart from this Turles is from Universe 6. He took a bite into his Fruit of the Tree of Might. In Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and Budokai Tenkaichi 3, there is special dialogue between Turles and Goku while he is a Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, or a Super Saiyan 3 where, upon seeing Goku's transformed state, he says "What? Great Ape hidden passive skill: For every 2 ki collected get +1 ki. As the everything settles and the dust dissipates around Turles - he is revealed to have reached Super Saiyan 3 and immediately went after Mira. Stats. Aside from a different skin tone and two "devil horns" in his hair, Turles looks exactly the same as Goku. But not long after, Putine & Majin Salsa arrive in Hell and knock back Janemba, enraging Dr. W by interfering in the fight. However, due to his age, this Fighter is a little more predictable than he was at release. But, once again, I'm alive..and I've achieve much more power unlike the last bout.". Saved by William Barrera. Chronoa confirmd that the Time Rift that Buu opened was similar to one's that are used for Parallel Missions and not to worry about it as nothing in the main timeline was altered. 1 SP Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta (Yellow) 2 SP Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku (Purple) 3 SP Super Saiyan 2 Youth Gohan (Red) 4 SP Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power (Blue) 5 SP Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult) (Rage) (Yellow... 6 SP Super Gogeta (Red) 7 SP Jiren (Green) 8 SP Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku (Blue) 9 SP Piccolo (Yellow) 10 SP Goku Black (Green) Dial arrived in Age 774 just after Goku turned Super Saiyan 3. Dragonball Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. your own Pins on Pinterest ... Super Saiyan 3 Turles. Tien:"RAAAAAAY!" Soul Boost. I honestly believe if Turles was still around he would be the strongest DBZ villian (next to Broly)Music:Tekken 3-Yoshimitsu Theme (Arranged Version) If Turles wins, he … Turles is a low-class Saiyan warrior and former servant of Frieza. Goku battled Naname and Buu alone and was almost overwhelmed by the pair but Goku could tell that Naname wasn't as powerful as Buu. Gohan charges at Turles as he gave him a melee of multiple punches to the face and stomach. Explorar. Turles asked if the sealing it would endanger Dial but Chronoa stated that her Time Pass will protect him but also Towa's Protection was still on Past Vegeta and Past Ginyu so they will also survive the Rift being sealed. Turles sees the attacker as it was Krillin. The Djinn's Canine!! He leads a small group of renegade warriors across the universe on a spree of destruction. Equipment. 2 SP Super Gogeta (Red) 3 SP Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power (Blue) 4 SP Super Saiyan God SS Vegito (Blue) 5 SP Super Saiyan 2 Youth Gohan (Red) 6 SP Super Saiyan God Vegeta (Yellow) 7 SP Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku (Purple) 8 SP Perfect Form Cell (Revived) (Red) 9 SP Jiren (Green) 10 SP Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta (Yellow) Come at me, Gohan!" ", Tien:"Well what did you have in mind, Yamcha? It’s a novelty that works so well that Dragon Ball Super turns to it again with the whole Goku Black arc. Gohan:"N-No...." He was damaged and fatigued as Turles then steps on his head. Gogeta. His defensive stats get amplified by his Zenkai Ability which gives him a 35% increase in Blast Defense and a 40% increase in Strike Defense. Super Saiyan God SS Goku. Meanwhile - Naname was revealed to still be around but was confused as Towa approached him and told him that she gave him her protection and has a task with him and warped him away. A literal wave of power burst as an explosive wave as created below the mountains. Vegito. SP Turles PUR has been the recipient of recent SP Fighter Balance Changes and as a result, got a massive Buff to his stats and toolkit.. ", Yamcha:"Yeah, how did you beat him? Ultimately, Turles hopes to amass enough power to conquer the universe. Super Saiyan 4 Vegeta. King Vegeta II (Nikon23's Extended Universe), King Vegeta (Nikon23's Extended Universe), The following is IGN's walkthrough for the story mission Turles, the Other Saiyan in Xenoverse 2. ", Piccolo:"How did you come back you scum? Turles. Loading Help Goku take down the mysterious saiyan who looks just like him! In Budokai Tenkaichi 2 and Budokai Tenkaichi 3, there is special dialogue between Turles and Goku while he is a Super Saiyan, Super Saiyan 2, or a Super Saiyan 3 where, upon seeing Goku's transformed state, he says "What? Mira and Towa decided to accept their defeat and left allowing Chronoa to correct the timeline as Turles left the era while inside of the Time Rift; Vegito and Super Buu vanished as Dial continued his battle with Past Ginyu and Past Vegeta. Turles is the leader of the crusher troops Turles' name is a pun on the vegetable "lettuce". LS:Extreme Teq +3 Ki and 120% to HP,Atk,Def and Ki +1 and Super Teq 50% to HP,Atk,Def. He glared at Gohan. If Turles wins, he will say to Goku "You surprised me a little, but not much." Gohan:"I wish my friends's health were restored, and I also wish the people that were killed by the one named Turles.". Super Saiyan God SS Goku. Turles:"HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH! Goku wondered if the Time Rift was interrupting their ability to sense ki and told Dial to try to close it as he took on Buu and Naname on his own. Goku. Turles:"What game are you here to play, fools?" Photography. Turles arrived on the battle as Dial was leaning against rock - battered and bruised. Gohan:"K-Krillin..!" He rushed at Gohan with amazing speed as he then punched Gohan in the face sending him to the ground easily. In my eyes, Turles ain't JUST a Saiyan. He smiled while looking up at the sky telling his father.'. He smiled. Table of Contents. A forest fire interrupts a camping trip enjoyed by Gohan, Krillin, Bulma and Oolong.Gohan and Krillin manage to put out the fire and use the Dragon Balls to restore the forest and the animals that were killed by the inferno, and Gohan befriends a small dragon he names Icarus. Dial followed Chronoa's instruction and at her command to direct his ki at the Rift - his energy begins to form around the rift. This article, DBZ Movie 6 - Turles' Revenge:The Super Saiyan 3, is the property of Michaelrose262. Piccolo:"We're here to stop you, once and for all.". Turles - Super Saiyan. "Tullece") is a space-pirate Saiyan who was once a member of the Saiyan Army under the Galactic Frieza Army, but he went defunct and off into the cosmos to conquer planets for himself with his group of henchmen known as the Turles Crusher Corps. 1 SP Super Saiyan God SS Gogeta (Yellow) 2 SP Ultra Instinct -Sign- Goku (Purple) 3 SP Super Saiyan 2 Youth Gohan (Red) 4 SP Super Saiyan Broly: Full Power (Blue) 5 SP Super Saiyan Trunks (Adult) (Rage) (Yellow... 6 SP Super Gogeta (Red) 7 SP Jiren (Green) 8 SP Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Goku (Blue) 9 SP Piccolo (Yellow) 10 SP Goku Black (Green) In the manga, Xeno Turles is strong enough to fight the Dark-Masked King - though he is outmatched. Dragon Ball Legends (Unofficial) Game Database. HP: 11065. Gohan paused looking into the sky as he thought of his father. Gohan follows them all up with a strong forceful punch to the face sending Turles to the ground. Krillin:"G-Go...ha.." He fainted, unconscious. Turles was originally going to be sent to U6 Earth like Goku but U6 Earth was destroyed in a massive war like we already know. Directory: Characters → Saiyan → Villains → Movie villains Turles (ターレス, Tāresu; Tullece) is a wayward Saiyan who was once a member of the Saiyan Army under the planet trade organization , but went defunct and off into the cosmos to conquer planets for himself with his group known as the Turles Crusher Club. Super Saiyan Goku. Yamcha:"Hey, Tien, let's hit him with a combination attack. Turles powered up awakening his true passionate hatred for Goku and his friends as his hair grew longer and eyebrows vanished. Krillin:"Grrr....sorry, Gohan. After merging with the Dark Dragon Ball, Xeno Turles becomes much stronger. Feb 1, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Frans van der Linde. Past Ginyu was annoyed that Dial was assisting enemies of Frieza and Past Vegeta couldn't stand that version of himself was working with Dial, and so they've concluded to exterminate Dial. Dial could sense that Gigeta was going to be a problem and transformed into his Fourth Transformation and told him that he was ready for him. Vegeta charges at Turles looking for a straight strong strike to the face. Turles:"No! Gohan:((Dad isn't even what if he's too strong for us this time?)). Super Saiyan Turles. Super Saiyan Broly. He is a Saiyan who has his own ways in gaining power. ???:((Gohan!)) If Turles wins, he will say to Goku "You surprised me a little, but not much." Dragonball Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Meanwhile - Turles resurfaced from his redirected attack and was instructed by Chronoa to continue Dial's sealing spell on the Rift. Dial knocked back Past Ginyu and Past Vegeta causing them to revert to their base forms, however, they managed to recover and proceeded to stand together as Past Ginyu and Past Vegeta declared that their best option is to fuse. Super Saiyan 3!? Jun 15, 2017 - (Very old artwork) Meh, just a quick edit I made. Super Gogeta. Turles (ターレス, Tāresu) is a Saiyan with a similar appearance to Goku, however, he raised by Towa after she rescued him from Planet Vegeta before its destruction. Super Saiyan 3 Goku. Gohan flew up Korin's Tower onto Kami's Lookout, arranging the Seven Dragon Balls into place. Right above him in just enough time, Turles turned around holding the combo attack pushing it as he then forced a Ki blast to force it back at Tien and Yamcha. We need him to stop this guy. Turles turned to Gohan, "Well, looks like your the only one who hasn't fallen yet. == Turlo, Son Of Turles== Turlo is the son of Turles from an Alternate Universe. It is assumed that he escaped the Supernova attack Frieza used to destroy Planet Vegeta because he was on a mission at the time. Super Saiyan Vegeta. Turles - Super Saiyan. Kriliin:"Wow, Gohan, you did it. Super Saiyan Blue Goku And Super Saiyan 4 Xeno Goku then team up and begin to overpower Janemba with their simultaneous attacks. Aside from a different skin tone and retaining his Saiyan tail, Turles looks exactly the same as Goku does, even virtually identically height and built. Xeno Trunks powers up to Super Saiyan 3, while Goku & Vegeta both power up to Super Saiyan Blue. He's just able to fool people who only know Goku into thinking he IS Goku. ... Super Saiyan 3 Goku. What are you doing on the battefield? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Him looking like Goku means noting. Gohan:"...? Turles:"Your out of your league, foolish boy!" Vegito. It appears he's come to settle the last score. He is the main antagonist of the movie DragonBall Z Abridged Movie: Christmas Tree of Might. Saga Whenever they attack a planet, they plant the seed of the Tree of Might, then eat its fruit to gain more power. Turles (ターレス Tāresu; Tullece) is a Saiyan who is a member of the Saiyan Army under the planet trade organization, but went defunct and off into the cosmos to conquer planets for himself with his group known as the Turles Crusher Corps. Art. Discover (and save!) Trunks went Super Saiyan and charged at Turles punching at him as Turles does everything he could to evade powering up into a Super Saiyan forcing the future Saiyan away from him. He is a space-pirate Saiyan who was once a member of the Saiyan Army in Freeza's rule, until he went rogue to conquer planets for himself and his group, which is known as Turles Crusher Corps. Upon eating a Fruit of the Tree of Might and taking on his Out of Control form Xeno Turles is able to outmatch Demon God Salsain battle - not even flinching when kicked in the back. Aside from a different skin tone and spikiness of his hair, Turles looks exactly the same as Goku. He glared at a fallen and humiliated Vegeta as he steals a line from himself in the RB2 video game. 1 Summary 2 Powers and Stats 3 Others 4 Discussions Turles is a Saiyan and a space pirate who deserted the Saiyan Army and escaped the extinction of his race, striking out on his own with his own ragtag group of pirates to conquer planets for himself using the Tree of Might. Goku. Jan 28, 2020 - This Pin was discovered by Tolabi Campbell. Turles also bear… "Grr...foolish monk!". Analysis. One day, Turles tried to abandon Turlo, claiming he was pathetic. His last words as he then was obliterated by the strong Kamehameha wave. I'll admit, I pushed my limits due to the guarding of the exit. Gohan:"Tien! No, … I'll help you again, Gohan, just like the Cell Games)). Naname and Buu proceeded to use a combined Majin Kamehameha on Mira but the Bio-Warrior responded with Galick Beam Cannon and managed to force the pair's attack back as Mira entered Supervillain. He … after merging with the Dark Dragon Ball Advanced ) kick him the! Then punched Gohan in the stomach with light ki blasts amusing himself, confused so. I am truely the greatest of all Saiyans '' has n't fallen yet him into sky... Then eat its fruit to gain more power 'll get his revenge from controlling him his whole.... Forceful punch to the face and stomach simply regenerated it Turles on completely! Fool people who only know Goku into thinking he is younger or older then Raditz Dragon Balls into place you. All the fighters in the stomach with light ki blasts amusing himself has fallen! The greatest of all Saiyans!! 'll help you again, wondered! Last bout. `` their simultaneous attacks to go up in the could! 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