Each SMU is capable of providing a known voltage and measuring the resulting current or vice versa. THEORY : V-I characteristic of a solar cell can be obtained using this apparatus. Table-1 below provides a short summary about the development of the PV cells (Chaar et. 0000007731 00000 n
al., 2011). Set the potentiometer at the minimum. A commonly used parameter that characterizes a solar cell is the fill factor, FF, which is defined as the ratio of P MAX to the area of the rectangle formed by VOC and I SC. Student. We know that a built in voltage exists across a 1 crystalline silicon solar cell (c-Si) 1 amorphous silicon solar cell (a-Si) 1 copper indium gallinide diselenide solar cell (CIGS) Sunlight or halogen spotlight incandescent light source; Procedure. 3. The markers indicate the voltage and current, V m and I m, for which the maximum power, P m is generated. In our experiment, the solar cell and motor had V = 1.1 volts and I = 0.11 amps. lizers are dark blue, the characteristic color of solar cells. Components of a solar photovoltaic system 57 6.1 Batteries 58 6.2 Charge Controllers 73 6.3 Lamps and Other Loads 80 6.4 DC-AC Inverters 86 6.5 DC-DC Converters 90 6.6 Wiring and installation practices 92 7. Solar cells convert power of sunlight into electric power. This apparatus allows students in introductory physics course to plot I-V characteristics of a solar cell by a simple experiment. across their terminals when light is incident on it(by photovoltaic effect). ... the temperature rises. 4- Without changing the desk lamp and solar cell distance, cover the solar cell with a blue filter. voltaic effect can also occur when two photons are absorbed simultaneously 1. Characteristic curves of a solar cell www.phywe.com Related Topics Semi-conductor, p-n junction, energy-band diagram, Fermi characteristic energy level, diffusion potential, internal resistance, efficiency, photoconductive effect, - acceptors, donors, valence band, conduction band. Ammeter (0 - 20A) MC 1 2. 0000007490 00000 n
PROCEDURE: 1. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads. 0000020683 00000 n
Connect the solar cell to a potentiometer shown in Figure 3. A solar cell is an electronic device which directly converts sunlight into electricity. Internally the block still simulates only the equations for a single solar cell, but scales up the output voltage according to the number of cells. Experiments with Solar Cell (from Solar Kit) Zdeňka Koupilová1 Solar energy is more and more used in everyday life. material by a built in potential, this generates an electro motive force and This lecture is useful for Electronics B.Tech and B.Sc. trailer
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If any questions regarding this matter please contact me whatsapp number 9416939577 However, dark IV measurements are invaluable in examining the diode properties. January 29, 2017 0000010077 00000 n
The first use of the PV cell was to power a satellite in 1958 and they are still used to power some spacecraft and satellites. Connect the voltage meter in parallel with the solar cells, and the current meter in series to measure the output voltage and current respectively. The difficulty lies in converting it efficiently and cheaply. Determination of solar cell characteristics. These excited electron diffuce and some reach the rectifying The objective of this experiment is to explore solar cells as renewable energy sources and test their efficiency in converting solar radiation to electrical power. Calculating the power of a solar cell. tion via absorption of photons. 0000017060 00000 n
0000011812 00000 n
2. APPRATUS REQUIRED: Solar cell mounted on the front panel in a metal box with connections brought out on terminals. solar.xls - solar1.gif. The record notebook should be covered with the laminated brown sheet neatly and they should bring it to every lab class. A common laboratory method of characterizing the voltage-current characteristics of solar cells is to use a parameter analyzer that employs measurement ports known as Source- Measurement Units (SMUs). 1 EXPERIMENT: To plot the V-I Characteristics of the solar cell and hence determine the fill factor. The cross-hatched area indicates the power generated by the solar cell. The effect of concentration on the IV characteristics of a solar cell. The cells were attached to a levered plane with a protractor that acted like a “see-saw” to adjust the angle of the solar cells to the Sun. 0000003543 00000 n
As the field The series resistance has a greater effect on performance at high intensity and the shunt resistance has a greater effect on cell performance at low light intensity. “selenium”. fill factor of a solar cell. 0000003296 00000 n
However, the first solar cell has been developed with an efficiency of 6% at the late 1940s. Normally no external bias is applied to the cell. Initial Characterization & Annealing (Cobleigh) Lab 8 Post‐Anneal Characterization (Cobleigh) Lab 9 Experiments (Cobleigh) Lab 10. 0000018162 00000 n
characteristics of a solar cell, and hence measure important photovoltaic parameters, such as the fill factor (E) and light conversion efficiency. Name of the apparatus Range Type Quantity 1. junction (usually a p-n junction).When they are accelerated into a different in a process called two photon photovoltaic effect. 0000010316 00000 n
In the next experiment, we will see if ambient light has any effect on the solar cell. Under illumination, small fluctuations in the light intensity add considerable amounts of noise to the system making it difficult to produce. 1 EXPERIMENT: To verify inverse square law of radiations using a Photo-electric cell. Apparatus for Characteristic Study of Solar Cell (Model No: HO-ED-SC-01) is an effective tool for evaluating the characteristics of solar cell. Solar cells are the semiconductor devices which produce electric voltage (A) Measure the IV characteristics of a single solar cell . 0000019816 00000 n
If 3 4. Before any cycle of experiments, a class is spent on demonstrating those experiments. Introduction & … • Those can, claim: Solar energy is tenuous, un-dependable, and expensive beyond practicality. 2- Connect the solar cell with the electric motor and a DMM to measure current. The photo- formance of the finished solar cell (e.g., spectral response, maximum power out-put). Fig 4: Experimental arrangement for solar cell characteristics APPARATUS: 1. Incandescent amp with power supply 3. Concentrators. The efficiency of a solar cell is the ratio of the electrical power it delivers to the load, to the optical power incident on the cell. The large surface area indicated in light blue is exposed to incident light energy. The precisions of where the bulb was placed is interesting as playing around with height and angle the given height would rate us at the high amount of power. Note that most textbooks on solar cells still gen− erally assume that a solar cell behaves homogeneously [11,12]. As an introduction, therefore, Chapter 1 is devoted to a brief characterization of sunlight and basic electric parameters of solar cells. become free. Solar cell characteristics experiment. band absorbs energy and being excited jump to the conduction band and 0000014973 00000 n
Under this condition many excess p-n junction but this voltage cannot deliver current in a external circuit. APPARATUS : Solar cell, Light source, Basic circuit , connecting wires etc. 0000005038 00000 n
0000001128 00000 n
During the Solar Cell Energy lab three flexible solar cells were combined in series and exposed to solar radiation at different angles in one axis of rotation. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. “Rated electrical characteristics are within 10 percent of measured values at Standard Test Conditions of: 1000 W/m2, 25°C cell temperature and solar spectral irradiance per ASTM E 892 or irradiation of AM 1.5 spectrum.” 1 PROCEDURE Before being able to commence our experiment were to test the potential power that the 150 W flood light would be able to emit at the given height. 0000013047 00000 n
Light shining on the solar cell produces both a current and a voltage to generate electric power. 0000013304 00000 n
5.2 Solar Cells 33 5.3 Solar Modules 43 5.4 Solar Array 51 6. 0000011549 00000 n
Principle . To save weight, the Solar Impulse team devel- oped a way to integrate the cells right into the skin of the airplane itself. Title: Microsoft Word - Experiment No 1 Author: Home Created Date: 3/7/2011 1:09:33 PM • Those pro, contend: Solar energy is abundant, in exhaustible, clean, and cheap. 0000001549 00000 n
Solar Cell If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. A solar cell is an electronic device which directly converts sunlight into electricity. APPARATUS: Photo cell (Selenium) mounted in the metal box with connections brought out at terminals, Lamp holder with 60W bulb, Two moving coil analog meters (1000µA & 500mV) mounted on the front … 0000019838 00000 n
Watch Queue Queue. Fig.4. Multimeters 6. 0000015822 00000 n
Search. 0000018141 00000 n
3 GENERAL LAB INSTRUCTIONS 1. These 11,628 cells are oriented in the optimal direction for exposure to sunlight. Don't leave the solar charger in the car. 0000004766 00000 n
“Rated electrical characteristics are within 10 percent of measured values at Standard Test Conditions of: 1000 W/m2, 25°C cell temperature and solar spectral irradiance per ASTM E 892 or irradiation of AM 1.5 spectrum.” You can change your ad preferences anytime. Solar Cell I-V Characteristic Curves are graphs of output voltage versus current for different levels of insolation and temperature and can tell you a lot about a PV (Photovoltaic-which converts light energy into electricity) cell or panel’s ability to convert sunlight into electricity. INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL Photo Cell Characteristics Applied Science Department NITTTR, Sector-26, Chandigarh. Solar cell is a p-n junction . The power of sun is given in terms of the solar constant, the power spectrum and power losses in earth atmosphere expressed by the so-called air mass. INSTRUCTIONAL MANUAL Solar Cell Characteristics Applied Science Department NITTTR, Sector-26, Chandigarh. This effect is Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later. %PDF-1.3
salman A concentrator is a solar cell designed to operate under illumination greater than 1 sun. 0000001203 00000 n
Read PDF Solar Cell Lab Manual Solar Cell Lab Manual|timesb font size 10 format If you ally need such a referred solar cell lab manual ebook that will give you worth, get the totally best seller from us currently from several preferred authors. 5 1 FOR SAFE INSTALLATION WORk uL REquIREd INFORMATION: Artificially concentrated sunlight shall not be directed on the module. 68 0 obj
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Skip navigation Sign in. See our User Agreement and Privacy Policy. Let the junction be illuminated. When sunlight or other sufficiently energetic LAB MANUAL 2010 Author: Todd Kaiser Montana State University Solar Cell LAB MANUAL July 2009 This manual was designed for use with the Montana Microfabrication Facility at Montana State University. 0000020707 00000 n
Standardized testing allows the comparison of devices manufactured at different companies and laboratories with different technologies to be compared. of the dark characteristics of solar cells is the spatially resolved mapping of the local current density of solar cells in the dark. Until 1994 there was no experimental technique available which could map the forward current of a solar cell with sufficient accuracy. light is incident upon the photodiode, the electrons present in the valence AIM : Loading... Close. See our Privacy Policy and User Agreement for details. A solar cell may be represented by the equivalent circuit model shown in Figure 2, which consists of a light-induced current source (I L), a diode that generates a saturation current, series resistance (rs), and shunt resistance (rsh). The relationship between reflective thinking and learning styles among sample... No public clipboards found for this slide, procedure sheet for the experiment " SOLAR CELL". 0000014130 00000 n
0000017301 00000 n
The ratio of maximum useful power and ideal power can also be calculated. No. The power of a solar cell is the product of the voltage across the solar cell times the current through the solar cell. In addition to everyday objects such as solar calculators or solar garden lamps, photovoltaic power plants are becoming more and more common. A simple solar cell experiment The following experiment was performed using a commercial polycrystalline silicon solar cell with an active area of 8.5 cm X … Key measurements include maximum current and voltage, open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current, and efficiency. Specific performance characteristics of solar cells are summarized, while the method(s) and equipment used for measuring these characteristics are emphasized. In this video we will Study the Characteristics of Solar cell. was first observed by French physicist A.E Becquerel in 1839. It was a manufac-turing challenge to make the structure both strong enough and as light as possible. Current-Voltage (blue curve) and Power-Voltage (red curve) characteristics of a p-n diode solar cell with I ph = 1 mA and I s = 10-10 A. WARM TIPS: 1. • Repeat the experiment for at least three more distances. 0000014994 00000 n
If the voltage and current corresponding to this largest area are denoted by Vm & Im, then the maximum useful power is Vm x Im. Dividing this number by 365 yields about 6.8 KWhm-2 of power per day.The above data shows that there is significant power available in solar energy. 5- Record the cell current in table 3. Connect the solar cell to the potentiometer and multimeters as shown in Fig.2. The Photovoltaic effect 0000015843 00000 n
Solar cell characteristics experiment. Solar cell 2. Theory Solar Power The sun produces 3.9 × 1026 watts of energy every second. Connecting wires . electron-hole pairs are generated in the regions on the either side of the junc- The maximum useful power is the area of largest rectangle that can be formed under the V-I curve. called the Photovoltaic effect. Light shining on the solar cell produces both a current and a voltage to generate electric power. 0000002075 00000 n
To set up the experiment follow these directions: Set up a solar cell at a set distance from a light source or in full sun. Potentiometer 4. The students should attend the lab neatly with proper prescribed uniform. Since solar cells convert light to electricity it might seem odd to measure the photovoltaic cells in the dark. Set the irradiance to 1000 W/m 2, and temperature to 25 ℃. • Draw a curve with voltage along axis and current along y axis to get the characteristics of the solar cell. 5 1 FOR SAFE INSTALLATION WORk uL REquIREd INFORMATION: Artificially concentrated sunlight shall not be directed on the module. To draw the I-V characteristics of a solar cell and to find the efficiency and Around the plane, 2. Good solar sites usually have greater than 2500 KWhm-2 of power available per year. Solar cells are usually coated with anti-reflective materials so that they absorb the maximum amount of light energy. PRINCIPLE : This video is unavailable. There is some truth to both of these views. The intention of the manual is to provide lab users and MSU students with a complete description of the Now customize the name of a clipboard to store your clips. The standards for cell testing are: Air mass 1.5 spectrum (AM1.5) for terrestrial cells and Air Mass 0 (AM0) for space cells. If you continue browsing the site, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. how to write an internship reflective diary. Of that amount, 1,386 watts fall on a square meter of Earth’s atmosphere and even less reaches Earth’s surface. 1 x User Manual Read more. Bhiwani ) Haryana, India EM-I Lab -4 AIM To draw the open circuit characteristics of self excited D.C. shunt generator APPARATUS REQUIRED:- Sl. The most fundamental of solar cell characterization techniques is the measurement of cell efficiency. Slideshare uses cookies to improve functionality and performance, and to provide you with relevant advertising. Optical bench and clamp 7. 0000006266 00000 n
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characteristics. 0000008834 00000 n
3- Record the solar cell current and observe the turn speed of the propeller of the electric motor. Looks like you’ve clipped this slide to already. Draw one more graph between power and voltage to show power variation. 5.2 Solar Cells 33 5.3 Solar Modules 43 5.4 Solar Array 51 6. 0000001571 00000 n
thus some of the light energy is converted into electrical energy. light is shown on the junction, there is current in the circuit. However, there are ambivalent views about solar, or photovoltaic, cells' ability to supply a significant amount of energy relative to global needs. Due to the characteristics of the lithium battery material, the ambient temperature will overheat and the chemical reaction will occur, which will inevitably cause safety problems. solar cell characteristics to study the response of solar cell 0000014109 00000 n
You can model any number of solar cells connected in series using a single Solar Cell block by setting the parameter Number of series cells to a value larger than 1. Optical filters 5. Components of a solar photovoltaic system 57 6.1 Batteries 58 6.2 Charge Controllers 73 6.3 Lamps and Other Loads 80 6.4 DC-AC Inverters 86 6.5 DC-DC Converters 90 6.6 Wiring and installation practices 92 7. This is the total sunlight power that a square meter of land will receive in one year. H�b``a``������������bl, '5\ZW �2��2G�Cn��/x�V:�Lsy�� (���� a����B4*��BM�ҥ@Z���"���Y60. 0000019014 00000 n
0000007976 00000 n
Measuring the electrical characteristics of a solar cell is critical for determining the device’s output performance and efficiency. 0000005017 00000 n
Experiment Electrical & Electronics Engineering Department BRCM COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY BAHAL – 127028 ( Distt. 1. A solar cell is a semiconductor PN junction diode as shown in figure 1. If you continue browsing the site solar cell characteristics experiment manual you agree to the cell the desk lamp and cell! Are emphasized and B.Sc = 0.11 amps solar cell is an electronic device which converts. Measuring these characteristics are emphasized will receive in one year, you agree to the of! The PV cells ( Chaar et at least three more distances about development! More and more used in everyday life Electronics B.Tech and B.Sc of maximum useful power is spatially! Exists across a p-n junction but this voltage can not deliver current in the dark solar calculators solar. Relevant advertising shown in Fig.2 Applied Science Department NITTTR, Sector-26, Chandigarh useful... Are emphasized solar Impulse team devel- oped a way to integrate the cells right into the skin of local! 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