Join Planet Minecraft! Her original form is a small white snake with red eyes. Escanor's soul flies from her mouth and as she is consumed in flames she screams how could his soul contain so much power and what kind of power it is. Meliodas then charges towards Zeldris, activating his demon mark. The Seven Deadly Sins arrive to the city stronghold, Corand, to investigate the origin of the dimensional distortion that prevent anyone from entering in Camelot. In response, Zeldris and Fraudrin attack Meliodas from both sides, but he is teleported back. After defeating Galand, a shocked Melascula commends on Escanor's great power, so great Galand broke his own oath and subliminally tried to escape, but was petrified due to breaking his oath while Escanor proceeds to sigh in disappointment. Blaze. She begins to remove Meliodas' soul from his body with her Shouraikon spell, but before she can eat it, her neck is snapped and five of her hearts are ripped out by Ban, who unexpectedly reappeared on the scene.[13]. Helbram gives them the helmet where his spirit reside. Draw Hero. Diane then, not hesitating, strikes him with her fist. Arc Merascylla (Nanatsu no Taizai) Merascylla and Garan (Nanatsu no Taizai) TheGoldenSmurf. After Meliodas is released in his Assault Mode, Melascula states that everyone will be killed by him, but Escanor takes care of facing him. Galand attempts to attack Ban again but fails to land a hit, while Ban counters with his fists. Although Elaine insists that they kill her even if it means that she also dies, Elizabeth uses her Tranquilize to remove the miasma from Melascula's body, returning her from her gigantic hooded form to its original form as a harmless little snake. [7] Upon hearing this order, Melascula splits off with Galand. Melascula then tells Zeldris who is trying to figure out why Meliodas caused the destruction, to calm down and relax since its been 3000 years since they were out in the physical world. Animated-Trash. The spirits begin to attempt an attack, only to be struck my a mysterious wind. Seven Deadly Sins. As the Seven Deadly Sins enter Corand, Escanor points out to Meliodas that someone was standing on the other side of the bridge. Before they noticed it, morning had already arose, and as Galand attempted to carry the Rhitta, Escanor snatched it from his hand and told him that mere demons cannot hope to wield this axe. Melascula states that without Meliodas and Escanor, the Seven Deadly Sins are not a treat for her. Gilthunder & Howzer vs. Northern Barbarians, Meliodas, Ban & Gowther vs. Holy Knights of Liones, Howzer & Guila vs. Dreyfus, Helbram, Jericho & Gilthunder, Meliodas & Arthur Pendragon vs. Hendrickson & Gilthunder, Meliodas vs. Hendrickson, Gilthunder & Vivian, Holy Knights of Liones vs. New Generation Holy Knights/Demon Hybrids, Meliodas, Merlin, Arthur and the Holy Knights of Camelot vs. Albion, Meliodas, Diane, Merlin, Slader & the Holy Knights of Camelot vs. Galand, Gilthunder, Howzer & Griamore vs. Red Demon, Hendrickson, Gilthunder, Howzer & Griamore vs. Gray Demon, Diane, Gilthunder, Howzer & Gilfrost vs. Earth Crawler, Diane & King vs. Drole Golem & Gloxinia Servant, Hendrickson, Zaratras & Dreyfus vs. Fraudrin, Arthur Pendragon vs. Meliodas, Zeldris, Cusack & Chandler, Gowther, King, Sariel, Tarmiel & Derieri vs. Mael, Gowther, King, Diane & Elizabeth vs. Mael, Assault Force vs. Zeldris, Chandler & Cusack, Seven Deadly Sins & Four Archangels vs. Zeldris & Original Demon, Seven Deadly Sins, Four Archangels & Zeldris vs. Demon King, Seven Deadly Sins & Elizabeth Liones vs. Demon King, Ban vs. Holy Knights of Edinburgh/Vampires, Diane & Matrona vs. Gannon & Holy Knights, Melascula leaves Meliodas so she can fight the Sins. Download for free on all your devices - Computer, Smartphone, or Tablet. [1], Arriving at Edinburgh Castle, Melascula and her fellow Ten Commandments find it in ruins and conclude that a powerful magical implosion caused the destruction of the castle; they also find a large hole, which they link to Meliodas. 319 Favourites. However, she is soon struck with intense pain, feeling as if her entire body is on fire. In human form, Melascula becomes a pretty, thin girl with long pink hair who wears a white leotard and pink stockings. Seven Deadly Sins vs. Melascula is a battle fought between the Seven Deadly Sins, along with Elizabeth Liones and Elaine, and Melascula of the Ten Commandments. Commandment. Melascula states that without Meliodas and Escanor, the Seven Deadly Sins are not a treat for her. No Image Gallery. MeliodasBanDianeKingGowtherMerlinEscanorElizabeth LionesElaineHawk Jericho later carrying Ban and Elaine and flees from Melascula and Galand who give deadly pursuits to them. Melascula then transforms into her true form, a large snake. [8] Upon sensing that one of the souls she revived was resisting her magic, she and Galand decide to check it out and encounter Ban of the Seven Deadly Sins, who states he will kill them. Merlin initially seems to hand Melascula to him, but then encapsulates her in a Perfect Cube to force Zeldris to meet her demands in return. At the root of this, the Seven Deadly Sins went to Corand in order to eliminate this distortion. Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Melascula. He gets bulkier and his body is covered in spikes. A drill-shaped projectile pierces Diane from the back, exorcising all the spirits that remained inside her. Later, when Zeldris calls upon the Commandments, Melascula is shown inside Merlin's test tube in her hideout, helplessly hissing as she is unable to respond to him. Escanor then punches Diane harshly in the stomach, shattering her armor. Ban voiced by Benjamin Diskin and 2 others. Seven Deadly Sins - Melascula's Feet. Meliodas voiced by Bryce Papenbrook and 1 other. After being informed by Fraudrin of the current events in Britannia, Zeldris suggests that they should head for Edinburgh Hill for recuperation of their severely drained magical powers, on which everyone agrees. As Escanor tells her the name of his ability, his soul having returned, she screams in agony as she is consumed in flames, falls over a cliff, and seemingly splits in half when her body strikes a stone ledge on the way down far below. When he uses his innate ability, Critical Over, his body transforms. Attack. Hi!here's my 200 follower special and it's got melascula as a goddess just doing nothing while in a goddess outfit.i hope you like it. Diane then turns and spots her two precious friends, Elaine and Elizabeth. Melascula is seen again when Merlin uses her as a bargaining chip with Zeldris, who has come to collect the Commandments. She hugs Ban and exchanges a moment with him. Elizabeth then approaches Ban, the poison not affecting her, and uses Invigorate, neutralizing Melascula's poison in an instant. Elizabeth heals Diane's and King's wounds, and is greeted with many questions. Meanwhile inside the Perfect Cube, a battle begins between the Sin of Wrath and the Sin of Pride. Combatants Unfortunately for the group, Diane is possessed by them. Melascula plays with Meliodas' unstable emotions in order to increase his anger and empower her soldiers. Poetic Walk Seven Deadly sins Nanatsu No Taizai 2 Melascula Cosplay Costume Jumpsuit Custom $52.99 - $58.99 YEAXLUD Womens Renaissance Medieval Costume Dress Lace up Irish Over Long Dresses Cosplay Retro Gown After Hendrickson manages to remove the seal, Melascula and the rest of the Ten Commandments appear before the terrified former Great Holy Knight and Fraudrin in Dreyfus' body. Meliodas vs. Escanor They fly out of Zhuhur Valley, leaving a terrified Hendrickson. Links To. Helbram appears and asks the spirits to stop. Elizabeth Liones voiced by Erika Harlacher and 1 other. Sugar Caviar Canape. Elizabeth then submit Melascula with Tranquilize, which dispells Melascula's hundred years-worth miasma, reducing the Commandment to her original form: a small poisonous snake. 32 Comments. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Melascula and Galland also arrive at the tavern and intimidate the tavern owner, who cowers behind the bar. Taking the chance, Elaine use Tempest Falls, making several tornadoes appear around Melascula, blocking her movements. Diane voiced by Erica Mendez and 1 other. Diane performs Drole's Dance. Suddenly, the skeletons fighting the Seven Deadly Sins grow stronger. Hawk voiced by Cristina Valenzuela and 1 other. melascula-seven-deadly-sins-nanatsu-no-taizai. Inhale. Gowther then jumps and lands on top of Melascula's head, and uses Breaker Off, to disconnect Melascula's nerves, preventing her from moving for 10 seconds. [12] Escanor tells her that if she wants to run away he'd allow her as he still has some chivalry in him, but a she decides to use her Cocoon of Darkness to try and rob Escanor off his soul. Galland. Diane & King vs. Drole & Gloxinia Infect. 32 49 0. All of a sudden, the center of Corand instantly collapses, with a surge of evil and dark energy. She asks that Gloxinia heal her and then asks Estarossa that she be the one who finishes him off, as retribution for what a member of the Seven Deadly Sins did to her. Sweet Apple Pie. She watches as Meliodas defeats Galand in five seconds stating that he would be difficult to handle and watches as he warns Zeldris that the Seven Deadly Sins would defeat the Ten Commandments with everything they've got. They take the helmet and crush it, relieving most of the vengeful spirits. This anime cursor and pointer called Seven Deadly Sins Melascula is based on Melascula - the Demon character, and the Faith of the Ten Commandments from the cool anime and manga The Seven Deadly Sins. Jericho - The Seven Deadly Sins . Ban incapacitates Melascula by breaking her neck. The two Commandments discovered a bar called "My Sweet Gluttony" inside a dark cave where Ban, Jericho, and Elaine were hiding. 126 Favourites. Youssouf Errougua 46,975 views. [9] Angered, Ban picks out his Three-section Staff, but Galand cuts his torso before he could attack. Ban, realizing that Melascula has appeared, jumps and attempts to save the captain, but fail to do so. Melascula then informs him that all of his negative energy is being transferred into "something else". Ignite. Hawk then notices thousands of skeletons laying on the ground, that begin to rise, muttering curses. Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Melascula. Diane (small) - The Seven Deadly Sins . Food. 300 Favourites {XPS} TSDS Knights of Britannia - Merascylla. Galland. Seven Deadly Sins are victorious. Gowther checks Diane's power level and state it as 48,000. Diane then uses Rush Rock, and crushes a lot of soldiers. Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. Defense. Melascula and Grayroad on Merlin's laboratory. He tries to warn King, but the fairy's attention is totally focused on Diane. MeliodasHellblazeBanSnatchFox HuntDianeGideonCreationRush RockDrole's DanceKingChastiefolForm Four: SunflowerBumblebeeGowtherInvasionJackBreaker OffMerlinPerfect CubeEscanorSunshineElizabeth LionesLet There Be LightInvigorateTranquilizeElaineMiracle WindManpuu no GekirinTsuigeki no TsumujikazeTempest FallsHawkChorizo Strike Language: English Location: United States More Skins by CloudFlame_ A single skeleton punches Diane into a building. Melascula - The Seven Deadly Sins . Melascula rejoice and laughs at the scene, as Meliodas is worried. However, even though the skeletons are now much more powerful, the Seven Deadly Sins begin to unleash more of their true power. Melascula engulfed in Escanor's soul intense heat. Meanwhile, back at the Boar Hat, Elaine attempts to go to Ban, and the rest of the Seven Deadly Sins. Join us! A voice is heard, welcoming him, then Meliodas is trapped inside the Cocoon of Darkness. Melascula, shocked, decides to take all of the negative energy that was dispersed among the reanimated soldiers, and place it in the last standing one. Melascula Mao Ichimichi is the Japanese voice of Melascula in The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia. Only to see that Elizabeth, the goddess, has awakened and is ready to assist her. Meliodas attempts to strike her, only to see it was an illusion once more. The spirits then start attacking Diane, hurting her body as they control it. Commandment. Next 10 Comments. Surprised, Escanor is challenged to a Galand game, with each of them delivering a blow to the other and the first one to die loses. Gear Sets. There, Melascula creates an illusion of Zeldris to attract Meliodas and capture him within her Shadow Cocoon and later to take advantage of the negative energy of this last one to attack the other Sins with revived warriors powered by this energy. Nanatsu no Taizai Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. [4] These two are stopped by the Three Misfits and Hendrickson.[5]. Elaine attacks Melascula with a wind spell, to have no effect and to be hit down to the ground. Escanor asks who they are and the due respond that they're the Ten Commandments of the Demon King. Merlin destroy them with a spell, and then explains to Gowther that the spirits are not moving through nerves, but their anger and hatred. She is known to be boastful and cocky during battle. Admiring how the booze has gotten better over the course of 3000 years, Escanor explains its content which Melascula credits him for knowing much about it. Melascula looks at the Sins, now relieved that the two are trapped in there, unable to harm her. Inside the cocoon she states she is tired of listening to all of Escanor's arrogant talk and asks he be quiet forever, as she removes and devours his soul. Attack. Ignite. Melascula also expresses boredom and sarcasm when faced with challenges, showing off her rather apathetic side. As Melascula was a snake that bathed in the miasma of the Demon World to gain her demonic powers, she can transform at will into her original giant hooded snake form, which possesses great strength and endurance as she managed to easily hold down Ban with her mouth alone and endured attacks from the other members of the Seven Deadly Sins. As Gowther reaches out for her, the vengeful souls grab her and take her further away, rejecting Gowther back to reality. Melascula then explains, that the negative energy is being transferred to the souls possessing the skeletons, through a technique called Shura no Onshu. Suddenly, the several rock spikes shoots out the ground, that Melascula swiftly evade with serpentine movements. by 4224fisch Apr 25, 2020 . She then strikes Gowther with Gideon, and sends him flying. Galand crushes the bandit's head but he recovers from that as well much to their shock. Merlin capturing Melascula in a test tube There Ban tries to use Fox Hunt to rip Melascula's last heart, but she prevents it by moving her heart over her body, thus rendering it out of his reach. Location ... SDSGC.GG is a Database and Tier List for The Seven Deadly Sins Grand Cross Mobile game app on iOS and Android. 226, 227, 228, 229, 230 A surprised Galand wonders whether he is human or not and Escanor responds that he is indeed human, but he is the very pinnacle of the human species, introducing himself as the The Lion's Sin of Pride, Escanor of the Seven Deadly Sins.[11]. The tavern owner seems to be acting very strangely after seeing Ban. by 4224fisch Apr 25, 2020 . Pages using duplicate arguments in template calls, This anime cursor and pointer called Seven Deadly Sins Melascula is based on Melascula - the Demon character, and the Faith of the Ten Commandments from the cool anime and manga The Seven Deadly Sins. We're a community of creatives sharing everything Minecraft! Abilities/Techniques King then attacks her with Bumblebee. King voiced by Max Mittelman and 1 other. Add a photo to this gallery. After her soldiers are defeated, the vengeful souls take possession of Diane, and Melascula rejoices for the ensuing fight. Merlin capturing Melascula in a test tube. Sugar Caviar Canape. When they were battling Zeldris and the Original Demon, Merlin notices Melascula's test tube begins to shine and finally shatter, as Melascula's Commandment leaves her body and joins the other four Commandments that have been in way to reunite with the five that Meliodas possess. Seven Deadly Sins suffer mild injuries. However, the amount is far too great and such destroys the final skeleton, leaving Melascula completely dumbfounded. 5 Comments. Afterword, Zeldris orders them to split up and move across the land to regain their magic faster. Video Game: The Seven Deadly Sins: Knights of Britannia Attack +280. Previous He confessess that he's the one who killed them all, so they should take their anger out on him. Due to the sudden power up of the souls, the Seven Deadly Sins now have a more formidable opponent. 6. Elaine gets up once more and charges to Ban and grabs him from between Melascula's jaws. Melascula realizes the goddess Elizabeth has awakened, informing Meliodas who now looks worried. Melascula appears next to Galand, who is contemplating his revenge, and states that he could not beat Meliodas as he was. Links To. Episode 150 - Galland & Melascula Episode 150 (The Hidden Tavern) begins with Jericho’s group arriving at a tavern inside a mountain called My Sweet Gluttony. Melascula has a calm, reserved, yet mocking personality. Join Now Create Post . 10:01. Chronology See more ideas about seven deadly sins anime, seven deadly sins, 7 deadly sins. King uses True Chastiefol's fourth form, Sunflower, and causes a mass explosion destroying quite a few of the reanimated soldiers. Defense. This is none other than Meliodas's younger brother, Zeldris. 2 Comments. Detonate. The The Seven Deadly Sins Cast. She first attacks Ban by catching him between her jaws and although she manages to get rid of Elaine when she tries to save him, the fairy princess' sentiment grows her wings and thus manages to save Ban with her new power. Galand then offers Ban to hit him once in honor of his feats, and Ban prepares his Hunter Fest, robbing Galand of his power and delivering a massive kick to the commandment's gut. Melascula She asks Fraudrin why he has a human body, then stating her opinion on humans. Corand arc Great Fight Festival arc. Finally, Melascula attempts to run away but is captured and put into a test tube by Merlin. Although Ban almost wins the battle after he uses Hunter Fest on Melascula and Galand, he finally exhausted. MyllaDinX. [2] The Commandments then discuss the destruction of the Albion while Galand decides to attack Camelot. Damage Sustained/Casualties Suddenly, Merlin senses a odd presence, and then informs the Seven Deadly Sins that the spirits are trying to possess them, so they must hold onto their consciousness. Melascula is stripped of her power and captured. However, many still remain controlling Diane. Ban then jumps and attempts to snatch Melascula's final heart, but is unable to locate it since Melascula is moving it throughout her long body. Chapter(s) Him up, however, as Merlin manages to deceive Zeldirs so that Ludociel him! The battle after he uses his innate ability, Critical Over, his body is on.... Equivalent to the Demon King Ban counters with his sword, only be! Relieved that the sinister power is Meliodas and take her further away, rejecting back... Bandit 's head but he recovers from that as well much to their shock splits off Galand... … Oct 20, 2020 - Explore bad yellow bitch ♡ 's ``. If you do n't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours eliminate this.... 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