In the period immediately after Alexander’s death, Seleucus served as … Nederlands: Seleucus I Nicator (ca. At the same time, Antigonus Monophthalmus (the One-Eyed) had been placed in command of a campaign against Eumenes of Cardia, a supporter of Perdiccas. a fost un comandant militar din Corint și unul dintre diadohii lui Alexandru cel Mare. End of Seleucus … Seleukos war einer der Diadochen. bot sich Seleukos die Gelegenheit, sein Reich abzurunden, nachdem Demetrios nach Griechenland abgereist war, indem er dessen Besitz in Phönikien und Kilikien an sich riss. [2] Als Hypaspist bestritt er den Asienfeldzug Alexanders des Großen, in dessen Verlauf er zum Befehlshaber der Hypaspistenleibwache[3] und in die Reihen der Hetairoi aufstieg. 358 BC – 281 BC) wis ane o the Diadochi, [upper-alpha 2] havin previously served as an infantry general unner Alexander the Great, he eventually assumed the title o basileus [upper-alpha 3] an established the Seleucid Empire ower much o Alexander's near eastren territories. Seleucus I Nicator [upper-alpha 1] (c. 358 BC – 281 BC) (Ancient Greek: Σέλευκος Α΄ Νικάτωρ) was one of the Diadochi. Erst nach dem Ende des Eumenes bei Gabiene ergab sich ihm die Stadt. Er siegte 281 v. Chr. He crossed over to Europe to enter Macedonia, but at the end of August or beginning of September 281, he was murdered by Ptolemy Ceraunus, who had been passed over by his father, Ptolemy, as successor to the Egyptian throne. [upper-alpha 2] Having previously served as an infantry general under Alexander the Great, he eventually assumed the title of basileus [upper-alpha 3] and established the Seleucid Empire over much of the territory in the Near East which Alexander had conquered. How Seleucus Nicator gave away most of Pakistan and Afghanistan for 500 elephants Seleucus had first set foot in India in 326 BC as a newly-appointed captain of an infantry guard in the army of Alexander who was fighting against King Porus. ), post mortem Nicator (Νικάτωρ, i.e. Nach dem Friedensschluss brach Seleukos jedenfalls zu einem mehrjährigen Aufenthalt in den Osten auf, wo ihn die lokalen Satrapen als ihren Oberherren anerkannten. Trotz seiner zahlenmäßigen Unterlegenheit konnte sich Seleukos in dem nun folgenden babylonischen Krieg gegen Antigonos behaupten. The Syrian Wars - Chapters of Book 11 of Appian's Roman History that cover Seleucus' career [Livius: Articles in Ancient History]. They had 2 sons: Antiochus I Soter and one other child. Jan 23, 2018 - Explore Historystack's board "Seleucus I Nicator" on Pinterest. In der Schlacht am Hydaspes 326 v. Chr. Seleucus the Victor ') was one of the Diadochi (the rival generals, relatives, and friends of Alexander the Great who fought for control over his empire after his death). Ptolemy, anxious to improve relations with Lysimachus, had given him his daughter Arsinoe in marriage. Sein Geburtsort war laut Stephanos von Byzanz eine nicht näher zu lokalisierende Stadt namens Oropos. Seleucus IV Philopator . Im Jahr 309 v. Chr. Als Seleukos einen hochstehenden General wegen eines beleidigenden Vorfalls zurechtwies, wurde er von Antigonos zur Klärung dieser Angelegenheit in dessen Feldlager befohlen. Seleucus I Nicator (l. c. 358-281 BCE, r. 305-281 BCE) was one of the generals of Alexander the Great (l. 356-323 BCE) who make up the group of Diadochi ("successors") who divided the vast Macedonian Empire between them after Alexander 's death in 323 BCE (the others being Cassander, Ptolemy, and Antigonus). Diesen Erfolg verteidigte er anschließend mit einem glänzenden Sieg am Tigrisufer über den Satrapen Nikanor. Seleucus once again turned his attention to returning to Babylonia, and in August 312 he was able to reconquer Babylon with only a small army. Der Streit um Syrien wurde aber nicht gelöst, was später die Ursache für die syrischen Kriege zwischen Seleukiden und Ptolemäern legte. Er erhob gegen diese Entscheidung zwar keinen Einwand, doch Antigonos erkannte dennoch in ihm einen potenziellen Unruhefaktor für seine Herrschaft in Asien. Nicanor was the new satrap of Media and the strategos of the eastern provinces. By the time of the Indian campaigns beginning in late in 327 BC, he had risen to the command of the élite infantry corps in the Macedonian army, the "Shield-bearers" (Hypaspistai), later known as the "Silvershields". Nach 297 v. Chr. In a pact concluded by the two potentates, Seleucus agreed to territorial concessions in exchange for 500 elephants. His army had about 17,000 soldiers. Seleucus I Nicator (în greaca veche Σέλευκος Νικάτωρ, Nicator însemnând Învingătorul), (358 î.Hr. It is said of Seleucus that "few princes have ever lived with so great a passion for the building of cities. Seleucus I Nicator. Seleucus I Nicator. Seleucus I (given the surname by later generations of Nicator, Ancient Greek: Σέλευκος Νικάτωρ Séleukos Nikátōr, "Seleucus the Victor") (ca. To provide a counterbalance, Seleucus asked for the hand of Stratonice, the daughter of Demetrius, and in 298 the wedding was held with much pomp at Rhosus in Syria. Nach dem Tod Alexanders 323 v. Chr. Seleucus I Nicator, son of Philip II’s general Antiochus and his wife Laodice, was born around 358 BC in Europus, … Notes. Online-Wörterbuch. Nicanor was the new satrap of Media and the strategos of the eastern provinces. ergab sich ihm schließlich Demetrios. After the death of Alexander in June 323 BC, Seleucus initially supported Perdiccas, the regent of Alexander's … “It is a great pleasure for me to be able to contribute to people’s knowledge of our part of the world,” she says. After receiving Babylonia in 321 BC, Seleucus expanded his dominions to include much of Alexander's Near Eastern territories, establishing a dynasty that would rule for over two centuries. die Stadt Susa, die sich allerdings hartnäckig verteidigte. Soon after Seleucus' return, the supporters of Antigonus tried to get Babylon back. Er überließ seinem ältesten Sohn Antiochos das asiatische Reich und überquerte den Hellespont nach Europa. Damit hatte Seleukos seine Herrschaft in Babylon wiederhergestellt, das nun seine Ausgangsbasis zur Errichtung eines eigenen Reiches wurde. But Seleucus Nicator gave them to Sandrocottus (Chandragupta Maurya) in consequence of a marriage contract, and received in return five hundred elephants. SELEUCUS I Nicator (r. 312-281 BCE; Figure 1), the founder of the Seleucid empire, who succeeded in re-uniting the greater part of the former Achaemenid empire after the death of Alexander the Great. wurde Seleukos in Makedonien als Sohn des makedonischen Generals Antiochos und der Laodike geboren. The southern part of Syria, Coele Syria, had in the meantime been occupied by Ptolemy, who had not taken part in the war. It is said that when Alexander crossed the Hydaspes river on a boat, he was accompanied by Perdiccas, Ptolemy I Soter, Lysimachus and also Seleucus. Having previously served as an infantry general under Alexander the Great, he eventually assumed the title of basileus and established the Seleucid Empire over the bulk of the territory which Alexander had conquered in Asia. Seleucus II Callinicus . in der Schlacht von Kurupedion über Lysimachos, der dabei getötet wurde, und konnte so das gesamte Kleinasien seinem Reich einverleiben. Nederlands: Seleucus I Nicator (ca. He is said to have built in all nine Seleucias, sixteen Antiochs, and six Laodiceas. Seleucus had first set foot in India in 326 BC as a newly-appointed captain of an infantry guard in the army of Alexander who was fighting against King Porus. When Antigonus made peace with his enemies in 311, Seleucus was not included. 358–281 a.C.n. This information is part of by on Genealogy Online. Nach Kappadokien, um diesen bei der Bekämpfung des Ariarathes zu unterstützen what you ve. 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