A: Sing, Spanish scientists fitted what to cows to increase milk yield? Often referred to as the largest living organism, what is the common name for the area off the coast of Australia? Common ones … On what continent would you find the only giraffes in the wild? We’d suggest you mix and match according to your audience, and spice it up with images for Picture Rounds, perfect for use with family, friends and colleagues on platforms like Zoom, House Party or even Skype. 4. 1. In 1986 what type of animal, named Clay Henry, was surprisingly elected mayor of Lajitas in Texas? 5. Let’s get them to attempt a Name That Animal Quiz! How many months have 28 days?All months have 28 days, Recommended: How to Attract and Date African Men, Before Mount Everest was discovered, which was the tallest mountain in the world?Mount Everest itself. We know that not each format is easy to use for every user. A: Farting, Roman men had to swear on what to testify? What were Chihuahua dogs originally bred for? A: Private flush toilets, Einstein called what “the most difficult thing to understand”? Let’s sprinkle in some more easy trivia questions about animals, before we get into the difficult territory! What is the smallest mammal in the world? A: Flush Toilet after use, In Denmark what is a Svangerskabsforebyggendemiddel? A: Oysters, If you are wearing a Swimsuit in Florida in public, what is illegal for you to do? How many arms does a giant squid have? It is estimated that 3% of the glaciers in Antarctica are made up of the urine of which animal? What animals are known as the Big 5 in Africa? This quiz is full of fun questions. 8. In the Disney and Pixar film Toy Story, there is a toy that is also a dog. With a maximum speed of over 240 mph, what is the fastest bird? Growing up, which Beatle had a cat called Elvis? From cows to chicken, we hope most of your contestants have been on a farm, if only a petting zoo once in their life. What hardworking type of animal in George Orwell’s Animal Farm is Boxer? Famous for being cuddly but not great at breeding, what animal is best seen in Chengdu China? Notwithstanding the fact that these questions and answers are referred to as trivia, they are quite an interesting piece to read. A: Farts. And if you knew some German, then you may have been able to work out that their name comes from the German, Pudel, meaning puddle. A: Take her Shopping, In Florida women can be fined for falling asleep under what? Sharks have been around longer than dinosaurs? Trivia Question: Which bridge was the first to be built across the River Thames in London? A: Bull penis soup, 25% of Americans believe what fictional character is real? Why not pin it…, Your email address will not be published. Is James Harden Dating a Girlfriend or Is He Married To a Wife? How would you save yourself? Name the largest primate on the planet. As humorous as these funny trivia questions and subsequent answers might seem, there is a level of knowledge impeded in them notwithstanding the fact that most people always look out for the comic side of it, which will always get one laughing. Interesting Fact: Strangely no one really knows exactly why this became the national animal of Scotland, however the Unicorn played an important role in Celtic mythology. What kind of cells are found in the brain? Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. A: Juggle, In USA of A, every 12 seconds someone does what in a Holiday Inn? Her songs include "The Edge of Glory," "Judas," "Born This … Pagophagiacs, In his lifetime, how many paintings did Vincent van Gogh sell?Only 1, and that too to his brother, How did the word ‘chocolate’ originate?From ‘xocolatl’, meaning ‘bitter water’, Why are masks worn on Halloween?To prevent the living being recognized by the dead, What is the official name of Libya?Al Jumahiriyah al Arabiyah al Libiyah ash Shabiyah al Ishtirakiyah al Uzma, Most people eat which part of an Easter Bunny first?Ears, What is lighter than a feather, but not possible to hold for even a few mImagine that you were captured by cannibals, and about to be eaten. Fun Trivia Films Questions #6. Trivia Question #96. A: A Condom, Who was it that said “The internet is a good way to get on the net”? 8. 3. We’ve curated a list of ten questions all made out of clues, to see if they can guess the animal in question!eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'triviaquiznight_com-banner-1','ezslot_2',133,'0','0'])); 1. What animal has a wingspan of around 10ft, can live to the ripe old age of 20 and are protected by the Queen of England? What is the collective name given to a group of crows? 5. 4. Anatomy. Want to try your hand at the world’s largest cities next? 10. A: Fish, By law what is it against the law to do in Minnesota with your washing line? Get trivia questions and answers to test your brain power or share with your friends. In which river would you find the blind dolphin? A: Play Hopscotch, Why do Tibetans grow long nails on their little fingers? What is the biggest fish in the world? 2. How many wings does a mosquito have? A: To pick noses efficiently, Zaire diverted roads to avoid disturbing communities of what? Everyone loves a smattering of dog trivia questions right? Answer: Leg. Born out of particularly strange desire for creating trivia questions and winning the coveted quiz crown at the local pub, Trivia Quiz Night is a website set up by a group of friends who are dedicated to the fine art of trivia; and searching for the answers to the most elusive of questions. Interesting Fact: The sperm whale brain can weigh up to 8 kg (18 lb), that’s over 5 times heavier than a human…eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'triviaquiznight_com-leader-3','ezslot_10',141,'0','0'])); From the earlier round of the skies to the murky marine depths of the sea, this round is focussed entirely on sea creatures down below. Get started by answering our latest questions above or explore over 100+ topics. 10. From cows to chicken, we hope most of your contestants have been on a farm, if only a petting zoo once in their life. In what mountain range would you find the snow leopard? Yes, they are! What is the largest mammal in the world? Printable baby questions and answers. In Arizona, you must register with the state before becoming what? In which body part can you find the femur? What animal has breeds including Jersey, Texas Longhorn and Belgian Blue? 9. A: Buttons, In Tennessee it is illegal to drive if you are what? There are only 2 egg laying mammals in the world, name them. Which marine animal has the largest brain? Who is the only member of ZZ Top who doesn’t have a beard? Stop imagining, What is the opposite of Dominos Domi doesn’t know, What do all lottery winners do?Put on weight, What is composed of 59% nitrogen, 21% hydrogen, and 9% dioxide? A: Saint Bibiana, In Hartford Connecticut it is illegal to educate what? We hope you will find something good from your area of interest. Tulamamas baby trivia has 40 baby trivia questions and answers. As a Jersey Cow would say, let’s get moooo-ving!eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'triviaquiznight_com-box-3','ezslot_6',107,'0','0'])); We don’t know your audience but it might be worth kicking off with an easy animal quiz round, with a few questions you might even find in animal trivia for kids! A: Blindfolded, What is banned in public places in Florida after 6pm? A: A Bear to impress a girl, In Alaska it’s legal to shoot bears but illegal to do what? A: Babies Urine, By law, in Louisiana, who cannot be charged more than twenty-five cents for a haircut? Required fields are marked *. 5. The downloadable trivia questions and answers worksheet will make your SpongeBob themed parties more entertaining and fun for you and your invited guests for sure. A: Cornflakes, The city council of Chico California set a $ 500 fine for exploding what in the city? If you love music and you'd like to learn more about all kinds of different music, you'll have tons of fun with these music trivia questions. Answer: Neurons. 9. A: Goats, What do 63% of Americans spend five minutes a day looking? These London trivia questions are … Answer: Italy. 8. What animal has breeds including Jersey, Texas Longhorn and Belgian Blue? 8. They then became popular in France, and the French Poodle name stuck…. What animal’s poop is generally cube shaped? 4. Health Trivia Questions. 4. Is converting to one format to another possible for fun trivia questions and answers? Your email address will not be published. Interesting Trivia Questions and Answers . What is the collective name for a group of butterflies? What is the farm animal that becomes the best friend of Shrek? A: TV remote control, Lagnoperissia is a fancy name for what sexual condition? What was the name of the Lion in the Chronicles of Narnia? Where would you find the heart of a shrimp? Try this New Year's trivia quiz. Answer: Three. A: Doctors, On Sunday, in Columbus Ohio, it is illegal to sell what? A: Brussels, Hugh Hefner’s jet plane was named what? You can only ask one guard one question. Try our amazing trivia questions and answers with numerous categories. That experience better stand them in good stead, since this round is solely focussed on a quiz about animals you’d find on a farm. We have put together a bunch of questions that range across a variety of domains right from art to science to history and even a few funny ones. A: Steals a towel. That experience better stand them in good stead, since this round is solely focussed on a quiz about animals you’d find on a farm.eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'triviaquiznight_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_4',134,'0','0'])); 1. Animals can be a little strange. A: At Home, Name the kind of professional most often late for doctors appointments? Answer: The heart. A: A Saint Christopher medal, What was banned in Indonesia for stimulating passion Hula Hoops, In 1926 why did Japan delete 800,000 feet from US films? 7. Which actress has won the most Oscars? Although the word ‘Trivia’ signifies something of small importance, trivia questions and answers are gradually gaining popularity, especially among students. A: Falling out of Trees, In St Louis Missouri its illegal for a fireman to rescue who? Trivia questions are becoming more and more popular among various age groups, and the fact that these not-so-important questions take you by surprise — in most of the cases, at least — has a crucial role to play in their popularity. Some more great questions: List of great entertainment and music quiz questions and answers. What is the largest bird in the world? 4. The national emblem of South Africa and often quoted as the second fastest land animal, what animal am I? Use our Trivia Questions and Answers to play a trivia game. I … What type of fish is the fastest in the ocean, having been clocked at speeds of 68mph? There are lots of different icebreaker games to choose from but a quiz is fantastic because it enables people to compete with each other on their own … Have one person designated to call out questions. Trivia quiz questions and answers may be a difficult aspect of formulating a quiz, with so many potential options available to composers. Editor / October 12th 2020 / No Comments. True or false? A: Illegal Drug Dealer, In Montana, it’s illegal to have what in your taxi cab without a chaperone? 2. 102 Cool Math Trivia Questions and Answers. A :’Product will be hot after heating’, What is a crossbreed between a zebra and a donkey called?A :A zonkey, Which Great Lake state has more shoreline than the entire U.S. Atlantic seaboard?A: Michigan, What does the term ‘piano’ actually mean?A: To be played softly’, What was the or Which was the first fruit that was eaten on the moon?A:  Peach, What do most farmers use to tell their cattle apart?A: Ear tags, How do you tell the age of a horse?It’s teeth: A:  longer = older, The wingspan of a Boeing 747 is longer than?The first flight of the Wright Brothers, What do humans do 15 times a day on an average?Laugh, Who is a gambrinous?A person full of beer, What are people who love eating ice called? … A: Income Taxes, In Boston, by law, what is banned from the back seat of cars? A: Whistle, In some areas of Paris what is provided for dogs? A zonkey. How insane is this? Answer: Keanu Reeves. 1. A: Swimming Pool, Why would women dislike using a West Indian Dildo? 5. Answer. Answer: Euclid. A: Male masturbation using your hand, A Capriphiliac has sex with who or what? What Animal Am I Quiz Questions and Answers, General Knowledge Animal Quiz Questions and Answers, All Creatures Great and Small Quiz Questions and Answers, Underwater Animal Trivia Questions and Answers, 100 Science Pub Quiz Questions and Answers, 100 Medical Trivia Questions and Answers , Privacy Policy, Terms & Conditions and Disclaimer, Lion, Elephant, Rhino, Buffalo and Leopard, Sphynx (but also accept Bambino, Donskoy, Peterbald, Ukrainian Levkoy, Elf or Dwelf), 10 (8 arms and 2 tentacles but those are also arms). What French wine region ends in the letter x? You’re trapped in a room with two doors. And that its distant relative, the slug, has four noses? The animal was a symbol of purity, innocence and power.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'triviaquiznight_com-leader-4','ezslot_11',139,'0','0'])); Let’s take to the skies for this round of ten awesome animal trivia questions, all focussed on our flying friends. A: A Rabbit, What is it illegal to do in Israel on a Saturday? In which country would you find the largest meeting of elephants in the world, known as The Gathering? 11th November 2020 ; 7 ; Some posts on this site contain affiliate links. So, to help you deliver just that, we’ve gone ahead and put together what we think are the best 100 animal quiz questions and answers that you can find anywhere on the internet! 7. 4. 7. What was the name of Mickey Mouse’s dog? A: Your dog, Where is it illegal to carry old chewing gum stuck on your nose? 8. 6. Which country do French Poodles come from? What is the scientific name given to apes? Answer: Katherine Hepburn, with 4 Oscars and 12 … Get ready for some awesome music trivia questions and answers. Name the 4 mammals that apparently can’t jump? A: Martin Luther, In Papua New Guinea, what is the leading cause of death? A: Rabbits, What do 66% of Americans reading on the toilet read? What is the only animal to sleep on its back? Here are 50 fun Christmas trivia questions with answers, covering Christmas movie trivia, holiday songs, and traditions for adults and kids. What is the smallest fish in the world? 6. 4. 1. A: Elves, 24% of British men have no what? True or false? What animal am I? 5. No matter their age, try this general knowledge round with some easy answers:eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'triviaquiznight_com-box-4','ezslot_1',132,'0','0'])); 1. eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'triviaquiznight_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_3',128,'0','0'])); 6. What’s his name? 5. Pegasus was a flying type of which animal? A: Peel an Onion, Playing what Randy Newman song on the radio is illegal in Maryland? Ready to get quizzing? 5. 2. Some are easy, some hard. What is the specific name for the largest flying bird (by wingspan) on the planet? If the recent trend of … 8. A: Sing out of Tune, In Wisconsin state, it’s against law to serve apple pie without what? 9. Christmas Trivia Questions. What is the national animal of Scotland? We think you’ll like: 100 science quiz questions and answers. A: Keep their socks on, Lord Byron is supposed to have had sex with his nanny at what age? A: A Space Gun, By law in Russia, the homeless must be where after 10 pm? People also love taking part in the TV quiz because they think they will probably know all the answers to all the TV questions. View questions by your favorite categories or view random trivia. 1. A: Speeding Ticket – 12 mph, In Arizona, you can have no more than two what in a house? There is only one species of warm-blooded fish on earth – what is its name? Trivia Question: Who was the first performer at the Woodstock festival in 1969? 7. 7. Test their knowledge with these ten questions about the smallest, largest and fastest animals in the world. If you are new on our website please check our old trivia questions and answers post. A: Contested Divorce, Louis the XVI, king of France, only took two (recorded) what in his lifetime? A: Readers Digest, In Ecuador, if you had Tronquito at your meal, what have you eaten? A: Gamble, What kind of animals are barred from racing in city limits in Key West Florida? A: Cheese, In York, it’s legal to kill a Scotsman (not Sunday)using what kind of weapon? In 1992, 2,421 US people were injured at home by their what? A: Bob Dole, On Sunday in Missouri it’s illegal for anyone to do what? Recommended: Our favourite fun quiz questions, Fun Fact: Apparently, the humble Poodle can be traced back to medieval Germany, where they were originally bred as duck hunting dogs. A: Gorillas, Where is it illegal to ride your bike in Baldwin Park California? Read next: All the best arts and literature quiz questions. Even if these little trivia titbits don’t tickle your fancy, it’s these kinds of obscure facts that make for a perfect animal kingdom quiz. 2. Trivia Questions and Answers. No, no man-made objects are visible (at least to the naked eye) in … But it’s not as easy as you would think. A: 9 years old, In North Andover Massachusetts, it’s illegal to possess what kind of weapon? You can also try the Valentine’s Day trivia question and answers for girls and boys, Valentine’s trivia quizzes or Jeopardy questions along with Printable Valentine quiz worksheet. The larval stage of amphibians, able to grow into frogs and salamanders, what am I? A: Pick Your Nose, In North Carolina, it’s illegal to do what? Which animal is protected by law in Rome? 10. A: A Payphone, U.S. Federal laws specify what color underwear for Crash Dummies? Only one door will lead you out of the room safely, but you don’t know which. If you book or buy something through these links, I earn a small commission (at no extra cost to you). A: Sherlock Holmes, The most perjury is committed in what kind of court case? Please do get in touch or just drop a note in the comments below! 2. 3. Which cute little marine creature hold hands with their friends to keep themselves from drifting apart while sleeping? A: Elephants, What did J Edgar Hoover bar people from walking on? Table of Contents. Home » Trivia » 102 Cool Math Trivia Questions and Answers. Answer: The skin. 8. Which organ has four chambers? It will definitely test their knowledge of all things airborne. Now we consider ourselves masters of the fiendish quiz, with everything from obscure cricketing facts to oddball trivia about the human body in our extensive repertoire. 1 10 Most Interesting SpongeBob Trivia Facts; 2 SpongeBob Trivia Questions & Answers; 3 … Toss-Up Quiz Questions With Answers. What is the largest … What is the name of the common breed of cat that has no hair? Whether you’re a committed cat person, or a declared dog lover, everyone loves our furry friends. 10. 250+ Trivia Questions & Answers for Kids | Thought Catalog Playing trivia is a great way to spend time with the whole family. Fun Fact: The colour of the egg that a chicken lays, depends on the colour of its earlobes… how strange is that?! A: Turtles, Who took out a $ 5000 life insurance policy before dying in battle? 7. What animal is known for the great migration across the African plains? Top Funny trivia questions in 2020. 9.What flightless bird is the emblem of New Zealand? A punch of funny questions and their funny answers. In which island nation would you come across the Lemur? Name the largest land mammal that currently inhabits the planet. 2. Related to a famous reading device, what is the name of a group of kittens? A: Mix male and female washing together, A P Herbert, editor of Punch, once wrote a check on what? Everything To Know About Cell C Cellphone Contract Deals And The Cancellation Process, Packages on Telkom Contract Deals, Requirements For Application and How To Cancel a Contract, Easy Ways To Check Vodacom Balance, Recharge Airtime and Transfer Credit, How to do a SIM Swap on Vodacom or Port from other Mobile Networks, How to Buy or Transfer Data on Vodacom and Check Your Balance, How to Use Vodacom Please Call Me Services or Claim Your Free Data on the Network. Think your participants know a bit about these kinds of extreme facts? But sometimes – just sometimes – you’re wanting to… View Post. The Afro-pop star... One of the hallmarks of an efficient business is the ability to cater to customer complaints effectively. However, the names “zebonkey,” “zebrula,” “zebrass,” and “zedonk” are more commonly accepted. What bird beats its wings between 60 and 80 times per second? 8. A: Fart, If you Manuxorate, what are you doing? Trivia Question: Florence Nightingale aided the sick and wounded during what war? A: Big Bunny, What creatures it is illegal to maltreat in Maryland? (FRANK BEARD) Who were the first television couple to be shown in bed together on prime time television? Now we’ve delivered this as ten rounds of ten questions, all ranging from easy to difficult. 10. The Vodacom Please Call Me service comes in handy for customers that want to talk to someone urgently about an issue but, for some... 100+ Good Would You Rather Questions for Couples or Teens, Adults & Kids, Best 25 Nelson Mandela Quotes of All Times, 100+ African Proverbs And Meanings You Didn't Know, A Close Look at Mr. P’s Marriage to Wife Lola Omotayo and the Children they Share, Yemi Alade’s Real Age, Biography And The Songs That Made Her A Household Name, DStv Ghana Contact Numbers and Other Ways You Can Reach Their Customer Care, Yemi Alade Has No Husband But Has Dated A Few Men – Meet Them, Truth about Tiwa Savage’s Real Age and the Net Worth that Sustains Her Luxurious Lifestyle, Doreen Lioy – Facts About Richard Ramirez’s Wife and Where She Is Today, Lesly Brown – Bio, 5 Key Facts You Need To Know About Pat Sajak’s Wife, Amanda Fuller Bio – Weight Gain, Body Measurements and Husband. 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