Install with galvanized screws into most substrates in any weather. uuid:fe5ef579-2dc6-4b3c-a2ea-5848646f9ef6 We’re going to discuss several problems commonly encountered while installing stacked stone veneer panels as a DIY project, and how you can avoid them. Stacked Stone Ledger panels are trimmed pieces of natural stone affixed together to form modular stone veneer panels, which allows for the streamlined installation of a dry stacking stone veneer. 0000305729 00000 n ��[� ���$ endstream endobj 294 0 obj <> endobj 295 0 obj <>stream 2019-01-03T19:05:37+05:30 False The Laticrete® Masonry Veneer Installation System (MVIS™) utilizes proven materials and methods to provide the solution with a factory-prepared system for manufactured stone veneers that's freeze/thaw stable and unmatched in its ability to protect against water intrusion. MSI Natural Stacked Stone panels are natural stone pieces adhered to each other and formed into a stepped panel for easier site installation. proof:pdf 9��� �����6�s��OqKز���ߒ���������:,0�� 紐C�qQ5��ʣ���l��n�Nm�0�'7�B+�^}�q/�. 0000071039 00000 n Adobe PDF Library 15.0 Easy to install, and ready to go. h�bbg`b``Ń3� ����'0 }V endstream endobj 289 0 obj <>/Metadata 29 0 R/PageLabels 26 0 R/Pages 28 0 R/StructTreeRoot 31 0 R/Type/Catalog/ViewerPreferences<>>> endobj 290 0 obj <>/ExtGState<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageC]/XObject<>>>/Rotate 0/StructParents 0/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 291 0 obj <>stream Preview our collection of stacked stone ledger panels hardscaping products. 0000295501 00000 n / )��4�v��Φ� F�0[,4���c�3�������7YN�i�A�P��~�;ߓ˟�)y�'�����P2�&���eDVٵ�?I��(a�c��Q'�:��̋��R��Fo�$E����=H��L�j9���� _���0H�0��d�rV�"/R�6������Ь��a���������1�RNF����ΑQӵ�=Yu��Ԓ�?�n�ݩ����z���������캜�߬R,E��� g2-+���Js9��[������oMwuuy�8<7�y��������RZ�uM&�)IFD�������)���/���Y.W�ԃ�1��͗��T&�>.�n0.����jٮW]�'w�?�ݘ�]ߟW;8U�Ͻ��]��/���^}�2���X�F+� 0000012542 00000 n Interior wall substrates should be cementitious such as cement backer board, brick, or block. Natural stone products inherently lack uniformity and are subject to variation in color, shade, finish, etc. MSI’s “Stack and Fasten” technology utilizes a patented rail system that allows the stone to lock as you install, each panel is 5″x20″, with advancements in the design to allow for inside and outside corners. MSI’s mini stacked stone panels are freeze-thaw resistant and suitable for water features. Each panel weighs between 7-10 lbs. 2019-01-03T19:05:38+05:30 application/pdf Engineered to be quick and easy to install, MSI is great for everyone from the do-it-yourselfers to contractors. 0000001641 00000 n We offer these stone panels in two styles: Natural stone ledger stepped panels and "L" ledger stepped panel corner for outside corners. 0000011841 00000 n ��p'�oA'xϯa-��p�^����gx��)��+��j�oիY��07�G�.qOn��O�F�o�ꆩ��x�"�v��+�'��%�. xmp.did:8cc422f3-3c6b-564a-bd69-72a64c85b5e8 Veneer stone has been increasing in popularity for building projects in Austin, Texas, and with good reason. endstream endobj 3 0 obj <> endobj 5 0 obj >/PageWidthList<0 612.0>>>>>>/Resources<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/XObject<>>>/TrimBox[0.0 0.0 612.0 792.0]/Type/Page>> endobj 6 0 obj <>stream The MSI Post Surround elegantly combines elements of the MSI Ledge and MSI Dry Stack stone profiles, to create a stone that will match all M-Rock MSI products and create a beautiful stone accent. In these installations, the weather resistive 0000009895 00000 n 0000274235 00000 n Perfectly sized for easy backsplash installation, these 4.5×16 petite panels are also a wonderful choice for features walls, accent borders, niches—or nearly any vertical space where a touch of natural beauty is welcomed, even outdoors. =e�dGAGaGAGaGAGaGAGaGAGώ=;zt����3�G6���8�y��3U�t;��Lח�8�Wh�cLp����]o� Our stone veneers can weigh anywhere from about 7 to 13 lbs per square foot. 0000002563 00000 n Cut easily with a dry masonry blade to meet your specific project needs. STEP 1: STARTING OFF RIGHT 0000001822 00000 n 0000291576 00000 n 0000057893 00000 n 0000009213 00000 n Start by ensuring the substrate is suitable to receive the stone veneer. Installations happen faster and easier with quality stone – ask any stonemason! Coordinating California gold natural stone veneer corners put the finishing touch on your project. 0000010633 00000 n 0000004514 00000 n trailer <<139C184164234738B46066AC7FE79DCA>]/Prev 712566/XRefStm 1641>> startxref 0 %%EOF 338 0 obj <>stream 0000001316 00000 n 0000007978 00000 n 0000125976 00000 n With firm pressure, press stone into place with a slight wiggle, allowing mortar to ooze around the outer edges of the stone. Explore the latest recommended installation techniques on how to install manufactured stone; including a detailed “Step by Step” process utilizing a cement board substrate and a polymer-fortified installation system. 288 0 obj <> endobj xref 288 51 0000000016 00000 n To install stacked stone veneer on an interior wall, you can follow these simple steps: Step 1. Natural Stone Veneer is a higher quality alternative to manufactured stone veneers. Stacked Stone ledger panels can be used on … 0000192908 00000 n 0000003417 00000 n 2019-01-03T19:05:38+05:30 0000004799 00000 n 0000058262 00000 n Interior Dry Wall: MSI can be installed over Dry Wall, 1) Hit one stud per stone, or 2) Use some type of dry wall anchor. Most M-Rock Stone products are typically installed by a qualified mason, however, even someone with basic masonry skills can install manufactured rock. Note: Inspect all tiles before installation. Install with galvanized screws into most substrates in any weather Each Panel is 5x20 (inches) with a patented interlocking rail system Cut easily with a dry masonry blade to meet your specific project needs Concrete based product; lightweight, yet made to look and feel like real stone H�\��j�0��~ Concrete based product; lightweight, yet made to look and feel like real stone. It is not recommended to install manufactured stone veneer in areas of cascading water or below the water line. 0000004911 00000 n AND this is a GREEN product, earning leed points. The following is a sampling of procedures for the installation of M-ROCK’s Traditional stone products. 0000029901 00000 n 0000004208 00000 n 0000049022 00000 n 0000011367 00000 n Designed specifically to fit a 6X6 (true dimension of 5 ½“ X 5 ½“), the Post Surround is engineered to be installed in a few simple steps. Adobe InDesign CC 14.0 (Windows) M-Rock Stone Manufacturing has quickly become the name to know when it comes to manufactured stone products. from application/x-indesign to application/pdf Sawn Veneer 2019-01-03T19:05:37+05:30 default Terrado Manufactured Stone Veneer Installation. For dry interior applications, thin stone can be adhered to the backup wall using mortar or special epoxy adhesives approved for thin stone applications. An Easy way to create a beautiful Stone Column. H�\��j�@���{Y/J4�-x�j� 19�@݄5^���ɔ���f���l��n��L��z��9���z�.�V��c�Ya��~����T�Y�Ļ�y��6��,M��6�C���U��u��/��؆���X�&&�]��KO35˥i�������:��G���I��p�M��/ޯ��b|�1L�5z�Zc�����,M���e����o���g�����iZY���HN��|6rZ��udf6�l֓=��|^��{�=xM^��ˢ�} ?��Ѣ��8��cN���9r:�t���!�c6�l�y���}>B���G�#��; The new MSI, (Mortarless Stone Innovations) takes the mess, mortar and mason out of your stone installation. 0000006532 00000 n 0000013034 00000 n �� �f endstream endobj 292 0 obj <> endobj 293 0 obj <>stream Spread approximately 1/2 inch of mortar to entire back of stone (leave no air pockets). With its patented Flashing and Fastening System, Belterra Mortarless Architectural Stone provides the attractive look of real stone at a fraction of the cost. �C���.&0: If you take a few minutes to study the composition of drywall, you’ll find a pretty basic product – essentially its gypsum between two heavy pieces of paper. 1 0 obj <>>> endobj 2 0 obj <>stream M-ROCK P-Series / MSI FIREPLACE INSTALLATION USING MSI STONE AND OUR FIREPLACE TRIM KIT Read the instructions and become familiar with the stone. Unlike manufactured stones, natural stones are natural throughout, so scratching and chipping the surface does not affect the appearance. MSI is the leading wholesale distributor of Stacked Stone Ledger Panels. Experience how Eldorado Stone can transform your interior space with this “How to Install” video workshop. Water run-off should always be diverted away from installed manufactured stone veneer 0000073375 00000 n The stone below is the same as it's parent, the builder full veneer chopped stone, however these are sawn on the backside to be a thin sawn veneer. It is recommended to blend tiles from different boxes when installing. Belterra, by Silvermine Stone, delivers another level of real stone aesthetic and eliminates the perils of water damage in an easy to install mortarless stone siding. �Ć`5J���]� 0000128299 00000 n Many of these issues can be solved simply by using MSI veneer … H��W[o�~���G�! Less weight, less transportation costs, more installation options, and still a high quality natural stone. xmp.iid:259f2fb1-5e31-1d47-a300-486ecea28a99 0000005187 00000 n �&J���*�kϻf���2: :*j.�fb��Zҹ��������h�,��3e�aK�f�D�&����4�t�m`Ӫ� ZTC���ƌ*(� 9���THxJJy��)�� converted and meets the definition of Adhered Masonry Veneer as defined by the … 0000003150 00000 n MSI's natural stone veneers are a genuine product of nature. How to Install Stacked Stone on an interior wall. 0000001987 00000 n Drywall is not a suitable substrate to install stone veneer on. It is recommended to check building codes for requirements and/or restrictions. Block Installation: MSI can be installed over block using 2 layers if 30# felt and masonry screws to apply stone to block. Get free shipping on qualified MSI Veneerstone Stone Veneer Siding or Buy Online Pick Up in Store today in the Building Materials department. 0000006902 00000 n M S International is the leading importer and distributor of natural stones, countertops, landscaping tiles and porcelain in North America. Installation & Services Specials & Offers Local Ad ... Stone Veneer Accessories (23) Compare. Most interior stone veneer installations are not exposed to moisture so you do not need to take steps to prevent water penetration. ��D �X�C���!��m��璘o���p��:�Z]���nߵ���}}��;�]3�k����vٲpM[O�w�{}��,O���/���ge��_��u��a������?�&�mwv��G�n��/���­׮��T�[5|�.���}�����)������!�b�_2L�7�:Tu���r���+�ҵ�b���\�ˎ����������ؓ=���^�W�-yޑw�W�+������=��%y .��^���9���`#�9=rz����7�Mb�W�z^�W�z^�W�z^�K��.�>�Aػ����z�x��@o�7�� �1��@W�Kً�eMEMeMEMeMEMeMEMe/�^����})�R�tvq{�/�0π�({W���3���>�������������������������������������������+���߯����s0*i���ַqL#8��C?�� Installing Stone Veneer in Austin - See ratings and read real reviews on companies in Austin that do stone veneer installation. • Watch the Installation video at • Ensure that you have all … M S International’s Natural Stone Ledger panels are trimmed pieces of natural ledger stone affixed together to form modular panels, which allows for the streamlined installation of dry stacked ledge stone veneer. %PDF-1.4 %���� H�\��n�@E���^&��ம 0000003935 00000 n Adobe InDesign CC 14.0 (Windows) 0000005025 00000 n 0000005726 00000 n 0000008612 00000 n 0000057643 00000 n Take care to prevent mortar from getting on sur- face of stone. 0000299426 00000 n These real stone veneer panels can be used for interior and exterior installations. 0000006186 00000 n r�,���4��p`u`Z�4�Q���@ �����f��LZ|��I��V��?�4p3��ڡ|��9�m�Mxv�Y�g��/�0X0�)�K�Anbg �+H330,���c�[ ��x@� ��9� endstream endobj 337 0 obj <>/Filter/FlateDecode/Index[31 257]/Length 31/Size 288/Type/XRef/W[1 1 1]>>stream (See. 0000070961 00000 n xmp.did:252b5025-e0b3-704d-b42a-7ce95d45bbbd 0000049146 00000 n h�b``a``�c`e`�e� Ȁ �@16�@��Ɇ$I�?\,J���Do�@;�RJ`@�(�! Made with natural stone in various finishes, MSI’s stacked stone veneers have the look and quality of classic masonry, and help you create elegant, nature-inspired home accents. Each Panel is 5x20 (inches) with a patented interlocking rail system. : M-Rock is expanding our product lines with the new MSI technology. Here you can find mortar and waterproofing products, find installation tips, calculators to determine thin stone veneer quantities needed, review product literature, and watch thin stone veneer installation … MSI will assume no responsibility for water infiltration. Many homeowners appreciate the elegance and beauty of natural stone and would love to incorporate it into their décor. xmp.did:8cc422f3-3c6b-564a-bd69-72a64c85b5e8 0000070582 00000 n MSI Stone is also the largest wholesale supplier of natural stone products in the United States. 0000070300 00000 n 0000007278 00000 n Weight is the primary reason that drywall does not make a suitable substrate for a stone veneer installation. Class A fire rated; safe for use around fireplaces 0000190900 00000 n %PDF-1.7 %���� We recommend that the block be sealed before MSI installation. 0000319935 00000 n 0000071368 00000 n For water infiltration moisture so you do not need to take steps to mortar. Recommended to blend tiles from different boxes when installing drywall msi stone veneer installation not affect the appearance substrates in any.. Is a higher quality alternative to manufactured stone veneers Buy Online Pick Up in Store today in the States! 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