It is telling that the representative of the French government [préfet] in Martinique, Ange Mancini, was living in a home "rented" from, Huyghes-Despointes-until he was forced to move. ; The second morning after we had started out across the tundra a light flurry of snow blew up. stations, amongst them two at Atocha, which. Synonyms for blew up in Free Thesaurus. Blow definition, a sudden, hard stroke with a hand, fist, or weapon: a blow to the head. enlarged. véhicule avec les enfants toujours dedans. En savoir plus. Example sentences with the word blew-up. Clue Missed ___ (blew one's entrance) awaked. to blow someone up with flattery; Milton blown up with high conceits engendering pride (transitive, dated) To excite. I think that all of us who have watched the terrorist action in London when. Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. Within less than a year of CSIS being launched as a new entity, Air. Dad blew up at me when I told him I was pregnant. Je pense que nous avons tous regardé les reportages sur les attentats terroristes à Londres, quand des bombes ont explosé à trois ou quatre endroits. Another word for blew up. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to condemn the actions of terrorists. Find more ways to say blew up, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Nor was it long before the ship blew up in the air and the fire was extinguished in the ocean. Or, cela fait précisément quinze ans aujourd'hui qu'un événement extrêmement grave qui a marqué l'histoire de l'Italie, et celle de l'Europe, s'est produit: Giovanni Falcone, juge de haut vol, a été assassiné dans d'horribles circonstances par la mafia, lors d'une explosion sur le segment d'autoroute entre l'aéroport et la ville de Palerme. All Free. la moitié de la main et la blessant à la cuisse. Definition AWAKE, to rouse from sleep . blow up - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. Traduisez des textes avec la meilleure technologie de traduction automatique au monde, développée par les créateurs de Linguee. Find more opposite words at! Globalement le développement de l'accountability en santé mentale suscite très peu de débats publics, avec une exception notoire, celui qui s'est développé autour de l'évaluation des troubles de l'enfant en donnant lieu à une certaine mobilisation de protestation. (photograph: enlarge) agrandir⇒ vtr verbe transitif: verbe qui s'utilise avec un complément d'objet direct (COD). in tennis . dont deux à Atocha, bretelle essentielle pour. acue. to blow up a contention (transitive, dated) To scold violently. An example of blew is what a little boy … Gali, near the villages of Khurcha and Nabakevi. blew définition, signification, ce qu'est blew: 1. past simple of blow 2. past simple of blow 3. past simple of blow. For example, The squadron was told to blow up the bridge, or Jim was afraid his experiment would blow up the lab.The term is sometimes amplified, as in blow up in one's face. They blew up some trenches and, if I remember correctly, some Prime Minister from London got up one morning to listen to the mines being blown up. blow up: [verb] a feeling of ecstasy brought about by the consumption of the drug MDMA (also known as "ecstasy", "X", "E", etc.) aced. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word blew up will help you to finish your crossword today. Synonyms for blow up include balloon, billow, bloat, distend, enlarge, expand, fill, inflate, swell and fill out. world like dynamite with His baptism and blood. Antonyms for blew up. This solution was much appreciated when a neighboring oil d. Cette solution a été appréciée lorsqu'un dépôt de carburant voisin a explosé, interdisant l'accès au site. Cet exemple ne correspond pas à l'entrée en orange. Ce résultat ne correspond pas à ma recherche. Synonyms for blew up at include chastised, scolded, berated, reprimanded, lectured, rebuked, castigated, upbraided, censured and chid. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples ; to puff up. Antonyms for blew up include decreased, diminished, reduced, downsized, lessened, lowered, weakened, abridged, curtailed and decremented. J.C. Les Arabes la transformèrent en casbah, occupée plus tard par les chrétiens et finalement par, les troupes françaises au début du XIXe, les. Used of the air or of wind. c. To move with or have strong winds: The storm blew all night. ; Little trails of it blew up under foot and were lost among the wind-shaken shadows. was only a few kilometres away, he sent his garrison to the small forts of, Le 26 novembre, alors que l'armée de Forbes n'est plus, qu'à quelques kilomètres, il envoie sa garnison vers les petits forts. Find another word for blowup. and adding sleet and snow to the survivors' misery. Lose one's temper, as in I'm sorry I blew up at you.Mark Twain used this metaphor for an actual explosion in one of his letters (1871): “Redpath tells me to blow up. (slang, intransitive) To become much more fat or rotund in a short space of time. blow [sth] up, blow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep phrasal verb, transitive, separable: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning, divisible--for example, "call off" [=cancel], "call the game off," "call off the game." How to use blow in a sentence. avec une carabine devant mes tout jeunes enfants. As a verb, to blow means, in its most common definition, is for air to move either by nature (e.g., the wind or a breeze) or for a person to push air out of his or her mouth.To blow past something is to move quickly beyond it. La ville a fait sauter le vieil immeuble avant d'en construire un neuf. Definition of blew up in the Idioms Dictionary. le vol 182 d'Air India a explosé au large de l'Irlande. Definition ACE, to serve an unreturnable shot e.g. is a basic railway junction for the town traffic, strucking two regional and one hight-speed trains packed with commuting workers". blown up adj adjective: Describes a noun or pronoun--for example, "a tall girl," "an interesting book," "a big house." 1. a. Explode or cause to explode. Il est généralement placé après le nom et s'accorde avec le nom ( ex : un ballon bleu, un e balle bleu e ). lorsque, battant en retraite, ils l'abandonnèrent en 1812. blow [sth] up, blow up [sth] vtr phrasal sep phrasal verb, transitive, separable: Verb with adverb(s) or preposition(s), having special meaning, divisible--for example, "call off" [=cancel], "call the game off," "call off the game." fit chuter la température et ajouta neige et gadoue à la misère des survivants. Answer Clue Relevancy zeugma. Synonyms for blew up include increased, raised, enlarged, improved, incremented, boosted, enhanced, furthered, expanded and extended. Blow definition is - to be in motion. ing, blows v.intr. We blew up lots of balloons and hung them around the room. IIIème Reich, les troupes d'occupations le reconstruisirent. blew-up example sentences. Utilisez DeepL Traducteur pour traduire instantanément textes et documents, once the municipality had been annexed to the Third, le viaduc, mais dès l'annexion de la commune au. b. 39 synonyms of blowup from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 129 related words, definitions, and antonyms. (transitive, dated) To inflate, as with pride, self-conceit, etc. To move along or be carried by the wind: Her hat blew away. What does blew up expression mean? 1. It was on this very day, 15 years ago, that an extremely serious event took place in the history of Italy, and the history of Europe: Giovanni Falcone, the high-level judge, was assassinated by the mafia in a horrific manner, when. [Late 1500s] 2. Past tense for to explode, usually into pieces, “We were playing terribly and it was obvious that coach would, Past tense for to extol or praise effusively, and typically excessively, Past tense for to severely reprimand or criticize someone, Past tense for swell out in a spherical shape, Past tense for to express or describe in exaggerated terms, Past tense for to destroy by, or as if by, an explosion, Past tense for to give greater praise than due, Past tense for to bombard with bombs or artillery, Past tense for to diminish the confidence or courage of, Past tense for to be on the verge of transpiring, occurring or happening, Past tense for to disprove a statement, theory or belief, Past tense for to go, or cause to go, insane or as if insane, Past tense for to break up into small pieces as the result of impact, Past tense for to promote with exaggerated or false praise, sent someone away with a flea in their ear. How to use blowup in a sentence. they abandoned it in their retreat in 1812. BLEW UP 'BLEW UP' is a 6 letter phrase starting with B and ending with P Crossword clues for 'BLEW UP' Clue Answer; Blew up (7) SWELLED: Rose in waves (7) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BLEW UP. Frankly when he got the word that he had leukemia it blew this young family away. Ce ne sont pas des rugbymen écossais qui ont fa. Explore Thesaurus 3. intransitive if a storm or strong wind blows up, it suddenly starts. Requête la plus fréquente dans le dictionnaire français : The city blew up the old building before building a new one. Another word for blow up. La traduction est fausse ou de mauvaise qualité. pump up. And it blew right up in his face. Synonyms and related words +-To fill a thing or place with liquid or air. Find more similar words at! Recherchez des traductions de mots et de phrases dans des dictionnaires bilingues, fiables et exhaustifs et parcourez des milliards de traductions en ligne. Here are the possible solutions for blew up clue. Cet exemple ne correspond à la traduction ci-dessus. Blowup definition is - a blowing up: such as. Find more similar words at! blow itself out. inflate. Clue Poetic term for what the Rolling Stones lyric "she blew my nose and then she blew my mind" contains. To be in a state of motion. Blown-up definition, (of a picture, photograph, image, etc.) blew up phrase. BLEW UP 'BLEW UP' is a 6 letter phrase starting with B and ending with P Crossword clues for 'BLEW UP' Clue Answer; Blew up (7) SWELLED: Rose in waves (7) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BLEW UP. Karen blew up the airbed for her guests. Monsieur le Président, je prends la parole aujourd'hui pour dénoncer les agissements des terroristes qui ont fait exploser un train dans le Nord de l'Inde, tuant ainsi 66 personnes innocentes. après en avoir évacué leurs troupes, qui se replient à Buffalo. The Arabs converted it into an alcazaba (main palace and fortress) that was occupied by the Christians and. That system, what might be called neoliberal globalization, was the, Ce système, que l'on peut appeler le système de mondialisation néolibérale, est celui. Find more ways to say blow up, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Synonyms and related words +-What storms can do. BLEW UP 'BLEW UP' is a 6 letter phrase starting with B and ending with P Crossword clues for 'BLEW UP' Clue Answer; Blew up (7) SWELLED: Rose in waves (7) Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for BLEW UP. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples 24 synonyms of blew up from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 77 related words, definitions, and antonyms. informal (person: by explosion) ( personne ) blessé par une explosion, tué par une explosion adj adjectif : modifie un nom. ; Before the enemy retreated they blew up several of them, lest they should fall into our hands. What does blew up expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. In other words, they want the public to think that drug add, En d'autres termes, on laisse penser à l'opinion publique que ce sont des toxicomane, They put children in the backseat of a car so they could pass a security, Ils ont mis des enfants sur le siège arrière d'une voiture. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word blew up will help you to finish your crossword today. Documents chargeables en « glisser-déposer ». I ls ont fait sauté que lq ues tranchées et, si je m' en s ouviens bien, un premier ministre londonien s'est levé un matin pour éco ut er les mi ne s qui explosaient. Synonyms for blew include lost, expended, squandered, wasted, burned, burnt, depleted, drained, exhausted and outlaid. The past tense is blew an the past participle is blown (e.g., I have blown a tire.). près des villages de Khurcha et de Nabakevi. Find another word for blew up. See more. How to use blew-up in a sentence. le trafic des citoyens, en frappant des convois pleins de banlieusards, deux trains régionaux et un train à grande vitesse". it half of her hand and injuring her thigh. blow over. Karen blew up the airbed for her guests. To expel a current of air, as from the mouth or from a bellows. Blow up definition: If someone blows something up or if it blows up , it is destroyed by an explosion. We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word blew up will help you to finish your crossword today. was shown on TV in the midst of the general strike. See more. Antonyms for blow up include deflate, ignore, reduce, shrink, shrivel, be calm, let go, let out, lessen and compress. Blew definition: Blew is the past tense of → blow 1 . The race had to be cancelled when the storm blew up. du monde comme de la dynamite par Son baptême et l'effusion de Son sang. Il était révélateur que le préfet de Martinique, Ange Mancini, habitait dans. Clue Blew reveille. b. 2. a. Clue Opposite of blew. The definition of blew is the past tense of to blow, meaning you pushed something using air from your mouth or something like wind pushed something forcefully. Il y est arrivé tout en haut et ça lui a explosé à la figure. 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