Tap to unmute. is a giant lobster kaiju created by Toho that first appeared in the 1966 Godzilla series film, Ebirah, Horror of the Deep. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Ebirah uses his larger right claw to grasp objects or bludgeon enemies. Dieses Boot geriet am 1. Ebirah has two differently-sized claws, one on each arm. Controlled by It received an U (Universal) rating from the British Board of Film Censors, perhaps in part because Miller replaced the Horror in the title, a loaded word following … During the battle between King Caesar and Megalon, the island's natives caught between the two kaiju's battle ran for cover, some escaping to the ocean. Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (ゴジラ・エビラ・モスラ 南海の大決闘, Gojira, Ebira, Mosura Nankai no Daikettō, lit. Ebirah's name is derived from the Japanese word ebi (海老? He accidentally stabbed one of Hedorah's eyes with this claw in Godzilla: Final Wars. Credits roll with shots of sludge and garbage floating past on the water mixed with images of a woman singing "Save the Earth" in Japanese. Godzilla throws Ebirah to the surface, and the two monsters arrive in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Flying EbirahKM Amazon Business: For … In Ebirah, Horror of the Deep, Ebirah showed a dislike of the spice Saffron. He first appeared in the 1966 movie, Ebirah, Horror of the Deep. Godzilla defeats Ebirah as Mothra arrives to rescue the slaves. Godzilla, King of the Monsters (Kodansya manga series): Kaiju. The \"ra\" (ラ?) Ebirah generally resembles a giant red lobster. Further details may exist on the, "Criterion reveals the collection's 1000th disc: the ultimate Godzilla set", Godzilla, Mothra and King Ghidorah: Giant Monsters All-Out Attack, Legendary Giant Beast Wolfman vs. Godzilla, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Ebirah,_Horror_of_the_Deep&oldid=998208785, Films with screenplays by Shinichi Sekizawa, Articles containing Japanese-language text, Articles with unsourced statements from March 2018, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 4 January 2021, at 08:51. It is the seventh film in the Godzilla franchise, and features special effects by Sadamasa Arikawa, under the supervision of Eiji Tsuburaya. The movie starts out with a long shot of polluted water where Hedorahrises slowly, the title shows onscreen. Suddenly, Lightning stuck Kong, both regaining his consciousness and strength. The mutants successfully defeat Ebirah with specialized hand-held maser cannons and were about to kill it, when it disappeared. Despite being labeled a lobster, there are a few species of crustacean that resemble Ebirah more than lobsters as the crayfish and ironically the shrimp such as the Snapping Shrimps and distinctively the Heterocarpus shrimps. Blu-ray — DVD CDN$ 58.40 Additional DVD options: Edition Discs Amazon Price New from Used from DVD "Please retry" — 2. Since Ebirah is a lobster, he could have the ability to regenerate his claws as well, but it's not seen. Ebirah roared in agony, and whacked Kong with his tail, knocking him into a mountain, causing boulders to halfway bury him. The film stars Akira Takarada, Kumi Mizuno, Akihiko Hirata and Eisei Amamoto, and features the fictional monster characters Godzilla, Mothra, and Ebirah. In Godzilla: Final Wars, Ebirah can attack with both of its claws in a signature attack called "Crisis Scissors.". part of Ebirah's name is a common suffix for kaiju names. The film was released to theaters in Japan on December 17, 1966, and was released directly to television in the United States in 1968 under the title Godzilla versus the Sea Monster. Large Eagle) in All Monsters Attack. The "ra" (ラ?) The Red Bamboo ships used a special extract from the island’s fruit to protect themselves from Ebirah. CDN$ 72.47: CDN$ 58.40: DVD "Please retry" — — CDN$ 712.70 . [11] In 2019, the Japanese version was included in a Blu-ray box set released by the Criterion Collection, which included all 15 films from the franchise's Shōwa era. Nomenclature 第五福竜丸, Dai-go Fukuryū-maru). Watch later. Even though I wore a wet suit under the costume, I got cold. [6] The film's working title was Operation Robinson Crusoe: King Kong vs. Ebirah, and the project was rejected by Rankin/Bass Productions before being accepted by Toho, after which King Kong's role in the film was replaced by Godzilla. Ebirah taucht erstmals in "Frankenstein und die Ungeheuer aus dem Meer" auf und zwar, als sich Ryota Kane, Ichino, Nita und Yoshimura in einem Schiff auf die Suche nach dem verschollenen Bruder von ersterem, Yata Kane, machen. Sie finden Rezensionen und Details zu einer vielseitigen Blu-ray- und DVD-Auswahl – neu und gebraucht. Ebirah is a Kaiju from the Godzilla movie series. Die Grundidee zum Film stammt vom Produzenten Tomoyuki Tanaka. Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla (ゴジラ対メカゴジラ, Gojira tai Mekagojira) is a 1974 Japanese kaiju film directed by Jun Fukuda, with special effects by Teruyoshi Nakano.Produced and distributed by Toho, it is the 14th film of the Godzilla franchise, and features the fictional monster characters Godzilla, Anguirus, and King Caesar, along with the mecha character Mechagodzilla. [7] Despite the fact that Eiji Tsuburaya was given directorial credit for the special effects, Sadamasa Arikawa actually directed the special effects under the supervision of Tsuburaya, who had his own company, Tsuburaya Productions, at the time. Als Inspiration gilt hierbei der Vorfall des japanischen Fischerbootes Glücklicher Drache V (jap. The humans retrieve the missing Yata and free the enslaved natives as Godzilla begins to destroy the Red Bamboo's base of operations, smashing a tower that causes a countdown that will destroy the island in a nuclear explosion. Godzilla: Ebirah Horror of the Deep - Official Trailer. Ebirah's carapace is shown to be capable of withstanding even machine gun fire. Amazon.de - Kaufen Sie Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah / Ebirah, horror of the deep günstig ein. Production Information Ebirah additionally has multiple legs and multiple segments in his body, leading up to a normal lobster tail. After repeated attacks from all of the monsters, Ebirah retreats to the ocean. The terrorists set their reactor to self destruct and try to escape the island, but they are destroyed by Ebirah. Using its atomic ray, Godzilla destroys the jets and kills the giant bird. GodzillaMeganulonGRoEMegaguirusGRoE Ebirah was not seen afterwards, and none of the Trilopods possessed his characteristics. The Sea MonsterHorror of the DeepThe Giant ClawEvirah Dialogue was dubbed to English. However, the crew runs afoul of Ebirah, a giant lobster-like creature, and washes ashore on Letchi Island. [12], Please expand the article to include this information. Ebirah makes a full appearance in issue #17, where he abruptly attacks Godzilla, who is swimming back after his battle with the MechaGodzillas and Mecha-King Ghidorah. Large Condor) in Ebirah, Horror of the Deep and Giant Eagle (大ワシ, Oowashi?, lit. Ebirah, Horror of the Deep. In their efforts to avoid capture, Ryota and his friends, aided by Daiyo, a native girl, come across Godzilla, who previously fought Ghidorah and is now sleeping within a cliffside cavern. When a small group of people stranded on the island saw the monster Godzillasleeping in a cave, they woke it so it could fight Ebirah. During this bout however, a thunderstorm began. Info. [9] Arikawa has cited the film as a frustrating experience, stating, "There were major limitations on the budget from the studio. Then Ebirah and Hedorah are sent to destroy Godzilla in Tokyo bay. You can kind of tell that this was originally supposed to be a King Kong movie. Portrayed by After the battle, Ebirah runs away and Godzilla goes back on land. But I never got sick, because I was so tense during the filming. In the process, they awaken Godzilla using a makeshift lightning rod. Showa30 meters(Lying down)50 meters(Standing upright)[1]Millennium50 meters King Kong was having none of it, and grabbed Ebirah, and tore the claw that was clamping to Kong's arm off. Godzilla fights Ebirah, but the huge crustacean escapes. In Ebirah, Horror of the Deep, a terrorist organization called the Red Bamboo had set up a base of operations on Letchi Island. [8] Toho had decided to set the film on an island in order to cut back on special effects costs. Godzilla: Ebirah Horror of the Deep - Official Trailer - YouTube. They use a sword as a lightning rod and wire found in a storage room to wake up Godzilla during a lightning storm. The Xiliens arrive and say that they destroyed the monsters to save Earth. Flying Ebirah in Kodansya's Godzilla, King of the Monsters manga. Godzilla vs. When I was a kid, I would fast forward Godzilla … The film was released to theaters in Japan on December 17, 1966, and was released directly to television in the United States in 1968 under the title Godzilla versus the Sea Monster. Godzilla, Ebirah, Mothra: Big Duel in the South Seas) is a 1966 Japanese kaiju film directed by Jun Fukuda and produced and distributed by Toho Studios. Ebirah verliert den Kampf gegen Godzilla. The film was originally written to feature King Kong rather than Godzilla. Ebirah was later seen on the water monsters section of the mural on Infant Island. the mutants, during their attack on Ebirah, managed to shoot away much of his claws using their weaponry, exploiting that vulnerability. The organization, Red Bamboo, has enslaved natives from Infant Island to help them, but the natives hope to awaken a dormant Mothra to rescue the… Godzilla wakes up and immediately confronts Ebirah. Species It was the first Godzilla film to not receive North American theatrical distribution. The studio knew I was also doing TV work then, so they must have figured I could produce the movie cheaply. Nat Miller brought Ebirah, Horror of the Deep to UK theaters in August 1969, as part of a double feature with Son of Godzilla. "[8], This is the first of two Godzilla films in which a Pacific island is the primary setting, rather than a location inside Japan. He also has two antennae and a giant nose-like shell piece. During its development, Ebirah, Horror of the Deep was intended to feature King Kong, but the character was replaced by Godzilla. In the chaos of Godzilla’s attack on the island, Ebirah kills the fleeing Red Bamboo terrorists. Godzilla then emerges from the waves and fires another atomic ray and defeats both Ebirah and Hedorah. Ebirah snaps his claw shut on some of the Meganulons, cutting them in half. [1] The film may have received theatrical distribution in the United States as a Walter Reade, Jr. Red Bamboo used this weakness to prevent Ebirah from attacking their boats, which shot out jets of gas containing the Saffron to ward him off. He fights Godzilla briefly, and retreats back into the water after Godzilla defeats him. These references appear inside articles in the form of superscript numbers, which look like this: [1]. 4.7 out of 5 stars 369 ratings. Godzilla is then attacked by a giant condor and a squadron of Red Bamboo fighter jets. This used to be my least favorite Godzilla movie because it has some of the most lackluster kaiju action in the entire series. These citations are used to identify the reliable sources on which this article is based. Ebirah Toho Special Effects All Monster Encyclopedia, https://godzilla.fandom.com/wiki/Ebirah?oldid=369020. Ebirah and the Giant Condor are two of the worst Godzilla enemies ever. This motley crew runs afoul of sea monster Ebirah, and washes up on the shore of Devil's Island, where a terrorist organization manufactures heavy water for their nefarious purposes, as well as a chemical that keeps Ebirah at bay. Godzilla also escapes just before the bomb detonates and destroys the island. Toho couldn't have made too many demands about the budget if Mr. Tsuburaya had been in charge. Ebirah, Horror of the Deep Ebirah appears before facing the Vortaaks' underwater ship and must be defeated to continue. Dabei geraten sie in einen Sturm und sehen während diesem urplötzlich eine riesige Schere aus dem Wasser auftauchen. There the Red Bamboo, a terrorist organization, manufactures heavy water for selling weapons of mass destruction; as well as a yellow liquid that keeps Ebirah at bay, presumably controlling it. In the end it faces Godzilla and is defeated. Mothra flies the slaves to safety before the island is destroyed in a nuclear … "[8], The underwater sequences were filmed on an indoor soundstage where the Godzilla and Ebirah suits were filmed through the glass of a water-filled aquarium, with some scenes of the Godzilla suit shot separately underwater as well. The Gotengo then frees Godzilla from Antarctica so he could fight the controlled kaiju. part of Ebirah's name is a common suffix for kaiju names. Ebirah inspired two monsters who appeared in the Nintendo anime. Godzilla awakes and duels with Ebirah. Ebirah appears in Kodansya's Godzilla, King of the Monsters manga series, where he is modified by the evil Dr. Oniyama into Flying Ebirah to battle Godzilla, but is defeated. Qualifizierte Bestellungen werden kostenlos geliefert. In 1968, Ebirah, Horror of the Deep was released directly to television in North America by the Walter Reade Organization, under the title Godzilla vs. the Sea Monster. After his brother Yata is lost at sea, young Ryota steals a yacht with his two friends and a bank robber. CDN$ 712.70 — Special offers and product promotions. The Red Bamboo has enslaved natives from nearby Infant Island to create the yellow liquid, the natives hoping that Mothra will awaken in her winged, adult form and rescue them. We then come to the home of the Yano family, consisting of Dr. Toru Yano, a marine biologist, his wife, Toshie, and his son, Ken. More Roars With his strength restored, and more powerful than before, Kong began to beat Ebirah … Megaguirus soon arrives and stings Ebirah. Share. Mothra manages to repel Godzilla and save her people and the human heroes. Weight Ebirah used this claw to catch and throw boulders at Godzilla during their fi… [1], The film was released on DVD on February 8, 2005 by Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. HedorahGFW Biological Information 2. Presentation, but this has not been confirmed. Ebirah, Horror of the Deep (ゴジラ・エビラ・モスラ 南海の大決闘, Gojira, Ebira, Mosura Nankai no Daikettō, lit. Created by Ebirah has no special powers, but he has strong claws and is an adept swimmer. Showa60 meters[1]Millennium100 meters[2] While Godzilla and Ebirah battle, Ebirah is swarmed by Meganulons, who break through his shell and draw blood. [10] The film was released on Blu-ray on May 6, 2014 by Kraken Releasing. According to Toho's Godzilla.jp website, the monster has two different names for its two appearances: Giant Condor (大コンドル, Ookondoru?, lit. However, Godzilla challenges Mothra, since the monsters previously battled in 1964, when she gets to the island. Affiliation Information Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah / Ebirah, horror of the deep Format: DVD. Last appearance Tomoyuki TanakaShinichi SekizawaJun Fukuda Ebirah's roar is a high, shrill pitched screech, being almost bird-like in nature. The natives await for Mothra to carry them off in a large net. However, it is soon found out that the monsters were controlled by the Xiliens. Sie kentern und … The second and final one is Son of Godzilla (1967). Godzilla is first attacked by … [8] Haruo Nakajima (the suit performer for Godzilla) wore a wet suit under the Godzilla suit for every scene that required him to be in the water, which took a week to complete the water scenes, Nakajima stated, "I worked overtime until about eight o'clock everyday. None Godzilla fights Ebirah and defeats it, ripping its claws off, forcing it to retreat back into the sea. A fisherman comes to their ho… However, Godzilla blasts them out of the water with the atomic ray and the duo crash into a building, with Ebirah accidentally piercing Hedorah's large eye with his pincer. Copy link. Ebirah's name is derived from the Japanese word ebi (海老? Gojira, Ebirâ, Mosura: Nankai no daiketto (original title) PG | 1h 23min | Action, Adventure, Drama | 1969 (USA) A young man steals a boat to find his brother, but he and his shipmates become shipwrecked on a mysterious island inhabited by a giant sea monster and a slumbering Godzilla. [citation needed], Ebirah, Horror of the Deep was released theatrically in Japan on December 17, 1966 where it was distributed by Toho. Toho had first wanted Ebirah to be King Kong's enemy instead of Godzilla's but a rights problem caused Kong to be dropped and Toho replaced him with Godzilla without enhancing Ebirah. There were several small alterations made: 1. This is a list of references for Ebirah. Ebirah (エビラ, Ebira?) However, Varan and Ebirah started to devour any stragglers. Showa23,000 metric tons[1]Millennium50,000 metric tons[2] Length In the film, Godzilla and Ebirah are portrayed by Haruo Nakajima and Hiroshi Sekita, respectively.[1][4]. Shopping. Height ), meaning shrimp, even though he's actually a lobster. Allies Nickname(s) The terrorists attempt to destroy Godzilla, but Godzilla instead destroys their compound. Enemies Ebirah is weakened by the effects of a yellow juice made from nuts found on Letch Island. März 1954 in den Einflussbereich von Castle Bravo, einem amerikanischen Nuklearwaffentest, bei dem die US Army am Tag zuvor ihre stärkste nukleare Waf… CDN$ 58.40 . The film stars Akira Takarada, Kumi Mizuno, Akihiko Hirata and Eisei Amamoto, and features the fictional monster characters Godzilla, Mothra, and Ebirah. [1], The American version of the film was released directly to television by Continental Distributing in 1968 under the title Godzilla Versus the Sea Monster. It is the seventh film in the Godzilla franchise, and feature… Forms The giant lobster Ebirah was successfully used to destroy any ship that came too close to the island. Captain Ryuui's name was changed to Yamoto. Ebirah appeared within the game Godzilla: Trading Battle. First appearance The plan is a success and Godzilla successfully defeats most of the kaiju. Godzilla VS The Sea Monster has really grown on me. The Sea Monster. Ebirah and the Red Bambooare never referred to by name. Godzilla, Ebirah, Mothra: Big Duel in the South Seas) is a 1966 Japanese kaiju film directed by Jun Fukuda and produced and distributed by Toho Studios. During its development, Ebirah, Horror of the Deep was intended to feature King Kong, but the character was replaced by Godzilla. Godzilla: Heart-Pounding Monster Island!! His body is red all throughout, and he has one pincer that is larger than the other one. Deleted: The opening credits seque… Roar In Godzilla: Final Wars, Ebirah's claws were shown to not be as durable as the rest of his body. The group devises a plan to defeat the Red Bamboo and escape the island. Relationships Ebirah makes its only appearance in the Atari-Pipeworks games in Godzilla: Save the Earth in the final on-rail shooter-style level when playing as Godzilla 2000. Ebirah reappears on the sea near Monster Island alongside the Giant Condor in Ichiro's dream. After Yata is lost at sea, his brother Ryota steals a yacht with his two friends and a bank robber. Godzilla easily won … ShowaHiroshi SekitaMillenniumToshihiro Ogura Godzilla vs. Ebirah I (M22) To the Red Bamboo Base (M23) Escaping the Base (M24) Godzilla vs. the Giant Condor (M25) Godzilla vs. the Fighter Squadron (High and Low M14) The Destruction of the Red Bamboo Base (M26) Godzilla vs. Ebirah II (M27) Godzilla vs. Ebirah III (M28) The Prayer of the People of Infant Island (PS-55D) By: Tokiko Iwatani; Godzilla vs. Ebirah IV (M29) … ), meaning shrimp, even though he's actually a lobster. Giant Lobster 3. Ebirah, Varan, Megalon and King Caesar all vanished as an alien ship crash landed into the ocean near by. XiliensGFW Godzilla: Final Wars Had been in charge urplötzlich eine riesige Schere aus dem Wasser auftauchen defeats Ebirah Mothra... Multiple segments in his body $ 58.40: DVD `` Please retry '' — cdn. Created by Toho that first appeared in the Godzilla franchise, and whacked with... Carry them off in a large net can attack with both of its claws off forcing! 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