There is a solar voice… It was the most incredible, open voice you could hear. 24.7.1921 Motta Sant'Anastasia (Region Catania/Sizilien) - gest. Find Giuseppe di Stefano bio, music, credits, awards, & streaming links on AllMusic - There's no denying di Stefano was one of the… Giuseppe Di Stefano (n.24 iulie 1921, Motta Sant’Anastasia, Provincia Catania, Sicilia - d. 3 martie 2008, Santa Maria Hoè, Italia) a fost un renumit tenor, interpret de muzică de operă, a cărui carieră s-a desfășurat între sfârșitul anilor '40 și începutul anilor '70, ai secolulului al XX-lea. Sternzeichen Löwe 23.07 - 23.08. März 1947 trat er in derselben Rolle an der Mailänder Scala auf und ein Jahr später debütierte er an der Met, wo er als Faust (Gounod), Rodolfo (La Bohème) und wieder als Des Grieux große Triumphe feierte. "Geschichte ist die Biographie der Menschheit", Ludwig Börne (1786-1837) Giuseppe di Stefano. Giuseppe Di Stefano (* 24. For English Decca he recorded L'elisir d'amore with Hilde Gueden and Fernando Corena (1955), La Gioconda (with Zinka Milanov and Leonard Warren, 1957), La forza del destino (1958) and Tosca (with Leontyne Price and Giuseppe Taddei, Herbert von Karajan conducting, 1962). This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 22:08. Giuseppe Di Stefano was born in Motta Sant'Anastasia, a village near Catania, Sicily, in 1921. Sir Rudolf Bing said in his memoirs, "The most spectacular single moment in my observation year had come when I heard his diminuendo on the high C in "Salut! The musicality of di Stefano is as natural and beautiful as the voice is phenomenal". Gianni Gori, "Giuseppe Di Stefano", Zecchini Editore, Varese, 2017, pag. Da letztere schwer erkrankte, organisierte er 1973 eine Tournee, zu der er auch Maria Callas überreden konnte, wobei ein Großteil seiner Gage für die Finanzierung der ärztlichen Behandlungen verwendet wurde. [7], During his years of international celebrity, Di Stefano won a gold Orfeo, an Italian musical award. Giuseppe di stefano - Vertrauen Sie dem Favoriten unserer Tester Wir als Seitenbetreiber begrüßen Sie als Interessierten Leser auf unserer Seite. Italian operatic tenor, born 24 July 1921 in Motta Sant'Anastasia, Sicily, Italy, died 3 March 2008 in Santa Maria Hoè, Italy. Giuseppe Di Stefano (24 July 1921 – 3 March 2008) was an Italian operatic tenor who sang professionally from the late 1940s until the early 1990s. Called Pippo by both fans and friends, he was known as the "Golden voice" or "The most beautiful voice", as the true successor of Beniamino Gigli. Bekannt wurde er durch seine häufigen Auftritte an der Seite von Maria … Di Stefano erlitt dabei schwere Kopfverletzungen und wurde in einem Krankenhaus in Mombasa zweimal operiert. When he was 16, he burst into song after losing a game of cards, and the friend with whom he was playing said he must get his voice trained. There is a solar voice...It was the most incredible, open voice you could hear. Giuseppe di Stefano Biography by Uncle Dave Lewis + Follow Artist. Together they recorded the following complete operas: A series of duets with Di Stefano and Callas was recorded by the Philips label in the period November–December 1972, with Antonio de Almeida conducting the London Symphony Orchestra. Mehrere Comeback-Versuche Di Stefanos, unter anderem 1973 mit Maria Callas, scheiterten, woraufhin er sich nach Afrika zurückzog. Luigi Veronelli (Left) and Giuseppe Di Stefano (Right), 1972. Savior, his father, must stop the policeman to marry his beloved Angela Gentile, seamstress of Syracuse. Bekannt wurde er durch seine häufigen Auftritte an der Seite von Maria Callas. Geburtsort: Motta Santa Anastasia. aus Wikipedia, der freien Enzyklopädie. Hy is deur volgelinge sowel as sy vriende Pippo genoem. Verstorben am: 03.03.2008. He was admired for his vocal skills, clear diction, passionate phrasing, captivating interpretation and the exquisite lightness of pianissimo and shades. In the following years he developed into roles of the lyrical repertoire, with more drive and drama (Tosca, La forza del destino, Turandot, Carmen, up to Pagliacci and Andrea Chénier). Джузеппе Ди Стефано (итал. Dort lebte er gemeinsam mit seiner Ehefrau Monica mehrere Monate im Jahr in Diani an der Küste Kenias südlich von Mombasa. Giuseppe di Stefano Biography by Uncle Dave Lewis + Follow Artist. Read Full Biography. Diese Seite wurde zuletzt am 28. Rudolf Bing of the Metropolitan Opera House lamented Di Stefano's playboy lifestyle, which he felt was the cause of his vocal decline, although Di Stefano himself blamed allergies to synthetic fibres for permanently damaging his vocal cords.[10]. He began his career as a lyric tenor, notable in roles such as Nemorino in Donizetti's L'Elisir d'Amore and Alfredo in Verdi's La Traviata. On 23 December, he was transferred to Italy, where he was hospitalised in Milan. Mai 2020 um 07:51 Uhr bearbeitet. Giuseppe di Stefano. [1] Nachdem sich sein Gesundheitszustand nicht verbesserte, wurde er daraufhin in die Neurochirurgische Abteilung der Klinik San-Raffaele in Mailand verlegt. Nach seinem Studium bei Adriano Tocchio, Luigi Montesanto und Mariano Stabile gab er 1946 sein Debüt in Reggio Emilia in der Rolle des Des Grieux in Jules Massenets Manon. In 1949 he married the conservatory student Maria Girolami in New York, with whom he had three children. [3] He moved to Milan with his parents when he was six. The Italian tenor Giuseppe Di Stefano (born 24 July 1921 - died March 3rd 2008) was a famous opera singer whose career spanned from the late 1940s to the early 1970s. When he was 16, he burst into song after losing a game of cards, and the friend with whom he was playing said he must get his voice trained. Juli 1921 in Motta Sant’Anastasia (CT), Italien; † 3. There's no denying di Stefano was one of the finest tenor voices to emerge in the wake of World War II. International tenor, Giuseppe Di Stefano, or just goofy, as they called friends, born in Sicily, near Catania, Motta Sant'Anastasia, the 24 July 1921. Giuseppe Di Stefano is an actor, known for Totgesagte leben länger (2008). Jahrhunderts gezählt. Er sang an fast allen großen Opernhäusern der Welt. It was during this period that there were rumors of a brief romantic relationship between the two singers. Read Full Biography. Luciano Pavarotti said he modeled himself after Di Stefano. He made his New York debut at the Metropolitan Opera in February 1948 as the Duke of Mantua in Verdi's Rigoletto[5] after singing the role in Riccione with Hjördis Schymberg in August of the previous year. Giuseppe Di Stefano (24 July 1921 – 3 March 2008) was an Italian operatic tenor who sang professionally from the mid 1940s until the early 1990s. His last public appearance was on 24 October 2004 in Oderzo to receive an award. geb. Giuseppe di Stefano. He was best known for his long association with Maria Callas, with whom he performed and recorded many times and with whom he was briefly romantically involved. It was released as a recording by RCA. März 1947 trat er in derselben Rolle an der Mailänder Scala auf und ein Jahr später debütierte er an der Met, wo er als Faust (Gounod), Rodolfo (La Bohème) und wieder als Des Grieux große Triumphe feierte. In 1977 he began a new romantic relationship with Monika Curth, an operetta soprano originally from Hamburg, whom he married in 1993. Alle Formate und Ausgaben anzeigen Andere Formate und Ausgaben ausblenden. 170. März 2008 in seinem Wohnhaus in der Nähe von Mailand. Di Stefano was educated at a Jesuit seminary and briefly contemplated entering the priesthood.[4]. . Short Biography. Di Stefano can be placed in the tradition of tenori lirici post-romantic of the Italian and French repertoire, where he gave memorable performances especially in the first part of his career (Rigoletto, La traviata, La bohème, The pearl fishermen, Manon, Faust). Salvatore, suo padre, deve smettere la divisa da carabiniere per sposare l'amata Angela Gentile, sarta di Siracusa. Additionally, in 1962 the tenor recorded excerpts from Massenet's Manon, with Anna Moffo, conducted by René Leibowitz. Giuseppe Di Stefano, 24 июля 1921 — 3 марта 2008) — итальянский оперный певец (тенор). Der italienische Opernsänger. Name: Giuseppe di Stefano. [3] He died in his home in Santa Maria Hoè, north of Milan, on 3 March 2008 at the age of 86.[13]. He was married to Monika Curth and Maria Di Stefano (Girolami). Giuseppe Di Stefano (24 July 1921 – 3 March 2008) was an Italian operatic tenor who sang professionally from the mid 1940s until the early 1990s. Giuseppe Di Stefano. Geboren am: 24.07.1921. Die Betreiber dieses Portals haben es uns zur Mission gemacht, Produkte unterschiedlichster Variante auf Herz und Nieren zu überprüfen, dass potentielle Käufer einfach den Giuseppe di stefano ausfindig machen können, den Sie als Leser haben wollen. [11], On 3 December 2004, he was seriously injured during a robbery at his home in Diani Beach in Kenya by unknown assailants who left him on the ground bloodied and unconscious. He was the only son of a carabiniere turned cobbler and his dressmaker wife. Tenore di caratura internazionale, Giuseppe Di Stefano, o semplicemente Pippo, come lo chiamavano gli amici, nasce in Sicilia, a Motta Sant'Anastasia, in provincia di Catania, il 24 luglio del 1921. Di Stefano also made many other recordings with other wonderful singers, complete EMI sets of Madama Butterfly (opposite Victoria de los Ángeles, 1954) and La traviata (with Antonietta Stella and Tito Gobbi, 1955). In 1957, Di Stefano made his British debut at the Edinburgh Festival as Nemorino in L'elisir d'amore and his Royal Opera House, Covent Garden, debut in 1961, as Cavaradossi in Tosca. Giuseppe Di Stefano (* 24. Er wird zu den wichtigsten Tenören des 20. [8], In 1953 Walter Legge, leader of EMI's classical wing, wanted a tenor to record all the popular Italian operas with Maria Callas, and chose Di Stefano. Among their recording achievements was the famous 1953 studio recording of Tosca under Victor de Sabata, which is considered "as being one of the great performances in the history of the gramophone". The musicality of di Stefano is as natural and beautiful as the voice is phenomenal.” Born on July 24, {…} Di Stefano was educated at a Jesuit seminary and briefly contemplated entering the priesthood. Together, because of … After a period of internment he was allowed to sing on Lausanne Radio, where he made the first of his recordings, disclosing a tenor voice of decided beauty and a singer with personality. Di Stefano and Maria Callas recorded many operas together, all of which for EMI. Am 15. Mini Bio (1) Giuseppe Di Stefano was born on July 24, 1921 in Catania, Sicily, Italy. He died on … Di Stefano had a soft voice, with an unmistakable warm and rich timbre and, at least in the early years, was very expansive. He was also known for his long-term performance and recording association and brief romantic episode with the soprano Maria Callas. Preis Neu ab Gebraucht ab Gebundenes Buch, 1. Am 15. For Ricordi (Ricordi MRO 104/105), he made a complete stereo Lucia di Lammermoor with Renata Scotto, Ettore Bastianini and Ivo Vinco in 1958, with Nino Sanzogno conducting the Orchestra and Chorus of La Scala, Milan. demeure" in Faust: I shall never as long as I live forget the beauty of that sound". Er war einer der wichtigsten Tenöre des 20. He moved to Milan with his parents when he was six. [4], Zeitungsartikel über den Überfall auf Di Stefano, Der große Tenor Giuseppe di Stefano ist tot, Farb-AudioVideo (London 1973) eines Duetts von Maria Callas und Giuseppe di Stefano aus Mascagnis "Cavalleria rusticana", Vorlage:Webachiv/IABot/,, Wikipedia:Defekte Weblinks/Ungeprüfte Archivlinks 2018-04, „Creative Commons Attribution/Share Alike“. Genres: Opera, Romanticism, Canzone napoletana. He was known as the "Golden voice" or "The most beautiful voice", as the true successor of Beniamino Gigli. Anfang Dezember 2004 wurden er und seine Ehefrau in ihrem Haus von Unbekannten überfallen. He sang Alfredo in the famous Visconti production of La traviata in 1955 at La Scala, as well as Edgardo to her Lucia under Herbert von Karajan at La Scala, Berlin and Vienna. [3], Giuseppe Di Stefano was born in Motta Sant'Anastasia, a village near Catania, Sicily, in 1921. He recorded many of his native Sicilian songs, records of which first brought him to the attention of discerning ears outside Italy in the late 1940s.[4]. Called Pippo by both fans and friends, he was known as the "Golden voice" or "The most beautiful voice", as the true successor of Beniamino Gigli.Luciano Pavarotti said he modeled himself after Di Stefano. He was considered such a bad soldier that his commanding officer decided that he would better serve his country by leaving the forces in order to sing. In an interview Pavarotti said "Di Stefano is my idol. After his performance in Manon a month later, Musical America wrote that Di Stefano "had the rich velvety sound we have seldom heard since the days of Gigli". There's no denying di Stefano was one of the finest tenor voices to emerge in the wake of World War II. [1] Di Stefano was also the tenor who most inspired José Carreras. Juli 1921 in Motta Sant’Anastasia (CT), Italien; † 3. Todesort: Santa Maria Hoe bei Mailand. März 2008 in Santa Maria Hoè (LC), Italien) war ein italienischer Opernsänger (Tenor). As a singer, Di Stefano was admired for his excellent diction, unique timbre, passionate delivery and, in particular, for the sweetness of his soft singing. After undergoing at least three operations, he went into a coma on 7 December. Januar 2002 von Thomas Semrau (Autor), Luciano Pavarotti (Vorwort) 5,0 von 5 Sternen 1 Sternebewertung. Von seinen Verletzungen hat er sich nicht mehr erholt; im Dezember 2007 fiel er erneut in ein Koma[2] und verstarb am 3. In 1951, Di Stefano sang in a performance of Verdi's Requiem, at Carnegie Hall, conducted by Arturo Toscanini, the other soloists being Herva Nelli, Fedora Barbieri and Cesare Siepi. Dalla loro unione nasce a Motta Santa Anastasia, a pochi kilometri da Catania , Giuseppe Di Stefano, primo ed unico figlio, il 24 Luglio 1921. Home / Biography / Giuseppe di Stefano. Er sang an fast allen großen Opernhäusern der Welt. Erste stimmliche Probleme traten nach Überbeanspruchung 1963 am Londoner Covent Garden bei einer Aufführung von Puccinis La Bohème auf, und Di Stefano musste im Folgejahr durch einen jungen Nachwuchssänger ersetzt werden: Das war der Beginn der Karriere von Luciano Pavarotti. [6] He went on to perform regularly in New York for many years. Di Stefano continued to sing successfully and his final operatic role was as the Emperor in Turandot, in July 1992. Hole dir Empfehlungen für andere Künstler, die dir gefallen könnten. Mobilized into the Fascist army at the age of 19, di Stefano helped make ends meet by singing popular music under the pseudonym of "Nino Florio." These recordings were not published officially, but a 'pirate' version did appear. [9] The two also performed together on stage frequently, from 1951 in South America to the end of 1957 in Un ballo in maschera at La Scala, the last time the two collaborated in an opera. He was known as the "Golden voice" or "The most beautiful voice", as the true successor of Beniamino Gigli. Giuseppe di Stefano began to study voice as he trained for the priesthood in a Jesuit seminary in Milan; his teachers included Luigi Montesanto and Mariano Stabile. Giuseppe Di Stefano discography and songs: Music profile for Giuseppe Di Stefano, born 24 July 1921. Started his singing career with alias "Nino Florio". [3][8] After being admitted to a hospital in Mombasa, his condition proved to be more serious than it had appeared at first. [3], Giuseppe Di Stefano war zweimal verheiratet: 1949 heiratate er Maria Girolami, mit der er einen Sohn und eine Tochter hatte. The pair separated in 1976. Von 1994 bis zu seinem Tode war er mit der Sopranistin Monica Curth verheiratet. Learn how and when to remove this template message, Maria Callas 'London Farewell Concert' at the Royal Festival Hall with Giuseppe di Stefano, 1973, Giuseppe Di Stefano – Metropolitan Opera debut, February 25, 1948, "Opera star critical after attack in Kenya", "Giuseppe di Stefano, a Tenor Whose Career Flamed Out Too Early, Is Dead at 86", "Grave il tenore Di Stefano in coma al San Raffaele - la",, Obituary: Opera singer Giuseppe Di Stefano, 1921–2008, History of the Tenor – Sound Clips and Narration,, Articles with incomplete citations from April 2020, Articles with incomplete citations from January 2015, Articles needing additional references from January 2015, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles with MusicBrainz identifiers, Wikipedia articles with PLWABN identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SELIBR identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SNAC-ID identifiers, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, Com'è gentil, Pourquoi me revellier EMI 1951, Ah mi parla di lei, Tardi si fa, Notte d'amor, Già nella notte densa, Oh come al tuo sottile, Leila, Leila mia, Non hai compreso (con. [12] Eventually he awoke from the coma, but his health never fully improved. He was the only son of a carabiniere turned cobbler and his dressmaker wife. World War Two interrupted di Stefano's early career as he had to join the Italian army, where he often entertained the troops with his singing. Giuseppe Di Stefano ( 24 Julie 1921 - 3 Maart 2008) was 'n Italiaanse opera tenoor wat vanaf die middel 1940's tot die vroeë negentigerjare op professionele vlak gesing het. He performed under the pseudonym Nino Florio until Italy was defeated, when he fled to Switzerland. In 1973, Di Stefano and Maria Callas went together for a recital tour that ended in 1974: critics remarked that Maria Callas had lost her voice, but the public reaction was nevertheless enthusiastic everywhere. Hy was bekend as die Goue stem of Die pragtigste stem, en as die ware opvolger van Beniamino Gigli. Two years later he began studying in earnest with the baritones Luigi Montesanto and Mariano Stabile, the latter impressing on the young tenor the importance of clear diction, advice he readily followed. Alles oder nichts - Giuseppe Di Stefano: Eine Biographie (Deutsch) Gebundene Ausgabe – 1. For many, there has never been a more beautiful lyric tenor voice than that of Giuseppe di Stefano. Albums include Teatro alla Scala: Tosca (Record 1), La traviata, and La bohème. Luciano Pavarotti once stated that, “Di Stefano is my idol. Two years later he began studying in ear In 1995, VAI issued an approved version of La bohème, from a 1959 performance in New Orleans, with the tenor starring opposite Licia Albanese, Audrey Schuh, Giuseppe Valdengo and Norman Treigle. In his Metropolitan Opera radio broadcast debut in Faust, he attacked the high C forte and then softened to a pianissimo. Jahrhunderts und ein geborener Star. Giuseppe Di Stefano (24 July 1921 – 3 March 2008) was an Italian operatic tenor who sang professionally from the late 1940s until the early 1990s. Nach seinem Studium bei Adriano Tocchio, Luigi Montesanto und Mariano Stabile gab er 1946 sein Debüt in Reggio Emilia in der Rolle des Des Grieux in Jules Massenets Manon. Far from the studious precision and "aplomb" of a Bjorling or a Kraus, or the vocal overpowering of a Del Monaco or stylistic rigour of a Bergonzi, Di Stefano had a natural musicality, with a generous, instinctive and communicative style of singing. Nel 1921 – Salvatore Di Stefano, giovane carabiniere siciliano , dovette lasciare l’Arma all’eta’ di ventisei anni per poter sposare Angela Gentile, sarta di Siracusa . März 2008 in Santa Maria Hoè (LC), Italien) war ein italienischer Opernsänger (Tenor). Er wird zu den wichtigsten Tenören des 20. Lies die Biografie von Giuseppe di Stefano und finde mehr über die Songs, Alben und Chartplatzierungen von Giuseppe di Stefano heraus. [2] He died on 3 March 2008[3] as a result of injuries from an attack by unknown assailants. Giuseppe di Stefano Leser auf unserer Seite von Giuseppe di Stefano erlitt dabei Kopfverletzungen! With Monika Curth, an operetta soprano originally from Hamburg, whom he married in.... Hy was bekend as die Goue stem of die pragtigste stem, en as die Goue stem die... Was six and the exquisite lightness of pianissimo and shades where he was known as ``..., luciano Pavarotti said `` di Stefano is my idol en as die ware opvolger van Beniamino Gigli Maria. Tosca ( Record 1 ), luciano Pavarotti ( Vorwort ) 5,0 von 5 Sternen 1 Sternebewertung himself... 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Unknown assailants gefallen könnten: Music profile for Giuseppe di Stefano was one of the finest tenor to... Марта 2008 ) — итальянский оперный певец ( тенор ) of … Home / Biography Giuseppe... Shall never as long as I live forget the beauty of that sound '' to Italy, where was...