home select show results schedule counts contact show. 2629897445. Fieldstone Equestrian & Show Facility is one of New England's premier equestrian event venues. Fieldstone April Show Apr 06, 2012 - Apr 07, 2012 Plymouth Rock Hunter Jumper Classic Fieldstone Equitation Day Fieldstone Spring Festival Fieldstone April Show New England Equitation Championships offers FIVE days of top level finals competition for qualifying Junior and Adult riders every October at Eastern States Coliseum in West Springfield, Massachusetts. UPCOMING EVENTS. Show Results. Fieldstone horse rating and status. September 2, 2020 - September 6, 2020. results MMG FALL 339318. We will be suspending barn visits to anyone who is not the immediate owner or rider of the horse in order to reduce outside contact. Filter all the results pages and ring schedule to only show your horses. Updates will be given out as time progresses to keep all exhibitors, vendors and spectators interested in attending 2021 Fieldstone events. He led the management buy out of Fieldstone from Gensec, a division of Sanlam in 2003-4. Bloomberg Reigns At Opening Day of Equestrian Summer Showcase at Fieldstone Show Park. YARRA YARRA SEPTEMBER. View Event → Sep. 6. FIELDSTONE SPRING FESTIVAL 05/12/2021 - 05/16/2021. Entry. Fieldstone Show Park is looking forward to welcoming back our competitors for the 2021 equestrian event season. East (NJ,NY,PA) Old Salem Farm, North Salem, NY – 914-669-5610 johnsenl@oldsalemfarm.net The Fieldstone July Classic will run July 15-19, followed by the Head of the Bay Classic July 22-26. Oct. 10. to Oct 11. See who is a fan of Fieldstone. ~The Fieldstone family We will continue to work with state and local officials … ~The Fieldstone family ️ See More. MAC Sports International, LLC, Fieldstone Spring Festival I: May 12, 2021 - May 16, 2021, Fieldstone Spring Festival II: May 19, 2021 - May 23, 2021, Plymouth Rock Hunter Jumper Classic I: June 23, 2021 - June 27, 2021, Plymouth Rock Hunter Jumper Classic II: June 29, 2021 - July 3, 2021. Sat, Oct 10, 2020 6:00 AM 06:00 Sun, Oct 11, 2020 6:00 PM 18:00; Brook ale Pines Farm (The Tack Shack) Google Calendar ICS; We are pleased to post the schedule for our NHHJA Fall Classic and NH Medal Finals to be held at Tack Shack on October 10-11. See who is a fan of Fieldstone. Individual jumper classes - Not part of any division ; 274 - WIHS Medal-Jumper: 300 - 0.80-0.85 Training Jumper: 301 - 0.80-85m Training Jumper attention exhibitors!! Select the horses you want to follow in the show. Sale Horses. Wed. May. Located just 28 miles south of Boston, Fieldstone is the premier equestrian event facility in the Northeastern United States. Region 2. results TEXAS ROSE SPORT HORSE CUP 322539. july 15 - 19, 2020 . Show Management System™ is a small company with a large role behind the scenes at North America's premier equestrian jumping events. Results/Points; Sponsors; Contact; Horse Shows. We are blessed to be a small barn and as a result, are able to space ourselves and our visits within the guidelines set out by the health unit. Services. Sponsors. Enter online at www.horseshowing.com Head of the Bay Classic. Will provide that perfect horse for you! We are excited to announce that we are moving forward with our plan to run our July series of horse shows at Fieldstone Show Park, with confirmation from the town government that horse shows are included as part of phase 3 openings. ABOUT ME. More. fieldstone july classic . Welcome to Equibase.com, your official source for horse racing results, mobile racing data, statistics as well as all other horse racing and thoroughbred racing information. 2629897445. As a result, the following guidelines have been established to protect our students, participants, staff, volunteers and community members with the guidance of our state and local public health officials, the … SPONSORSHIP . 12. Tyndall and her mount, Huckleberry Finn, secured back-to-back scores of 87 to win today's derby. Fieldstone Show Park is the premier equestrian show facility in the Northeast. That’s where this site comes in; it contains information on all the NY horse shows in one place to help competitors find shows to compete at and help organizers raise their attendance numbers. The magnificent venue has beautifully manicured grounds, five all-weather GGT hybrid/felt competition arenas, an all-grass Grand Prix Field with natural features, new VIP and spectator areas, as well as new ring layout and vendor areas. Schedule. Select the horses you want to follow in the show. TEXAS ROSE HORSE PARK, TX. Welcome to CNY Horse Shows! AN EAST COAST TRADITION. "We confidently breed our Stallions to some of the top Performance and Foundation bred mares, not only within our broodmare band but to outside mares as well! © 2021 by Fieldstone Show Park. Locate and compare Fieldstone-Equestrian-Centre in Mission BC, Yellow Pages Local Listings. Silver Oak Jumper Tournament Collaboration with Fieldstone Show Park Leads to Major Property Improvements New, extra large Warm Up Ring for Jumper II Annex added with all the bells and whistles. ASPCA Maclay - NHS 3'3 Medal. Five (5) BREEDING CERTIFICATES for Latigo Cat by HIGH BROW CAT!!! Receive email bulletins and show news updates from the show secretary. results TEXAS ROSE SPORT HORSE CUP 322539. Volunteers; Volunteers Stories; Ways to Volunteer; How to get started; Volunteer Info; News & Events . ALEAH TA. Our Fieldstone Farm Broodmare Band includes daughters of Boon Bar, Freckles Playboy, Young Gun, Tenino Badger, … Shasta Dee Nic Quarter Horse Mare Fieldstone Farm . Show Schedule; My Schedule; Ring Status; Documents; Results for Plymouth Rock Hunter Jumper Classic (06/20/12) Print Show Days: Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday. Annually held at the end of September at the Three County Fairgrounds in Northampton, MA, the DOC attracts top talent from across the state ranging from ages 9 - 40+. Welcome to Equibase.com, your official source for horse racing results, mobile racing data, statistics as well as all other horse racing and thoroughbred racing information. RETIRING FROM BREEDING!! We will be suspending barn visits to anyone who is not the immediate owner or rider of the horse in order to reduce outside contact. TEXAS ROSE HORSE PARK, TX. Classes scheduled for 06/20/12 ; 1 - 1st Year Green Working Hunter … all adds must be done before 4pm. KELLY LOWRY (KBLOWRY1966@GMAIL.COM) September 2, 2020 - September 6, 2020. results FIELDSTONE SHOW PARK NORTHEAST CLASSIC I 340457. - PR11951404 I am fully committed to promoting superior products that my horses and myself love. Fieldstone Vice-President Shawn Clawson looks forward to hosting another successful week of competition and is excited about the progress that the Fieldstone horse shows have made this season. During our normal event season, Fieldstone offers its competitors and spectators beautifully manicured grounds and a competitor-focused experience. Flag a show as a favourite show. Show Calendar Futurity RAAC ... *** PEC HORSE PARK AND BREED SHOW FINALS (WILTON) JUDGE H GURNEY, M CRESWICK - MARI NATEN 916-798-5844, pecsporthorses@gmail.com. Get emailed schedules for your horses. The recently renovated facility offers nine all-weather hybrid sand/felt/fiber show rings, permanent and temporary stabling, ample parking, and a state-of-the-art all-grass Grand Prix field. Fieldstone Farm provides performance horses in Reining, Cow-Horse, and cutting. Five all-weather GGT hybrid/felt competition arenas, an all-grass Grand-Prix Field with natural features, new VIP and spectator areas, a new ring layout, and vendor areas are just a few amenities Fieldstone is proud to offer. About Me. Home. KELLY LOWRY (KBLOWRY1966@GMAIL.COM) September 2, 2020 - September 6, 2020. results FIELDSTONE SHOW PARK NORTHEAST CLASSIC I 340457. Fieldstone horse page with past performances, results, pedigree, photos and videos. ASPCA Maclay - NHS 3'3 Medal. ASPCA Maclay - NHS 3'3 Medal. Please see below links for details. Fieldstone Show Park is looking forward to welcoming back our competitors for the 2020 equestrian event season, but regret that due to state mandates and Covid-19 guidelines, we will not be able to host spectators at our facility for the 2020 show season. Go to www.ShowFieldstone.com for information, show schedule, results, and more. NHHJA Fall Classic and NH Medal Finals . September 19, 2020. 03/16/2019 Fieldstone Farm Cutters & Performance Horses . KBAUER171@GMAIL.COM. Browse; Daily Results; Show Champions; Circuit Standings; My Results; Classes; Horses (Entries) People; Schedule. Find everything you need to know about horse racing at Equibase.com. Horse Videos; Donate a Horse; Volunteers . Get automatic email updates as results are posted for your horses. Fieldstone horse page with past performances, results, pedigree, photos and videos. We are blessed to be a small barn and as a result, are able to space ourselves and our visits within the guidelines set out by the health unit. 2020 Fieldstone Show Park Covid-19 Policies Fieldstone Show Park is planning to hold our July, August and September horse shows with the health and well-being of our exhibitors and staff at the top of our minds. My team is so thankful for help from amazing companies. Horses are more than farm animals, means of transportation in Westerns and the objects of bettors’ monetary dreams at race tracks. Add knowledgeable equestrian tutors, who lead classes in English- and Western-style riding, and Fieldstone Park is a full-service destination for humans and horses alike. Halifax, MA 02338 . Hosting 8 weeks of national USEF competitions, Fieldstone should be on your 2021 Equestrian Event Calendar! Sunday, September 6, 2020; 8:00 AM 5:00 PM 08:00 … Flag a show as a favourite show. "The farm looks great, the footing is in fantastic shape, and the grounds are completely ready for next week’s event," Clawson stated. He joined Fieldstone in 2003, after launching and guiding the highly successful 1.7 Billion US $ investment in the integrated Berlin utility by Southern Company (later Mirant) over a seven year period. Fieldstone Equestrian & Show Facility, 21 Plymouth Street, Halifax, MA 02338 781.679.0701 classes in the jumper ring and gp are orders of go. 2017 FIESTA CHARITY HORSE SHOW – April 27-30, 2017 – Burbank ... FIESTA CHARITY HORSE SHOW – April 28 – May 1, 2016 – Los Angeles Equestrian Center Presentation of Cancer Survivor Parade – Presenting Amber Lentz – Mane Event Filter all the results pages and ring schedule to only show your horses. KBAUER171@GMAIL.COM. FIELDSTONE FARM EVENTING. A covered riding arena, two open riding areas, lush green pastures with cross-country jumps, 54 stalls with nearby wash stations—it's everything a horse could ask for. Its 100-acre show grounds are located just 28 miles south of Boston, MA. Receive email bulletins and show news updates from the show secretary. About Me. AN EAST COAST TRADITION . I am an eventing and dressage trainer and competitor from Wisconsin. 1-888-429-9495, 5 - 1st Year Green Working Hunter 3'6 U/S, 63 - Performance Working Hunter 3'3 -3'6 3'9, 64 - Performance Working Hunter 3'3 - 3'6 3'9, 67 - Performance Working Hunter 3'3 - 3'6 3'9 U/S, 92 - Medium Pony Hunter (1st Rnd Classic), 101 - $500 F S P Pony Hunter Classic (Unrated). Services. Georgina Bloomberg, professional equestrian, author, and younger daughter of New York City's Mayor Michael Bloomberg, claimed top honors during opening day of the 2012 Equestrian Summer Showcase held at Fieldstone Show Park. no adds the day of. 8:00 AM 08:00 *** Shows. Home Select Show Results Schedule Counts Contact Show. My love for horses grew through my membership in United States Pony Club at the age of five. Get automatic email updates as results are posted for your horses. ASPCA Maclay - NHS 3'3 Medal. Fieldstone Equestrian & Show Facility offers its competitors, guests and spectators beautiful grounds, and an exhibitor-friendly showing experience. Find useful information, the address and the phone number of the local business you are looking for. Excellent quality frozen semen!! Show Management System™ is a small company with a large role behind the scenes at North America's premier equestrian jumping events. Loading... All results are 'unofficial' Copyright © 2021 Split Second Sports Timing, Inc., FIVE BREEDINGS to own son of HIGH BROW CAT, LATIGO CAT for retirement dispersal sale of 2 5 0 0 . Get emailed schedules for your horses. Find everything you need to know about horse racing at Equibase.com. The MHC Days of Champions (DOC) is one of the most prestigious equitation finals in New England. August 23 - 27, 2016 . Fieldstone Show Park is looking forward to welcoming back our competitors for the 2021 equestrian event season. July 22- July26. Sale Horses. I have been riding for 17 years, and training horses and riders for the last 8 years. USEF Rated 'A' The 2020 Head of the Bay Classic will be running at Fieldstone Showpark. Show & Events Calendars Events Show Calendar Shows. Shasta Dee Nic Quarter Horse Mare Cat Fieldstone Farm . Thank you for understanding and together we can get through this! More. Ronnie Andersen out of Ronnie Andersen Show Stables, located on the Fieldstone Show Park grounds, trains Murphy-and this was not their only win for the day. Fieldstone Summer Showcase . Halifax, MA – May 28, 2014 – – The Silver Oak Jumper Tournament, after receiving rave reviews for its debut event last year in New Hampshire, in January announced that it was making a bold move to the Fieldstone Show Park in Halifax, Massachusetts, some 60 miles away, or for most traveling from New York, etc., 30 miles south of Boston and a shorter ride. We develop the software systems that process entries and provide information to management, competitors, and spectators at … Updates will be given out as time progresses to keep all exhibitors, vendors and spectators interested in attending 2021 Fieldstone events. Fieldstone horse rating and status. FIELDSTONE FARM EVENTING. Thank you for understanding and together we can get through this! September 2, 2020 - September 6, 2020. results MMG FALL 339318. Enter online at Horseshowing.com. Sponsors. if you add online after 4pm for the next days classes you adds will be rejected**braiding horses will not be allowed at either july show. The health and safety of our Fieldstone Farm community is our top priority. Show Results Calendars. We have several local horse show series and rated horse shows in the Central New York area, but the information is located in many different places. ALL Exhibitors must complete USEF Waiver. Rebecca Clawson also rode to the top of the rankings this afternoon aboard Freeport as she took an 88 over fences in the MHJ Draper Therapies Adult 18-30 Medal Finals. 2020 USEF HORSE SHOWS. For full results, go to www ... MA surpassed a field of 32 competitors to capture the first of three $10,000 Staples 3'3 Hunter Derbies hosted at Fieldstone Show Park (FSP) this summer. Please see below links for details. We develop the software systems that process entries and provide information to management, competitors, and spectators at every stage of the event, from pre-production to prize payouts. 21 Plymouth Street. Fieldstone Show Park ... Show Results. Fieldstone Show Park is looking forward to welcoming back our competitors for the 2020 equestrian event season, but regret that due to state mandates and Covid-19 guidelines, we will not be able to host spectators at our facility for the 2020 show season. Home. 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Scheduled for 06/20/12 ; 1 - 1st Year Green Working Hunter … home select show schedule!