My one dog is the daughter of our other, and is always seeking attention. Ignore the whining dog. Yet, no black and white statements can be made. #Pet's Health Corner; Dr Hester Mulhall MA, VetMB, MRCVS. 3. Install a baby gate and have brief sessions during which you are away from the room and your dog cannot follow you. I think what's happening is that the area is perceived as negative so when she gets out, it's sort of like "phewww... finally I am out of this trap" so the focus should be on making this area extra rewarding. You want your dog to learn that every time you leave the room something good happens. So for every clingy Great Dane or Dalmatian, you'll find several independent ones, and for every overly attached Keeshond or Weimaraner, you'll find other specimens who thrive even if they aren't showered with attention all day. Dogs make this type of whining when they want something from you. You can try this at first without closing or putting up the gate at first so she doesn't feel trapped. If you have to give the dog attention, ask him to sit first. If your dog likes to whine for attention, you need to get this behavior under control. Does he need to go potty? Don't reward the whining with attention. He finally sees you, but makes a negative remark to his bodyguard about what a nut you are.Yet, despite the negative comment you are happy he actually noticed you and made a remark about you.It was thrilling to see him make eye contact with you. Common tactics include pawing at you, trying to stick his nose under your arm, jumping up, barking, howling, whining, scratching at doors and stealing or chewing up items. You want to minimize the transition from the positive energy when you are present to the quiet silence when you leave.The objective is to decrease the contrast between your presence and your absence. Are you unintentionally rewarding excessive vocalizations with positive or negative attention? Newly adopted dogs may fear abandonment and develop dysfunctional hyper attachments to their new owners. Why dogs whine or cry Whining and crying are part of a dog's communication. Unable to follow you, your dog may get frustrated and start whining. Avoid petting them … Through rewards and treats. Though it can be difficult to know when dogs are in pain, make sure you take a look at him and ensure they are not hurt or if they have something stuck in the paws whenever they display this behavior. In many cases, dogs learn to whine as a way to get attention from people. She is not an attention seeker, more the aloof type. Whenever we go to walk away from her she wraps her legs around your knees and almost trips you as if she is hugging you. If you suspect that your dog’s whining is a sign of fear, seek professional help, starting with your veterinarian. And because you just push a button or the bark collar remotely delivers shock on its own, it may appear like a more humane option, but let's remember that even if we are not the ones actively administering the correction, we are the ones who purchased the collar in the first place and put it on the dog. To determine the right way to stop your dog from whimpering, you need first to understand the reasons behind it. I think many of them could learn from reading this hub. The dog craves attention, barks or whines and the owner looks at the dog. It is best to seek veterinary or behavioural advice for your individual pet. Your dog usually whines when you leave the room and instead decides to lie on a mat? The bodies of dogs run at much different temperatures than human bodies do. What counts as attention-seeking dog behaviour? because, many times, our attention is a quick fix to stop the behavior. He'll soon get the idea that quiet makes you walk towards him. Many claim that the collars deliver "static corrections," "harmless electric stimulation," or "gentle taps." Your dog may start whining when you start getting ready for work. Others suggest a more benign form of punishment – removing your attention from the whiner. Senior dogs with signs of canine cognitive dysfunction may benefit from the drug Anipryl. Stress or Fear Whine. Kind regards! You'll have to train Fido to get them to stop. Identifying the Source of Your Dog’s Whining Keep track of when they whine. Underlying insecurity and anxiety makes these dogs crave more attention than others. Come back when he is done. The attention whine. Whenever your dog whines, ensure that you check if they have food in their feeding place and the last time that the dog was fed. If he continues being quiet walk towards him with the bowl. You can accomplish this by leaving "white noise" on such as a radio or TV. Demand barking: If your dog barks at you, ignore him until he becomes quiet and then reward him instantly with praise, treats, and affection. This is the most common cause of problem whining. From an evolutionary standpoint, these distress whines had an important function as they helped mother dog locate the stranded puppies.This whining is then reinforced from getting mom's attention. Whining is common in both puppies and mature dogs. To stop a dog from whining, follow these steps. With dogs, the same dynamics may take place. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on April 15, 2017: It could be she simply doesn't like to be restrained to one area of the home if she is used to having free run of the house 95 percent of the time. Another helpful hub from you about the beautiful pets. Place the food bowl down and then leave so he can eat. Those noises include opening the food bag, opening the fridge, picking up the food bowl, mixing up things. Hetty is a vet and science writer. Stop Dog From Whining for Attention. Failure to interpret the whine can aggravate the behavior or lead to more serious issues. She barks all night long and all day if people are not around her. Soon, the dog understands the equation that whining, bring attention. The goal is to teach the dog to see pre-departure in cues in a different light. Have you tried leaving her with a stuffed Kong or a bully stick (or other long lasting treat) the time she has to stay secluded in an area? Make sure his needs are all met. Some sources recommend punishing a dog’s whine by using a squirt bottle, or worse. Some dogs develop anxiety and excessive whining when they undergo changes. This may happen when you are outside or in an environment that he is not familiar with. Anytime the dog gets excited, they start whining. We often think about food, water and shelter as primary needs, but often forget that dogs also have other important needs such as exercise, social interactions and mental stimulation. Learn how to stop or prevent excessive attention-seeking from your dog. Whining Types. It is easier, quicker for you to leave the room rather than outting the dog into another room and there are lots of ways to change this behaviour ( or ANY behaviour) She's fine when she knows I'm gone (I tested her). Just like barking or growling, there are various things that the dog may be trying to communicate to you, which includes their emotional, mental, and physical state.Therefore, you need to be careful on how you react when your dog starts whining and know the reasons for this behavior. You would literally do anything to get his attention. Young puppies whine to get attention and food from their mother in the same way that babies cry. This happens when you do not take your dog outside for walks or to play. Put on your jacket, grab your keys and then sit on the couch. Your dog may try to solicit your attention by using a range of behaviors. Whining could be an indication that your dog is in some kind of physical distress. What is my dog trying to communicate? It is not meant to substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, or formal and individualized advice from a veterinary medical professional. This is common with lost dogs that can’t find their way back home. Some dog breeds were selectively bred to work a good part of the day alongside humans and some were pampered lap dogs and feet warmers for aristocratic ladies. If your dog's exercise and mental stimulation needs aren't addressed start implementing changes. Mar 13, 2015. This means that the whining behavior will repeat and increase in frequency. Dog training is the application of behavior analysis which uses the environmental events of antecedents and consequences to modify the dog behavior, either for it to assist in specific activities or undertake particular tasks, or for it to participate effectively in contemporary domestic life. If your dog is whining because they are not receiving enough attention, the solution seems pretty straightforward. If he … If your dog is quiet as you walk in the room and starts whining, take some steps back and wait for quiet again. But it is such an important point, to deal with the cause, not the symptom. The dog who has been left alone all day while the owner is at work, will likely not mind being scolded for whining as at the same time, the owner is looking and talking to the dog which the dog dearly craves. Another reason for whining is when the dog is crying. Teach your dog coping strategies for dealing with frustration triggered by separation. Dogs who are not trained from a young age may have carried on through life whining and barking for attention. Is there a particular … They use this behavior to get attention and remind you that you have not fed them. Your dog whines when he wants to be pet? When dogs are hungry, they communicate through whining. Dogs love rewards, treats, and praise. They Are Craving Attention. In order to effectively address attention-seeking whining in dogs, you will have to take care of the underlying cause. Dog Whining for Attention. The mother at some point decides to ignore the crying and no longer picks the child up, but the child's crying increases so much that in order to longer listen to him cry, the mother gives up and holds the child once again. For dogs, scolding will not stop the behavior; rather, it will make it worse. To get attention Because whining is a distinctive and somewhat piercing sound, it is apt to get the attention of people very effectively, because we think of whining as a form of crying for the dog, which it … However, when an older dog begins to whine, or has been whining for many years, we may not be so patient—or at least that is what I’ve observed. Reward your dog's non-whining behaviors. Dogs who whine while they are eating often have a mouth or dental issue. Don't make a big deal when you leave or return from an outing or are out of sight. Even today I was petting her mom and she jumped up trying to get on my lap. It may be begging for a treat from your plate or asking to be let in or out of the house. If you have an attention seeking dog, then try ignoring their whining. When your dog is frightened or stressed up, he will start whining. In this context, whining sometimes seems involuntarily. Repeat several times. I can't figure it out. To add insult to injury, the companies selling such collars often advertise them by sugar coating what they do. And you would likely do this again in the future. Through exercises. Mix in some longer and shorter stays in the mix so she doesn't feel pressure to think that the stays in there are getting progressively longer. A needy dog will whine at you when he wants to get something such as food and shelter. Let's take a look at what type of dogs may be affected by a predisposition for attention-seeking whining and barking. Attention 4. Is he left home alone for too many hours? In some cases, these dogs were actually surrendered for their anxiety and excessive whining in the first place. Alexadry© all rights reserved, do not copy. Excessive vocalizations in dogs can be a major problem. Encouraging whining can turn into a problematic behavior and annoying to the dog owner. And she has free run of the house 95% of the time I'm home, with doggie door access to the enclosed back porch and all the way outside into the fenced backyard. You can practice restraining her to the area when she doesn't need to dry, just for training purposes making her stay in the area for brief periods giving her something to do, and letting her out once she's done but make sure you open when she's not actively whining. How to Handle Attention-Seeking, Whining, and Barking in Dogs. Injury 2. Some dogs simply feel lost when they are away from their owners and not receiving attention. Several dog breeds such as huskies, Weimaraners, German shepherds and lap dog companions easily become depressed and will bark if they are lonely for too long. Seeking Attention Some dogs whine in the presence of their owners in order to get attention, rewards or desired objects. Do not scold the dog. Puppies who whine get our attention because they are so cute and. When he starts whining, ignore him, and avoid looking at the dog’s direction. Your dog may want your attention when he wants to feed or go out of his crate. Some dogs develop anxiety if they feel insecure in their environment at home because when left alone something scary happens such as a plane flies too low or construction workers cause excessive noise. Being a social animal, dogs love to gain as much attention as they can … Yes, there are some occasions where dogs are a little needy, and there is not enough attention in the world that you can provide, but for the most part it’s easy enough to appease your dog. Find replacement behaviors for the whining. Have you been opening her when she was actively whining? If the root cause of a problem isn't addressed the behavior is sure to continue." Dogs really like to dig. Don't be fooled by these terms! We all know our pets have feelings, and our dogs sometimes exhibit signs of jealousy. So before purchasing a no-bark collar ask yourself the following questions: Why is my excessively dog barking? Dogs suffering from separation anxiety will bark and be in distress when left alone. Don't pet him when he whines, instead wait for silence and pet him then. Dog training is the application of behavior analysis which uses the environmental events of antecedents and consequences to modify the dog behavior, either for it to assist in specific activities or undertake particular tasks, or for it to participate effectively in contemporary domestic life.. Professional dog obedience t Another reason why dogs whine is they need to pee or poo. It doesn't take long for dogs to understand this, as after all, reminiscent of puppy hood, the puppy used the same strategies to get attention from mother dog. Devika Primić from Dubrovnik, Croatia on August 13, 2014: When I had dogs they did not behave much in this way I always paid attention to them. If she won't eat, that can mean she is really upset about it and maybe a bit stressed too. Since he is walking by the crowd and he cannot notice you, you decide to climb over a gate and wave at him. Beagles are quite vocal and may whine a … Once they find a home with people that love them, they will resort to those whining strategies they used when they were pups when they are separated from their owners. One piece of advice, it may be useful to pick a whole new, fresh place to seclude her and make it "the happy place" as it may take more work to transform a previous place that has assumed negative connotations and "has a history" into a nice place-to-be. Karen Hellier from Georgia on August 27, 2014: This is helpful, thank you. Anxiety Some dogs whine in response to stressful situations. Some dogs whine during greetings. It's as if these dogs are half dogs that cannot live with their other half, their owners. Your dog may whine and grumble when they are seeking more of your attention. Each bark expresses a different need or want. From a learning theory standpoint, the whining behavior is positively reinforced by the attention. You ask yourself … Keep the radio and TV on though even when you are home or turn it on hours prior to your departure, to prevent turning the radio or TV a cue you are about to leave that may trigger anxiety. Beagles are known for their baying sounds as they can howl as loud as dogs three times their size. If you worked at home all the time, and then suddenly start working out of the home, this change may be too drastic and your dog may develop separation distress. Go on walks, engage your dog in games, encourage. Sometimes reducing attention-seeking whining may be difficult because owners may unwittingly reinforce the behavior. Bless your heart for rescuing from the Humane Society. Sp Greaney from Ireland on August 13, 2014: Not being a dog owner, I can only judge what I see from people I know who own dogs. He’s in Pain. But if I keep her on the back porch, for example (to dry after having been bathed) with the screen door closed, where she can still see/hear/smell me she starts whimpering. The child soon learns that every time he cries he is picked up. Dog aggression training. Also this is a 102 pound Labrador so it’s kind of hard to deal with her, but thank you for the helpful tips!!! It is much deeper and drawn out than the bark of most other dog breeds. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on May 01, 2016: Yes, addressing the cause is of paramount importance when addressing dog behavior problems. In many cases, dogs learn to whine as a way to get attention from people. This over bonding causes them to not feel safe when left alone. At times, this can be triggered by underlying medical causes. The attention whine. Greeting 3. Walking up to the dog, opening the door to let the dog in, talking to the dog and petting the dog further reinforce the vocalizations. Feb 14, 2018. When your dog sees other dogs, he will get excited and start whining. The dog can become excited when you get home or when he sees something outside. Most dogs are naturally alert, and if they hear someone or see something, they start whining to alert you about it. Attention-seeking dog behaviour is common – and is a totally normal survival mechanism in puppies who rely totally on the care of their mother but as adult dogs, excessive jumping, pawing or barking is difficult to live with and can become annoying. The following tips will help reduce attention seeking whining in dogs. If your dog is afraid, you will need to manage his fear in order for the whining to stop. What dogs are likely to crave extra attention from their owners? Your dog may want your attention when he wants to feed or go out of his crate. This explains why your dog no matter how much you scold him or push him away, may continue whining or barking to get your attention. While whining is annoying, it is a form of communication from your dog. When you catch them in … 2. Training Help Pay attention to your dog’s body language when barking. Here are the most common reasons why a dog will cry or whine: … When he's quiet continue walking in his direction. Identifying what is causing your dog to bark can help you decide how best to respond. Why is your dog vocalizing? If you use a clicker, you can also train her to target an object in that area and then click/ toss her a treat in the area. Don't worry, your dog knows those noises way to well! … Adolescent dogs who whine (even though it may be getting a bit annoying) also get our attention because, many times, our attention is a quick fix to stop the behavior. Making a big deal with highly emotional displays when you return only reinforces his needs to make contact with you and confirms in his mind that good things happen only when you come home. This kind of vocalization is usually motivated by excitement and may be directed at dogs or people. Giving her something to do may help keep her mind off being "forced" to be in a specific area. Why Do Dogs Whine? Attention-Seeking Whining. It's as if these dogs were stuck in a phase during which puppies become distressed when separated from their mother. A lot of reactive dogs will whine before they bark. Dogs communicate in many ways, both with humans and other animals, through whining. Alert whine. Your dog may want to tell you something, and you need to figure out the reason so that you can help the dog. The dynamics are similar to a small child who cries and is comforted by his mother every time. Whining is another form of communication that dogs use, but since a dog’s primary form of communication is through energy and body language, the progression to whining indicates a higher level of excitement and need on the part of the dog. Giving the dog your attention will only aggravate the behavior. If your dog whines most of the time, mark with a clicker or a verbal marker those precious moments of silence or when your dog engages in other more acceptable behaviors. She fusses a little when she hears the car leave but goes quiet very quickly afterwards. Quick fixes such as no-bark collars is like only treating the symptoms of a disease and doing nothing about the weakened immune system which is causing disease in the first place. Does he have access to water? your pup's whining should come to a stop and provide you and your. :). If so, she may think that whining is the way to get out, rather than being quiet, so that can also be a reason why she's repeatedly whining. Was he fed? In some cases, this attention-seeking whining is accompanied by extra clingy behaviors, such as following the owners everywhere, anxiety when the owner is away and nervous pacing. What alternatives are there to no-bark collars? Whenever your dog whines, immediately and dramatically remove your attention. The dog craves attention, barks or whines and the owner looks at the dog. Appeasement 2. As a trainer and behavior consultant, I 100 percent agree with such statement. Adrienne Farricelli (author) on August 27, 2014: I am happy you found the article helpful! Excessive whining and barking for attention should warrant a veterinary visit, just to make sure everything is fine in the health department. In this, you need to watch out for moments when the dog is calm and stops whining to give the treats. Most dogs are naturally alert, and if they hear someone or see something, they start whining to alert you about it. You wouldn't stop speeding if you received candy instead of a hefty speeding ticket! Anxiety 5. Only once she can stay there for brief periods you can progress to a bit longer ones and start introducing the closed door/baby gate. It's unjust to leave a dog in the home all day without being exercised and expect him to just quietly lie there until we return home. Too Hot or Too Cold. Dogs whine to communicate their physical, mental, or emotional state, and not all whines are created equal. When you are absent, your dog will likely vocalize a lot, and when he sees you don't return, he will feel helpless and frustrated. Her little piece of heaven to look forward to being. Same if I put up a baby gate to keep her in the hallway while I'm at home, within eye shot of her. It's completely normal and important that they whine because it allows us to understand what they're trying to communicate. Whining is especially common in puppies because they're learning how to communicate their needs and wants. Soon, a pattern establishes and the parent is stuck with an overly needy child. Anxious vocalizing is usually a plaintive howl or excessive whining. It may take a bit to accomplish this, and may not being be too motivating to do if you only seclude her like once or twice a month for 10-15 minutes, but it may be worth it if this seems to stress her out and you do this frequently enough. This attention-seeking behavior is not unusual in dogs and it often has a history of reinforcement. Walking your dog outside makes it comfortable around other dogs. Mark the wanted behavior and immediately reward. If you have adopted a dog at an older age, and they whine for food or affection, it’s never too late to train them. Too many changes, the inability to control the environment and lack of stability may trigger insecurity, confusion and frustration. I have a dog from the Humane Society and she does whine a lot. Many re-homed dogs who have gone through the trauma of staying at the shelter appear more susceptible to develop anxiety and cravings for attention. Just make that place a happy place to be. For more on this read:" using desensitization in dog separation anxiety.". Dogs who have experienced loss of hearing or poor eyesight, may feel vulnerable and the owner's presence makes these dog feel more secure. Is he too hot or cold? Use feeding time to your advantage. Soon, the dog understands the equation that whining, bring attention. Dog owners often do not realize that dogs may also appreciate negative attention. So your next step is learning about strategies to reduce excessive attention-seeking behaviors by going to the root of the problem and employing force-free techniques. Truth is, if they are meant to reduce and stop barking behaviors they must be severe enough to accomplish such. Ideally, get your dog to quietly sit or lie down; then reward it with attention and praise or a treat.. Don't give in immediately to your dog's "want" as this actually trains it to whine about everything.. If your dog is excited, downplaying the greeting and refocusing his attention can lessens the whining. This article is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge. Desensitize your dog to pre-departure cues. I have two dog and we recently lost our third. Encourage playing with an interactive toy such as stuffed Kong during your brief absences. Stress. It’s often fairly obvious why a dog is whining. When your dog is frightened or stressed up, he will start whining. Repeat several times and then start putting on your jacket, grabbing your keys and leaving for a a few seconds and then coming back inside. If your dog whines when you leave the room, make sure you return only when your dog is quiet. Don’t Punish Your Dog for Whining. Your senior dog’s vocalizing can become a problem if he does it too often or at inappropriate times, like when you’re sleeping. If your dog whines when you are eating, don't feed him table scraps when he whines. Looking is already a form of attention. Dogs who whine for the sake of attention have often learned that they can get away with this behavior. Return to the room when your dog is done emptying the toy and act neutral. Act neutral. Looking is already a form of attention. Excessive whining and barking in dogs can sometimes be triggered by a strong desire for attention. I love this statement by dog trainer and behavior consultant Jonathan P. Klein "Barking, as is the case with most 'bad' behaviors, is merely a by-product of a bigger issue. When left alone, or not receiving the amount of attention they crave, these dogs will whine, in a similar way puppies do when they are seeking their mom. Dogs whine due to a variety of reasons such as: One of the main causes of whining is social interactions with other dogs. A dog may whine when they are wanting to go outside, they want their favorite treat, they need you to fill up their food bowl, they want to play a game of fetch, or to express any other desire they may have! If you mark wanted behaviors and ignore the whining/barking, those moments of silence and whining replacement behaviors should increase in frequency. Animals exhibiting signs and symptoms of distress should be seen by a veterinarian immediately. Some dogs may also excessively vocalize as they age and develop the first signs of canine cognitive dysfunction.So when these dogs are not getting attention or are left alone, they feel lost, anxious and vulnerable. If your dog does it only when you’re gone, it could indicate separation anxiety. However, even dogs who aren't predisposed to this may develop over attachment, given the correct circumstances. Dogs make this type of whining when they want something from you. Prepare his food, and if he is actively whining when you are away, stop making those food preparation noises. Even within a litter, variances between puppies and their behaviors can be quite significant. If he whines, freeze and take a few steps back. You want to reinforce silence instead of actively reinforcing the whining.