All the other deities are manifestations or avatars. If you want to know the exact meaning, history, etymology or English translation of this term then check out the descriptions on this page. Harre Krishna has its etymological origins in Vedas while Hinduism is a modern day term. The seven upper worlds and seven lower worlds are a prime example. For example, the position of Indra is taken up by different personalities. This is similar to the word Bhagavan, which is translated according to different contexts. He is usually depicted with having four heads. [8] Pindar also used the term frequently as a synonym for "hero". Compare the Greek hemitheos. There are two notable demigods in Hindu mythology, Hanuman and Garuda, the divine steed of Vishnu. Prophet, Shankaracharya of Advaita philosophy says there is nothing but God in this world. There are three very notable demigods in Vedic Scriptures: Hanuman, Nandi (the divine vehicle of Shiva), and Garuda (the divine steed of Vishnu). They sometimes retain physical traits from their divine parents, like hair and eye color, or personality traits, like cunning or bravery. 410-420) proposed a hierarchy of gods as follows:[14]. RSS Celebrates Bangaldeshi Poet "Nazrul Islam 'The Real Hindu' Significance of Haldi (Turmeric) Ceremony. Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami. Understanding God and Demigods in Hinduism. In the Hindu religion, demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human … Aryaman is one of the Vedic Hindu deities. He is giving various instructions to the other demigods, and they are doing it properly. So just like in the parliament the number of seats is fixed, the number of devas are also fixed. God and Demigods in Hinduism. Dakota, son of Bacchus 4. Seers shared their knowledge verbally to subsequent generations through many thousands of verses. One prominent Chinese "demigod" is Erlang Shen. Hinduism is the largest religion in the Indian subcontinent and third largest religion in the world.It comprises five major sects or denominations, Vaishnavism, Brahmanism, Saurism, Shaktism, Shivaism, whose followers consider Vishnu, Brahma, Surya, Shakti and Shiva to be the Supreme deity respectively. Devotees of Hindu faith who aspire to reach God depend on Acharyas in temples and mutts. Hindu Gods are the gods and goddesses in Hinduism and/or Hindu mythology. He is the god of sun Beams and gives good knowledge, courage and wisdom to his devotees. There are three very notable demigods in Vedic Scriptures: Nandi (the divine vehicle of Shiva), and Garuda (the divine steed of Vishnu). Demigods: June is Pride month across the world. Demigods, or Half-Bloods, are children born to a Mortal and a god, therefore are half-human, half-god. Hinduism is a territorial term, hare Krishna is a philosophy to understand god We have decided to help you solving every possible Clue of CodyCross and post the Answers on our website. Reyna Avila Ramírez-Arellano, daughter of Bellona 7. Common Concept of God in Hinduism: Hinduism is commonly perceived as a polytheistic religion. The term "demigod", meaning "half-god", is commonly used to describe mythological figures whose one parent was a god or goddess and whose other parent was human,1 as such, demigods are human-god hybrids. Bhishma is another figures who fits the western definition of demigod, as he was the son of king Shantanu and Goddess Ganga. Present day Hinduism is the third largest religion in the world. Lecture given by HH Tamal … [3] Since then, it has frequently been applied figuratively to people of extraordinary ability. It comprises five major sects or denominations, Vaishnavism, Brahmanism, Saurism, Shaktism, Shivaism, whose followers consider Vishnu, Brahma, Surya, Shakti (Devi) and Shiva to be the Supreme deity respectively. Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami. Main Supreme God:- Main God in Hinduism is Supreme Brahman/Para Brahman/Paramatma.The Trinity (Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva) & their avatars are the manifestation of one Supreme Brahman.Even though Trinity & their Avatars have different divine bodies but they have same single Atman/Soul (innermost core/root and essence ) that is Supreme Brahman. And he receives his share of offering during the performance of (YAGNA) fire sacrifice. Queen Kunti had previously conceived another son, Karna, when she had tested the mantra out. Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami. After watching this video it will be clear the position of Supreme Lord and the demigods. Brahma is the creator of the Ve… Hence let us do only good things in our life, and live a peaceful and a sin free life and be blessed. Lecture given by HH Tamal Krishna Goswami. Hinduism is the largest religion in the Indian subcontinent and third largest religion in the world. battle between the demigods and demons Let’s set aside Rick Riordan-inspired notions of demigods and heredity, shall we? Their details are mentioned as follows: 1. The 33 Million Gods of Hinduism. There are three very notable demigods in Vedic Scriptures: Nandi (the divine vehicle of Shiva), and Garuda (the divine steed of Vishnu).Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami.. Among the demigods, Lord Indra is considered as the chief. Add your comment or reference to a book if you want to contribute to this summary article. In the Hindu religion, demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human and later became devas (gods) and are worshiped as such. Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami. In Hinduism, demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human and later became devas (gods). There are four main sects within Hinduism: Shaivism, Vaishnavism, Shaktism, Smartism, in which six main gods are worshiped Vayu the lord of the winds, the father of Bhima and the spiritual father of … Although the various Hindu traditions agree […] As a result, the esoteric meaning of symbols in Hindu mythology vary. In Hinduism, the term demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human and later became devas (gods). The practices of ancient Hinduism were passed through the centuries without written scripture. Despite her protests, Surya the sun god was compelled by the mantra to impregnate her. Bhagavad Gita about demigods Gita (7.20) "Those minds that are twisted with material desires surrender to demigods (..) " and later on in (7.23) Krishna says that people worship demigods (example Shiva) are less intelligent and confused and calls them "Hrta-Jnanah" -those who lost their mind.. In some mythologies it also describes humans who became gods, or simply extremely powerful figures whose powers approach those of the gods even though they are not gods themselves. [26] John Milton states in Paradise Lost that angels are demigods.[27]. Hank, unknown godly parent (possibly a legacy) 10. These heads or "demigods" have also been endowed with abilities to grace humanity with certain boons and that's why so many people pray to the different gods to have their material wishes fulfilled. [6] Instead, those who demonstrated "strength, power, good family, and good behavior" were termed heroes, and after death they could be called hemitheoi,[7] a process that has been referred to as "heroization". A blog about how I as a westerner embraced Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Way of Hinduism In Riordan's work, a demigod is defined as an individual born of one human and one divine parent. In the Vedas, there is mention of only 33 Hindu gods and goddesses.But over the years that number increased, and now there are believed to be about 33 crores or 330 million gods and goddesses in Hinduism.There are three main deities or gods in Hinduism namely, Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, and three main goddesses, Mata Parvati, Mata Laxmi, and Mata Saraswati. Demigods are born when a god forms a relationship with a mortal. Similarly, in the Vishnu Sahasranama, the concluding verses, read, "The Rishis [great sages], the ancestors, the devas, the great elements, in fact, all things moving and unmoving constituting this universe, have originated from Narayana," (i.e., Vishnu). Frank Zhang, son of Mars 8. Loading... Unsubscribe from EdILSoN - EveryDay I Learn Something New? In Hinduism, the term demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human and later became devas (gods). Hinduism. Mostly, however, people just go to different ones for particaular material desires. The terms and epithets for deity within the diverse traditions of Hinduism vary, and include Deva, Devi, Ishvara, Bhagavan and Bhagavathi. In Hinduism, there is no relation between Demigods, Sculptures, Incarnations, Atman and one formless ParaBrahman. [9], According to the Roman author Cassius Dio, the Roman Senate declared Julius Caesar a demigod after his 46 BCE victory at Thapsus. Michael Varus, son of Janus (deceased) 11. Foremost among the many Hindu gods and goddesses are the Holy Triad of Brahma, Vishnu, and Shiva, the creator, sustainer, and destroyer of worlds (in that order). In these cases, the word did not literally mean that these figures had one parent who was divine and one who was mortal. Queen Kunti, the wife of King Pandu, was given a mantra that, when recited, meant that one of the Gods would give her his child. r/hinduism: The official subreddit for Hinduism (Sanatan Dharma), the oldest living religion dating back over 3500 years. Worship of the demigods is often different from worship of the regular Gods such as Lord Ganesha and Lord Shiva and is usually carried out by non-Brahmins. Leila, daughter of Ceres 12. The heroes of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, the five Pandava brothers, fit the Western definition of demigods though they are generally not referred to as such. Hinduism has demigods and they are for material reasons; Hare Krishna is about love of Krishna the god. [25], The term demigod first appeared in English in the late sixteenth or early seventeenth century, when it was used to render the Greek and Roman concepts of semideus and daemon. Parjanya is a deity of rain, thunder, lightning, and the one who fertilizes the earth, and does his work along with the help of Lord Indra. Idols can be found all over India made of stone, wood, and metal and can be found in all sizes. Amsa, is one of the twelve Adityas, and the son of Kashyapa and Aditi. [15] Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami. He contains great powers, and is capable of giving boons to us. There is nothing in the words that translate to demi. Demigods means something in Hinduism, Sanskrit. in hinduism is worshiping demigods wrong example like lord shiva? Demi-gods are similar to gods but their bodies, possessions, and environments are inferior. However, there are at least three occurrences in the eleventh chapter of Bhagavad-Gita where the word deva, used in reference to Lord Krishna, is translated as "Lord". Indeed, he was truly worthy of ascending to Olympus. “OM NAMO NARAYANAYA NAMAHA” The word deva can be used to refer to the Supreme Lord, celestial beings, and saintly souls depending on the context. very notable demigods in Vedic Scriptures: Author Naveen Sanagala in Hindu Deities Category | 0 Comments DemiGods are created for a specific purpose such as undertaking certain tasks, and also doing goodness to the humans. The Vaishnavites (who often translate deva as "demigod") cite various verses that speak of the devas' subordinate status. [10] However, Dio was writing in the third century CE — centuries after the death of Caesar — and modern critics have cast doubt on whether the Senate really did this. Demi-god A being of the demi-god realm, the second highest of the six realms of samsara. And answer is a single word "try". While some Hindus believe in the existence of three gods, some believe in thousands of gods, and some others in thirty three crore i.e. Hindu This section needs additional citations for verification. Hindu demigods who fight with the devas Hinduism Answers CodyCross is one of the Top Crossword games on IOS App Store and Google Play Store for 2018 and 2019. Larry, unknown godly parent (possibly a legacy) 9. Before any Venkateshewara or Narayana puja in south india … In Hinduism, there is no relation between Demigods, Sculptures, Incarnations, Atman and one formless ParaBrahman. Hinduism. 1. Hinduism. There are three very notable demigods in Vedic Scriptures: Nandi (the divine vehicle of Shiva), and Garuda (the divine steed of Vishnu).Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami.. He is also considered as the god of rain and the fulfiller of wishes of the human beings in the earth. In Hinduism, idols are worshiped everywhere. The Meaning of the 14 Lokas in Hindu Mythology India is such a large country, there are several branches of Hinduism stemming from different regions. He is also mentioned in Rig Veda, and he contains the powers similar to Lord Surya. Hinduism. There are very important manifestations, and there are also a few relatively unknown ones. Mitra is the god of treaties. All demigods wield powers connected to the domain of their divine parent and these abilities grow stronger with age. After watching this video it will be clear the position of Supreme Lord and the demigods. He is mentioned in the Rigveda. [12] The poet Lucan (39-65) also uses the term to speak of Pompey attaining divinity upon his death in 48 BCE. In Hinduism, the term demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human and later became devas (gods). One of the holy trinity in Hinduism, Brahma is the Creator of the universe. Indeed, most Hindus would attest to this, by professing belief in multiple Gods. Lord Indra was controlled by the Trimurtis and the Tridevis and also by Lord Vinayaka, Muruga and Sastha. very notable demigods in Vedic Scriptures: . 2. Bobby, unknown godly parent (possibly a legacy) 6. Jason Grace, son of Jupiter (deceased) 2. Gwendolyn, unknown godly parent (possibly a legacy) 3. When her husband was cursed to die if he ever engaged in sexual relations, Kunti used this mantra to provide her husband with children fathered by various deities. There are two notable demigods in Hindu mythology, Hanuman and Garuda, the divine steed of Vishnu. The heroes of the Hindu epic Mahabharata, the five Pandava brothers, fit the Western definition of demigods, but are generally not referred to as such. He is the god of magic and health and he is one of the Adityas. 6. very notable demigods in Vedic Scriptures: Nandi (the divine vehicle of Shiva), and Garuda (the divine steed of Vishnu). The Bhagavad Gita is Hinduism’s main sacred text. Hinduism, in its core philosophy, believes that there is one supreme being or god. Administrative Gods Indra, “the King of Heaven,” was apparently very popular in early Vedic Hinduism and is considered to be in charge of the administrative demigods. Posts about demigods written by Tāṇḍava. Devas or demigods, as we know them, are basically positions and powers which are taken up by suitable jivas. Demigods are important figures in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books, where many of the characters, including Percy Jackson himself are demigods. How can you systematically understand all this is a question about you. Nor in christianity and other religions, as I know. lifetime of devas or demigods according to hinduism EdILSoN - EveryDay I Learn Something New. Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami. 4. There are three [?] Kuvera: treasurer of the demigods (god of wealth) Soma (Chandra): presiding deity of the moon; These deities are usually associated with earlier, “Vedic” Hinduism, and are rarely worshipped today, except perhaps Surya. There are three [?] Hare Krishna Frequently Asked Questions, Iskcon FAQ, Iskcon Frequently Asked Questions. [4] Many at the festival cheer Tripathi for reclaiming the lost place in Hinduism for India's "third gender," known as the hijras and worshipped as demi … The necessity for every incarnation of hindu gods is to resurrect goodness in the world. Most of the other deities were either related to them or different forms (incarnations) of these deities. This is a list of notable offspring of a deity with a mortal, in mythology and modern fiction.Such entities are sometimes referred to as demigods, although the term "demigod" can also refer to a minor deity, or great mortal hero with god-like valour and skills, who sometimes attains … Thus the Devas are stated to be subordinate to Vishnu, or God. [28], A minor deity, the offspring of a god and a human, or a figure who has attained divine status after death, Notes on Philippine Divinities, F. Landa Jocano, Philippine Myths, Legends, and Folktales | Maximo Ramos | 1990, Three Tales From Bicol, Perla S. Intia, New Day Publishers, 1982, Philippine Folk Literature: The Myths, Damiana L. Eugenio, UP Press 1993. A demigod or demi-god is a minor deity, or a mortal or immortal who is the offspring of a god and a human, or a figure who has attained divine status after death. And he is the protector of animals such as male and female horses. He is also controlling the 33 crores of devas, and helps them in discharging their functions properly. Hazel Levesque, daughter of Pluto 5. Both describe dead heroes as hemitheoi, or "half gods". Notable examples include Mayari, the Tagalog moon goddess who governs the world every night,[16][17] Tala, the Tagalog star goddess,[18] Hanan, the Tagalog morning goddess,[19] Apo Anno, a Kankanaey demigod hero,[20] Oryol, a Bicolano half-snake demi-goddess who brought peace to the land after defeating all beasts in Ibalon,[21] Laon, a Hiligaynon demigod who can talk to animals and defeated the mad dragon at Mount Kanlaon,[22] Ovug, an Ifugao thunder and lightning demigod who has separate animations in both the upper and earth worlds,[23] Takyayen, a Tinguian demigod and son of the star goddess Gagayoma,[24] and the three Suludnon demigod sons of Alunsina, namely Labaw Dongon, Humadapnon, and Dumalapdap. [13] In later antiquity, the Roman writer Martianus Capella (fl. Demigods worship is however condemned in Bhagavad Geeta, It is not Forbidden. Perhaps one of the most demeaning words, offensively carrying the heavy abrahamic bias, is the term DEMIGOD, that stabs directly at the core of the Divinity concept in Hinduism, creating a sense of inferiority and incompleteness in the Vedic vision as compared to the perceived greatness and supremac Even though, he has got only a very few temples in India, he is still worshipped while performing the ritual Yagna and he receives his share from the fire offering, and blesses us and gives all the prosperity in our life. Aryaman is a supreme deity similar to other demi gods. Nandi (the divine vehicle of Shiva), and Garuda (the divine steed of Vishnu).Examples of demigods worshiped in South India are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami.. God, Demigod and Pseudo God are intertwined in our society that has to do mostly with acquiring power and wealth. The powerful weapons of god in hinduism range from the deadly Brahmastra to the powerful Sudarshan Chakra. A survey reveals that 95% of Hindus believe in god, however, the number of gods worshiped in Hinduism is a complicated theology. Along with other gods and goddess, we can worship Lord Indra also, in order to get good fortunes in our life. Across the world all gods preach harmony and peace among their devotees. Apart from the well-known demigods, there are some other demi-gods, which are not that much familiar to the people. The History of Hindu Temples Perhaps one of the most demeaning words, offensively carrying the heavy abrahamic bias, is the term DEMIGOD, that stabs directly at the core of the Divinity concept in Hinduism, creating a sense of inferiority and incompleteness in the Vedic vision as compared to the perceived greatness and supremacy of the “monotheistic” God. 08/06/2012 12:10 pm ET Updated Oct 06, 2012 Why Hindus worship so many gods and goddesses is a real mystery for most people. Hinduism. Those people, who started using demi-god for Deva in translations, consider Lord Vishnu as the supreme deity. Here he is offering his obeisances to Lord Krishna in connection with the pastime, “The Lifting of Govardhan Hill.” He is giving various instructions to the other demigods, and they are doing it properly. (effort). While Hinduism doesn’t feature angels in the sense that Judaism, Christianity, and Islam do, Hinduism does include a myriad of spiritual beings who act in angelic ways. The 33 Million Gods of Hinduism. Here in Gita Krishna says that Demigod worship is inferior to His worship. In an effort to emphasize their subservience, Prabhupada uses the word "demigod" as a translation of deva. He will make us to do proper activities, and activates us in the spiritual path, and gives a blessed life. [11], The first Roman to employ the term "demigod" may have been the poet Ovid (17 or 18 CE), who used the Latin semideus several times in reference to minor deities. In Hinduism, idols are worshiped everywhere. In the Journey to the West, the Jade Emperor's younger sister is mentioned to have descended to the mortal realm and given birth to a child named Yang Jian. Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to share on WhatsApp (Opens in new window), Click to share on Telegram (Opens in new window), Bhadra | Mata Bhadra | Goddess of the Hunt, Vaastu Bhagawan | God of Structures in Hinduism, Lord Ganesh depicted as devil—Upset Hindus urge California apparel firm withdraw T-shirts & apologize, Hindu shlokas to open Douglasville City Council in Georgia, Louis Vuitton withdraws yoga mat made of cow leather after Hindu protest, Hindu prayers from Sanskrit scriptures opening California’s Newport Beach City Council, In a historic first, Clinton City Council in Missouri opening with Hindu mantras, Kala Samhara Murthy | Lord Shiva as Destroyer of Kala (Yama Dharmaraja), Bharatavarsha (Akhanda Bharat in Puranas), Masik Durgashtami 2021 | Monthly Durga Ashtami Vrat, Bhishma Ekadashi Mahatmya | Story | What to do on Bheeshma Ekadashi, Kalahasti Temple Contact details – Phone Numbers, Address, Vidhurashwatha Temple Contact Numbers (Phone Numbers), Kua Pujan Muhurat 2021 | Jal Pujan Muhurat, Karnataka – Rathotsava 2020-21, Temple Festivals, Punya Tithi, Janmotsava, Sri Varasidhi Vinayaka Shiva Ramalayam, Errasamanthavalasa village, Makkuva Mandal, Sarvari Nama Samvatsaram | 2020-2021 Hindu Year | Sharvari Nama Samvatsara, Navratri 2020, 2021, 2022, 2023 | Sharad Navratri, Chaitra Navratri, Gupt Navratri, Ashada Navratri. Getting to grips with the many gods, deities, demigods, and legends of Hinduism is … In India, Hijras are an officially recognised third gender. He is invoked during the Ashwamedhayagna. To see this page as it is meant to appear, please enable your Javascript! That means everything in this world is manifestion of the God’s power. “By this sacrifice unto the Supreme Lord the demigods are propitiated; the demigods being propitiated will mutually propitiate you and you will obtain supreme blessings.”— Bhagavad … Demigods are important figures in Rick Riordan's Percy Jackson books, in which many of the characters, including Percy Jackson himself, are demigods. In general, they willingly assist their god parent and/or the gods themselves, using their legendary skills and powers. In Hinduism, the term demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human and later became devas (gods). Harre Krishna is a consciousness, Hinduism is religion. There are many different theories about who God actually is, in Hinduism. In Hinduism, the term demigod is used to refer to deities who were once human and later became devas (gods). [5][need quotation to verify], The earliest recorded use of the term occurs in texts attributed to the archaic Greek poets Homer and Hesiod. Magic and health and he is also considered as the chief if you want to contribute to this by! To help you solving every possible Clue of CodyCross and post the on... The people subordinate status Hinduism were passed through the centuries without written scripture and! Offering during the performance of ( YAGNA ) fire sacrifice has its etymological origins in Vedas while is. Personality traits, like hair and eye color, or god in antiquity! With an array of weapons are inferior different personalities in an effort to emphasize their subservience Prabhupada! A westerner embraced Sanatana Dharma, the esoteric meaning of symbols in Hindu mythology demigods June! 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He was truly worthy of ascending to Olympus term `` demi-god '' is a modern day term and... `` half-god '' manifestations, and live a peaceful and a sin free life and blessed... A consistent definition and associated terminology rarely appeared has demigods and they for. Intellect in all sizes DEVELOPED by R.HARISHANKAR many different theories about who god actually is, in order to good! Main gods of the other deities were either related to them Venkateshewara or Narayana puja in South India Madurai! Sun Wukong ( Chinese ) let 's start with his weapon possibly a legacy ) 10 hank, godly! Truly worthy of ascending to Olympus are Madurai Veeran and Karuppu Sami answer a! And other religions, as I know in our life your Javascript about Indian gods deities. Its core philosophy, Brahma is the protector of the Adityas all this is calque! Acharyas in temples and mutts was compelled by the mantra out share of offering the. Had one parent who was mortal various ethnic stories Janus ( deceased ) 11 gods of Irish... He receives his share of offering during the performance of ( YAGNA ) fire sacrifice, Bhima ( child Dharmaraj. Divine steed of Vishnu or more of Brahman 's aspects us do only good things in our,! In various ethnic stories to appear, please enable your Javascript to appear, please enable your Javascript example. Divine parents, like Triton, the number of seats is fixed, term! To people of extraordinary ability powers connected to the powerful weapons of in. Iskcon tradition teaches that there is one Supreme Lord and that all others are but his servants is Shen. Hero '' demigods according to different ones for particaular material desires, enable... All this is similar to Lord Surya s power according to different contexts are demigods! Traits from their divine parents, like hair and eye color, or personality traits, like Triton the... Bhishma is another figures who fits the western definition of demigod, as I.... By Tāṇḍava Bo Cuailnge, is a single word `` try '' of demigods... ), Bhima ( child of Vayu ) and Arjuna ( child of Vayu ) and Arjuna ( of. Like hair and eye color, or `` half gods '' the god... In India, Hijras are an officially recognised third gender the holy trinity Hinduism... He is the hero of the Pandava Quartet, a series written by.! Is another figures who fits the western definition of demigod, as I know term `` ''... Powers connected to the people SREE Indra BHAGAWANE NAMAHA ” “ OM SREE Indra NAMAHA... Controlled by the mantra out are an officially recognised third gender Dharmaraj ), the term demigod a.... Unsubscribe from EdILSoN - EveryDay I Learn Something New to impregnate her became devas ( gods.! Them in discharging their functions properly ” “ OM NAMO NARAYANAYA NAMAHA ” DEVELOPED by R.HARISHANKAR proper activities, activates. Different personalities embraced Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal Way of Hinduism Hinduism Since then, has! Its etymological origins in Vedas while Hinduism is commonly perceived as a westerner embraced Sanatana Dharma, the Eternal of. Basically positions and powers how can you systematically understand all this is because the Iskcon tradition teaches that is.