see a health care provider can be hard BCSBNM gives you another way to get care Blue Cross Community Centennial members can access care for non-emergency health issues and behavioral health needs through MDLIVE® Whether you are at home or on the road, you have access to board-certified doctors and psychiatrists or licensed 2. Your email Submit Form is being submitted, please wait a bit. Both the online and print versions of the Provider Directory are subject to change. COVER This page intentionally left blank. Our advice for clinicians on the coronavirus is here. J & C BEHAVIORAL THERAPY LLC BEHAVIORAL … Home > State Directory > Connecticut > Oxford > Community/Behavioral Health There are 1 Community/Behavioral Health providers with a NPI number registered in Oxford Connecticut. All information is sourced by CBH using its standard source method. Home / Provider Directory Use the search filters below to find a provider near you- use the options separately or in any combination. h��W�k#7�W��V��'ǎ�@s�K�)}��[g����W.�}��u��M�J1��J#i4���]���3+�Թ!���A�Sn(F��f�dnf|q��˲�c��E0��HM�1��t��]nJ&E���R_Ť*ͤ���0�L�h:Ͼ|���f5���۫��7�[�h_T_���z^]=����gwz��]S��L�y��L�e���Yt�j^
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If you or someone you know are experiencing a behavioral health crisis and/or require immediate assistance, please dial 911 or visit a Crisis Response Center (CRC) or the nearest Emergency Room. If you are a member of the public looking for health advice, go to the NHS website.And if you are looking for the latest travel information, and advice about the government response to the outbreak, go to the GOV.UK website. If CBH receives new information between recredentialing cycles, the Directory is updated. Large Print directories are also available. The Community Behavioral Health Provider Manual is updated quarterly throughout each state fiscal year and is posted one month prior to the effectiv e date. Search Community Care's Provider Directory to find behavioral healthcare providers. Behavioral Health Criteria. NPI list of 1 community/behavioral health registered providers with a business address in Colorado City, AZ, all registered as organizations. Behavioral health programs may help you cope with emotional struggles. To start your search for recovery resources within the MI Recovery region, please visit the provider directory for the Community Mental Health provider in your area. The digital format has been enhanced to offer you additional functions such as maps and directions. Behavioral Health Services Provider Directory, Rev. Adults, youth, and children can have a mental health condition. %%EOF
Notice to Patients: Behavioral Health Services serves all patients regardless of inability to pay. �3�sj"f�f�2PC��.� �#9Kf�:���2c �)�Q� Phone: 215-413-3100 A A A. Universal Community Behavioral Health Inc is a Clinic/Center Mental Health (Including Community Mental Health Center) specialty provider based out of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. %PDF-1.7
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Behavioral Health Provider Directory Medicaid. Community Behavioral Health Main Line: 1-844-224-5264 (ext 104 for new patients) Fax: 888-509-0010 ... Staff Directory. Community Behavioral Health Community Behavioral Health is a state-licensed, Joint Commission Accredited, Outpatient Mental Health Clinic located throughout the Eastern Shore of Maryland and Columbia, Maryland. If you or someone you know are experiencing a behavioral health crisis and/or require immediate assistance, please dial 911 or visit a Crisis Response Center (CRC) or the nearest Emergency Room. The San Francisco Behavioral Health Plan offers a full range of specialty Behavioral health services provided by a culturally diverse network of community Behavioral health programs, clinics and private psychiatrists, psychologists, and therapists. All information is supplied by the provider upon joining the CBH Provider Network. Members seeking services please contact Member Services at 888-545-2600. �B"חh8c'��OfQ��8&ѰϺв�z�G�Wd�u�Ʊ0d�,Q�%���g��->���x�~���r�2_�Q =��W���H����V��������xR,TgRύ��-u��x�!XVߔ�fR�j�[�b�kX楪ۦl<7I���S�X馬n��N�Kd�A��jDZ�
P\�����!�g$*�!J�lQUr��S�|��M�GD�< Use these tools to help you find a network doctor, dentist, or health care facility such as a hospital or urgent care clinic. UnitedHealthcare Community Plan Provider Manual Reminders ; ... Use the UnitedHealthcare General Provider directory to search common services or treatments and view the relative costs of care for that service. Click here for the Substance Use Disorders Provider Directory by Site .pdf file; Click here for the Substance Use Disorders Rendering Staff Directory .pdf file; Provider List Tagalog. MassHealth Behavioral Health Provider Directory Commonwealth of Massachusetts ... South Bay Community Services 607 Pleasant St Ste 115 Attleboro, MA 02703 508-223-3397 Ayer ... Cape Behavioral Health Center 310 Barnstable Rd Ste 201 Hyannis, MA 02601 508-880-6666 behavioral health services provider directory updated 04-16-19 san diego access and crisis line 888-724-7240 access and crisis line for the deaf, hard of … 10868 0 obj
A substance use disorder is a dependency on drugs or alcohol. TTY number: 888-436-7482, Mental Health Delegate Hotline New Provider information will be added as it is available. endstream
More. Providers should contact their Provider Relations Representative. Universal Community Behavioral Health Inc is a Clinic/Center Adolescent and Children Mental Health specialty provider based out of Huntingdon, Pennsylvania. Choosing a behavioral health provider is a personal and important decision. Email:, For questions about the directory or a listed provider, please call CBH Member Services at, Behavioral Health and Substance Use Services, Medical Assistance Transportation Program, Tobacco Recovery Wellness Initiative (TRWI). Provider Type Languages Robert Chaefsky,MD, 3237 BristolRoad.,Suite206,Bensalem,PA19020,(215)752‐9735, Male Adult, Children,Youth Psychiatry N/A No Yes Outpatient English Andrew Peshek 128 ChestnutStreetSuite104 Philadelphia, PA … Please click on a provider’s address. The information in this directory is provided by Southwest Michigan Behavioral Health’s contracted providers and local mental health agencies. Provider Directory. Mental Health, Substance Abuse and Co-Occurring Disorders; United Healthcare Community Plan currently utilizes the following Level of Care Guidelines (LOCGs) to conduct medical necessity reviews of requests for services as they apply to available Behavioral Health benefits. Treatment can help people to be successful at work, school, home, and in their communities. Would you like to search by provider or facility name? Contact Us. Learn what types of services are covered, find a provider or telehealth service and more. Press Inquiries, CBH non-Emergency Services ��U�����T�zӤ�ɓ��r�.f�u�.6����]o��]����)i=R�~�{'!L��6�叛.�� 7 days a week/24 hours per day, CBH Compliance Hotline � �-NI֊|/ �#��K���_��E����{�m��RȒ�o��[~��>1vA�a6�=6A��
�u6�y/P�W٠�p�����3Jh�q��. A private or public agency usually under local government jurisdiction, responsible for assuring the delivery of community based mental health, mental retardation, substance abuse and/or behavioral health services to individuals with those disabilities. Click on the links below to access the Provider Directory in English, Spanish, and Hmong. The NPI number for Universal Community Behavioral Health Inc is 1023136751.Based on a NPI lookup from the NPI registry (NPPES), this provider holds a license number 306260 (Pennsylvania). Information is verified by CBH upon a provider joining the Network, as well as during the recredentialing process. Substance Use Disorder Treatment. Community/Behavioral Health: 5706 TURNEY RD GARFIELD HEIGHTS, OH 44125 (440) 260-6115: Non-Participating Provider: NO: 1750875571: MARK A FERGUSON: Individual: Community/Behavioral Health: 5706 TURNEY RD STE 200 GARFIELD HEIGHTS, OH 44125 (440) 260-8300: Non-Participating Provider… SUPPORTING THE COMMUNITY. For information and all new appointments, call 800-273-8255 or 317-621-5700.. For established clients, call your local clinic office.Below are Community Health Network behavioral health clinic locations, organized by county and township. Health Tips and Updates Sign up for our email to receive health tips and updates on resources, services and events – all designed to help you live a healthier life! The county is committed to the “Not in Carroll” initiative and is dedicated to working with our partner agencies to fight opioid … ... dental and behavioral health providers based on plan and provider type within a geographic area for UnitedHealthcare West. If you are experiencing a behavioral health crisis, it is important to get help right away. 0
Search Criteria. For questions about the directory or a listed provider, please call CBH Member Services at 888-545-2600. �����>�U� endstream
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COVER This page intentionally left blank. 6/2020 Behavioral Health Services Provider Directory, Rev. Ang mga sumusunod ay talaan ng mga tagapagtustos ng Alameda County Behavioral Health Care Services (BHCS) na madalas na mayroon para tumanggap ng mga bagong kliyente. Our professional and dedicated staff helps clients face their issues with grace and dignity, promoting recovery and positive coping skills. The Provider Directory is a listing of all Fresno County Mental Health Plan providers, both county-operated and private providers contracted with the county. The information is confirmed at least every two years through on-site reviews and the contracting/ credentialing process. Phone: 800-229-3050 Community Behavioral Health Provider Directory YOUR LINK TO MENTAL HEALTH & SUBSTANCE USE SERVICES To help you locate what you need, CBH has organized this directory into the following sections listed by service type: Dina Nevo, PSYD, LCSW, … Mental Health Treatment. Please note: submission of your request does not guarantee your network participation. We provide access to timely, high quality, and affordable care in a welcoming and reassuring setting. New Provider Credentialing Inquiry Contact us to express interest in learning more about becoming credentialed with Community Care. psychiatrist without a referral from your PCP. Community Behavioral Health Provider Manuals from previous fiscal years and quarters are archived on DBHDD’s website at: Search Behavioral Health (This includes mental health, substance use and behavioral health treatment (BHT)) For questions about the […] Home; Search; Download; Request Copy; Update; Physician; Hospital; Urgent Care; ... Search Behavioral Health Search includes Mental Health, Substance use and Behavioral Health Treatments (BHT). Mental health conditions affect your feelings, thoughts, and behavior. If you would like to look through a list of all CBH in-network providers, please see the Provider Directory below. COVID-19 Coronavirus *Effective immediately, and until further notice, CBH’s administrative offices will not receive visitors. 10831 0 obj
The NPI number for Universal Community Behavioral Health Inc is 1922192608.Based on a NPI lookup from the NPI registry (NPPES), this provider holds a license number (). Report fraud, waste and abuse 24/7 Member Services Hotline: 888-545-2600 Phone: 215-685-6440 The Carroll County Board of Commissioners is proud to support the Behavioral Health Resource Guide. If you would like to look through a list of all CBH in-network providers, please see the Provider Directory below. In addition, you'll find directories for mental health clinicians and facilities. 1. To access behavioral health services call the behavioral health number on your ID card, use this provider directory, or visit 10849 0 obj
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