61, No. A flat-panel detector based on a matrix of amorphous silicon was integrated into a projection radiography system. And as of October 2017, we had an installation base of 170,000 flat panel detectors. 81, No. 7, Journal of the Korean Magnetics Society, Vol. 13, © 2021 Radiological Society of North America, To read the full-text, please use one of the options below to sign in or purchase access, Purchase this article as pay-per-view (unlimited access for 24 hours), https://doi.org/10.1148/radiology.218.3.r01fe45683, Development of a 55 μ
MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was approved by the institutional ethics committee. This new technology demonstrates its potential to provide equal or superior image quality to conventional screen-film systems and to reduce patient exposure to radiation dose. PURPOSE: To compare image quality and estimated dose for chest radiographs obtained by using a cesium iodide–amorphous silicon flat-panel detector at fixed tube voltage and detector entrance dose with and without additional 0.3-mm copper filtration. 77, No. Amorphous silicon appears to be an attractive material for making two dimensional, position sensitive x-ray and particle detectors. 28, No. 250, No. 39, No. Last Modified Date: December 27, 2020. (e-mail. During operation, the X – ray photon-excited scintillator has produced fluorescence, and the spectral range of the fluorescence is around 550 nm, which is the sensitivity peak of amorphous silicon. Amorphous silicon (a-Si) has been under intense investigation for over a decade for use in low cost photovoltaic solar cells and more recently for use in electronic devices, displays, and imaging optical sensors. 4, European Journal of Radiology, Vol. To investigate the image quality of a digital radiography system with an amorphous-silicon, large-area, digital flat-panel detector. 117, No. 11, No. Comparison of Different Radiography Systems in an Experimental Study for Detection of Forearm Fractures and Evaluation of the M? 89, No. Address correspondence to H.G.C. During the last 35 years, thermal imaging has emerged as a critical enabling technology for modern warfare. 12, Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. 229, No. 1, American Journal of Roentgenology, Vol. 23, Bulletin of the Lebedev Physics Institute, Vol. 4, Journal of Thoracic Imaging, Vol. 185, No. amorphous silicon flat-panel-detector radiography prior to the spatial frequency filtering to the storage-phosphor radiography, the visibility of the hilum, heart border and ribs on the flat-panel-detector radiography was sig-nificantly superior and the visibility of the thoracic spine was inferior to that on the storage-phosphor radiogra- MARTIN SPAHN;MICHAEL STROTZER;MARKUS VÖLK;STEFAN BÖHM;BERNHARD GEIGER;GERHARD HAHM;STEFAN FEUERBACH; From *Siemens AG, Medical Engineering, Angio, Fluoro, and Rad Systems Development, Forchheim, Germany, and the †Department of Diagnostic Radiology, University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany. 1, The British Journal of Radiology, Vol. 56, No. 31, No. 4, 4 July 2006 | Radiation Protection Dosimetry, Vol. Chest radiographs can be acquired with a significantly lower patient radiation dose using an amorphous silicon flat-panel system than using an amorphous selenium flat-panel system, thereby producing images that are equal or even superior in quality to those of the amorphous selenium flat-panel detector system. 3, Journal of Vascular Surgery, Vol. 6, 20 April 2004 | Medical Physics, Vol. 74, No. 36, No. The contrast and scatter content of images acquired with the FPD were equivalent to those acquired with the storage phosphor system. The design and the performance of a 20 cm by 20 cm flat panel x-ray detector for digital radiography and fluoroscopy is described: Thin film amorphous silicon (aSi) technology has … 33, No. The term "amorphous silica" is used here for the pure forms of SiO 2such as colloidal silica, precipitated silica, silica gel, pyrogenic silica, silica fume, quartz glass, fused silica and also the skeletons of Radiolaria and diatoms in the form of diatomaceous MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study enrolled 44 patients with known or presumed skeletal changes of the hand associated with inflammatory rheumatic diseases. 34, No. 6Part1, Journal of Thoracic Imaging, Vol. 35, No. 533, No. In the paper, we show the possibility of preparing amorphous SiOxNy-based materials from selected liquid organosilicon compounds, methyltrimethoxysilane CH3Si(OCH3)3 and methyltriethoxysilane CH3Si(OC2H5)3, by a … 237, No. A flat-panel detector based on a matrix of amorphous silicon was integrated into a projection radiography system. METHODS. 10, 14 March 2016 | Wireless Personal Communications, Vol. Intraprocedural imaging: Flat panel detectors, rotational angiography, FluoroCT, IVUS, or still the portable C-arm? 9, 24 May 2004 | Medical Physics, Vol. An amorphous silicon linear sensor originally manufactured for facsimile has been applied to imaging systems for industrial nondestructive testing and radiography. 31, No. The scintillator consisted of a layer of structured cesium iodide. 62, No. 1, 1 May 2002 | Applied Optics, Vol. 3, 27 August 2004 | Medical Physics, Vol. Digital Amorphous Silicon Flat-Panel Detector Radiography Versus Conventional Film-Screen Radiography and Phosphor-Based Computed Radiography, Reducing the Radiation Dose During Excretory Urography:
Digital Radiography with a Large-Area, Amorphous-Silicon, Flat-Panel X-Ray Detector System. 2, 24 June 2015 | Journal of Micromechanics and Microengineering, Vol. 25, No. 915, 22 December 2003 | Medical Physics, Vol. Flat-panel detectors: how much better are they? PURPOSE: To evaluate the imaging characteristics of an amorphous silicon flat-panel detector (FPD) for digital chest radiography. One such device, a large-area, flat-panel, amorphous silicon imaging array, has been developed and is currently being tested. 1, Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology, Vol. At a system dose equivalent to 400 speed, the DQE of the digital system was a factor of two larger than the DQE of a storage phosphor or screen-film system within the entire spatial frequency range between zero and the Nyquist limit of 3.5 line pairs per millimeter. For the first time, a team at HZB has identified the atomic substructure of amorphous silicon with a resolution of 0.8 nanometres using X-ray and neutron scattering at BESSY II … Subscribe now (individual subscription: $373.00), (This functionality works only for purchases made as a guest), Physics in Medicine & Biology, Vol. Amorphous silicon photoreceptor drum has changed the idea about a photoreceptor; from a consumable component to a long life unit having a service life equivalent to that of the machine in which it is used. 7, 13 January 2008 | Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics, Vol. 10, 30 November 2016 | Medical Physics, Vol. 1, 1 October 2003 | Radiology, Vol. 7Part1, 1 March 2005 | Radiology, Vol. The amorphous silicon flat-panel detector radiography system allowed an important and significant reduction in both entrance skin dose and effective dose compared with the film-screen radiography (× 2.7 decrease) or computed radiography (× 1.7 decrease) system. 11, No. 32, No. 27, No. Amorphous silicon brings key advantages unmatched by other technologies, including: - radiation hardness > 1MRad - widest input energy range - immunity from single photon events in the substrate 18, No. 4, 22 July 2006 | Pediatric Radiology, Vol. Amorphous Selenium (a-Se) Many of the detector systems being developed in our lab use a photoconductor called amorphous Selenium (a-Se) as the X-ray detector material, i.e. 1-3, Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology, Vol. 2, 1 January 2003 | Radiology, Vol. 22, No. 10, 1 February 2011 | Physics in Medicine and Biology, Vol. Use amorphous selenium (electron emitting material) and are sometimes referred to as direct radiography systems (DR). 25, No. 5, 1 April 2004 | Radiology, Vol. m
Amorphous silicon image sensors, developed by dpiX, A Xerox New Enterprise Company, offer an improved method of acquiring digital x-ray images. 64, No. 1From the Department of Radiology, Digital Imaging Research Division, Duke University Medical Center, Box 3302, Room 139, Bryan Research Building, Durham, NC 27710 (all authors); and the Department of Biomedical Engineering, Duke University, Durham, NC (C.E.F., R.J.W., J.T.D., A.H.B.). 3, Clinical Nuclear Medicine, Vol. Flat-panel (FP) based digital radiography systems have recently been introduced as a new and improved digital radiography technology; it is important to evaluate and compare this new technology with currently widely used conventional screen/film (SF) and computed radiography (CR) techniques. Fluorescence is transmitted through the needle crystal to the amorphous silicon … While a-Si suffers from lower electronic performance compared to c-Si, it is much more flexible in its applications. Invest Radiol 2000;35:260–266. In this study, the low-contrast performance of an amorphous silicon/cesium iodide (aSi/Csl)-based flat-panel digital chest radiography … CHARLES HANSON. 7, 1 May 2007 | RadioGraphics, Vol. 23, No. On this page we describe photoconductors and compare them with phosphor screens, and discuss why we choose to … 22, Physics in Medicine & Biology, Vol. 4, Japanese Journal of Radiological Technology, Vol. Flat panel detectors - describe both indirect amorphous silicon and the direct amorphous selenium plates used in some digital systems. Detection of small pulmonary nodules on chest radiographs: efficacy of dual-energy subtraction technique using flat-panel detector chest radiography, The influence of liquid crystal display monitors on observer performance for the detection of interstitial lung markings on both storage phosphor and flat-panel-detector chest radiography, Effects of dual-energy subtraction chest radiography on detection of small pulmonary nodules with varying attenuation: receiver operating characteristic analysis using a phantom study, Dual Energy Subtraction Digital Radiography Improves Performance of a Next Generation Computer-aided Detection Program, Application of QC_DR Software for Acceptance Testing and Routine Quality Control of Direct Digital Radiography Systems: Initial Experiences using the Italian Association of Physicist in Medicine Quality Control Protocol, Composite modulation transfer function evaluation of a cone beam computed tomography breast imaging system, Effective DQE (eDQE) and speed of digital radiographic systems: An experimental methodology, Imaging Performance with Different Doses in Skeletal Radiography: Comparison of a Needle-structured and a Conventional Storage Phosphor System with a Flat-Panel Detector1, Investigation of Imaging Properties of Digital Imaging Systems, Clinical assessment and characterization of a dual-tube kilovoltage X-ray localization system in the radiotherapy treatment room, Quantitative assessment of the influence of anatomic noise on the detection of subtle lung nodule in digital chest radiography using fractal-feature distance, Investigation of optimum X-ray beam tube voltage and filtration for chest radiography with a computed radiography system, Scatter rejection and low-contrast performance of a slot-scan digital chest radiography system with electronic aft-collimation: A chest phantom study, Dual Energy Subtraction and Temporal Subtraction Chest Radiography, Detectability of lung nodules using flat panel detector with dual energy subtraction by two shot method: Evaluation by ROC method, Rejection and redistribution of scattered radiation in scan equalization digital radiography (SEDR): Simulation with spot images, Assessment of Detective Quantum Efficiency: Intercomparison of a Recently Introduced International Standard with Prior Methods1, Advances in Digital Radiography: Physical Principles and System Overview1, A comparison of low contrast performance for amorphous Silicon/caesium iodide direct radiography with a computed radiography: A contrast detail phantom study, An Experimental Comparison of Flat-Panel Detector Performance for Direct and Indirect Systems (Initial Experiences and Physical Evaluation), A new method for an improved determination of continuous photon fluence spectra for X-ray tube voltages up to 150 kV, Dual Energy Subtraction Digital Radiography. 52, No. 1, 26 March 2003 | Medical Physics, Vol. Amorphous silicon is form of silicon, the second most abundantly occurring natural element on Earth. 181, No. The flat-panel detector furthermore has an MTF that is superior to that in regular screen-film systems and also provides a substantially larger dynamic range. In the amorphous silicon X-ray flat panel detector, there are two main factors that affect DQE: the coating of the scintillator and the transistor that converts visible light into electrical signals. 2, European Journal of Radiology, Vol. 65, No. PERFORMANCE CHARACTERIZATION OF AMORPHOUS SILICON DIGITAL DETECTOR ARRAYS FOR GAMMA RADIOGRAPHY Rajashekar Venkatachalam 1, Manoharan V1, Raghu C , Venumadhav Vedula1, Debasish Mishra2 1 GE- lob aR esea rch C nt , B g I dia 2 GE- lob aR e sea rch C nt , Ni ky u U.S.A Abstract This paper reports the performance characteristics of a-Si detectors with Ir-192 gamma source. 4, Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, Vol. 31, No. The result is non-cartridge design that provides for toner replenishment without replacing the entire unit. 87, No. 970, 20 May 2008 | Medical Physics, Vol. Amorphous-silicon bolometer technology has always lagged somewhat in performance. 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