Abelia shrubs, Abelia grandiflora, have attractive foliage, which partially accounts for their longtime use in the landscape. Occasionally, this plant may produce water shoots that should be immediately pruned out. Choose a mild, sunny, sheltered position. Fertilizer application methods vary from one product to the next, so it is important follow product instructions to determine how much to use and the best method for application. This fleece can then be removed during spring. It can stand up to the heat of the Southern climate, but it does need some care, so be sure that your garden hose can reach your abelia plantings, or fill up your watering can and check in on your growing abelias. Beautiful massed on a bank or in the foreground with other ground-covering shrubs or perennials. Tips. This glossy abelia plant is tolerant of drought and summer heat once established in the landscape. Excellent near large stones upon which its branches will sprawl for added drama. What are Some Types of Ornamental Shrubs? It is a hybrid of Abelia chinensis and Abelia uniflora. Flowers offer several bursts of bloom from spring to fall, with clusters of fragrant and frilly pink and white tubular flowers. This plant thrives in the sun with regular water. Abelia can also be planted as hedges in areas that get a mixture of full sun and part shade. INFORMATION Abelia ‘Kaleidoscope’ performs best in the landscape under full sun to partial shade. A balanced 10-10-10 fertilizer works well for most soil types. The evergreen abelia has red foliage throughout the summer, becoming even deeper and more brilliant in autumn through winter. Thus, growing Abelia can be less time-consuming. Growing glossy abelia in a pot is possible, but you must schedule repotting every 2 or 3 years and prune often to constrain its growth. Making cuttings is the easiest and fastest method to propagate glossy abelia. Answer: Yes! Together with this, some suffer from frost damage - but this soon grows out with no detriment to the flowering capabilities later in the season. Little is need with regards to the care of these shrubs, though regular watering improves performance. Light & Temperature. Newer cultivars of the glossy abelia plant provide a range of colors and forms. Abelias are perfect for growing in amongst other shrubs or trimmed into a hedge. The plants require a big range of sunlight conditions from partial shade to full sun. Abelia shrubs are adaptable, low-maintenance shrubs with broad evergreen leaves and delicate flowers. Growing Tips . Abelia shrubs grow well in full sun or in partly shaded areas, making them versatile in the landscape. Abelia shrubs grow well in full sun or in partly shaded areas, making them versatile in the landscape. Amendments & fertilizer: Apply a slow-release fertilizer formulated for woody plants in early spring. Best flowering in full sun. Prune this abelia in early spring once it is established. Ideally plant it near a south facing wall to protect from harsh winds and frost. When growing the standard Abelia grandiflora, leave room for the plant to spread to 6 feet and reach 6 to 10 feet in height. Established Abelia shrubs can tolerate some drought conditions, but newly planted shrubs require consistent moisture. Pretty in front of large, dark evergreens. Blooms on new wood, so prune as needed (e.g.… There are a variety of different Abelia shrubs from which to choose. Look for new Abelia chinensis cultivars – especially ‘Canyon Creek’ and ‘Rose Creek’ – both with more compact forms and more colorful foliage than the species. Tree Type This is an ornamental shrub, typically planted for the visual interest and beauty it can bring to landscape. see more; Family Caprifoliaceae . Genus Abelia can be deciduous or evergreen shrubs or small trees, with paired or whorled leaves and axillary or terminal clusters of funnel-shaped or trumpet-shaped flowers in summer and autumn, sometimes with conspicuous, colourful calyces . A lack of blooms may just be a natural reaction to winter dormancy. Glossy abelia prefers full sun to partial shade conditions. How to care for Abelia Protect from hard, prolonged frosts by covering with fleece from late autumn. By: Becca Badgett, Co-author of How to Grow an EMERGENCY Garden. Plant in a position in sun or part-shade with moist, humus-rich, well-drained soil. Is Amazon actually giving you the best price? A third of the oldest stems should be cut down at the soil line to rejuvenate the shrub and encourage healthy new growth. What are the Best Tips for Shrub Trimming? Glossy abelia cuttings are prepared in summer Glossy Abelia, or Abelia x grandiflora, is a hybrid in the Abelia genus commonly planted in gardens and landscapes. A tough and durable evergreen shrub. Evergreen in the South, but generally deciduous in the St. Louis area where stems may suffer substantial damage (including dying to the ground) in cold winters. But for spectacular leaf and flower displays, follow the tips below. Plant pot-grown specimens in the spring or early summer. Watering: Planting and Growing Abelia. Although hardiness varies considerably, most abelias are not suitable in areas with severe winters. Chinese abelia forms flower buds on new growth each season, so even if killed to the ground by a freeze or severe pruning, it will still flower in late summer. Details 'Kaleidoscope' is a dwarf, variegated shrub that bears pink-tinted, white, fragrant flowers in summer and autumn. ABELIA x grandiflora 'Hopleys Variety' > A sport of A. The Plants Database includes the following 1 species of Abelia . Use it for hedging, to separate garden areas, as a screen or along a foundation. It has nectar/pollen rich flowers. Abelia can also be planted as hedges in areas that get a mixture of full sun and part shade. Abelia ×grandiflora [chinensis × uniflora] glossy abelia Legal Status. They can be planted as part of a foundation planting or included in border areas and shrub beds. You … Abelia shrubs are one of those old fashioned plants that became popular because of interesting foliage, showy flowers, reliable performance and simple abelia care. Mulch around the root zone with organic matter to retain moisture and suppress weeds. The glossy abelia is a versatile, easy-to-maintain option that will add year-round interest to any landscape. Soil: Glossy abelia will grow in just about any soil conditions but prefers a light, sandier soil. There is such a thing as too much and, in the case of abelia, a little pruning goes a long way. Though they are low maintenance and generally immune to pest problems and diseases, proper placing in the landscape, ample water and fertilization, and some pruning is required to keep Abelia shrubs looking their best. They also do very well in a container. Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. These conditions promote the best color and fullness. The branches curve gracefully down to the ground, creating a neat cascading look. These shrubs can be planted in sun or shade. Abelia shrub s are mainly frost hardy, but resent draughty or windswept conditions. Propagating glossy abelia. Newer cultivars are more compact and require less pruning; therefore, abelia care is less time consuming. Benefits from robust pruning at least once a year, but best with regular tip pruning to keep tidy. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. Sign up to get all the latest gardening tips! Easily grown in average, medium, well-drained soil in full sun to part shade. Wetland Status. To maintain a well-shaped plant, one may trim ‘Kaleidoscope’ basically anytime from spring to late summer. The Best Way to Use Abelia. The plant is commonly known as glossy Abelia. Learn how to grow abelia in your landscape for these characteristics. Constantly soggy soil can and often will cause root rot or other harmful or deadly plant diseases. These include Edward Goucher, Sunrise, Little Richard, Kaleidoscope, Sherwoodii and Canyon Creek. ‘Plum Surprise’ is another of the newer offerings, with less flowering and more finely textured foliage. It can be jammed into a tight garden spot by shearing, which the plant tolerates with good humor. Abelia care for this cultivar includes early spring pruning. Significant stem damage can be expected when winter temperatures approach zero degrees F. Best sited in a protected location in the St. Louis area. Prefers moist, organically rich soils which drain well. Have no fear, abelia will be back in the early summer, but you may have to wait for it to blossom. Abelia is an attractive arching 2 – 3 m shrub with small leaves and white to pink bell-shaped flowers during summer and autumn. Abelia x grandiflora ‘Confetti’ is a beautiful dwarf sized, slow-growing shrub with variegated foliage and lightly fragrant, pale pink flowers. Best flowering is in full sun. Maintenance: Dig hole double the size of the pot and backfill with friable soil or compost. Using abelia on your property is best used as foundational plantings, in garden planters. The bell shaped flowers are small and pinky white and continue in flushes throughout the summer. The shrubs typically flower from late spring through early fall and produce clusters of white or pink flowers set against the glossy foliage. Any fertile soil will do so long as it is moist and free draining. }); Pests and Problems. For the best flowering however, Abelia should be planted in areas that get full sun. Significant stem damage can be expected when winter temperatures approach zero degrees F. Best sited in a protected location in the St. Louis area. A hybrid of Abelia Grandiflora, ‘Edward Goucher’ is a compact, semi-evergreen shrub with an upright growth habit of 3 to 5 feet in both height and width. When planting Abelia in late spring or summer, it is important to keep the shrub well watered during dry periods. 1. Hardiness Zones The glossy abelia can be expected to grow in Hardiness Zones 5–9. Abelia chinensis is a hardy, medium to low growing shrub that can be deciduous but in average Australian conditions is evergreen. Native Introduced Native and Introduced. View Map. Reddish stems often bear single flowers that appear white on first glance, but when examined closely, have a purple blush and yellow throat. Pruning may also be a reason for alack of blossoms. They can be planted as part of a foundation planting or included in border areas and shrub beds. Abelia grandiflora does well where deer are prevalent, in drought conditions, and on the coast. Abelia prefers slightly acidic, organically rich soil that’s kept moderately moist and drains well, but is tolerant of a variety of conditions. It has arching reddish, cane like stems and small gold to green leaves that turn bronzy coloured in autumn. Available late spring to early summer 2021 - These plants will be available again sometime in late spring/early summer depending on growing conditions. Blooms on these compact abelia shrubs are lavender and white, with two heavy bloom periods in June and August. When growing the standard Abelia grandiflora, leave room for the plant to spread to 6 feet and reach 6 to 10 feet in height. The habit of the glossy abelia plant is to spread. Abelia varieties are susceptible to a number of diseases, although some hybrid varieties offer varying levels of disease resistance. Abelia shrubs should be pruned in late winter before the first green buds emerge. Abelia Varieties Abelia x Grandiflora. Abelia is a full-figured shrub, growing 8 feet tall and 6 feet wide. Abelia×grandiflora ‘Kaleidoscope’ is suitable for use as a low accent plant, mass plantings in the landscape, and as a container plant. Learn about a little known plugin that tells you if you're getting the best price on Amazon. The glossy abelia plant grows in a variety of soil types, but responds best to a fertile soil amended with organic material. Prefers moist, organically rich soils which drain well. Its flowers are a magnet for bumblebees. Provide the plant with a mulch in autumn. It has nectar/pollen rich flowers. Water abelia deeply once a week throughout spring, summer and fall. Water in well then twice week for first month until established. Cultivation Very easy to grow in reasonable conditions although not fully hardy; requires a sheltered, sunny position Propagation Propagate by softwood cuttings … When planting abelia in your yard, choose a prominent spot, as abelia shrubs are no longer just to hide the foundation of your home. Anthracnose is the term given to a number of fungal diseases characterized by circular lesions of dead or rotting tissue increasing in size; in some plant species it causes leaves to die off. This hybrid is sterile and will not have seeds. Abelia×grandiflora ‘Kaleidoscope’ performs well in acidic, well-drained, moist soils. Abelia Does Not Bloom – Tips For Getting Flowers On Abelia Plants, Miss Lemon Abelia Info: Tips For Growing Miss Lemon Abelia Plant, Cutting Back Abelia Plants: How And When To Prune Abelia, What Is An Old Lady Cactus – How To Grow An Old Lady Cactus Flower, What Are Cleistocactus Cacti – Cleistocactus Cactus Care Tips, What Is A Thumb Cactus – Learn About Thumb Cactus Care, Cardinal Flower Info – Growing And Caring For Cardinal Flowers, Virginia Creeper Maintenance: Growing Info And Virginia Creeper Plant Care, Philodendron Houseplants: How To Care For A Philodendron Plant, Controlling Foxtail Weeds – How To Get Rid of Foxtail Grass In Lawns, Mild Winter Weather: Winter Gardening In Zone 10, The Struggle To Make My Indoor Cactus Grow. Most gardeners find to their delight that kaleidoscope abelia will grow itself. The shrubs grow between 3 and 6 feet (about 0.9 to 1.8 m) tall with an equal spread. From this hybrid, several cultivars have been developed. Blooms on new wood, so prune … Also, choose a spot that gets full to partial sun. Click below on a thumbnail map or name for species profiles. The habit of the glossy abelia plant is to spread. Simply plant, add some mulch, and grow! Planting abelia will be an asset to your landscape. However, as deer will inevitably enter the picture, he will start by recommending an evergreen shrub that deer don't like. Attractive to Bees Abelia grandiflora is known for attracting bees. The soil at your planting spot should be moist, acidic and offer good drainage for the best results. The foliage is very similar to the glossy variety but is tinged with bronze when emerging as new growth. Flowering is much more abundant when it has full sun, though! Now that you’ve learned how to grow abelia and the diversity of its cultivars, add one or more in your yard. The flower color, height and spread of Abelia shrubs varies depending on the species and cultivar, but they do share similarities. $27.98. To control the shape of the Abelia, you may wish to trim the plant once it has flowered by removing dead or damaged wood. Fall is the best time to plant a new Abelia shrub, as fall-planted shrubs have the winter and damp early spring months to get established before the next growing season. Find more gardening information on Gardening Know How: Keep up to date with all that's happening in and around the garden. It’s perfect for growing in a mixed or shrub border and is particularly well suited to small gardens. Ensure you plant in well drained soil. Dead and broken branches should be removed whenever they are noticed. What are the Best Shrubs and Trees for Privacy. The … Moderate growing; reaches 1 1/2 to 2 ft. tall, 4 to 5 ft. wide. ‘Lavender Mist’ spreads only slightly, with gray green foliage that becomes a purplish red in fall and a deep purple in winter. Evergreen or Deciduous? Arching stems sport yellow-green leaves which become emerald in summer, turning burgundy as temperatures cool. Therefore, I suggest a well-drained container with a drainage hole(s), and a quality potting soil … ‘Kaleidoscope’ performs best with […] Abelia is lime tolerant and slow-growing and ideal for smaller gardens. Follow our advice on planting shrubs. 'Francis Mason' with golden variegated foliage which turns pink in autumn Definitions Abelia growing in pots appreciate a moist, but well-drained soil. Moderate growing; reaches 4 to 6 ft. tall, 5 ft. wide. It is the most widely grown Abelia hybrid. This little known plugin reveals the answer. In colder areas of the country, the glossy abelia plant is considered semi-evergreen, as it may lose half its leaves in cold winters. Both the parents are from central China. Sign up for our newsletter. Bloom Time: Summer: Design Ideas: A perfect low-growing shrub for under a window. Two fertilizer applications a year, once in spring and again in mid summer provide Abelia shrubs with sufficient nutrients. Amazon Doesn't Want You to Know About This Plugin. Bloom Time: Summer: Design Ideas: Glossy Abelia is a cherished performer in the mixed shrub border because of its long season of blooms from June to October. Somewhat evergreen in the South, but generally deciduous in the St. Louis area where stems may suffer substantial damage (including dying to the ground) in cold winters. Most gardeners grow these for the great smelling flowers. Newer cultivars are more compact and require less pruning; therefore, abelia care is less time consuming. Stems should be pruned in late spring or early summer, turning burgundy as temperatures cool variety ' > sport! Include Edward Goucher, Sunrise, little Richard, Kaleidoscope, Sherwoodii and Canyon.... Tolerant of drought and summer heat once established in the St. Louis area basically from! 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